SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT Three Years Social Studies Required (3 Credits) All courses are UC Approved unless noted otherwise 5901 WORLD HISTORY Course Length: Year Grade Level: 10 In this course students examine major turning points in the shaping of the modern world from the eighteenth century to the present. The focus of this study is on the expansion of the West, the study of nationalism in the contemporary world, and the growing interdependence of people and cultures throughout the earth. Each unit examines the relationships between historical, geographic, political, technical, economic, social, and cultural developments of the time and their impact on the present. UC Approved 5922 US HISTORY Course Length: Year Grade Level: 11 This course provides a one-year survey of American History from the Colonial Period and the American Revolution to the 21st Century. Students learn about the several political, social, religious, and economic developments that have shaped and continue to shape the United States. Emphasis is placed on developing higher-order inquiries of comparison, contextualization, causation, and change over time. UC Approved 5906 AP US HISTORY Course Length: Year Grade Level: 11 Prerequisite: A in Honors English II, B or better in AP European History, and concurrent placement in AP English Language & Composition. This comprehensive course in United States History is intended for qualified students who wish to complete studies in secondary school equivalent to a college introductory course. As a college level experience, students are given the opportunity to learn about U.S. history in great detail and develop skills critically important to successful college study. Students are required to take the College Board Examination administered in May. The College Board charges a fee for this exam. UC Approved 5904 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT Course Length: Fall Semester Grade Level: 12 This one-semester college-preparatory course is required of all seniors. The course is designed to develop an insight, awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the governing process unique to the United States of America. The course integrates theory with practical experience. Instruction includes study trips, guest speakers, films, and work experience with campaign organizations and political parties. The Constitution, with a special emphasis on the Bill of Rights, will be studied with an in-depth examination of the three branches of American government. UC Approved