The King of Silk Production: Mysore Mysore or Mysuru is a city in the southwestern state of Karnataka. Karnataka is known for the mass level production of silk and produces about 9,000 out of the total 20,000 metric tonnes produced in the country. Karnataka silk is very fine in quality and renowned all over the country for this reason.
The silk industry in Mysore started nearly in 1600AC. Since then Mysore has been dominating in the production of silk. Though it suffered a period of depression in the 20 th century, they were able to re-establish it and went on to become the top producer of silk in India. Karnataka Silk Industries Corporation or KSIC produce the silk. It was set up in 1912 by the Maharaja of Mysore, to produce silk for the requirements of only the royalty and their armed forces. But later on after the independence of India and dissolution of the royals, the reins went to Mysore State Department, and in 1980’s Karnataka government took control over KSIC. You can also find best corporate travel management companies over here if you want to take a tour of this city.