What is marri furniture

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Marri Furniture Perth is Western Australia’s first class timbers. The results of our finished products are absolutely stunning! If you do prefer light colored furniture without a distinctive grain, Rose Hannah Perth offers range hand crafted Marri furniture in all categories like Dining Tables , Bedroom Furniture ,Living area choice and much more. We are specialized in Marri Furniture Perth although we also deal in all types of furniture. Feel free to visit us for more information on how can we make your home beautiful.

 HISTORY OF MARRI  Corymbia calophylla Marri is commonly referred to as ‘red gum’. Marri is usually a medium sized to tall tree up to 40 m in height with flaky grey bark, widely distributed in the south-west of Western Australia in the jarrah and karri forests, south of Perth.

 Wood description Heartwood is pale yellow to light brown to reddish brown, with sap wood bands up to 40 mm wide, usually sufficiently paler to be distinguishable from the heartwood.

 Wood density Green density is about 1200 kg/m3, air-dry density about 850 kg/m3, and basic density about 650 kg/m3.

Visit to : http://rosehannahfurniture.com.au

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