Won Over by a Porsche Classic Story: Barrett Trenwith When I met my husband, it was clear I was going to have to share his passion for cars. He had been involved with club motorsport and Time Attack racing for many years, and this wasn’t going to change. It even got brought up in the speeches at our wedding, by multiple people, including my Father! The idea of this was not a problem, I had grown up in America and my dad, Shelby, had a passion for all things mechanical and owned a number of classic American muscle cars. Including a pristine Ford Mustang that I drew down the side of with a rock as a toddler right after it came back from a restoration. Again, this was brought up in a wedding speech! The hurdle that I saw was as much as Brad enjoyed racing his Mazda, he had always wanted a Porsche for a weekend fun car. I can remember clear as day saying “We can have anything, except a Porsche”, yet here we are… Eventually the day came, I received a text with a Carsales advertisement link to a 1974 Porsche 911 in bright orange, accompanied by the message “I just put a deposit on this, I’m heading back into work, love you” knowing full well I couldn’t get in touch with him to “discuss” his purchase.
My dislike for Porsche quickly changed into a shared love of the marque. We took the car on little hills runs for breakfasts and lunches. I found the car cute, I loved the vintage nature of it, and began to appreciate all the quirks and features. We attended a couple of Porsche meets, the friendliness and welcoming nature of the members was so great to experience, and soon enough, I became one of them and bought a 981 Boxster. I have taken the Boxster to a Motorkhana and a track day. Both times I felt welcomed, safe and encouraged. We have taken the orange car on the Adelaide Rally with the Porsche club 3 years now and it has been an absolute blast every time. We took part in the Easter weekend and had a truly great time and got to share our passion and interest with some wonderful people. The people these cars attract add so strongly to my enjoyment of the cars. If you are new to the club, or just haven’t attended any of the catch ups, motorkhana’s or track days, I truly believe you are missing out on one of the best parts of owning these cars and the community that comes with it. Come along, say hi, and you might find yourself surprised with just how much fun you can have.
July - Sept 2021