Awaken to my future

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So far, we have… • Been challenged to take a step of courage and envision God’s unique calling for us • Looked for evidence of God’s hand on your past by building a post-it note timeline. • Identified turning points for unique insights. • Embraced our present through naming values and receive afresh the gift of a biblical identity.

AWAKEN…the courage to re-envision the future


p. 23

“…we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Ephesians 2:10

God has uniquely shaped you to make a difference… and…

God has shaped your situation for the unique difference you were shaped to make!

AWAKEN…the courage to re-envision the future


Personal Calling Statement A clear, concise articulation of your calling... Your unique spiritual DNA. The Gift of who God has designed you to be.

Three components: – Values – Identity – Impact

AWAKEN…the courage to re-envision the future


21 From that time on, Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and undergo great suffering at the hands of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.

AWAKEN‌the courage to re-envision the future


22 And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, “God forbid it, Lord! This must never happen to you.” 23 But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things. Matthew 16:21-23 AWAKEN…the courage to re-envision the future


Discovery Method Discovery questions: 1. What happens in this passage? 2. What does this passage tell us about God? 3. What does this passage tell us about people?

AWAKEN‌the courage to re-envision the future


Discovery Method Obedience questions: 1. How does this change how we see God? 2. How does this passage change how treat ourselves and others? 3. How does this passage change howe live?

AWAKEN‌the courage to re-envision the future


Discovery Method Share questions: 1. Who can you share this story with? 2. Do you know anyone who needs help? Can you help them?

AWAKEN…the courage to re-envision the future


Personal Impact… “Reflects your best understanding of who you are called to impact and the specific difference you will make in their lives.” The Missional Pathway

AWAKEN…the courage to re-envision the future


p. 24

Personal Impact reflects: ▪ Who, specifically you are called to

impact. ▪ The specific difference you will make in their lives.

AWAKEN…the courage to re-envision the future


p. 24

People in Garden Grove, Anaheim and the surrounding area whose lives and spirits are enslaved by poverty will experience the love of Jesus as I use my passion for garage sales to meet their needs and provide hope.

AWAKEN‌the courage to re-envision the future


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I build and strengthen organizations in South Miami providing job training & placement, temporary housing and basic needs for those displaced from their jobs. Recipients will be encouraged, loved, prayed for, retrained occupationally, and provided for until steady employment is secured.

AWAKEN‌the courage to re-envision the future


p. 24

College undergrads in our community will experience a loving and accepting “family” away from home, where community and connection occur. Academic, emotional, spiritual, and practical guidance will result in a measurable improvement in academic, physical, and emotional well-being.

AWAKEN…the courage to re-envision the future


p. 24

Those living in my neighborhood will be trained, resourced, and prepared for disasters (wildfires, floods, and earthquakes) so that when crises strike, they and we can assist others who are less well prepared. In doing this, they will be protected from harm and experience the joy of helping those less fortunate.

AWAKEN‌the courage to re-envision the future


Opportunity to listen to God • Starter questions • Timeline insights • Draft a Personal Impact Statement

Based on the ways God has shaped you, what impact do you believe God is calling you to make, for God’s glory?

AWAKEN…the courage to re-envision the future


In debrief: • • • • •

p. 27

Can you see it? Who does it impact? How are their lives being changed? Does it engage your passion? How will you know when it is accomplished?

AWAKEN…the courage to re-envision the future


Your best understanding to date of your unique, personal, divine calling.

AWAKEN‌the courage to re-envision the future


Values Statements

Biblical Identity Statement

Personal Impact Statement

AWAKEN‌the courage to re-envision the future


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