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New Members
Boxster & Cayman
Register Run to Djinta Djinta Winery
Story: Michael Moon Photos: Ken Anson Sunday 11th July

Our first outing as club members in our first Porsche was a delightful experience, feeling like the delicious filling either side of two lockdown Covid bread crusts. The morning was frosty and fresh, with just enough moisture on the road surface to remind us of the need for a feathered right foot.
The initial meeting place was McDonalds Pakenham, and the line-up of Porsches made for an interesting image shift for their carpark. Previously adorned with mucky utes and tradies lingering in the spaces, now covered in hunkered down aerodynamic, well-presented sports cars, with their equally well-dressed owners, engaging in meet and greets and sipping their morning coffee in anticipation for the day ahead. The social aspect is something so rare and valuable these days due to our ever changing social environments thanks to Covid.
Thankfully the sun decided to join us on the outward drive to The Djinta Djinta Winery, and some of you may have even noticed the mooing crowd of calves on their mound of soil, a perfect makeshift natural viewing stand, all in prime position to catch a glimpse of Porsche Club Victoria woosh past. I am sure our throaty exhaust notes were met with “moos” of appreciation, as we accelerated past them and down some spectacularly chosen roads. Sweeping bends, long straights and gorgeous 58 PORSCHE PARADE rolling green countryside surrounding us at every turn and it made us feel like we were driving through Hobbiton at one moment, we half expected Frodo and his fellowship to wander across the road.
Driving through those wonderful roads, the dew flicking off the long grass as we pass, we approached the Djinta Djinta Winery, cradled in all in its glory in the Strzelecki ranges of South Gippsland. Djint Djinta is a 34-acre property with function rooms, dining and wine tasting experiences. The interesting name is indigenous in origin and is a description for the distinctive sound the Willy Wagtail bird makes, which explains the unique logo on every bottle of wine produced here... We are not wine experts but have certainly tried a fair few in our time, and I’m sure others would agree, it was delicious. As the famous saying goes, ‘I don’t know wine, but I know what I like!!!’. The food was delicious, both Emma and I tried each dish with no clear winner as both Main courses (Salmon and Lamb) were tender and tasty and the lamb had a sublime smoky taste to it after being cooked in a special oven with smoked wood. The desserts were equally tasty, lemon curd meringue and a tasty chocolate mousse.
One of the better decisions we have made since being in Australia, was to purchase a Porsche and join the social environment with PCV. Everyone was so friendly, interesting and a pleasure to talk to, and we look forward to the next meeting we can attend with anticipation, Covid permitting.
Both Emma and I were with the last few stragglers to leave and as we exited the Djinta Djinta Winery, looking at the remaining three Porsches in the car park I thought, wow… we get to enjoy that gorgeous road home again. We feel this is probably the first time we have been happy to leave wine and drive home. A toast to the driving experience, the chosen roads, and the engineers in Germany.

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