Ageless beauty

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Aging begins the second you were born You must be dead if you don’t age. Theoretically it makes sense but why is it so difficult to accept that in reality? Some might even bail out by committing suicide in midlife to avoid the irreversible aging process. I could very well be one of them who take the extreme measure. Read on to find out why… It is not about the number and I am explicitly unabashed of revealing my age to anyone who asks. My concern is that I am single, with no siblings and live alone, I am terrified by all the physical ailments that show up when I am no longer fit enough to do things or go traveling. I definitely don’t want to live like a handicapped having to rely on others just because. The official age for retirement is around 60-65 but the statistics tell us otherwise. We human never really ‘retire’ as long as we keep learning, being interested in life, and growing in mental attainments. I can’t stress enough how my desire to try out different personal interests keeps me out of the pitfall of self-destruction. Starting style-proud is one of the many ways to stretch my comfort zone, be 100% focused on my midlife career, and of course to help others to be their best authentic selves both on a physical and intellectual level. I can’t imagine not learning something new everyday. In fact, I haven’t stopped learning since after graduation from university and it is not surprising for someone who is a typical scanner. From nutrition to public relations, from aromatherapy to writing, and now personal styling, I have been acquiring new knowledge everyday, and that I believe is what keeps me going most of the time when life seems too hard. Embarking on this new phase of mine as a personal stylist is not surrendipity. I used to be so pretty and attractive in my twenties and

for 15 years I have been telling myself that it was history and that I should forget about the good old days when I was the centre of attention wherever I happened to be. I believed that it wasn’t possible to be pretty again as I put on so much weights from taking steroids or that I could age with grace. Inspired by the photos and movies which show women of timeless beauty in their 60’s such as Coco Chanel and Edith Piaf, I decided to be the gorgeous woman I could be as I age and at the same time, help others who are lacking the self-esteem and confidence to be the woman they truly are, with or without makeup. Botox is out of the question. Nothing could be more attractive than being simply you. By becoming a personal stylist, I get to know myself on a much deeper level. Change is a constant of growing older and I can see that I went through some pretty dramatic phases so far in my 40 odd years of living. Some of the changes are manifested in the way I see myself and hence the way I dress. My personal style has evolved quite significantly over the decades as it is reflected in the content of my wardrobe. My appearance is vital in expressing myself visually, and it is indeed empowering when I am comfortable in my own skin. Selfconfidence is one of the main ingredients to being extraordinarily beautiful. I want to help my clients to embrace themselves for who they are too by being more confident and feeling good. Beauty is not about being young and trendy. It is about confidence and self-assurance. This is what I wish to see in my clients who choose to be beautiful everyday. We have developed over the decades a wealth of knowledge and experience, and by knowing what suit us and how to achieve that, we can be comfortable in our own skin and that is beauty. “Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.” ~ Sophia Loren

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