Corruption and terrorism

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View with images and charts Report On Corruption and Terrorism Chapter-1 Introduction: Bangladesh became an independent country after 9 months of liberation war. It emerged as an independent sovereign nation in 1971.Now it is one of the210 independent countries of the world. Total area of Bangladesh is 147570 sq. km and the population is nearly 15 cores at present. Bangladesh is one of the densely populated countries of the world. Here the population is increasing day by day creating lots of problem. At present with the increase of population terrorism and corruptions are also increasing. It is known that terrorism and corruption degrade the moral attitudes of the society. It also retards the usual development of country and deprived the people from their rights and hampered the development. This report attempts to have a comparative Study of Different types of Terrorism and Corruption in Bangladesh covering the time period 2002 to 2006.No doubt with the increase population in the country terrorism and corruption are also increasing.

1.1 Sources of data: The sources of data for this research are obtained from BBS. The researcher uses data for this research from Statistical pocket book of Bangladesh 2007.

1.2 Structure of this report: This report is divided into 4 chapters. The 1st chapter contains the introduction, source of data and the structure of the report. The 2nd chapter includes the methodology. The 3rd chapter contains the analysis of data and finally 4th chapter consists of the summary and the conclusion drowns.

1.3 Objective of the study: This report attempts to have a comparative study of different types of terrorism and corruption with increment of population after independent. The main variables that have been included here are the dacoity, robbery, burglary, theft, murder, rioting, women molestation, children oppression, kidnapping, police torturing, cases regarding rescue operation, law of rapid justice (act2002) and others. It is expected that the analysis in subsequent pages will help interested persons to get an idea of corruption and terrorism in Bangladesh.

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