This portfolio is meant to give a glimpse into the creative process and skills of he owner. A number of projects undertaken during schooling years were done manually but have been digitized by the owner after the school session

This portfolio is meant to give a glimpse into the creative process and skills of he owner. A number of projects undertaken during schooling years were done manually but have been digitized by the owner after the school session
Project Type: Academic/ Individual
Level: 400l 2nd Semester
Duration: 4 months
Mentor: Arc. M.H Muktar
Arc. M.B Girei
Manual (Digitalized after Session)
The design was a proposal for the Regional branch for Gurantee Trust bank plc. The scheme was aimed at making the proposed regional office to oversee all the other branches within Kaduna State. There are currently 6 branches in the region. The design was to provide facilities for the basic banking services but also for the special services attached to its regional aspects. The indclude training facilities, Large board rooms for scheduled monthly performance meetings and accomodation for the staff who come in from other branches for training.
The major obstacle with this project was the relatively small site in comparison to its counterparts in other states and neigbouring banking facilities especially taking into consideration the addition of accomodation facilities which is not a common practice in banking. To tacle these problems I decided to design vertically keeping the building footprint on ground minimal.
The project is to be located at PZ area of Zaria, Kaduna State. Longitude
7°43’13.73”E, Latitude
11° 6’35.15”N. With an area of xxxm2. Has close proximity to the main road as wellas neighboring facilities. The neighbourhood context of the site included to the east a golf club , north a trunk B major road opposite of which is a fuelling station, to the west is another banking facility and baren land to the south.
These were interpreted as follows: 1) The golf club has a large following with numerous onlookers and a nice scene hence attraction should be concentrated to that direction. 2) Similar to the golf club the road and Fuelling station is also to be seen as a major source of attraction to customers. 3) The other banking facility provided the most secure zone on the site to in terms of unwanted access and prying eyes. In all it is a relatively busy area and the first amonst a long line of banking failities it will hopefully be a good Location for customer attraction.
The site after design was split into 4 seperate structures the main banking facility, the A.T.M vestibule, Security post and Accomodation building. There is also an undergound loading bay for the transfer and recieving of money with the bulion van as well as well as parking facilities for staff and customers. Two entrances were provided 1 for the staff and customers and the other for the van.
The concept behind the structure although varying from point to point is derived from the brand identity the cube. The brands logo was developed to form the ground floor and the subsequent floors were designed folowing suite.
Ground Floor developed
with openings for lighting and venitlation.
The bank has stong desire to blend in with the cultural heritage of the region it is in so a screen with the native patern of the area “Arewa symbol“ was placed around the glazing elements. These however were placed primarily for shading from direct sunlight
The functions of the spaces were zoned into engaging, transacting and consulting. The engaging is the first point of contact between the bank and the customer it is located opposite the entrance 2 This is an area provided for basic inquiries, Account opening, and so on. To the right is the main banking hall 1 that is the transacting where majority of monetary tranctions take place, including deposits, withdrawals E.T.C. The first floor is the location of the consulting where greater banking affairs take place, this section deals with high profiile clients, International transactions and the likes. It also has the break room for basic staff . The second floor Houses the administrative activities of the back; from the managers office to the board room.
The third floor has the training facilities.
Slaughterhouse Remodel
Project Type: Academic/ Individual
Level: 400l 1st Semester
Duration: 6 months
Mentors: Dr. Y.Y Badiru
Dr. D. Ejeh
Manual (Digitalized after Session)
An abattior is a place in which animals are killed an butchered with the intention of being processed as food. The aim of this design was to properly document, analyze and remodel the existing abattior in Zangpn Shana, Zaria. The current abattior facilities have been neglected and have been running at the hands of locals with little to no monitoring by professionals. As such most slaughter houses provide inadequate products. In a sector where profound technical and hygenic improvements are being made daily, changes will have to be made so the facilities will be able to provide sanitary and standard products to the customers.
Majority of the facilities of the abattoir have been destroyed
i) Some roofing materials have been removed by winds.
ii) The energy sources and control center are non-functioning.
iii) The windows and doors have been ripped out.
iv) All plumbing fixtures are non-functioning. Some spacial requirements; sales, outloading, animal storage are not available
48% of the water usd in the abattior is purchased from hawkers, 41.5% from a borehole, and only 3.7% from municipal water supply.
The abattior waste is not properly disposed of. 28% of solid wast is dimped on the premises. The useful solid waste is collected by farmers to use to create manure. Liquid waste is just allowed to flow on site.
The slaughterhall is an free space open to all with slight restrictions only during the slaughter process. Slaughter happens on the floors of the hall which is not hygienic, the animal products are also dragge around on the floors and placed on outdoor tables for sale, they are exposed to the elements as well as insects and humans in the vicinity. The workers as well do not observe any form of hygienic practices an have no form of cleaning procedure.
Keeping in line with architecture practices some basic considerations were considered while design was carried out they include:
Animal Populaton
Daily kill count
Equipment used Religious affilliation
Apart from the considerations stated above the desire was to create an industry with easy freeflow for workers and equipment both vertically and horizontally. The desire is to avoid clutter in the workspace.
A) Animal reception
B) Lairage (Ante-Mortem)
C) Lairage (Pre-Slaughter)
D) Production Hall
i. Main production hall
ii. Cooler
iii. Finishing hall
iv. Packaging hall
E) Red Offal Room
F) White Offal Room
G) Head, Hide, Tail Room
H) Freezer
I) Isolation Room
J) Incenerator
The site is divided into sections ; sales, animals storage, and sales. The animal storage is a considerable distance from all other facilities as is expexted of slaughter houses. There are 2 entrances into the facility, one for staff and customers and the other for inbound items such as animals, machinery E.T.C
The structure employed the use of steel portal frame to allow for large span of uninterrupted space for freeflow of work. The building has low level burnt clay bricks, plasered on the inside. The other higher section is covered with alluminium cladding on the outside and concrete cladding boards.
A. Guard Point
B. Nursery School Wing
C. Administrative Block
D. Auditorium
E. Primary School Wing
F. ICT Center
G. Labs
H. Art Center
I. Playground
J. Basketball Court
K. Football Pitch
L. Track and Field
The Layout was created in such a way as to create freeflow from point A-B for the users of the spaces with neatly wooven walkways all through the site. Parking Spaces for Parents with children in the nursery section was provided and Parking for staff was provided across the road from that at the entrance to the school to avoid cars going too deep into the school. Walkways all around the school are provided to encourage walking and all walkways are made of rammed earth and driveways/ parking of well compacted laterite. The Buildings are closely packed together as is encouraged in the hot dry climate.
This design seeks to reduce negative impacts on the environment, and the health and comfort of building occupants, thereby improving building performance.
Adequate cross ventilation strategies were employed with stagerd window placement to allow good air circulation within the space. Use of open ceiling with insecct sreen to take advantage of stack effect of air flow was also included.
The buildings are oriented with the longer sides within 30 degrees of the prevailing S-W trade winds to make use of the cool breeze. Trees with High and Large foliage mass are to be planted on the side with the prevailing winds about 6-9m away from the structure to direct wind flow downwards while low level shurbs are to be planted about 2m away from the structure to direct wind flow to the openings f the structure.
The buildings are oriented with the shorter sides facing the east an west to reduce the amount of surface area that is in contact with the sun. Corridors are also to be introduced were suitable to serve as insulation and thicker walls are to be placed on those walls. A large distance between the ceiling and the roof is also present to serve as insulation and longer roof eaves are to be introduced to sheild walls from direct sunlight
Vernacular Sustainable materials: Burnt clay bricks (As clay is very prominent in the cachia regions of Kaduna State) was used for the walls; Bamboo was used as structural elements and roofing members; reed/ thatch was used for the roof covering. other things like door fra me was created with the use of processed bamboo
Project Type: Internship/ Individual
Level: 300l 2nd Semester
Duration: 1 month
Mentors: Arc. Ugochukwu
This was the design of a 4-Bedroom house with a guestroom all en-suite with the basic functional spaces of a house. The design takes a simple functional floorplan in a nigerian setting with the exception of the open planned office and adds a different take on materials, and form factor different from that commonly seen around. The design was done during my internship and overseen by an architect at the office. It was also done for design and software practice.
Luxury house design
Project Type: Personal/ Individual
Level: 300l 2nd Semester
Duration: 1 month
Mentors: NIL
A luxury 5-Bedroom house each room en-suite with a double vaulted living room, a kitchen/dining combination, 2 foyers, a gym and a veiwing room. Outdoor is has a lavish drive-way, a maze garden, a pool and an outdoor lounge. The house was designed to practice ones all round sills in design and software use
House set in the suburbs
Project Type: Personal/ Individual
Level: 300l 2nd Semester
Duration: 1 month
Mentors: NIL
A little 3-Bedroom family home set in the suburbs with features uncommon to typical Nigerian homes such as the 360 degree window in the living/ dining room, integrated trellises with actual plants, exposed roofing menbers e.t.c.