Table of Contents Welcome from Head of School 2 Support Rosary 3 The Academy 4 Capital Giving & Special Projects 4 Fundraising Events 5 Cracked Crab 5 Red Wine & Gold 6 Gala 7 Royal Golf Classic 8 Get Involved 9 Parent Council Leadership 9 Volunteer Opportunities 10 Ways to Give 11 FAQ’s 13
Rosary Academy
Head of School Dear Rosary Academy Parent, Parent and family involvement is crucial for Rosary to provide a fulfilling experience and whole-person education for your daughter. As partners in her education, you are needed and valued. Every hour given helping to prepare for an event or advising administration on a council or committee, as well as every dollar given or secured to advance Rosary forward, matters. It’s important. It’s fun. It’s appreciated. And, it’s necessary. If each family participates in a manner and amount according to their ability, together we can ensure our Rosary Royals continue to receive an extraordinary, all-girls, Catholic education at a time when young women need it most. Each and every gift makes a direct impact to ensure we are providing a transformative and innovative learning environment rooted in faith. Parent volunteers and parent gifts are essential to continue delivering the exceptional educational experience our Royals receive, and your investment helps support Rosary’s distinctiveness. Because of parent participation and support last year, the Rosary community celebrated many successes! We saw record attendance and exceeded our fundraising targets at our signature events. We grew our total fundraising by an additional 24%, raising over $612,000 to support tuition assistance, student scholarships, faculty and staff development, campus enhancements, student programming, technology, and other immediate needs. You became engaged by volunteering thousands of hours, giving your time and advice at school events, and being involved with Parent Council. Thank you! We need you. YOU make a difference.
It’s important. It’s fun. It’s appreciated. And, it’s necessary.
Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. Every hour of your time given, makes a difference. Shawna L. Pautsch, Ed.D. Head of School
Rosary Academy
Support Rosary
The Rosary Fund is Rosary Academy’s annual giving program and most significant fundraising effort. Each fall, parents are asked to join the charge in making a gift to The Rosary Fund to support tuition assistance, technology enhancements, student enrichment and wellness, faculty and staff professional development, campus improvements, merit scholarships, transformative curricula, and Rosary’s greatest needs. The Office of Advancement will periodically solicit your support for The Rosary Fund via mail, email, and social media. Your decision to make Rosary Academy your philanthropic priority, while your daughter is a student, directly impacts her experience. No gift is too small and every gift counts! Our goal for the 2019-2020 year is to fundraise $1.5 million.
Rosary Academy
Introducing The Academy
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Mother St. John Fontbonne Society: ......................$10,000-$24,999** Sisters of St. Joseph Society: ............................................$5,000-$9,999** Head of School Society: ....................................................... $1,000-$4,999** Loyal Royal Society: ........................................................................ $500-$999* Red & Gold Society: ............................................................................$250-499* Friend of Rosary: ...............................................................................$100-$249* Royal Legacy Society: Those who have indicated a gift to Rosary Academy in their estate plans. Please inform us of your deferred giving plans. *** Pledges of $25,000 and above are payable over 4 years and may include naming opportunities
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n Assist Laureate Leadership Circle: ...................................... $25,000-$49,999***
Our Lady of the Rosary Leadership Circle: ....................... $50,000+***
The Academy Giving Levels e
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Membership in The Academy is open to all alumnae, parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends of Rosary Academy who make gifts to the Rosary Fund of at least $100 during the fiscal year of July 1-June 30. These gifts are separate from event attendance and/or ticket purchases, and membership is renewable annually. Membership in The Academy at any level makes a great tax-deductible birthday, anniversary, or graduation gift to the Royal family member in your life!
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Courtesies offered to members of The Academy may include special invitations to leadership donor activities and events (Donor Recognition Reception), specially designed Rosary Academy swag, public recognition online and in printed publications, and the satisfaction of knowing you are empowering the next generation of women leaders. For details, please contact Kristie O’Campo at kocampo@rosaryacademy.org
** Donations at or above this level are considered leadership gifts. Donors will be offered one complimentary ticket to a Rosary Academy special event, per request by the RSVP deadline, and will be invited to attend the Donor Recognition Reception. * Donors at or above this level will receive Rosary swag to acknowledge you are a proud supporter of Rosary Academy.
Capital Giving and Special Projects
As Rosary continues to grow, the Head of School and Consultative School Board are focused on enhancing and transforming the school’s campus and facilities. Capital funds support the school’s sustainability. We need your support for a renovated back campus entrance and lunch area, kitchen improvements, classroom upgrades, enhancements to our athletic equipment and facilities, and technology improvements. For more information on projects, please contact Kristie O’Campo at kocampo@rosaryacademy.org. Rosary Academy
Fundraising Events Every year, Rosary Academy hosts fundraising events to build community while FUNraising! You have opportunities to plan, volunteer, sponsor, advertise your business, and attend!
Cracked Crab This year, Rosary will host the 40th Annual Cracked Crab Dinner. The evening includes a cocktail reception with silent auction, followed by a feast of crab, shrimp, clam chowder, bratwurst, potatoes, and more! After dinner, guests may enjoy live music and dancing! This is a popular event and seating is firstcome, first served, with an option to purchase a reserved table.
Saturday, October 12, 2019 Rosary’s Karcher Center Open to the entire community. Must be 21+ to attend.
Benefits: The Rosary Fund, and the athletics and spirit programs. Approximate funds grossed 2018-19: $63,700
Goal 2019-2020: $68,000
How to Get Involved Attend the event!
Early bird individual tickets $60 until October 6 Regular individual tickets $80 starting on October 6 Reserved table of 10 - $800 Drink & Dessert tickets 1 for $5 – support athletics and spirit programs Underwriting Opportunities
Reservations for clergy & faculty:
2 for $160
Entertainment - $1,000
Rentals - $1,000
Seafood - $5,000
Donate Auction Items Giveaways include: gift certificates to your business, getaway to your favorite resort, vacation home or timeshare stay, amusement park tickets, autographed memorabilia, or tickets to concerts, theatre, or sporting events. Volunteer
Visit www.rosaryacademy.org/crackedcrab for more information. 5
Rosary Academy
Auction solicitation, set-up, kitchen prep, registration, serving, clean-up, and more!
Red Wine & Gold
This year, Rosary will host the 17th annual Red Wine & Gold event. Rosary alumna Marquita Gyben ’75 and her husband Jack (daughters Molly ’02 and Emily ’05) had a vision to create a wine event to bring the Rosary community together and support tuition assistance. This remarkable event is a cocktail taste-of-style that brings the best wineries, breweries, and restaurants to campus! Over the years, Red Wine & Gold has raised over $1,500,000 and given opportunities to hundreds of Royals.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 2020 Karcher Center Open to the entire community. Must be 21+ to attend.
Benefits: Tuition Assistance Approximate funds grossed 2018-19: $187,000
Goal 2019-2020: $192,000
How to Get Involved
Sponsor We offer a variety of sponsorship levels with opportunities for advertising your business and reserving a table. Donate Auction Items Giveaways include: gift certificates to your business, getaway to your favorite resort, vacation home or timeshare stay, amusement park tickets, autographed memorabilia, or tickets to concerts, theatre, or sporting events. Volunteer Sponsorship and auction solicitation, set-up, registration, clean-up, and more!
Visit www.rosaryacademy.org/redwinegold for more information. Rosary Academy
2020 is a Gala year, celebrating our 55th anniversary! Every 5 years, Rosary hosts a fun and memorable gala that includes silent and live auctions, dinner, and dancing! This event gathers the entire Rosary community to raise money for the school.
How to Get Involved Saturday, March 21, 2020 Richard Nixon Library Open to the entire community. Must be 21+ to attend.
Benefits: The Rosary Fund
Goal: $200,000
Visit www.rosaryacademy.org/gala for more information. 7
Rosary Academy
We offer a variety of sponsorship levels with opportunities for advertising your business. Donate Auction Items Giveaways include: gift certificates to your business, getaway to your favorite resort, vacation home or timeshare stay, amusement park tickets, autographed memorabilia, or tickets to concerts, theatre, or sporting events. Volunteer Sponsorship and auction solicitation, set-up, registration, clean-up, and more!
Royal Golf Classic
Rosary will host the 20th annual Royal Golf Classic this school year. This is the primary fundraiser that supports Rosary’s outstanding athletic program. Proceeds f rom the tournament provide necessary funds for new equipment, uniforms, travel expenses, staff training, and more!
How to Get Involved Sponsor We offer a variety of sponsorship levels with opportunities for advertising your business. Each team is responsible for donating an auction basket, drinks, and a giveaway. Additionally, players and parents are asked to volunteer. Check with your team parent for more information. Donate Auction Items
MONDAY, MAY 18, 2020 Western Hills Country Club Open to the entire community.
Benefits: Athletic & Spirit programs
In addition to the team responsibilities, you may donate giveaways for additional baskets, such as: gift certificates to your business, getaway to your favorite resort, vacation home or timeshare stay, amusement park tickets, autographed memorabilia, or tickets to concerts, theatre, or sporting events. Volunteer Sponsorship and auction solicitation, set-up, registration, golfer assistance, and more!
Approximate funds grossed 2018-19: $60,000
Goal 2019-2020: $80,000 Rosary Academy
Get Involved
We appreciate every parent’s ability to offer their time and talent in the daily life of our school. Volunteering supports Rosary’s leadership and faculty and helps build a strong Royal family.
Parent Council Parent Council partners with Rosary Academy to facilitate communication, cooperation, and involvement throughout the community. Events and activities organized by Parent Council offer parents an opportunity to socialize and connect with other Rosary families. Every parent is automatically a member of Parent Council and welcome to volunteer for a committee, attend monthly meetings, and participate in events. Leadership, liaison, and committee opportunities are available to all parents. Positions include: President/Co-President, liaisons for admissions, athletics, campus ministry, volunteer management, and more! Parent Council hosts the New Parent Wine Social, and celebrates the faculty and staff with a Christmas celebration and teacher appreciation week. 2018-2019 Co-Presidents: Becky Alsworth (Melina ‘20) and Julie Sigenfuse (Sophia ‘20, Gianna ‘22)
Leadership • Co-Presidents • Secretary • Hospitality
Rosary Academy
Liaisons • Admissions • Athletics • Campus Ministry • Volunteer Management
• Class Representatives • Red & Gold • Grad Night (in conjunction
with Servite representative)
MORE WAYS TO Volunteer Committee Chairs
New Family Mentor
Cracked Crab
New Family Mentors welcome incoming families by acquainting them with life at Rosary. Mentor families welcome our newest Rosary parents in spring & summer.
Red Wine & Gold Royal Golf Classic Gala
The Rosary Fund Committee This committee partners with the advancement team to educate the parent community about The Rosary Fund’s impact in providing an exceptional education for every student. Committee members engage in various levels of outreach matched to their comfort level.
Support Academic & Campus Life Spirit Wear Help with clothing sales at events on and off campus
Red & Gold Supervision
Dads for Daughters
Supervise students during Red & Gold flex on campus.
Current and future Rosary fathers meet quarterly to better understand, Assist with greeting and directing graduating senior families. relate to, and engage with their daughters through continued Grad Night learning, dialogue, and fellowship. Assist with planning and supervising.
Rosary Academy
Ways to
The Rosary Fund runs concurrent with the school’s fiscal year of July 1 to June 30. You may give at any time during the year; however, a gift or pledge early in the school year supports planning, builds momentum, and leaves time to put your gift into immediate action.
GIVE ONLINE TODAY Give online today at www.rosaryacademy.org/give. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
PLEDGE NOW AND SCHEDULE INSTALLMENTS Pledge a recurring gift, or set up installment payments online at www.rosaryacademy.org/give. If it is more convenient, you may write a check payable to The Rosary Fund and mail or drop off at school – Attn: Kristie O’Campo, 1340 N. Acacia Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92831.
MATCHING GIFTS Many companies match employee gifts to non-profit organizations. For example, if a donor gives $5,000 to Rosary, a matching-gift company will also give $5,000 and the donor will be eligible for The Academy courtesies at the Mother St. John Fontbonne Society ($10,000) level. Help leverage every dollar to support Rosary. Please check with your company for this option, search www.matchinggifts.com or let us know if we may assist you with the process.
STOCK GIFTS Gifts of appreciated stock are a great way to give to Rosary and receive significant tax benefits. If you wish to transfer stock or other securities, please contact the advancement team.
PLANNED GIVING & OUTRIGHT GIFTS At Rosary, we have witnessed the countless ways in which individuals have changed the lives of our students with their generosity as a member of the Royal Legacy Society upon their passing. Your gift will be everlasting and ensure the future of an all-girls Catholic education at Rosary Academy. You may include a gift in your will or living trust, name Rosary Academy as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a retirement account (IRA, 401(k), 403(b), etc.), establish a charitable gift annuity, name Rosary as the beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust or charitable lead trust, or deed your home to Rosary Academy while retaining a life estate.
Rosary Academy
Rosary Academy
Why does the school ask for contributions in . addition to tuition?
Rosary strives to make tuition competitive and affordable. The Diocese of Orange sets tuition fees to cover a percentage of the educational costs. In 2018-2019, tuition dollars covered 80% of a student’s education. The gap is closed through charitable giving, income f rom invested reserves (endowment), and additional sources. A Catholic school thrives on families to invest in both tuition and philanthropy.
Can you set tuition to cover all costs?
In the U.S., tax laws are designed to encourage voluntary support of non-prof its, like Rosary Academy. No Catholic school, independent school, or college can survive on tuition revenue alone. Rosary is a not-for-prof it organization, which allows gifts to the Rosary Fund to be tax deductible. Tuition is not tax deductible.
May I direct my gift to tuition assistance or a . specif ic area or need?
Yes; however, gifts to The Rosary Fund provide Rosary Academy the most f inancial flexibility to enhance and sustain an all-girls Catholic, college preparatory high school. Please contact the Off ice of Advancement if you are interested in funding tuition assistance or a special project.
Rosary Academy
How do I give?
We encourage everyone to give online at www.rosaryacademy.org/give. If you would like to send cash or a check, please mail to: Attn: Kristie O’Campo, 1340 N. Acacia Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92831.
Who are our leadership donors?
Annual gifts of $1,000 or more to The Rosary Fund are designated as Leadership Gifts. Donors become members of The Academy, are recognized for their generous support and listed in the Annual Report.
How much does Rosary expect me to give?
Every gift counts and we hope each family can f ind a way to participate. Our aim is to have 100% of current families give to Rosary Academy. We appreciate your generous support!
Rosary Academy
We sincerely appreciate your involvement and investment!
Your gifts to Rosary Academy, whether in time or financial contributions, are imperative for Rosary to thrive and grow. Rosary owes our successes to the generosity of our families and friends who support the school’s mission. We hope you dive in to all the opportunities Rosary offers in a way that works for you. For any questions, please contact the Office of Advancement: Kristie Rueff O’Campo ’02, Director of Advancement & Marketing, kocampo@rosaryacademy.org Maggie La Bonte ’09, Advancement & Alumnae Coordinator, mlabonte@rosaryacademy.org The Rosary Academy Office of Advancement designs and fulfills campaigns to raise annual funds, supports special and necessary projects, acquires student grants for distribution, meets capital needs, and creates a culture of philanthropy by building a network of donors. Integral to the office is a commitment to donor choice, stewardship, and responsibility as guardians of gifts to our school.
Follow us on social media to stay in touch and learn the latest.
1340 N. Acacia Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92831 714.879.6302 | www.rosaryacademy.org/give