1 minute read
Blended Pina Colada
Owner at Panda & Sons - Edinburgh @thecocktailpanda
With freeze concentration, you can obtain 3 di erent ingredients from one product: syrup, juice, and fruit water, reduce your energy usage and have fresh fruit flavours instead of cooked notes from other methods, by simply freezing a juice and adopting a heads, hearts, and tails approach. The first part to melt will be very much like syrup, you are looking to use the middle part which is your concentrated juice, and the last part to melt will be water.
50ml Maker’s Mark
40ml Freeze concentrated pineapple
40ml Coconut cream
10ml Lime juice
1 cup of ice
Don’t discard the leftovers, the syrup and fruity water can be reused
Method: Mix with a blender