Final evaluation second year of %22crossdiciplinary peer learning using ict%22 google formulär

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Final evaluation second year of "Crossdiciplinary peer learning using ICT" FRĂ…GOR




PRIVATPERSON Godkänner svar

1. Which country are you from?

(46 svar)

Denmark England 26,1%

Finland Sweden


23,9% 13%

2. In this project we have used the method of peer learning, meaning that students learn together and from one another. Please give one example of an activity or moment when students learned from each other. (46 svar)

Football Football Scribble robots Scribble robots When we talked and learned different languages

When we learned how to cook food from different countries, and when (in Finland) we made a movie, we all learned from each other's best sides (what you are best at, at different techniques and how to use the internet)đ&#x;˜‰ and sport Making movie trailers When we from different contryes meet each other . I was very happy to talk to talk English with amazing students in my age and not only with the teachers and student in My class When we played games in Sweden. When we made the movie in Finland We made a trailer which included learning some german. When we make a movie in Finland Staying with a person who didn't talk the same language thought me a lot of everyday-English In speaking whit each other you learn new words. When we taught each other Swedish and Finnish games Playing games in Finland, our mobilities The word run in Denmark When we learned swedish from the swedish students If there was a word we didn't know, we could ask one of our friends and then solve it together .. I have learned to communicate in a more understandable way. And how to exdplain tasks and things like that. When we made food together When we had to make up a Way to make the Asger Jorn Museum more attractive, the persons from different countries had different views on the things on how to make it more attractive. in peer learning The movie in Finland Making the Xlm. When we learned Danish When we talked about our own countries to each other In danmark when we did tasks about museum I didn't really learn anything When we made that movie When we used computers

New games Teaching a little bit of their own language Sauna When the people from England was here. At that time I really got better at englich. I have not want to speek so much englich but now I dosent have a problem whit it. When we was in Finland and get know eatchother When we had the meet ups When we talken about stuff. The speed dating Building robots in sweden When we went to the museums When we were cooking, I was learning new cooking skills from other students. I don't know When we visited each other Then we male food in Sweden

3. In what ways have you evaluated your own or others´ work during this project? (46 svar)

32 (69,6 %

Orallly given…

Using cheat…

18 (39,1 %)

Make written…


17 (37 %)







4. During this project you have practiced English in many ways. In which ways have you practiced English? (46 svar)

36 (78,3 %)

Reading Writing

32 (69,6 %)

44 (95,7 %

Talking/inter‌ Presenting

26 (56,5 %) 12 (26,1 %)

Negotiating Chatting/texti‌ 0

35 (76,1 %) 5








5. Do you think that after being part of this project it has become easier to work with people from different countries in a foreign language (English) (46 svar)

Yes No 13%


6. Describe why it has or hasn´t become easier to work with people from other countries. (46 svar)

Beacuse i've gotten much more comfterble talking english. I have never had any problems with communicating with strangersđ&#x;˜‰

I think that I'm more comfortable with talk English so it's much easier tow work with people from other countries now. We have to listen to eatchother Because now I know that it isn't that hard to get other to understand when I'm talking in another language I don't know I'm not that scared to talk to people anymore Using English for a longer period made speaking English more ^uent It has! When I'm not good speak english I realized I don't have to speak perfect English to get along with others Because now have we been training to talk to people who doesn't understand our own language. When you talk English to an Swedish person and you don't know a word you can just say it in Swedish and not explain the word in English. But now many how learns how to explain word. I have experienced how hard it can be for others and have adapted to how others interpret us. You become more outgoing because you're forced to work with the people You've seen how they react and talk and that way I think it has become easier Becuase you have been forced to get out of your comfortzone. It is easier now cause we know that it's possible It is hard to get it all to Work when we were going to speak. But i Think that it is the only thing that Didn't work, but else everthing did work. It has been better cause I have learned to be more out being and open. I have become better to English Because you now know a lot more of words in English :D I just dont think it has made a difference I have learned languages better. I'm more conXdent with my English I have improved my English skills English was the only language which we could use and we had to speak a lot I didn't really do anything with people from other countries .

I realized that we aren't that different even when we are from different countries I dont know Because I was always as good as it as I was after this _ becuase now I dont have any problem whit speeking englich When we was in the host family's we need to get contact with each other Easier to talk English I can now talk better. I have better english We are more used to talking to foreign people now In the end everyone knows what we are trying to do. Everyone can interact. No, because I already knew English so it didn't change anything It has become easier. It has become easier to work with people from other countries becauee i have learnt a bit of each language and it made me feel as though i was part of them. I learnt a bit of their culture and some traditions. Because we practiced Because my english is better Because my English become better

7. In this project you have been practicing social skills in a number of ways. In which areas do you believe you have improved? (46 svar)

8. What do you thing is your biggest improvement during these two years when it comes to learning/using English (if you are not a native speaker) as well as practising social skills when interacting with other people? (46 svar)

It has become so much easier to talk abd befriend others from different countries. I haven't improved myself, but now I have a lot of new friends from other countriesđ&#x;˜? - I still talk to some of them! And REALLY miss them! I am much more comfortable with speak English and I think I have much easier to get to know a person from another country. When we talk too eatchother after school I have talked to a lot of new people and usually I'm very shie. Yes When we made that movie because we had to talk so much to each other Understanding difXerent accents of english Speaking! Now I make english better I've become less shy with new people To speak it in a good way Communicating with other people You're still forced to talk to the people, and when you know them a bit better it's easier Talking and interacting with people Presenting in english and you do'nt have to be shy just let loose. To speak English Social skills! It is so nice that i have become more a open person. To talk and to learn new people It is much easier to speak with other people My English has been better and I think I'm more comfortable speaking it now in public now. :D

Become better at talking english out loud I don't know Speaking English out loud Talking I was more open to other options when were the Finlands and Denmarks mobilitys This project didn't really improve my English skills . I have learned to pronounce words and speak naturally. Also it's now more comfortable talking to people in English I dont know There was no improvement I do not understand you I have no problem whit speeking Englich any more so thats good Talk to each other Talking in front of people My speaking. I speak better english Interacting with people Just being able to go up and talk to people from different countries. N/A: Native Speaker I think my conXdence when meeting foreign people has deXnitely gone up. When i practiced my social skills i tried my best to speak Swedish and i was told i was doing it really well. I haven't improved very much I speak english better I at become better at English

9. Where did you go on a mobility?

(44 svar)

Denmark Finland





10. Where you in contact with the host family before you went abroad? (46 svar)

Yes No 13%


11. Have you been in contact with your host family afterwards? (hoststudents included) (46 svar)

Yes No 28,3%


12. If yes which medias did you use?

(46 svar)

Facebook Instagram

10,9% 41,3%

Snapchat Text/SMS




13. How much time did you spend with your host friend?

(46 svar)

27 (58,7 %

During meals 23 (50 %)

During Less… Leasure time

21 (45,7 %)

Sports or oth…

19 (41,3 %) 21 (45,7 %)

All day and n… 0




14. Would you, if possible, like to be a guest again?


(46 svar)


Yes No 17,4%

15.Would you, if possible, like to be a host again?

(46 svar)

Yes No 21,7%


16. In this project you have experienced another country. What type of activites did you take part in? (46 svar)

25 (54,3 %)

Making art/h‌ Cooking

32 (69,6 %) 31 (67,4 %)

Visiting mus‌ Playing sports

35 (76,1 % 15 (32,6 %)

Playing music Others 0

21 (45,7 %) 5




17. What did you learn through the mobility?


(46 svar)



Danish Danish Danish . . Nothing Nothing To be myself, even around people i dont know that well That it was one of the best weeks ever! And just because you're not from the same country, you can still keep the contact# and that English boys have the best humor and personality in the world!đ&#x;˜‚ Speak english!!! I learned much about the Xnish culture and that people can see things in different ways I learned that I am amazing person and I shouldn't be ashaimed myself Stuff That people all around the world are the same. Cultures I learned how to make some Danish apple dessert I don't know Other countries school systems I became better at introducing myself More English Swedish, not to be shy, I learn how life was in another country To be an more open person. To talk and to make new friends I learnt to be independent in a foreign contry How to act, and make a good book trailer :D To become more outgoing Every kind of things.

I don't know I wasn't in a mobility Yes Idk not so much Better English than before ? English I learned about art and english How nice people from other countries are Swedish and Finish phrases. Learning about Nordic cultures I learnt about how other schools from other countries work. Language phrases Some new words in languages How to make movies Make a scrible machine, make food and work with book trailers

18. Have you had any training in Internet safety?

(46 svar)

Yes No 17,4%


19. Have you taught other students, classmates or younger students in Internet safety? (46 svar)

Yes 52,2%



20. How did you communicate with peers in the project?

(46 svar)

11 (23,9 %)


30 (65,2 %)

Chat Social media

38 (82,6 %


8 (17,4 %)








21. What type of programs have you used in the project?

(46 svar)


41 (89,1 %

Movie editing

22. Do your think you need more training in e-safety or in using the type of programs mentioned before? (46 svar)

Yes No 82,6%


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