CODE OF HONOUR WHY? BOARD OF ADVISORS The Board of Advisors in AIESEC is an important body of the development of the organization as it has consulting, controlling and supporting role. The members of the Board of Advisors are responsible for AIESEC’s success, within the framework set below. Advisors are people who actively work and contribute with passion to organization development. Advisors are not just passively consulting. They are sincerely involved! Board of Advisors is accountable to General Assembly. Board of Advisors is elected by General Assembly of AIESEC.
HOW? BoA CONSULTS MC on direction and leadership to ensure sustainability of AIESEC:
BoA is involved in the long term strategic planning of AIESEC, such as opening new locations, implementing new approaches, systems or operating models, etc.
BoA consults the year plan development through sharing ideas, providing input and accepting the year plan.
BoA consults team members on how to be successful and satisfied in their managerial role.
BoA CONTROLS the MC team
BoA, through Internal Controller, holds MC team them accountable for the execution of year plan and goals, both of the MC and LCs.
BoA the oversees financial health of MC and the organization, in accordance with local financial policy, specifically approving, accepting and following upon budgets, quarterly financial statements, reserve management and end of year financials of Member Committee.
BoA ensures that the decisions and the direction of MC are in harmony with AIESEC values, ethical and moral principles.
BoA does not have approving function. If BoA disagrees with MC, it should go to GA and report.
Identifying opportunities in their organization and personal network for both financial and exchange partnership with AIESEC
Promoting AIESEC in their network as a premier student organization
Supporting both the personal and professional development MC team through: i.Mentoring or coaching MC executives; ii. Sharing their experiences through providing advice and support on ways to improve AIESEC activities in the country
BoA acts as an innovation driver to AIESEC – advisors ask out-of-the-box questions, provoke thoughts, create space for interesting ideas, they tackle the ‘not urgent, but important” issues.
Somebody who cares about AIESEC, it is not necessary to be alumni.
MCP of the previous term is part of the team, as to ensure continuity and stability.
The Internal controller is part of BoA
A person with a financial competencies and experience, who works with MCP and MCF
A person with marketing and selling competencies and experience, PR and communications
An entrepreneur
A person with human capital management competencies and experience
The BoA should consist of, at least 4 members, but no more than 7 members.
The best situation is when BoA members are with diverse background and experiences, so the meetings are more likely to have more different opinions and points of view. The most important thing is to have people passionate, motivated and who believe in what AIESEC is doing.
A person is elected as member of the BoA for minimum of 2 years (5 meetings).
When a new advisors step in he/she receives welcome package with clear expectations and nice information about AIESEC reality, role description of advisors’ role and clear expectation regarding his/her involvement into the work of the Board.
Attendance of a minimum 3 of the 4 annual Board of Advisors Meeting
A time commitment of minimum 3 hours per meeting
A time commitment of minimum 3 hours per month for meetings with AIESEC leaders and participating AIESEC conferences and events
Role of the Chair: The Chair of the board leads the meetings and ensures that all board members are delivering upon expectation. The Chair clarifies mutual expectations and roles of the Board to Advisors. The Chair supports MCP to recruit, retain and integrate new board members.