Root Info Solutions
New Release in Laravel 5.7 Contribute Development One of the most popular PHP framework, Laravel - actively supported and contributed open source project, released in August 2018. It's great to know that the release will receive bug fixes until February 2019 and security fixes until August 2019. This release continues to improve for the previous version 5.6, with additional exciting new features. This is the reason, application developers are looking for improvise Laravel Development Services.
Laravel Nova
Email Verification
Laravel Nova - officially released on Aug 22, 2018,
The new release offers an optional email verification
the latest release v1.0.* Orion is available for
feature. To take advantage of this feature, you need
purchase from the official website.
to add the email_verified_at timestamp column to
This was one of the awaited Laravel package having a beautiful admin panel package (driven by code) for
the user's table migration that ships with the framework.
Laravel application. As this is a simple composer
The new users are advised to verify their email by
package, the previous version of Laravel still
implementing the MustVerifyEmail interface in the
supports Nova.
user model.
Symfony Dump Server
Notification Localization
The Symfony dump-server introduced in Laravel 5.7
Now, with the latest release, the user can assign
is a command via package created by Laravel
locale for the notifications to transfer other than the
community member "Marcel Pociot".
contemporary language.
And the feature is beneficial in debugging error in
The Illuminate\Notifications\Notification class adds
the mobile application development and that too
new locale method to select the desired language.
without obstructing application runtime. In the background, the command runs and obtains data transmitted from the application and presents output through the console mode.
Change in Resources Directory
Guest User Gates / Policies
With the new release, there will be few changes to
In the older version of Laravel, it used to pass false if an unauthorized user aches to reach the mobile application. In the latest version, there's a good news, it will now allow representing an "optional" type-hint or to provide a null default value to allow the guest user to pass into the authorization checks.
the resources directory. The change was announced by Taylor with a tweet. The assets can directly go away and js, sass, lang, will be seen in the resources directory.
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