Spoznaj kdo je Michele Josia

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Michele Josia

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Michele Josia Biography As a composer, Michele Josia's work encompasses film soundtracks, choral and orchestral works and, far more than merely a composer, he's also a well known choir conductor. With a background experience gained in more than 12 years, Josia has assets of more than 140 concerts in Europe, including the direction and performances of his compositions in renowned international competitions well as important concert halls. His musicality have earned Josia many awards as conductor. A polyhedric and multi talented musician, Josia's combines his academic knowledge of orchestration, composition, human voice and choirs, with the today's new technology of digital instruments, which perfectly match with visual images. Among his works in collaboration, as choir conductor assistant, with Ennio Morricone in the preparation of the soundtracks of films such as "Vatel", directed by Roland Joffè, "Aida degli alberi" by G. Manuli, "Padre Pio tra cielo e terra" by Giulio Base, "La Piovra 10" by Luigi Perelli, and also in "Giuseppe di Nazareth", directed by Raffaele Mertes, with music by Marco Frisina. Guest lecturer at the prestigious Zaki Gordon Institute for Indipendent Filmaking in Sedona, Arizona (U.S.A), in 2011 his music was performed by the renowned American composer, conductor and Grammy Award winner Eric Whitacre, co-author together with Hans Zimmer of the music of the blockbuster film "The Pirates of the Caribbean: on stranger tides". After gained experience with several documentary, corporate video, short film and medium lenght film, Josia makes his feauture-length film debut in 2012 with Fairytale, produced by Rai Cinema, starring Harriet MacMasters - Green, Giuliano Montaldo, Jarreth Merz, internationally distributed by Rai Trade. Since 2009 Michele Josia is a member of the Italian National Cinematography Academy and permanent jury member for the David di Donatello awards (Italian equivalent of the Oscar).



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Michele Josia 2015 Artistic director and jury member of the 6° International Choral Competition “Musica Sacra a Roma”, organized by Meeting-Music and Inchoral (Germany) 2011 -2013 Conductor of the chamber choir Krog, Ljubljana, Slovenia Conductor of the mixed choir of the University of Architecture of Ljubljana, Slovenia 2008 – 2010 Assistat conductor of the male choir “Val”, Vokalna Akademja Ljubljana (dir. Stojan Kuret) Co-conductor of the italian-slovenian chamber choir “Vocalkor”, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2005 – 2010 Conductor of the slovenian chamber choir Vox Carniolus, Jesenice, Slovenia 2005 – 2006 Conductor of the High school Symphony Orchestra of Kranj, Slovenia 2003 – 2006 Assistant conductor of the APZ Tone Tomsic University Choir of Ljubljana, Slovenia (dir. Ursa Lah) 2001 – 2003 Assistant conductor of the of the mixed choir “Musicanova”; Rome, Italy (dir. Fabrizio Barchi) 1999 – 2001 Singer, musical and educational consultant of the mixed choir “Musicanova”; Roma; Italy Master classes in choral conducting: 06.2004 – Peter Hanke, Danish Radio Choir, contemporary repertoire 05.2003 – Gary Graden St. Jacob’s Kammerchor, contemporary repertoire 11.2002 – Stojan Kuret, Slovenian Radio Choir, contemporary repertoire 09.2002 – Gary Graden St. Jacob’s Kammerchor, contemporary repertoire 11.2001 – Gary Graden St. Jacob’s Kammerchor, contemporary repertoire

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iz zapisov mešanega pevskega zbora VOX CARNIOLUS “V januarju 2005 je vodenje zbora prevzel Michele Josia. Zbor se je uspešno predstavil na Sozvočenjih 2005. V okviru kulturne izmenjave je gostil zbor Acantus iz Belgije in se leta 2006 predstavil gostiteljem v Belgiji. Leta 2006 je na 2. regijskem tekmovanju odraslih pevskih zborov Gorenjske v Škofji Loki osvojil zlato priznanje z odliko in priznanje za najboljši zbor, dirigent pa je dobil tri posebna priznanja. Na tekmovanju Naša pesem 2007 v Mariboru je zbor dosegel zlato plaketo za osvojenih 93.7 točk in s tem tretje mesto. Prejel je tudi štiri posebna priznanja. Zbor je oktobra 2007 nastopil na 7. mednarodnem zborovskem tekmovanju In…canto sul Garda v Rivi del Garda, Italija. Tekmoval je v dveh kategorijah in prejel zlati plaketi v kategorijah ljudska glasba in sakralna glasba; v obeh kategorijah je prejel tudi priznanji za zmagovalca kategorije. Po odmevnem nagradnem koncertu v veliki dvorani Slovenske filharmonije so stekle priprave za mednarodno tekmovanje Maribor 2008, kjer je zbor dosegel četrto mesto, dirigent pa posebno priznanje za najboljšo izvedbo obvezne pesmi. Konec istega leta je na mednarodnem festivalu adventne in božične glasbe v Bratislavi (Slovaška) prejel zlato plaketo, plaketo zmagovalec kategorije ter veliko nagrado mesta Bratislave in priznanje za najboljšega dirigenta, maja 2009 pa zlato priznanje na mednarodnem zborovskem tekmovanju v Bad Ischlu v Avstriji. Tekmovalni uspehi so zboru odprli pot na zborovske festivale, kot so: Verona 2008, Sassari 2009 v Italiji in Königslutter 2010 v Nemčiji. Konec leta 2006 je zbor izdal svojo prvo zgoščenko (Zrejlo je...), leta 2011 pa drugo z naslovom Insieme - Skupaj, ki vsebuje žive posnetke najboljših izvedb s tekmovanj in festivalov. ”


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