Classro oom Man nnagement Appro oach I believe that you can nnot lead wiithout follow wers or havinng followed others. Likeewise you can’t ot aware of yyour own divverse attribu utes. Interpeersonal appreciate diversity if you are no relationship is recogn nizing the leader in you and the leadder in otherss through meaningful dialogue. My Educational Philo osophy which was shape ed by my acaademic backkground in H Human Relations and Adullt Education,, and several years in the corporate environmen nt is concern ned with fou ur main dim mensions to ffacilitating the learning and developpment of oth hers. They are: Art, Servvice, Investme ent and Classsroom. My classroom managgement approach is based on these four dimensions more sspecificially the m. I endeavo our to adherre to a curricculum that iss aligned witth these four deminsions; to classroom always be of service to the learner(s); to create a classrooom environ nment that iss fun, supportivve, inclusive, respectiful, and free off biases and stereotypess to allow for meaningfu ul learning to happen; aand where le eadership an nd ideas aree negotiated and shared amongst peeers. understanding that learners are jugggling work, ffamily and aacademics, classroom With an u activitiess will be relevant and pro oject‐based.. Each sessioon will start w with ten min nutes of Housekeeping: a) to answer any questions th hat may havve arisen folllowing the laast session o over the to opics that will be includingg reflections,,important learning and awareness and b) to go covered in the present session. Learning goaals and expeectations willl be establisshed at the beginning of the sesssion where learners will know that tthere is no ro oom for failu ure only successes. wed to expre ess their tho oughts, ideass, concerns aand feelings without feaar or Learners will be allow judgement, while resspecting the eir personal b boundaries aand the bou undaries of o others. Learn ners will be trreated as equals amongsst their peerrs, encourageed to capitalize on theirr strengths and develop ttheir weaknesses at eve ery given opp portunity. Leearners will benefits from timely and constructtive feedbacck and provid ded with the e resources and tools to o develop and grow both h personally and acade emically. My role in the classro oom will be that of coacch and facilittator of learn ning, equipp ped to bring out the best in each learner. Functio oning from an open systeem and bein ng present to o the learnerrs to ensure th hat there are e no hesitatiion or fear to o reach out with questio ons and concerns. Most importan ntly promoting active, m meaningful, self‐discoverry learning th hat is self‐directed, refleective and expe eriential.
Learning tools will include but not limited to: Role play, Games and Simulation, Social Media, Readings, Multi Media, ICT, Virtual Classroom meetings, Presentations, Communities of Practice, Peer‐to‐Peer Feedback, discussion, reflection and group activities. Instructions will be based on educational learning theories and models including: Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction and Nine Events of Learning Outcomes; Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning, Adult Education Concepts and Principles; Mayers ARC Model, Theory of Multimedia, Asubel’s Advanced organizers Assessment/Evaluation will be according to the conditions of the learning contract agreed upon by both instructor and learner.