5 Easy Pancake Recipes
Green Onion pancake (Pajeon)  Get creative while making this pancake by experimenting with the other ingredients. Green onions not only add a distinct flavour to dish but also they make it colourful. 2
Potato pancake (Gamjajeon)  Potato pancakes are most popular in Korea because of the delicious potatoes that grow in the Gangwon province. Compare to all other pancakes this require only 3 ingredients. 3
Kimchi pancake (Kimchijeon)  Kimchi is most popular dish in Korea. So how can there not be a kimchi-inspired pancake? Take some kimchi and onions, add them to your pancake batter and voila! This has got to be one of the easiest pancake recipes, ever. 4
Green Chilli pepper pancake (Gochujeon)  During winter, this pancake can get your body temperatures up and soaring. Green chilli peppers, onions and fish sauce what more can you ask for in a pancakes? This crispy pancake is perfect for breakfast. 5
Tuna Pancake (Chamchijeon)  Tuna in a pancake. Sounds good. Isn’t it? Get some tuna, garlic, onions, salt, sesame oil, black pepper, flour and egg. This is not only easy to prepare but also healthy. 6
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