Workshop Information Proposal to Facilitate a (Non‐Credit Course) Workshop
Educator/Facilitator: Rosanna Montoute Masters of Art Educational Technology (Candidate)
Workshop Title: Creating, Maintaining and Promoting a Professional Presence Online Workshop Theme: Leveraging the power of social networks to promote your business, connect and reach out to your customers, friends, peers and colleagues online
Duration: Six hours
Workshop Schedule: Option 1 Full Day ‐ six hours Day and Time Saturday: 9:00am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Option 2
Two Half Days – three hours each Day and Time Saturday (2): 9:00am – 12:00pm
Option 3 Two weeknights – three hours each Evening (open) Time: 6:30pm – 9:30pm Cost: $35 (special for Vanier College) per hour per participant
Maximum Number of participants: Fifteen (15)
Preferred Room: Computer Lab or a room equipped with the number of computers per participant
Workshop Description: The workshop is designed to introduce the essential concepts, skills, tools and techniques for creating, developing and promoting a professional and personal presence online using such platforms as: Wordpress, LinkedIn, Radio Blog, Facebook, Twitter and other social networks.
This proposal was prepared by: Rosanna Montoute
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Workshop Information Workshop Objective: The objective of the workshop is to help participants discover and explore the concepts, tools and techniques, and develop the skills needed to create and maintain their online professional presence.
Target audience This workshop is suitable for anyone: ‐ Who has a desire to share and promote their experiences, knowledge, insights, tips and best practices through social networks? ‐ Who have little or no prior social networking skills ‐ Looking for tools, tips and techniques for developing their online presence and personal/professional brand. The target audience for this workshop Include but not limited to: educators, stay‐at‐home moms, engineers, retired professionals, flight attendants, nurses, police officers, artists, medical professionals, administrators, fireman/women, architects, authors, publishers, politicians etc.
Facilitation Approach: ‐ ‐ ‐
Experiential Based Learning Reflective Learning Collaborative Learning
Knowledge Areas (Topics): ‐
LinkedIn o Creating a LinkedIn profile o Connecting with peers, professionals and customers o Searching for professional groups o Joining professional groups o Sending out invitation to join professional network o Creating a network o Contributing to discussions o Starting and moderating a discussion o Asking questions o Sharing projects and PowerPoint slides o Privacy Wordpress o Creating a blog Adding Plugins and widgets o Posting blog content o Curating content for blog o Creating specific categories and tags to attract potential customers o Adding other professional and personal links
This proposal was prepared by: Rosanna Montoute
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o Selecting a theme o Promoting the blog to a worldwide audience o Moderating blog comments and discussions Radio Blog o Creating a radio blog o Scheduling an airing content for the radio blog o Inviting listeners Twitter/Facebook/Pinterest/Hootsuite o Setting up social network accounts o Twitting /consolidating all social network accounts o Following and inviting followers o Posting content to multiple networks at once o #Hash tags o Pining and repining photos o Sharing content o Privacy
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the workshop participants will have the ability to apply the concepts, skills, tools and techniques to: ‐ Create and maintain a professional and personal online presence involving o Developing and maintaining their social network profile o Developing their personal/professional brand o Promoting professional practice to a worldwide audience o Connecting with customers, professionals and groups o Starting and contributing to discussions o Sharing experiences, knowledge, tips, best practices and expertise o Sending and responding to twits o Creating a blog that promotes brand o Curating content for blogs o Observing social networks etiquette (dos and don’ts)
Workshop Requirements: Computers: PC or Mac (desktop /mobile), internet connection, Windows 7, Mac OS X
Assessment (workshop evaluation ‐
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Reflection on Learning: At the end of the workshop participants will write a reflection report based on their learning. Discuss their learning: Challenges, surprise, new, areas to further develop etc. Workshop: What needs to be changed, improved, remove, timing, level (too advance, too basic) Facilitator: Level of engagement, how questions were handled, explaining concepts, assisting, coaching, approach, friendliness
This proposal was prepared by: Rosanna Montoute
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