Why Erasmus is the best time

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Special thanks:

Special thanks to the coordinators and teachers of all the partner schools for their enthusiasm and successful teamwork and for the magnificent results of the project.

Tamás dr. Dobos - Várkerti Általános Iskola, Szakiskola és Tagiskolái, Várpalota, Hungria Merit Puna - Türi Põhikool, Türi, Estónia Grażyna Kruczek - Gimnazjum im. marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego w Psarach, Psary, Polónia Patrizia Nesi - ICS "Giovanni XXIII" di Statte, Statte (Ta), Itália Ramona-Gabriela Asan - Scoala Gimnaziala „I. G. Duca”, Petrosani, Petroşani, Roménia Rosa Luisa Gaspar - EB1/PE da Lombada - Ponta do Sol, Ponta Do Sol, Portugal

School years 2017/2019 Edition 2019

About the project Our pupils are the future generation and the next citizens of a great and unite Europe. We find it very important that the pupils get ideas about their own and their partners cultural identity, traditions and habits, that makes as unique and in the same time common. We want to inspire the pupils to learn new things from various educational sistems. Our pupils need to develop their communication, musical, sports and ICT skills by "Working Together" especially, to know and respect the traditions, culture and believes of the partners. This project will not only equip pupils with life skills, it will also encourage mutual respect and the ability to work with people from different cultures. The main activities from our project will be sport, music and ecology.

Objectives So, the main issues in this project are to provide students and teachers with a deeper understanding of their needs and passions and to widen their knowledge in the main subjects (Music, Sports and Ecology) connected to culture, traditions, history, English language, violence, bullying, and ICT while integrating students who come from different cultural backgrounds, learning difficulties, disabled and the ones who have disorders/disabilities. Doing the project tasks, we aim to prepare our students to become open-minded, creative, imaginative, sensitive to the others who have fewer opportunities and health problems, culture-conscious, healthy citizens and we intend to motivate them to active participation in social life, too. The students will be involved in the study of the music, sporty values and sights of their own countries and of the other partners’ countries; they will appreciate the different cultures, will develop the pleasure of doing music and sports‌

Work process A 1. Our first activity of the project will consist in choose the teams of the pupils from the countries involved in this project and the responsible teachers. In every team will have to take part children with special educational needs or with few opportunities- April 2017 A 2. Warm-up body activities on the Sport classes. Sport contests. A Drawing Exibition about "Sport in my life" - May and June 2017 A 3. Musical improvisation under the leading of Music teacher in the native language. Learn and sing together Campfire songs - June 2017

A 4. Music Camp- a camp in which children will learn about the environement and how to protect them. They will learn how to guide in the nature, to respect and protect the environement. The pupils with their teacher will organize a Music evening and they will be singing campfire songs. - July 2017.

A 5. Putting the photos and short movies from the activities on the school sites and Twinspace of the project. - August - October 2017

Expected results We will ensure that the project’s results will remain available for others in all possible and available ways: online on the Twinspace and digitally (CD’s and DVD’s) on our schols. Everything will be printed and stored in many school facilities. All our products, exercises and activities will be available without any restrictions. We will be glad to help and proud that others would like to take an inspiration from our project.


New technologies and digital skills, creativity, culture, sport, music and nature are the most common themes of a project funded by the Erasmus + School Education program. Bringing younger students on the move is no easy task and gaining the courage to organize trips abroad with all the work it entails is a constant challenge. In this project: Like-the-nature-sport-and- music project, the first mobility took place in Hungary in November 2017 and it was only for teachers because it was a transnational project meeting.

The opportunity to bring students is very important. For some, it is always the first time that they have flown by plane and come with new learning and new friends because the fact that they listen to so many languages, try to communicate, contact with students from other schools, play with children from other cultures, that the experience is very happy. In addition to this project, other initiatives involve trips abroad and the impact is on the whole school. There are many jobs to be done and they all participate, from pre-school to the first cycle.

It is also very important the impact on schools of this type of work and culturally. It is an opening of horizons.

The project is also culture. The mobilities gave everyone a guided tour of the city where the partner school is located, a city with a rich and well-preserved architectural heritage.

All About us‌ Thanks further to this project, teamwork and




developing functional skills in children and support them in acquiring and developing core competencies for the 21st century. The different learning activities will greatly support the various short- and longterm objectives of our project. During student mobility activities, students will develop language skills, learn about different European countries and learn about the possibilities of the other educational system. The proposed learning activities will promote and motivate these goals. The opportunity to visit other European countries and familiarize themselves with the culture, history, traditions and economic situation of European countries is also a good opportunity for students to engage in experiments, thereby promoting their educational and professional needs, strengthening their intercultural education. With the help of the ERASMUS+ application the students of our school could get to know with the tourist and cultural destinations of those countries that took part in the project. With the professional programs and the subject concentration, the children got some information by sorting out playful tasks, their comprehension and vocabulary improved in the English language. In our opinion the continuous exchanges of the views with the pen friends and the student-mobilities supported the development of the communication and the language competences and the positive attitude to the language learning greatly. We were also able to exchange our teaching experiences and make life-long friendships. We would like to thank every country for the hospitality and the kindness. We are very happy to have been the member of this project.

Dr. Tamas Dobos headmaster and main coordinator School: Vásárhelyi András Elementary School Hungary


A természet, sport, a zene és a tradíció összeköt! Egy hosszú és eredményes projektet zárunk. Két év alatt megvalósítottuk azokat a programelemeket, melyeket a pályázatban terveztünk: -

közösen kialakítottuk a logónkat,


a diákok rajzaiból egy projektnaptárt alkottunk,


több jeles alkalommal énekeltünk közösen a

világháló segítségével, -

közös iskolai montázst készítettünk.

Mindezek mellett talán a legmeghatározóbb élményt a közös találkozások jelentették. A szakmai munkában sokat tanultunk egymástól, megláthattuk a különböző oktatási helyzeteket, módszereket. Láttuk mi az, ami egyes iskolákban jól megy és mi az, amit itthon nem cserélnénk le! A munkán túl azonban barátságok születtek pedagógusok és diákok között. Jó volt látni az önfeledt, felszabadult kommunikációt és érzelmeket a tanulóink között is. Reméljük az idő tovább erősíti ezeket az élményeket! As a coordinator:

Nature, sport, music and tradition connect us! We are closing a long and successful project. During the two years we implemented those program elements that we planned in the application: - we created our logo together, -we made a project calendar with the students' drawings, - we sang together on several special events with the help of the World Wide Web, -we prepared a common school montage.

In addition to it, perhaps the joint meetings meant the most decisive experience. In our professional work we learnt a lot from each other, we could see different educational situations and methods. We saw what is going well at some schools and what we wouldn't exchange in our country! Beyond work, however, friendships were made among teachers and students. It was good to see the ultimate, liberated communication and emotions among our students as well. We hope that time will enhance these experiences further!

Tagintézmény vezetőként: Iskolánk nagy örömmel vágott bele a nemzetközi intézményi együttműködésbe. Szerettük volna kipróbálni ezt a fajta szakmai lehetőséget is. Kifejezetten jó érzés volt, hogy a testvértelepülésünk iskoláján túl más országok intézményei is aktívan részt vettek a megvalósításban. Számunkra ez az újszerű tevékenység sok feladatot adott, szakmailag sokat tanultunk az egyes helyzetek különböző megoldása láttán.

A diákok is örömmel vettek részt az iskolai tevékenységekben: -

szívesen rajzolták le országok legszebb részeit


izgatottan várták a közös koncerteket


érdekes volt számukra az online kérdőív a diszkriminációról


kipróbáltuk más országok tradicionális játékát


és rengeteg ismeretet szereztek a partnerországokról

A mobilitások alkalmával tanulóink családokhoz kerültek, ez a közeg biztonságot nyújtott számukra. A diákok kommunikációja, idegen nyelv használata sokat fejlődött, sokuk önbizalma fejlődött, nyitottabbak lettek a feladatokra, és nem utolsó sorban barátságok alakultak ki. A projekt nagyon sok hasznos tapasztalatot nyújtott nekünk. Büszkék voltunk, hogy részt vehetünk ebben a szakmai munkában.

As a member-institution headmaster:

Our school was delighted to enter into the international institutional cooperation. We would have liked to try this type of professional opportunity, too. It was a distinctly good feeling that institutions other than our sister-school were actively involved in the realization. This innovative activity gave many tasks to us and we learnt a lot professionally during the different solving of the certain situations. Students










- they drew the most beautiful parts of the countries with pleasure - they were excited about the common concerts - they were interested in the online questionnaire about discrimination - we tried out the traditional game of other countries - they gained a huge amount of knowledge about the partner countries During the mobilities our students moved to families and it provided security for them. The students' communication and their foreign language use improved a lot, their self-confidence developed, they became more open for the tasks and finally friendships were made. The project supplied us with many useful experiences. We were proud of being able to take part in this professional work.

Beรกta Matelska English teacher School: Vรกsรกrhelyi Andrรกs Elementary School Hungary

With the help of the ERASMUS+ application the students of our school could get to know with the tourist and cultural destinations of those countries that took part in the project. With the professional programs and the subject concentration, the children got some information by sorting out playful tasks, their comprehension and vocabulary improved in the English language. In our opinion the continuous exchanges of the views with the penfriends and the student-mobilities supported the development of the communication and the language competences and the positive attitude to the language learning greatly. We were also able to exchange our teaching experiences and make life-long friendships. We would like to thank every country for the hospitality and the kindness. We are very happy to have been the member of this project.

CĂŠlia Miguel School headmistress EB1/PE da Lombada da Ponta do Sol Madeira - Portugal

From this project I bring many things: experiences, friendships, learning and many of them I will certainly never forget. After two years of design, I must say that this trip was totally worth it and the only problem was to have ended so quickly!

All the places we went to are different countries from the one where we live and my passage there made me look at a different way at what I have and the country I belong to. It was with great pride, and I think I can speak for all my colleagues, that abroad we worthily represent the EB1/PE of Lombada – Ponta do Sol and Portugal.

Rosa LuĂ­sa Gaspar European project school coordinator EB1/PE da Lombada da Ponta do Sol Madeira - Portugal

Congratulations to our school and always continue to participate in enriching projects that only those who experience know how rewarding they are! Above all, I must thank the coordinator of this project and our partners for being a constant help. Thank you to Bea (Hungary) for your friendship, commitment and dedication and patience. I also thank my school collaborators, because they helped me in the preparation and elaboration of the material necessary for the implementation of this project. My experience in the Erasmus + Project was sensational, it was a good challenge in my life, and I got it to change my point of view to better than everything about the education of our young people and adults. I




because they were elands that made this experience memorable!

Ewa Wawrzak School Headteacher Szkoła Podstawowa im. marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego w Psarach

This project has been the largest of all projects implemented by our school. I really liked its topic. Nature, sport, tradition and music that connects all people- these topics are close to each human being. All partners from six European countries did their best and were successful at bringing them closer to their countries and schools. I heard a lot of nice words from participants of each mobility about wonderful, hospitable cities and partner schools and good cooperation of teachers from all partner countries. I had the pleasure of attending the meeting in Portugal - in Madeira. This visit will stay in my memory for a long time - wonderful people, wonderful nature of Madeira, ocean coast, traditions of this region, espada with bananas .... Thank you, Rosa! The project was exceptional also because of one more reason - the attitude of its originator and the best coordinator ever- Tamas. Congratulations Tamas!!! See you soon!

Grażyna Kruczek Project coordinator Szkoła Podstawowa im. marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego w Psarach

Nearly 20 years adventure of working within European projects taught me that each project is exceptional; each becomes a big chance both for young people and their teachers. It is a chance to make friends, to see and learn a lot, and understand a lot. Opportunities of this project were completely and fully used by all its participants! Project transnational meetings and learning activities were a great time of discovering the new places, meeting new people, learning languages, admiring other customs and traditions. We learnt a lot about partners’ history, culture and everyday life. Students could experience hospitality and kindness of hosting families, take part in school and after school life. They had a lot of fun, unforgettable memories and great experience. Some friendships and feelings were born. These good memories and emotions will remain for many years, in some cases forever. Teachers could share experience and learn to cooperate effectively despite different working styles and conditions at home institutions. All it was possible thanks to involvement of all teams, students, parents, teachers, school coordinators and of course the main coordinator – Tamas- whose sense of humour, patience and friendliness made us a unique team! I really appreciate to be a part of this project! Thanks to all who made it great, especially to those ones who cannot stay on the board longer! ‼

Ștefan Gavril Demeter Mohora Principal Școala Gimnazială” Ion Gheorghe Duca” Petroșani

I am convinced that the activities carried out within the project have led to an increase in interest in sport, the protection of the environment, the knowledges, traditions and customs of the partner countries. Finally, it provided teachers and school students involved in the project with new knowledge and experiences to improve intercultural and linguistic personal skills, as well as to link lasting friendships with pupils and teachers from partner countries. Our pupils and pupils from the other participating countries had the opportunity to broadcast and learn from the sports games of the pupils from the partner countries on the days dedicated to sport in every mobility. Now, after all the mobilities of the project, I conclude that it was a great experience, full of joy and friendship and we hope that we will be met in another ERASMUS+ project very soon!

Ramona Gabriela Asan - Coordinating Teacher Școala Gimnazială” Ion Gheorghe Duca” Petroșani, Romania

From the beginning I was love everything in our project! The partner countries, the themes of our project, the activities were so interesting, so I hardly was waiting to begin. Even we didn’t know each other, we became very soon friends. From the beginning I was impressed by the power of our project group, we all were hardworking, involved and very open to new horizons. I was having the honor to see the beautiful places from Hungary, our coordinating country and from Madeira, Portugal where is Heaven on Earth. I was also observed in these mobilities, where I was taking part, the Educational system the Methods of Teaching and other educational aspects. Now, after the end of this project, I am sure that the goal of all was to improve ourselves, but also those around us, because we all get richer with the educational and cultural experience that Erasmus offers us and we, in turn, need to think about how we can improve the environment in which we go or return to add more value to this absolutely amazing program that unites different educational systems and helps us share what we have good every one of us. In conclusion, our project aimed to implement innovative practices, promote the development and modernization of participating organizations and support educational policy developments at European level. The activities provided in our project have enabled participating organizations to gain experience in international co-operation and to strengthen their capabilities as well as to produce innovative, high-quality results. See you, my friends, in the next project! To be continued… because it is not the End it is the Beginning!

Patrizia Nesi I.C.� Giovanni XXIII - Statte - Italy Headmistress

I remember, as it was today, the moment when, for the first time, the Hungarian partners came to pick us up at the Budapest airport. A long adventure opened before us‌ A thousand questions crowded our minds: Would we have been able to carry out a good project, which had positive effects on all the schools involved? Would we have gotten along? What problems would have arisen between us in these two years? Now that the adventure is over, at least from an institutional point of view, I can say that it was the best collaboration experience I've ever participated in. New and true friendships were born; the different competences of each of us have been shared and transferred from one to the other; we have involved families and the whole country in a network of ties with other nations that will last forever and, above all, we have established true bonds of affection, which will never leave us! I say thanks to the European Community that has allowed us to live all this and ... thanks to the warmest, most welcoming and present coordinator we could find, our beloved Tamås Dobos!!

Roberta Tamburrino I.C.” Giovanni XXIII - Statte - Italy Coordinator

I want to say thanks to the "Erasmus Project" because it gave me the opportunity to live intense and wonderful experiences. Thank you for letting me meet colleagues and friends from different countries who have favored a constructive confrontation between different professional realities. Thank you for having expanded my knowledge of other countries and other cultures: I still remember with pleasure, in Budapest, the wonderful Danube boat trip and romantic walks in Krakow. Thank you for making me taste different cuisines: I tasted the very fragrant Kurtőskalács, the Dobos cake and the exquisite Polish Pierogi with a thousand fillings.But above all, thank you for having seen in my students’ eyes the desire and enthusiasm to face a new experience together with friends from all over Europe.

Ervin Jürisoo (principal) Country /School: Estonia, Türi Põhikool

Impressions of the whole project: I am glad that our school had the opportunity to take part of this Project. Teachers and students could travel around the Europe and visit 5 beautiful places and learn about Poland, Hungary, Romania, Madeira and Italy. They could learn different culture, traditions and see different nature. Also, it was a good language practice. And we could know more about other countries educational systems and meet new people.

Merit Puna (coordinator) Country /School: Estonia, Türi Põhikool

Impressions of the whole project: Thanks to Erasmus + Project our schoolteachers and students had the opportunity to travel in Poland, Italy, Romania, Hungary and Madeira. 5 beautiful countries with different culture, history, traditions, nature and school systems. We could learn from each other and take something back to our schools. We made good new friends and met wonderful people.

The Project helped us to broaden our horizon and get new knowledge about other countries. The countries we visited are different from Estonia and they are all unique. And the people, who took part of this project were admirable, helpful, kind. Best team working together.

Mobility to Italy - February 2018 15th to 21st

Taranto Taranto is a coastal city in southern Italy. It lies between the Mar Grande (Big Sea) and Mar Piccolo (Little Sea) bodies of water. Bridges link the mainland to the old town, on a small island. This is home to the 15thcentury Aragonese Castle, the Spartan Museum of Taranto, and San Cataldo Basilica, with a baroque facade. The MArTA Archaeological Museum has a collection of artifacts from prehistory to the Middle Ages. Weather: 13°C, Wind E at 8 km/h, 87% Humidity Province: Province of Taranto

Population: 199,561 (2017) Istat

I´m Diogo and have 13 years old

My impressions about Taranto... Really great this city as well as Matera, and Alberobello.The activities at school were very good. The sports tournament and the handmade figures in the classroom. All the visits were


have made a lot



friends from



I am Mariana 9 years old

Matera was the most beautiful place I have seen. Being in Italy was a dream for me.Lots of amazing views indeed.

Hello, I am Paulo 9 years old

Hi, It was my first time travelling abroad.. It was a long long journey and I my expectations were very high. I liked the music, sports activities and visiting all beautiful places. Trulli was very special.

EMMA KĂœNNAPU, 13 years old Estonia, TĂźri PĂľhikool Mobility to Italy

I loved this trip to Italy. First I was a bit afraid of living alone in a strange family. But Italian people were very kind and friendly, so I got new friends very soon and the stay was wonderful. During the week we visited some very interesting places and did a lot of nice things together with other Erasmus kids and our hosts. I liked our final party because of the dancing together and because of all the wonderful people. I recommend everybody to take part in international projects.

HELIS KÖHLER, 12 years old Estonia, Türi Põhikool Mobility to Italy

The days in Italy went very fast because they were full of wonderful activities. When we had free time we spent our time with families or our new friends. In Italy we went sightseeing to some beautiful cities as




Alberobello. These places are very different from Estonia and I liked them a lot. Italians are very different from Estonians. They speak a lot, very fast and in a very loud voice. In families they live many generations together in the same house which is good in some ways I think. The traffic in the cities was strange for us, people don`t fasten their seat belts and cars give signals all the time. I loved exploring the country and differences between cultures. It

was an amazing experience. It was very hard to leave because of the people who were very kind and warm.

KERTU ŠEVEREV, 12 years old Estonia, Türi Põhikool Mobility to Italy

Taking part in the Erasmus+ project has been a wonderful experience. I waited for the trip to Italy a lot. When I got there it felt like I had known the people and my family for ages because they were so nice and friendly to me. For me the best thing during the week was to get new friends and new experience. I also loved all the trips to other towns. I will remember these days




very hard and full of tears but we


touch believe





see each other again.

KIRKE KĂ„GO, 12 years old Estonia Mobility to Italy

My impressions about the trip to Italy are fantastic. The people I met in Italy were kind and cheerful and I never got bored spending time


them. All the activities and


during visit

the were

very interesting and fun to follow. Even when


didn`t understand our


because they were talking in Italian, it was great as we were making new friends. The most difficult days were the first and the last ones. On our first day we were a little bit scared and on our last day very sad because of the leaving. During these days we became very good

friends with our families and students in Italy and there were a lot of tears on the last day. Although we don`t see each other every day, we communicate on social media every day. I`m so so happy I had the opportunity to participate in the project meeting.

Bianka Ács Age: 14 years old Country: Hungary School: Vásárhelyi András Elementary School

A week with my Italian family

I think I am so lucky, because I was in Italy for a week and this holiday was free for me, but it was the most beautiful week in my life. I got to know a nice and lovely family, and I spent my time in their house. This family and every person in this country

were so nice to me.

I was so happy to see the sea, a lot of places, the school and of course to eat a lot of very delicious Italian food. The pasta was my favorite one. Everybody had a big smile and it was so fantastic. They like the animals and nature very much, and every place is very clean. I played a lot with the Dragone family. I can’t write how much I like them. They are very good people. If I go to Italy, I will visit them. This was a fantastic week in my life, and I am so

grateful for these memories. I wish them the best.

Written by: Bianka Ă cs

Csenge Kรกsa Age: 13 years old Country: Hungary School: Vรกsรกrhelyi School



This week I experienced the famous Italian hospitality. It was a meaningful week: beach,





excursions. My host family was very kind. I've learned something new every

Dániel Borzási Age: 13 years old Country: Hungary School: Vásárhelyi András Elementary School

I was so happy when I was selected with the 5 lucky students who could go to Italy with



Erasmus+. I’m really indebted



Altimare family who cared








everything to have a good time for the week that I spent with them. I had a very good time and during that time I learned (and tasted ) a lot and I got an inside view of another country’s everyday life. A year has passed, and I really miss that time with my foreign friends, but I hope I will meet them again in the future. Written by: Dániel Borzási

Eszter Mészáros Age: 14 years old Country: Hungary School: Vásárhelyi András Elementary School







memories when I was in Italy, and I'll never forget them. I met a lot of new people




interesting things. I was worried about the travel, because



travelled by plane before. I was excited, because I didn't know anybody at the host family, but they were




programs were good and interesting. For example, we walked on the beach, I


watched match,

in a and


Written by: Mészáros Eszter



basketball we


Zsófi Bognár Age: 14 years old Country: Hungary School: Vásárhelyi András Elementary School


we boarded the

plane, I was afraid of this trip, because I was with a foreign family for a week. But when we reached out and introduced ourselves, I realized that it was useless to do that. They were very kind and hospitable. We did a lot of things this week. There was a different program for each day. We got to know the Italian school. I thank for this trip very much. I got a lot of new friends; my English knowledge has improved. I am very happy to have participated in it.

Written by: Zsófi Bognár

Bartosz Matusik, 15 years old, Szkoła Podstawowa Psary, Poland My memories from Italy

This is me and Luca- my Italian friend. We are staying in the front of school in Statte. Last February I went to Italy to visit my friend who also participates in Erasmus + programme. I stayed with my Italian family in Statte. It is a town situated in Apulia region in the south of Italy. My host family was wonderful. My new friend Luca, his brother and their parents were very hospitable. It was an amazing experience to live with them and be a member of the Italian family for one week. I could practice my English because we communicated with each other in English. I had the chance to try delicious food, visit a lot of interesting places, meet new people and participate in lessons in Italian school. I learned how the Italian education system works. I really liked beautiful historical cities like Bari, Alberobello, or Martina Franca. I bought some souvenirs and made pictures. Now I am waiting for Luca in Poland. We are really the best friends.

Our Erasmus group

Martina Franca -a lovely city, located on the route between Bari and Taranto. I have to admit that I really liked the place. In the city and its surroundings, in a diameter of about 40 km, we can see the “trulli�, the only one in the world! The trulli



houses for families. Today,



often a part of the larger



boutique hotels and small guest houses, which are great tourist attraction. They have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site, which is why every owner of trulli is obliged to take care of them and they absolutely cannot ruffle.

Julia Gradowska 15 years old Szkolł




Piłsudskiego w Psarach ,

My amazing time spent in Italy I think that an exchange such as "Erasmus +" is an amazing experience. One of the main reasons why I joined this project was that I wanted to meet people from around the world.

For me it’s an

amazing feeling and great impression to meet such wonderful people. Not





different places causes my joy, but also people whom I met during the mobility. Thanks to this exchange we could also practice our English. I






exchange and thanks to the fact that I flew to Italy I fell in love with this place and gained friendships for all my life.

Hi! I am Jakub Zbojak and I’m 15 years old Szkolł




Piłsudskiego w Psarach

It was my second time in Italy, but first in Statte. I met there very interesting people, tried tasty food and even attended normal lessons (Sometimes I had no idea what everyone was saying but still, I had fun!). I really liked trips too! Alberobello was very interesting place with nice looking buildings! Still I liked Marco’s dad garage with old cars more. Living there was a fantastic experience!

MAGDALENA WALUGA 14 years old Szkoła Podstawowa im. marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego w Psarach, Poland


It was my first time when I participated in Erasmus+ project. I saw a lot of beautiful and interesting places. The most beautiful place I saw in Italy was Alberobello. The activities at school were very funny and interesting. We painted ourselves as a portrait, it was such nice time to spend with other people from different countries. Of course, I met a lot of new people, and to this day we have been friends. I spent a lot of nice time in Italy and I wish that I could come back there one day ☺.

Maja, 15 years old, Szkoła





Piłsudskiego w Psarach


I'm from Poland and last year I had a chance to visit Italy as part of the project. The exchange lasted from 13th to 20th February. I remember I was a little afraid about my English language because I don’t know it very well. It turned out however that my host family was very nice, and they always helped me to communicate. I saw that Italian culture is a bit different from ours. What surprised me the most was the fact that in Italian school we stayed in classes during breaks. It was weird for me. In class of my host there were so wonderful people. They taught me to speak Italian and asked a lot of questions, but I liked to answer them. I remember one girl who gave me a card and a lollipop when I was in this class for the last time. It was so cute. During this week we never were bored. In our free time we all met together and went for a walk or we were going to eat something. Of course, we visited many interested and beautiful places there. I remembered the most Alberobello which I fell in love with. It was very beautiful place and I hope to see it again. I liked the fact that we ate pizza every day. It was delicious! First, I met wonderful people who I will definitely never forget. Some of them even became my friend. It was amazing experience for me. Thank for this

project I could know the culture of another country, to practice my English, and meet a lot of great people.

I hope that someday I'll meet my friends from Italy again.

Milena Sarna 15 years old Primary School im. Józefa Piłsudskiego Poland

My impressions about Italy. I am delighted with Italian culture,




food, amazing

views, but people made the biggest impression on me. I lived with a great family who treated





member. Obviously, I also met great people at the Italian school. They were the nicest people I’ve ever met. When it comes to the best views, I can say that Alberobello is a one of the most beautiful places I have seen in my whole life. I am glad that I decided to go to Italy because I had a great time. Interesting activities have allowed me to practice my English language and gain a lot of new experiences.

ikołaj Szymon 15 Szkoła Podstawowa im.marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego w Psarach Statte,02.2018

I remember my stay in Italy very nicely. I met many people with whom I keep in touch. In summer I'm going to meet them again. My host showed me a lot of interesting places, he taught me Italian, he treated me like an older brother for what I am very grateful to him. I got to know Italian traditions, Italian songs and Italian dishes. I am very happy that I had the opportunity to join the Erasmus family.

Lidia Tomus, 15 years Secondary School “I.G. Duca” Petrosani

My first mobility was in Italy. It was the best experience ever. The girl who hosted me, Asia, was very friendly and her family treated me as I was a part of their family and made me feel like I was at home. Asia’s classmates were very kind with me and they taught me Italian. The teachers treated me good as well and the rest of the Italian kids talked to me and make me feel amazing. This mobility gave me the opportunity to meet new people, to make friends, to try a lot of new things, to see beautiful places, to learn a new language and to see and to learn things about a new culture. I am very glad that I was a part of the Erasmus Project. My second mobility was in my own country where I could see this project from another point of view as a host. I hosted a Polish girl named Alicia. As a host I showed her the beauty of this county, I taught her a little from Romanian language and she tried a lot of traditional food. She also taught me Polish and we talked about our countries and our traditions. I am very happy that I was her host and that I was having the possibility to show her a little part of our country and that I was making a lot of friends in this mobility too.

Hlușcu Sarah Cristiana- 14 YEARS OLD ROMANIA/







was in Statte, Italy. It was an amazing one. The teachers and the kids were so kind and friendly, especially my host, Serena. The activities we had done there were interesting and funny, and we had such a good time together. I enjoyed the short trips very much we had and the view of the sea. During the Erasmus project, I had my first airplane flight and it was awesome. I will never forget that. I am so grateful for what Erasmus+ has given to me! Thank you!

Mobility to Estonia - May 2018 13rd to 19th

Türi Town in Estonia Description Türi is a town in Järva County, Estonia. It is the administrative centre of Türi Parish. Since 2000, Türi is known as the "spring capital" of Estonia. It has a railway station on the Tallinn Viljandi railway line operated by Elron. Area: 9.79 km² Population: 5,064 (2018) Weather: 14°C, Wind N at 3 km/h, 27% Humidity

Afonso Gaspar 15 years old

My impressions about Estonia It is the first time I participate in an Erasmus Project. I am really fascinated by the things I saw in Estonia and the Baltic states, located in Tartu. The main purpose of AHHAA is promoting science, technology and the scientific approach to solve common disadvantages. Science Centre AHHAA offers a view of the starry skies in a fully spherical hybrid planetarium (which means that there is a possibility to show the skies with both optical and digital projection, which can be displayed either separately or together).The uniqueness of AHHAA's planetarium lies in the fact that in addition to the ordinary view on the ceiling and the walls, the image of the skies in the planetarium of the centre also extends under the floor, which is the reason why the floor of the planetarium is made of glass. One day was spent in Tallinn. Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It is situated on the northern coast




Tallinn's Old Town is one of the best preserved medieval cities in Europe and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.I had a possibility to admire the beauty of Tallinn, the best city in



Northern Europe boasting Gothic spires, winding cobblestone streets and enchanting



Ivan Setim 10 years old

My impressions about Estonia It is the first time I participate in an Erasmus Project. I am really fascinated by the things I saw in Estonia and the Baltic states, located in Tartu. I liked most going to Baltic Sea, the festival at school and the bradcast museuum. The day I spent spent in Tallinn was amazing. I went by train with my collegues and two Estonian girls. Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. The school we have visited was located in Turi, a beautiful and greenish city. Beautiful gardens amazing




AmĂ­lcar Gomes 8 years old

My impressions about Estonia HI, I like a lot doing Erasmus! Baltic Sea, the mountains, the forest are amazing. The days I spent in Estonia were great. I went by

train with my collegues and two Estonian girls to Tallinn, that is the capital and largest city of Estonia. Beautiful




flowers all over the places. The students presented to us a great musical festival. I like the estonian food a lot.

Mateiță Rareș Alexandru/ 14 years

Romania/ „Ion Gheorghe Duca” Petroșani Estonia made me feel like at home. I loved everything about that country. The people I've met there were kind, funny and I can't say anything bad about them. I like so much the places we were, like the local museum, the Castle, even the underground tunnel from Tallinn. I liked a lot even the activities like the football game, the party, the trip to Tallinn and more. I really hope that this wasn’t the last time I met these people and I'll have another chance to do this again. Even maybe it won't happen, I'll allways remeber this think like the best think that ever happened to me.


Hi! My name is Ariana and I want to say that I was very impressed by the warmth of the host family from Estonia. I loved the amazing landscapes, the house, the garden where I was having a great fun with Anita, the host`s daughter, on the trampoline in the garden. I dearly remember all Estonian sweet deserts which I had every morning. All activities were amazing, and I especially enjoyed the sportive ones. The best one was the game in which we played football tied together 2 by 2 on the legs. I learned from this beautiful experience how to manage on my own, how to spend my money carefully and the biggest benefit was that I learned how to speak English more fluently.

Antonia Mangu, 14 years Secondary School “I.G. Duca” Petrosani

My first mobility was in Estonia, more exactly in Türi. It was a great experience because all the time I was treated like I was a part of a family and people made me feel like I was at home. The teachers treated me like I was a Estonian kid and they talked to me and made me feel awesome. The girl who hosted me, Jaanika, showed me the beauty of her town, gave me a lot of traditional food and she told me things about her country and tradition. This mobility gave me the opportunity to meet new people, to make friends and to learn things about a very beautiful country and about their culture. I would repeat this experience anytime.

(March 9th – 16th 2019 – Petroşani) My second mobility was in my country where I saw the project from another point, because I host someone, more exactly a Polish girl named Nadia. Because I was a host, I showed her some beautiful places, I told her thing about my country and my culture and I gave her some traditional food. I taught her some words in Romanian, and I showed her some popular songs in Romanian. Then was her turn and she told me a few things about her country and she taught me some words and some sentences. My family liked her so much and I hope she felt like she was part of my family. I miss her so much, and I miss all the people of this project. I hope I will meet them in a day, I think this was my best experience or it was one of my best experiences.

Giosuè Andrisani 04/05/2005 I.C.”Giovanni XXIII”-Statte Italy

Estonia is a beautiful nation and people are fantastic. As soon as we arrived at night, they accompanied us to the houses where we slept. Next day we visited the school, and, in the morning, we had a football game all together. The day after we went out and visited a swamp. It was immense and at the end of this swamp we found a restaurant where we stopped. I made friends with an Hungarian teacher who was also assistant principal in his school. The last day we went to the pool. It was a wonderful experience that made me know new things.

Asia De Roma 17/08/2005 I.C.”Giovanni XXIII”-Statte Italy Last year in May I went to Estonia for a week, one of the most beautiful weeks I have ever lived. It was my first time abroad and without my family. The evening before leaving I was very excited. Once arrived in Estonia there were Heli’s, the girl who hosted me, and her father. They brought me home. The family was kind to me for the whole week. The


morning, we visited


school. And we


some games to


one another. I had a lot of good emotions, but




friends was difficult.

Marco Dragone 12/04/2005 I.C.”Giovanni XXIII”-Statte - Italy

Hello, I am Marco and I took part in the Erasmus+ 2018 project in Estonia. It was an experience that certainly changed my life. There were many places to visit but I can say that I was amazed by the Estonian charm. The people who hosted me were very sociable and were able to welcome us in a friendly way. The town in which I stayed is called Türi. It is a very beautiful town with green areas. I noticed the remarked presence of parks for children. As for the food I noticed the presence of many sauces to which any dish matched. I was struck by the fact that there was only drinking water with lemon. I did not like it so I went back thirsty. Among the places that I recommend visiting, there is also a completely indoor water park including a sauna. It was a wonderful experience and can’t wait to do it again. At departure a few tears fell and reluctantly we got on the plane for the return. This was my experience in Estonia.

Alessio Losito 29/11/2005 I.C.�Giovanni XXIII�-Statte Italy

The experience in Estonia with the Erasmus+ was amazing, because we discovered the cultures, customs and traditions of other European countries and we had fun with boys and girls from Romania, Portugal, Estonia, Poland and Hungary. When we arrived, we found a great hospitality, especially from host families who did their utmost to meet our needs. We followed the lessons at school, we took part in several outdoor activities and visits to learn more about the area, together with other guys from other countries. The last evening was dedicated to the typical dances of every nation. Together with Hungarian, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian and Estonian guys, we learned various and typical dances of foreign countries.

Miraglia Maria 01/08/2005 I.C.”Giovanni XXIII”-Statte Italy In May 2018 we flew to Estonia for the Erasmus project. We were staying with families residing in the city of Türi. Türi is a city of central Estonia. A city surrounded by lots of greenery, a fairytale landscape. In this week we did various activities and we visited many places. As soon as we arrived, we were welcome in a festive way by the authorities, the principal and the students. The following days were dedicated to class lessons. In the afternoons we took part to various cultural outings: walk in a swamp, spring concert, football match, manual laboratory. The week ended with a party at the youth center with a cultural exchange between the various groups participating in the project. The following day the families took us to a gathering point where we said goodbye with great regret. Together with the groups of the other schools we visited Tallinn and we said goodbye before departure.

Age: 16 Name: Izabella Pęczek Country: Poland Szkoła Podstawowa im. marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego w Psarach

Estonia is a great country. I made a lot of friends there. The weather was also really great and there was sunny the whole week. We had a lot of activities which I really liked. Estonia is such an amazing country for me, and I really want to come there to my friends. I really loved this meeting and I will always remember it.

Ola Zaporowska 15 years old Poland, Szkoła Podstawowa im. Józefa Piłsudskiego w Psarach

Last year I was on the student exchange in Estonia. At the beginning I was very stressed but when I got to know Elisa closer, the emotions subsided. I felt at home there. Elisa's family gave me a very warm welcome. The classes were very interesting but also tiring. In our free time, we did not get bored. Once we went for a walk around the area, we watched different films and we went to the aqua park on another day. We also made cupcakes for the ending of the project. We saw interesting places. Estonia's nature is simply beautiful. I would love to return there.

Age: 15 Name: Wiktoria Zbień Country: Poland Szkoła Podstawowa im. marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego w Psarach

Meeting in Estonia was one of my best trips ever. I’m totally in love with this country and also with people. I really liked the nature in Estonia and landscapes there. I had a great contact with my host, so we were talking almost all the time. Activities in school were also funny and interesting. School in Turi made a huge impression on me, also the students. I loved the atmosphere in Turi. It was so hard to say goodbye to my friends. I’m sure that I will always remember this week and I really hope that I will meet them again.

Name: Bence Boncz Age:13 Country: Hungary Primary school: Vรกsรกrhelyi Andrรกs Tagiskola

Mobility: Estonian Mobility

I relly liked Erasmus+ because I got a lots of friends and a lot of good memories.

Name: Martin Paul Petruska Age: 13 years old Country: Hungary School: Vรกsรกrhelyi Andrรกs Elementary School

Impressions: At first, I was very scared of the new environment and people but after a while I got used to it. I was very lucky because I got to stay with my best friend. We had lots of fun and went swimming in a nearby lake. All in all it was a very fun week.

Name: Milán Csóka Age: 14 years old Country: Hungary School: Vásárhelyi András Elementary School

I travelled to Estonia with the Erasmus+ project. We discovered Türi. We went to the local lake and we got to know the history of Estonia. We went on a tour where we took off our shoes and socks – it was my favorite one. We visited the Communication Museum where we could try out the work of the announcers and we were on TV. We travelled to the capital of Estonia – Tallinn. This week passed quickly, but it was a very nice one. Estonian people were very friendly. I would like to thank my host family for everything. Milán Csóka

Mobility to Romania - March 2019 10th to 16th

Petroșani - City in Romania Petroșani is a city in Hunedoara County, Transylvania, Romania, with a population of 34,331. The city has been associated with mining since the 19th century. Wikipedia Area: 195.6 km² Weather: 7°C, Wind S at 3 km/h, 91% Humidity Local time: Wednesday 00:01 Population: 34,331 (2011) Colleges


Universities: University of

Petroșani, University

of Petroşani

GREAT PETROSANI I have made some new few friends, keen on language practice, creative, interactive, fun and educational activities. I had a great week in Petrosani. Lots of activities, friendly people. For me it was the first time I saw snow and skiing. I had a great time. Everything happens in the small Town of Petrosani, a town with Great scenery, surrounded by Mountains and historical Places, so if all this appeal to You and you are fond of teaching, we would be more Than happy to have you here with us.

GREAT PETROSANI This was my second trip on Erasmus, and this time to Romania. Despite the long trip ever I am very glad to know different things, new people and beautiful landscapes.

Hi, for me being in Romania was the best mobility ever. I liked most the snow landscape and to have the opportunity to do skiing. The



school were very cute and fun. I didn´t like the food so much because it´s quite different from


Portuguese one. I have made new friendships that´s great!


ELEEN ASTEN 16 years old Estonia, Türi Põhikoo Mobility to Romania

In March 2019 we had an Erasmus+ project meeting in Romania. In Romania together with myself there were three good friends, we were all housed by different families. My host was a very cute girl, who didn’t look like a Romanian. She was a little bit quiet like me, but she was friendly. When I was tired or something, she always asked me if everything was fine. In Romania we visited many different places, for example a city named Deva. Also, we had activities in school, and we had a sports day, where we could play basketball. We had a free time with families, then we had a little road trip, we went to church and looked at popular sights. Also, we had shopping time in a large shopping center. In my opinion this week was so amazing for me, because I met many different people with whom we became good friends. This week went quickly and my recommendation for exchange students is to enjoy every moment and be open.

KARL HEINRICH KAJAKAS 15 years old Estonia, Türi Põhikool Mobility to Romania

It was the first time for me to travel by plane, that`s one thing that made the trip very important to me. I`m also very thankful that I had to practise my English and Got some very good friends in Romania. We arrived pretty early, so we had a lot of time to talk with our hosts before the project activities started. I liked how everyone talked with us as we had been old friends, so there wasn´t any shyness. I think the project meeting itself was put together nicely, maybe the free time between activities was too long, but other than that I had no problems what so ever. But to look back at it, I´m happy that I got the oportunity to be an exchange student. Would definitely go again and suggest it to younger students.

tSAALE LIISBET TÕRV Estonia, Türi Põhikool Mobility to Romania

In March 2019 we went to Romania with Erasmus+ project. I have been for three times before in other countries with Erasmus projects but I must say, this was probably my favourite trip. Romanian people are just so friendly and nice that I was very sad when I had to leave. I stayed in a family with mother, father and a daughter. Our apartment wasn’t big, but I felt good there. From activities I really liked the day in the school. I would have liked to spend a little bit more time at school. The day with the family was also nice. We visited another town. It was a very interesting day. I was pretty surprised about how much Romanian people eat. We ate every day in a different restaurant and every time we had a soup, salad and a main course. Only dessert was missing.

At first, when I didn’t know

anything about Romania, I thought that it’s not a country, where I would go on my holidays. No I don`t think so. I really enjoyed this week. I got new friends and had fun. I`d like to visit the country again some day.

SANDER SUITSBERG 16 years old Estonia, TĂźri PĂľhikool Mobility to Romania

We started our trip very early and our flight went through Frankfurt. We arrived in Rumenia in the afternoon and were very excited to see our host families. We had been in contact on Facebook but it was very interesting to meet face to face. I think it was a very nice week and each day something interesting was planned. When we have some free time then my family had planned something for me, so I never got bored. I went riding a horse for the very first time in my life and so was with downhill skiing. I had never done that as we don`t have mountains in Estonia. It was a very nice experience. I`m very thankful to my host family for their hospitality and kindness. They took care of me as if I was their own child. Thank you! The whole week was something special to remember and I`m very happy that I could practice my English.

SP. Psary im. marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego, Nadia Sowula 15

Erasmus+ is one of the best ways to have fun with new friends from other countries and improve English at the same time. That’s why I decided to try this exchange project. I had a chance to see another culture, traditions and life. I think Erasmus+ is a really good way for people which want to talk in English the whole week. My first day was sluggish. I thought that it wouldn’t end. But I made lots of friends from Romania. I was thrilled to see two of them again in Poland. It was gorgeous time we spent together. We have lots of common memories. We were outside all the time, for example, in theatre, in cinema or even in mountains. I met Antonia’s gran, which is very smiled, pretty and smart person. I learned lots of words, which are strange in my language, but normal in their language. Even they taught me lyrics of popular song in Romania! I found out a little bit about Romanian history and popular Dracula. I hope I will meet with them again, one day…

Emilia Kłosowska 13 years old Szkolł Podstawowa im.marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego w Psarach - Poland

I was in Romania in March. I spent a really good time there. I met a lot of amazing people and we still have a good contact.

On the first day, we watched the performance prepared



We had many interesting activities. We participated in the sport event and on the last day we took part in Karaoke, In Romania we saw for example


Castle and University of Petrosani. The girl whom I visited was nice and polite, but we did not talk too much. We had really good weather, only on the last day it was raining a little. But when I went on a trip to the mountains, there was a lot of snow

I hope that I will visit Romania in the future

Alicja Liber, 14 years old, Poland

I was in Romania; it was a really great time. I met a lot of people, and I think that we will have contact for a long time. The girl who hosted me was nice, she taught me a “broken languages�


her language,


Romanian songs, and a lot of Romanian words, and obviously I met her friends (with one of them I still have contact). They were friendly to me, and I have a lot of reasons to think that it was a really good time.

Antonio Lippo 17/05/2006 I.C.�Giovanni XXIII-Statte ITALY This year I went to Romania with the Erasmus project. I had a great time with my classmates and my new friends. I really enjoyed this experience. The family that hosted me was very kind and helpful. Alina was very welcoming, and Levi is nice and funny, always smiling. I really like the castles and the school of Petrosani. I learned a lot ... Levi made me try archery, I made my own soap in the science lab and I did a lot of sports. It was a wonderful






experience and my friend Levi.


Giada Colucci 30/05/2006 I.C.�Giovanni XXIII-Statte Italy

I will never forget my trip to Romania because it was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life. On the plane I was a little scared because I was traveling without my mom and dad, but at the same time I was happy to be on the plane with my friends for the first time. I was hosted in the town of Petrosani by Monica and her family. In that week I visited many places but the ones I liked most were the Hunedoara castle, Deva castle and the snow-filled mountains. At Monica's house I ate very well, and my favorite food was the welcome cake with "Benvenuto Giada" written on it. Romanian is a language like Italian and I am happy to have learned the numbers and parts of the days in their language. It was a wonderful experience; I hope to continue my friendship with Monica and to return to Romania soon!

laudia Conte I.C.�Giovanni XXIII-Statte Italy From 9 to 16 March 2019 I was in Romania thanks to the Erasmus+ project in which I participated with my school. It was a unique and unforgettable experience because it was my first trip abroad with my friends and without my parents. I went to the mountains where I saw a lot of snow for the first time and I had a lot of fun




friends. I learned to get by on my own and spent a wonderful week in harmony and joy with my


Italian friends.


Carolina Di Lonardo 23/12/2006 I.C.�Giovanni XXIII-Statte Italy My trip to Romania was very beautiful and interesting. I really like how you live in Romania. I had a great time, even though at first, I was a little scared because it was my first trip without my parents. As soon as I arrived, I met Diana and her family who welcomed me with great affection. I didn't always like the food, but it was nice to get to know another kitchen. In Romania I did a lot of fun things like visiting caves, castles and playing in the snow that I had seen a few times. I liked this experience and I would do it again and again

Enrico Gabriele I.C.�Giovanni XXIII-Statte Italy With the Erasmus project this year in March I was in Romania. It was a beautiful week full of emotions and beautiful experiences. During this trip I had a great time and I got to know people and a different culture from mine. The host family was very kind and treated me as if I were their child. Together we took a trip to the mountains

still full of snow and to a salt mine near their home. The place that I liked most was the castle of Hunedoara. I'm sure I will never forget this experience.

Alessio Laera 29/07/2006 I.C.�Giovanni XXIII-Statte Italy

Two months ago, I went to Romania. It was my first time outside my country without my family. I visited the school with Bogdan (the guy who hosted me) his school is very big and beautiful; I had great time and met many





visited I


many beautiful

landscapes and I bought a lot of

souvenirs. It was great, I would like to return to Romania with my family.

Giorgia Luongo 23/08/2006 I.C.�Giovanni XXIII-Statte Italy Visiting Romania was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. It was the first trip I took abroad. The city where I was is called Petrosani. We did a lot of things there! First, we visited the mountains that were near the hotel. There was so much snow! Then we visited a castle, it was near the city, but we had to travel half an hour to get there. I learned that the currency in Romania is different! We also went to the theater to listen to very

beautiful traditional music. I really loved Romania and hope to return one day.

Name: Dorina Hajtò Age: 14 years Country: Hungary School: Vàsàrhelyi Andràs Primary School

I got to know a new country, culture by the Erasmus program. I could see their everyday life what they do every day. I have made many new friendships with other nationalities. The most important thing I've got a lot of beautiful memories.

Name : Gergely Csizmadia Age:15 year School:Vรกsรกrhelyi Andrรกs Primary school

It was good to get to know with others. I learned a lot of new things. I have seen many beautiful and exciting places. I found a lifelong friendship as well.

Name: Martin Paul Petruska Age: 14 years old Country: Hungary School: Vรกsรกrhelyi Andrรกs Elementary School

Impressions: When I first arrived, it was a little bit awkward, because both of us were scared, but after the first day, we got used to it. I stayed at Gabi and it was good that we were really similar. We played the same video games when we were younger. And we even played there, too. It was a week with lots of fun.

Name: Soma Dvorszki Age: 14 School: Vรกsรกrhelyi Andrรกs Primary School Country: Hungary

When we arrived at Romania, I was very scared and stressed. When I met Sebi, I was the most excited person at that moment. But after that everything was good and i enjoyed everything. I've got a lot of new friends and I could communicate with them as well. In the summer I hope i will have a good time with Sebi again. I can't wait to see him again.

Mobility to Poland - May 2019 13rd to 19th

Psary is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Wisznia Mała, within Trzebnica County, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, in south-western Poland. Prior to 1945 it was in Germany. It lies approximately


kilometres south of Trzebnica, and 7 kilometres north of the regional capital Wrocław.

Aurora Appetito 04/03/2007 I.C.�Giovanni XXIII�-Statte - Italy In May 2019 I went to Poland for a week with my classmates and our teachers because we participated to the Erasmus project. I went in Psary and I was hosted by Ola and her family. The food was very good, but I like a typical dish from Poland. The weather was very bad, but we visited a lot of places and the most interesting one was Auschwitz. Erasmus project was a beautiful experience, I hope I will return to Poland and keep in contact with Ola and our friends!

Silvia D’Agostino 24/04/2006 I.C.”Giovanni XXIII”-Statte - Italy

This year in May I went to Poland for the Erasmus project. I was very upset before leaving but despite everything, it was a wonderful experience. We visited many places like salt mines made entirely in salt and coal mines where we had the right equipment to go underground, then we went to visit the Auschwitz concentration camp. This was a beautiful but very strong experience because we remembered all the people who died there. In Poland I had the opportunity to learn about a new people, new language and new culture. I enjoyed this week very much and I was well, certainly I would do this experience again!!!!

Jacopo Gabriele 08/01/2007 I.C.�Giovanni XXIII�Statte - Italy

This year in May I went to Poland for the Erasmus project with some friends of mine. I was very excited, because it was the first time I went abroad, even without my family. Before leaving, I was a bit upset, but at the same time happy for this trip. The host family was very helpful, kind and welcoming to me. I had a great time with Bartosz, the Polish guy who hosted me. It has been a week full of experiences and emotions.

During this

week, the places I liked the most were the salt mine and the concentration camps of Auschwitz and Birkenau, whose visit will be unforgettable.

It has been a wonderful

week, a fantastic experience.

Antonio Gravina I.C.�Giovanni XXIIIStatte - Italy

I'm Antonio, this year I participated to the Erasmus + project in Poland. It was a fantastic experience that I will hardly forget! I made many friends there and with some of them I'm still in contact. I had a great time with Mikolaj, who is the guy who hosted me, and his family, they were fantastic! They made me feel at home right away! There were also his brother Igor and another Romanian boy, Radu, with me. The food was acceptable except for the things we ate at school. I had a great time and





experience again millions and millions of times!

Francesco Santoro 13/03/2006 I.C.�Giovanni XXIII-Statte - Italy This experience was undoubtedly fantastic, enriching and very educational. I stayed with a different family, that was very hospitable and attentive to my needs, I knew boys and girls from different countries and languages. The visit to Auschwitz was the most important and impactful thing we could do, but also all the other visits were interesting: a concert by an orchestra in a large theatre, Krakow, the salt mine going down about 110m below ground and the coal mine, a very

important resource for Poland. This




Erasmus +. I am very happy for this instructive journey, and I hope I’ll do it again.

Umberto Secondo 23/04/2006 I.C.”Giovanni XXIII-Statte- Italy

My name is Umberto Secondo and this year in May I took part to the “Erasmus +” intercultural exchange and I visited Poland with all its typical places like the churches, the mines (of salt and coal), the city of Krakow and the museum of Auschwitz. We also assisted to a lyric show at the theatre of Katowice. I was hosted by the same girl I hosted when the Polish group visited Italy. Everything was beautiful. This experience made me understand how to behave in a host family. I am very happy that I was given that great opportunity. Generally, it was a spectacular experience.

INES ALTSIVANOVITŠ Estonia, Türi Põhikool Mobility to Poland

I`m so happy that I got a chance to go to Poland. My English is not very good and it was a good practise as I had to communicate only in English. During the days in Poland we never got bored as our days were full of different activities





liked the trips to mines, our guides were very good



the was

something special. We planted a tree next to the




some sports and craft together.

I`m happy

with the family that hosted us. Thank you Izabella! On our last day we were very sad because we had made so many friends and it was sad to leave. I would like to go back to Poland, I`d like to see my friends again.

KAAREL SAVI, years old Estonia, Põhikool

15 Türi

Mobility to Poland

My trip to Poland was extraordinary because it was my first time flying a plane and I have never been an exchange student

anywhere. The whole project was emotional because of the new friends I made in Poland and after the project I had to leave them to Poland. Also, the tours we had in Poland were super entertaining and exhausting because first of all, we had to stand a lot and then we had to walk a lot. Because it was my first time in Poland and being first time living in someone else´s home it was awkward, it wasn't like a normal day of life like it would have been in Estonia. My "parents" didn't speak almost any English, so it was hard for me to communicate with them without my host who was translating me. But this is something that makes these trips special, you must find the way. I'm glad that I had a chance to try to speak in English because I was able to test my limits. I also learned a lot of new things in Poland while being on tours, I learned a lot of about Poles and their country especially about Auschwitz. So, when we had 3 days remaining in Poland and when I started thinking of that I must leave in 3 days, things started to get really emotional because I was so used to these people that they were

like my new family. There was a lot of crying, there was a lot of laughter, there was a lot of mystery and embarrassment. Altogether, it was the most emotional and fun week in my life, I'm thinking of returning to Poland any time soon.

KARL HEINRICH KAJAKAS, 16 years old Estonia, Türi Põhikool Mobility to Poland

On the 12th of May 2019, I went to Poland. I was going as an exchange student; it was my second time. But this time it was especially important to me `cause I got to see my old friends from Romania like Daria, Nadia, Sara and Emilia who by the way was my host this time, and some people from other countries. The whole stay was filled with a lot of things to do, so we were never bored, but always very tired. With me came 2 of my classmates, one from a parallel class and 2 teachers, and may I add, they all were teasing me with certain subjects. My host family was always nice to me, even though sometimes I didn´t understand everything clearly, but that´s why google and sign language is for. We visited a lot of different cities but the only one I remember the name of was Krakow, it has a very nice old town. We also visited Auschwitz, an eye-opening experience to say the least, I knew some things about it and what happened there, but in real life, it´s a lot darker and unhuman than you´d expect. The week went so quickly, blink once and it´s already over. I learned that from Romania, so I never blinked and enjoyed every moment. If you asked me what I got from the trip, I would say that a lot of new friends, knowledge about Poland and my English is more fluent. I´m grateful to my teachers for letting me go on the trip, because in reality, I was never supposed to go.

I hope to visit Poland and see my friends again one day!

LISETTE TAUBE, 15 years old Estonia, TĂźri PĂľhikool Mobility to Poland

Erasmus+ project has given a lot to me. I have become friends with a lot of interesting people and I feel that these friendships are meant to last forever. I believe that international projects are very important to learn about cultures, people and practise languages. The trip to Poland was something to remember. During the week we saw so much, learned a lot about Polish history and culture, we got new knowledge. I loved how warm, friendly and free the Polish people were. It was so easy to communicate. Erasmus+ is an amazing






something extraordinary.

Name: Alexandra Balogh Age: 13 years old Nationality: Hungarian

I really enjoyed every little thing about the trip. Even the part when I was ill. My favorite program was when we went bowling. The family was very friendly, and they helped me a lot when I was sick. Milena - the girl who hosted me - had two little brothers: Tomek



Tomek and me become good friends. It turned out that Milena and I are like each other. The Romanian girl, Alexia was friendly, too.

Anna Mészáros Age: 12 Nationality: hungarian

My name is Anna Mészáros. I am a 12-year-old student from Hungary. I was in Poland with three of my friends. In Poland




communicate in English. But that was a bit difficult for me. The programs were good. I liked when we went to different places



afternoon, we visited the Laser House. On that week I had a lot of fun.

Age: 13 Name: SĂĄra RĂŠka Nagy Nationality: hungarian

I think this is an interesting program, because we get acquainted with the tradition of other countries and make friends. Erasmus gives a chance to trip to other countries. Emilia and her family were very nice. My favorite program was the Laser house. I really enjoyed this trip in Poland.

Name: Shannon Takaki Age: 12 years old Country: Hungary School: Vรกsรกrhelyi Andrรกs Tagiskola

I enjoyed that week in Poland. The host family was very kind. We saw many beautiful places with the Hungarian and foreign students. I especially liked the city of Krakow. We went to see some churches and a big mine. We had many programs like sport and on the last day there was a party.

Presură Alexia, 15 years old from Secondary School ‘’I.G. DUCA’’

The country I visited while being part of the Erasmus project was Poland. I had the pleasure to be hosted by a very beautiful and caring family. Me and Milena, my hostess, grew a bond between each other and we are on the path of a great and longlasting friendship. They showed me Psary in a series of activities and they even presented me Polish culture in the evenings when we used to have dinner and chat. I had a roommate from Hungary named Sandra. She was a very lovely girl and I am glad I got the chance to share this experience with her. to share this experience with her. The people I met in Poland are as amazing as their country and they made sure my stay in Psary was very entertaining. We went bowling, we ate traditional Polish food, we visited Krakow and Katowice and a lot of other activities. The Erasmus+ project is a great experience and a lesson in life. You get the chance to meet new people, see places, to understand traditions and a culture different than yours. Now, after being part of the mobility, all I can say is I LOVE ERASMUS+.

Antonia Mangu, 14 years Secondary School “I.G. Duca” Petrosani (May 12nd – 20th 2018 – Türi ) My first mobility was in Estonia, more exactly in Türi. It was a great experience because all the time I was treated like I was a part of a family and people made me feel like I was at home. The teachers treated me like I was a Estonian kid and they talked to me and made me feel awesome. The girl who hosted me, Jaanika, showed me the beauty of her town, gave me a lot of traditional food and she told me things about her country and tradition. This mobility gave me the opportunity to meet new people, to make friends and to learn things about a very beautiful country and about their culture.



experience anytime.



(March 9th – 16th 2019 – PetroĹ&#x;ani ) My second mobility was in my country where I saw the project from another point, because I host someone, more exactly a Polish girl named Nadia. Because I was a host, I showed her some beautiful places, I told her thing about my country and my culture and I gave her some traditional food. I taught her some words in Romanian, and I showed her some popular songs in Romanian. Then was her turn and she told me a few things about her country and she taught me some words and some sentences. My family liked her so much and I hope she felt like she was part of my family. I miss her so much, and I miss all the people of this project. I hope I will meet them in a day, I think this was my best experience or it was one of my best experiences.

Buruiană Daria , 15 years,Romania, Școala





Petroșani My ERASMUS + trip to Poland was one of the best trips I’ve ever been on. I met a lot of really nice people, I had a lot of fun and I hope that this was not the last time I saw my friends from other countries. I was envolved in such great and interesting activities like planting the Brotherhood Tree, sport games, visits in places with a very emotional luggage, picnic and all that I was living in Poland was exciting and new. Thank you ERASMUS+ for this amazing opportunity ! After this mobility I can say that ERASMUS+ Program make all of us better and developed our skills and knowledges.

Name: Filip Cristina Age: 14 Country: Romania School: Școala Gimnazială “I.G Duca” Petroșani

I was part of the Erasmus project in Psary, Poland from May 12th-18th 2019. My host was a girl named Maja, who was very friendly and made me feel at home. Her family made sure I had anything I needed and that I was feeling good. All of the Polish children were kind and showed me around and taught me a few Polish words and the teachers were very nice and treated everyone well. We visited a lot of beautiful places and learned new things along with the other children. We also had team games that made us feel included and more united. It was a unique and interesting experience, where I got to see new places and meet new people. I would do it again if I had the opportunity!

Name: Tőrők Radu Age: 13 Country: Romania School: Secondary School “I.G.Duca”, Petrosani This was the first mobility where I went to. It was a very beautiful experience and I felt very good, even if I was the first time in an Erasmus mobility. First, the family was extraordinary. They were very nice, friendly and careful with us. If I can mention their name, they are the Szymon family. They treated me like a little king. They did everything to make me feel good. I felt like I was home. I stayed there with a very nice boy from Italy, called Antonio, the two extraordinary “little” hosts from Poland, Igor and Mikolaj and of course their good parents. Together, they were taking care of us, they were feeding us very good and was making us have fun and feel well. Second, the activities were very entertaining and fun. The host-teachers showed us many places from Poland, teach us a lot of new things in different domains and let us help the environment. My favorite activities were the visit to the coal mine and the visit of the Wieliczka salt mine and the Silesia mine museum. I also liked the Auschwitz trip. So, the Psary mobility was very great and fun. I hope that the next mobilities where I will go would be the same as this mobility!

Sara Maria Borea, 15 years. ~Secondary School ,,I.G. Duca’’ Petrosani~ My mobility was in Poland. A really beautiful country with lots of beautiful people. I especially liked the arhitecture, the history and obviously the people. I appreciate that they used the activities as mini-trips in diffrent cities and tourist attractions. I didn’t really liked the food, but it was an interestring experience to try their traditional food. I think I had the most beautiful and kind host family, I love them and I am really thankful for everything they did for me. It was the best experience ever!

Afonso Gaspar 16 years old

This mobility was very special. I had the opportunity not only to meet new people, but also to see my future profession on the side of a European university: curriculum differences, in the way of addressing the contents. It was an extremely enriching experience from a student point of view because I chose disciplines that my university does not offer, so the expansion of knowledge was wonderful.

Hello, I am Diogo Sousa I am 9 years old

This trip was a great experience for me. It was the first time I flew by plane abroad. I saw things that I´ve never seen. It was amazing.

Hello, I am Diogo Mariano I am 9 years old

I like a lot this trip to Poland. I saw for the first time so many different things: slat and charcoal mines. We had plant trees and we have enjoy so much.

Thanks further to this project, teamwork and interdisciplinary approaches to developing functional skills in children and support them in acquiring and developing core competencies for the 21st century. The different learning activities will greatly support the various shortand long-term objectives of our project. During student mobility activities, students will develop language skills, learn about different European countries and learn about the possibilities of the other educational system. The proposed learning activities will promote and motivate these goals. The opportunity to visit other European countries and familiarize themselves with the culture, history, traditions and economic situation of European countries is also a good opportunity for students to engage in experiments, thereby promoting their educational and professional needs, strengthening their intercultural education.

The support provided by the European Commission for the production of this communication/publication does not constitute an endorsement of its contents, which reflect the views only of the author(s), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

By Erasmus lombada

Editor: Erasmus Lombada Designer: Rosa Luísa Gaspar Photo editor: Rosa Luísa Gaspar The views expressed in documents by named authors are solely the responsibility of these authors. All links were working on July 31st 2019. The pictures in this newsletter are original photos of contributors, photos used with permission or downloaded from the free website pixabay.com. The content of this newsletter is licensed under Creative Commons – Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives.

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