August 10 | Royal Return
We are excited to welcome back our sophomores, juniors, and seniors on Thursday, August 10, at Royal Return! This is a business day to prepare you for the first day of school. Each class will report to campus at a specific time for the following: school/ID photo, receive final class schedule, turn in necessary forms/permission slips, pick-up tablet, and hear from school administration about expectations for the upcoming school year
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Nicola Huerta '94 at
All students are to report to the Karcher Center at their designated time. All students are required to wear a Rosary polo (white, red, pink, or yellow) with jeans You are taking your yearbook and ID photo this day.
What to wear & bring:
Rosary polo - white, red, pink, or yellow
Tennis shoes must be worn. No sandals of any kind. Jeans in good condition. No holes, rips, or cutouts. No leggings. No shorts. . Picture forms if you'd like to order pictures.
Seniors: If you have not taken your senior portrait before Business Day, you must take a photo this day!
Sophomores, Juniors, & Seniors: tablets will be ready for pick-up during your specified time.
Royal Return Schedule
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Sophomores 8:00 am - 10:00 am
Juniors 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Seniors 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Students who drive are to park in the student lot.
Important Policy
All students will have their school picture taken on Royal Return and will receive their Student ID card during the first weeks of school Students will receive a Rosary Academy lanyard and their ID which they are expected to wear at all times during each school day. Students may only wear Rosary Academy lanyards. Replacements will be as follows: ID card: $20 / Lanyard: $10 (cash only).
Students are allowed to have a cell phone in their possession during the school day However, during class, or lunch cell phones must not be seen, used, or heard. They must be in their backpack or locker powered OFF. Headphones and airpods are not allowed during school hours unless permitted by a faculty or staff member. Students are allowed to wear an electronic watch to school but may be asked to remove it for a quiz or test.
Allowed Before school / at breaks / after school
Not allowed During class time (whether physically in class or not) / at lunch
All juniors and seniors who intend to drive themselves to school at any point during the 20232024 school year must reserve a parking pass via online registration. Purchased decals will be available for pick-up on Royal Return Sophomores cannot drive during the first semester; however, they may purchase parking passes online at the start of the second semester Students may only park in the designated "R" spaces, except on Tuesdays. Students may park in unmarked spaces on Tuesdays ONLY due to street sweeping.
Uniform Policy
Rosary/Servitesweatshirts(crewneck, hooded, or zip-up), withshirtcollarexposed
White, red, oryellowpoloshirtwithRosarylogois required, evenunderasweatshirt
Thecollarmustbewornoutsidethenecklineof the sweatshirt, sweater, orvest
Aplainwhitet-shirtortanktopmaybewornasan undershirt
Noothercolorsorundershirtswithmessagesare permitted
ARosaryAcademyuniformredsweatervestor pulloversweater
ARosary/Servitesweatshirts(crewneck, hooded, or zip-up), withshirtcollarexposed
Navywithredandbeigepinstripes(Requiredfor formal uniform)
Navyandwhitesmall plaid
ModestyshortsMUSTbewornundertheskirtand maynotbevisiblebelowthehemline
Noshorterthanthreeinchesabovetheknee; may notberolledatthewaistorfromthebottomseam Skirtsmustbecompletelyzippedandbuttoned
OnlythosesoldbyVicki Marshaarepermitted Khaki ornavyslacks
Mustbehemmedattheankle; maynotbetoolong thattheendsgetfrayedhems
If abeltisworn, itmustbeasolidcolorwithno embellishments
Socksmustbevisibleandappropriate Navy, gray, orblacktights; nopatternedorripped tights(Requiredforformal uniform)
Leggingsmaybewornunderskirtonlyif theyare full length, tight-fittingwithnocutouts, words, or imagesof anykind
Noloose-fittingsweatpantsof anykindareallowed undertheskirt; evenRosarysweats
All shoesmustbecleanandfreeof holesandtears Shoesmustalwayshaveabackstrapandmustbe closed-toe
Notpermitted: highheels, boots, flipflops, slippers, moccasins, Crocs, etc
Formal uniformshoesarefurtherexplainedbelow
Rosary/Serviteathleticjacketsmaybewornatany timeexceptforMass
Rosary/Servitesweatshirts(crewneck, hooded, or zip-up), withshirtcollarexposed
OnlyaRosaryAcademyletterjacketisallowedat Massoverthesweaterorsweatervest
Varsityjacketsmaybewornoverthesweater; no otherjacketsmaybeworn
Simpleandingoodtaste; NOfacial piercingof any kindincludingeyebrow, lip, tongue, ornose Piercingsdeemedexcessiveinears, maybe requiredtoberemoved
Nostudentshouldhaveanyvisibletattooduring herfouryearsatRosaryAcademy
Conservative style
Natural colors only
Administration reserves the right to determine natural colors. A student will be given up to 24 hours to return hair to a natural color Questions regarding appropriate natural colors can be directed to the Dean of Students
Nohats, of anykind, maybewornduringschool hours
RosaryAcademybeaniesmaybewornoutsidein inclementweather
HoodsandbeaniesmayNOTbeworninside buildings
Headbandsmaybeworn Noscarfscoveringhead/ Nobandanas
OndesignatedFormalUniformDays(ex:Mass,prayer service,specialassemblies,etc),thefollowinguniform mustbewornfortheentireschoolday
White polo or white oxford shirt ONLY
Skirt: Navy with red and beige pinstripes ONLY
A Rosary Academy uniform sweater or sweater vest Tights are required: black, navy, or gray are the only allowed colors; no patterns
Black leather dress shoes only
Uniforms must be purchased from Vicki Marsha. All policies, procedures, and consequences are outlined in the Student/Parent handbook.