By: Roanne Nonesa
The art of making something known is to reveal which was concealed; to let down the curtains and to finally shed light on what is hidden. These techniques can give birth to conceptual designs which can be flirty, mysterious, and baffling. “Reveal Conceal” is inspired by those who cover and camouflage their true identities. The same can be said for foreigners transiting over from one country to another. Many travel to the United States looking for a better life and the American dream. Navigating around the country without knowing the culture can lead to misfortune. Some get so wrapped up in trying to blend in the culture that they forget of their own; allowing their true essence to fade away into the norms of the society. Through culture shock, many emotions stir up which can be both positive and negative. As result some individuals conceal themselves from society altogether and confine to like kin. Being a second generation Filipino, this reality has become all too