2016 Style Guide
Contents Brand Identity.........................1 Masthead and Logo...............2 Page Furniture........................4 Colour......................................5 Tone and Language................5
Brand Identity A generation taught to think outside the box is tearing down the box and building a new, this goes for technology, communication, and communal ideologies. Our target audience is the nonconformists, the visionaries, and the revolutionaries, which also encompasses our own brand identity. Writing as such has to be interesting, fresh, truthful, engaging, but most of all it should not be the sort of old-style stagnant sensationalism the millennial audience is increasingly ignoring.
Masthead & Logo Masthead should be written in Minion Pro font at size 140p, as per the front cover style sheet (fig, 1), unless otherwise stated by the editor-in-chief. Masthead should always be the top layer so that all other elements appear behind it.
The masthead is the only aspect of the front cover that must remain consistent, so it is the only thing included in the front cover style sheet. All text must be within the bleed line shown in the figure one, all full bleed images should run to the outer edge to avoid any white edges once trimming is complete. 2
The logo will be used on the online site for the magazine, on all advertising material, as a small icon on the front cover of the magazine and on the masthead page. The image below (fig, 2) shows the appropriate placement and appearance of the logo, which should be adhered to unless otherwise stated.
The masthead page (the page with all of the details of the people involved in making the magazine) will always be the on the back inside cover page.
Page Furniture Page furniture should be added to feature articles to boost interest and graphic quality, things like infographics, box outs, pull quotes, photographs and art. Folios will be added to the master pages for the magazine, no text should cover or come closer than 5mm to these.
Image above shows folio on page 1
Colour All photographs submitted for inclusion in the magazine must be in CNYK and 300dpi. All photographs for use online should be RGB and 75dpi. Copy text should always contrast with the background, different colours are allowed but the text must be easy to read. Headlines can be colourful too and are encouraged to have a graphic quality; again this must be easily read.
Tone and Language Language should be informal and fun but not silly or amateur. Tone should be witty and engaging, writing should also be, and appear to be, well informed and accurate.
Particular Language • Don’t use superfluous words, example ‘great big’, use one or the other. • Write ‘the UK’, don’t right the ‘United Kingdom’. • Don’t use colloquially shortened words such as; soz, coz, or abreviations such as; btw or fyi, unless as direct quotes or where a point is being made by their use. • Don’t use etc. • Avoid idioms and clichés. • Use acronyms where there meaning is of general knowledge, NASA, PETA, and BNP for example. Write out
in full where meaning is little known, giving the acronym in brackets and using it in the rest of the article. • Always write in UK English as apposed to US, this goes for spelling and grammar. • When writing about money use £1Million, £5,555K, £300 and 70p. When writing about foreign currencies write the number and name and then give the equivalent in British pounds, example; 1 dollar (about 60p). • Times should be given using the 24 hour clock method, so; 12:00, 16:00, 04:00, 00:00. • Specific dates should be written in full, 29th October 1990 for example. Otherwise only include month and year. • Swearing is allowed but should not be used overly. • Maverick should always be capitalised when referring to the magazine, the same goes for referring to other publications or companies.