Even during the TIPs Outdoors period, we were planning for a return to lockdown conditions, when we would not be able to hold in person sessions. With the agreement of Fannie Mae, we diverted funds within the contract towards the purchase of in-home vital signs monitoring equipment to enable residents to continue to manage their health from home. We knew this was important to residents, not just to collect vital readings but also to help counteract the social isolation and boredom that lockdowns brought with them. By mid-November 2020, we had begun a phased rollout of in-home monitoring devices to a total of 60 enrollees. Residents were then able to collect their own vital readings as frequently as they wanted to and reported them to the TTAs during their weekly TIPs in Touch calls.
In April 2021, with lower COVID transmission rates and a return to warmer weather, we restarted the TIPs Outdoors program, offering face-to-face screenings for the first time since the Fall. In-person wrap around services have also begun to take place. As restrictions around the country relax, and vaccination rates increase, we plan to move back to our TIPs Classic model and recommence screenings and group wrap around services, making use of the community facilities at Grace West. 3.6 GENERAL IMPACT OF COVID-19
The COVID pandemic has underscored the overwhelming pattern of inequality and racial health disparities that exist in our country. It has called attention to the long-standing inequalities that pervade the health care system and society at large. We see these gaps as having potentially widened during COVID, making this program even more vital for residents.
3. Impact of COVID-19