C R E E 8 I V E
CREE8IVE is aimed at the generation who matured using film technologies, it aims to inspire creative use of photography and explain the basics of digital cameras.
Contents: Key Information.....................3 Types of Features....................4 Readership Projections..........5
Key information CREE8IVE is not intended for any specific gender.
The age of CREE8IVES intended audience is roughly 65+ years.
Many people from this age group suffer sight loss; fonts will therefore be 14tp rather than 12tp because this will make text clearer without making it so large that it seems patronising.
Advertisements will incorporate interests covered in the magazine along with other things known to be of interest to this group. Advertisements would be full page only.
The editorial tone will be informal and uncomplicated, any photographic language used will be explained.
Each issue will come with a set of pull out cards with tips and key things to remember when photographing different things in different environments.
Types of features •
Tutorials on things like importing photos from a camera to a computer,
light editing, ordering prints, using sites like ‘Funky Pigeon’ and ‘Moon pig’ to create personalised cards and gifts, manual camera functions and so on.
Photographer profiles, these might often be older photographers and
images, so that they are easy to relate to. An example might be a profile of photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt, a prolific photographer during WW2, author of the image below. Events like WW2 particularly resonate with this audience since a lot of them were directly affected by the war.
The best cameras for older people.
Creative use of photography, things like; light painting, panning,
different angles and perspectives, things to do with printed photographs like scrap booking, decoupage and painting from images.
Readership projections based on national statistics •
Around 60% will likely own a car
Around 75% regularly buy magazines
Around 30% regularly use the internet
Around 75% have access to the internet
Around 65% own a laptop
Around 50% are likely to be in a relationship
Around 10% will be employed, most will be retired.
In 2011 the Office for National Statistics stated that there were around 9.2 million people aged 65 and over living in just England and Wales. Including other UK countries the market for this type of publication is potentially huge.