Component 3 Personal Impact Statement

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Component 3: Personal Calling Statement Our divine calling reflects a sense of destiny within God’s story of redemption.

A Discovery Bible Reading of Exodus 3:1-15 Discovery:

1. What happens in this passage?

2. What does this passage tells us about God?

3. What does this passage tell us about people?


1. How does this change how we see God?

2. How does this passage change how we treat ourselves and others?

3. How does this passage change how we live?


1. Who can you share this story with?

2. Do you know anyone who needs help? How can you help them?

Personal Impact Statement “Personal impact reflects your best understanding of who you are called to impact and the specific difference you will make in their lives.” The Missional Pathway, p. 24

Impact Starter Questions: Answering these questions will help you think about your future impact:

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When I think about making a difference in other peoples’ lives I would love to…because…

When I look at the needs in my community and workplace, I am drawn to these needs…

People say I am most used by God when…

If I knew I couldn’t fail, I would…

Write a draft of your Personal Impact Statement

Impact Statement Debrief Questions • • • • •

Can you see it?

Who does it impact?

How are their lives being changed?

Does it engage your passion?

How will you know when it is accomplished?

Now bring together all three components for your Personal Calling Statement: I. Values

II. Biblical Identity

III. Personal Impact Statement

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