Letter from the General Manager
Surviving the Holidays One Meltdown at a time It started back in November with the arrival of our favorite Butterball then we blink… and the next 4 weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas turn into one giant sprint! Let’s be real … the holidays can turn us into human-sized stress balls. Holidays are fantastic, messy, and sometimes downright crazy. They are packed full of relatives, obligatory events, quirky traditions, frantic cleaning and most of all excessive spending. Honestly, often all I’m left with on Christmas morning is a spending hangover and a few extra pounds – Shame! There’s so much pressure to make the holidays perfect and unforgettable, that the holidays often become burdensome. However, I’m not going to lie. It’s still one of my favorite times of year … even if it does drain my battery… and my wallet.
Does this sound familiar? Don’t fear, put the anxiety away for another day!
I’m going to share some holiday zen, sprinkled with a bit of humor, and a touch of creativity that helps me keep my sanity this time of year.
1 Master the art of ‘no.’ Repeat after me: “No, I cannot bake 3,000 cookies for the community cookie exchange, No, I cannot knit a sweater for the dog, No, I cannot wake up at 3am to move that damn elf on the shelf… AGAIN! Well, we probably could, but why would we want to? While the desire to please others may be strong, self-care must be the priority to keep from feeling holiday burnout. 2 Laugh about the craziness. Got a dramatic family member or eccentric co-worker who always argues about the same thing every holiday gathering or always brings up that one embarrassing thing you try to forget? Don’t get angry; get perspective. Unless you’re the Messiah and can work miracles, you’re probably not going to change them. You’re driving yourself nuts. You can be open and loving, but you can also be realistic. Instead, find a friend with whom you can laugh about the general craziness. Tell him or her some of the nuttier things and let off a little steam. Don’t laugh at your family or people in the office; laugh about the situation. It will give you a break and allow you to approach the group with more patience and, yes, compassion. Also, it’s cheaper than a therapist! 3 Laugh at things that are supposed to be funny. There’s plenty of funny holiday-themed humor out there. Watching Christmas movies with your kids or spouse is a fun low-key thing that can help you forget about the chaos. There’s always A Christmas Story, (“You’ll shoot your eye out!”), or my personal favorite National Lampoons Christmas Vacation (“It’s a beaut, Clark, it’s a beaut!”) which airs on TV 24/7 from Thanksgiving to Christmas. You are bound to smile at least once between November and December.
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POA Staff Crystal Higginbotham CMCA, AMS General Manager crystal@rosehillpoa.com Caroline Adams Office Manager caroline@rosehillpoa.com Lisa Darazs Accounting Administrator accountant@rosehillpoa.com Adrianne Collins-Brown Administrative Assistant frontdesk@rosehillpoa.com Ron Pfuhl ARB Administrator arb@rosehillpoa.com Thomas Tracy Operations Manager thomas@rosehillpoa.com Bill Oakley Chief of Security security@rosehillpoa.com Mike Rivardo Maintenance Supervisor maintenance@rosehillpoa.com
Plantation Voice Editor Lu Klaiber, Communications Chair Graphic Designer Aimee Downing
Letter from the General Manager 4 Eat what you want. It’s the holidays for crying out loud! Every neighbor, co-worker, client, and relative will bring you homemade candy, fudge, a tin full of those sinfully good butter cookies. You’re not superman or superwoman. The more you tell yourself no, the more likely you are to go full-hog and binge! Well, that’s what New Year’s resolutions are for, right??? 5 Drink in moderation. Not because your liver will thank you and it’s the responsible thing to do, but also because everybody has a smartphone and your shenanigans may wind up on Facebook the next morning not to mention a topic of every future family gathering or office party. 6 Stop the Frantic Cleaning! Do you become a “Grinchy Cleaning Machine” before company arrives? Scrubbing the baseboards, refolding every towel correctly, and redoing everything 10 times before their arrival? Stop grinching out and relax this year. There’s a reason we have junk drawers, attics, garages, under beds and closets, use them to hide away the clutter till Spring Cleaning comes around. Of course, you may be mad at yourself come Spring… but that’s tomorrow’s problem. Instead of cleaning out the window tracks and above each ceiling fan, light a few candles, put some fresh flowers on the table, relax with your feet up, pridefully looking over your perfectly tidied up home. Remember ambient lighting is your friend, not only is it welcoming, its great at hiding dust! Remember, when you’re about to scream, take a second and find something to laugh about. It makes a world of difference. Do you have some funny tips on surviving the holidays you’d like to share? Email them to me and I will include a few in the year end weekly update! Funnier the better!
Crystal Higginbotham CMCA ® AMS ® | Rose Hill POA, General Manager Office: 843-757-2450
POA Office Hours
Mon–Thursday: 8am-5pm Friday: 8am-1pm
Voice WINTER 2024 | 2
Letter from the Board
Wrap Up and Look Ahead 2024 saw a mix of new and renewed endeavors at Rose Hill Plantation. Eight new members were elected to the Board, to join one returning member. The Board established three Member Liaison positions – one for food and beverage, one for the golf course, and another for the 5B Roadway project. Fair Winds Bar and Grill opened and quickly became a community gathering place for family and friends and a venue for a wide variety of occasions. A sound study was initiated to help determine possible mitigation strategies for residences located near the pickleball courts. A similar study was completed at Colleton Point facility with recommendations on noise attenuation measures. Recognizing the unique nature of Rose Hill, the Board voted to establish a new community tag line: Rose Hill Plantation – a Golf, Equestrian, and Waterfront Community. Along the same line with a focus on improved marketing of Colleton Point, the name was changed to “Colleton Point River House at Rose Hill”. Rose Hill was honored to have the Concours d ‘Elegance and Motoring Festival stop at Colleton Point to showcase their automotive excellence and experience our Lowcountry community. In addition, a long-awaited approval came from Beaufort County to allow Rose Hill to move forward with the design and permitting of the RV and Boat Storage Expansion project. The continually improving Rose Hill Golf Course hosted both the 4A State Boys and 4A State Girls Golf Tournaments and experienced a two-fold increase in rounds played. Rose Hill also experienced some unfortunate events in 2024. Hurricane Helene hit our community with brutally intense rain and wind, leaving a mass of debris behind. Fortunately, there was little structural damage and no injuries, but the remnants of our debris pile remain. Our community mourned the loss of a Board member and friend, Daniel Fults. Daniel was serving as the Chef Engineer aboard the STUYVESANT when a fire broke out in the engine room. We continue to carry Daniel in our hearts and his family in our prayers. As we close out 2024 and look forward to 2025, several projects are planned to include the installation of sound mitigation panels at Colleton Point River House to dramatically improve interior acoustics. The design will continue for the RV and Boat Storage Expansion project, bringing 40+ additional storage spaces for Rose Hill residents. A new Reserve Study will be completed in early 2025 and a 5-year plan will be developed to guide the funding of our reserve account into a healthier financial position. Repairs and improvements to the drainage system in Rose Hill will continue throughout 2025 and into 2026 with an ongoing maintenance program developed. In addition, proposed changes to the Covenants and By-Laws will be presented to the community with a vote early in the year seeking approval of the updated governing documents. The Board will also approve an update to the Rules and Regulation and communicate the changes to the community. I have been honored to serve the Rose Hill community and work with the many volunteers, board members and staff that work tirelessly to make Rose Hill a wonderful place to call home. I learn from my past actions and take that knowledge, along with fresh ideas and positive energy, into the coming years. And as Henry Ford said “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself”. Thank you,
Sue Wolford
Rose Hill Board President
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Rose Hill Board Sue Wolford, President Chris Van Geisen, Vice President Susan Tucker, Secretary David Berliner, Treasurer Eric Larson Jon Nelson Samuel Robinowich Board Meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of each month at the Colleton Point River House beginning at 6:30 PM (except on months with a Town Hall). Board meetings are available to watch live through our Rose Hill Announcements Page on Facebook.
Owners and Residents
2025 Assessments
2024 ASSESSMENTS Submitted by the Board of Directors
Submitted by the Board of Directors
November 27, 2024 2024 November 27, Dear Rose Hill HillOwners Ownersand andResidents, Residents, Dear Rose The HillPOA POABoard BoardofofDirectors Directors reviewed and adopted 2025 Assessments The Rose Rose Hill reviewed and adopted thethe 2025 Assessments andand Operating Operating Budget asatpresented at their meeting on 19, 2024. The Board Budget as presented their meeting on November 19,November 2024. The Board appreciates andappreciates recognizes and recognizes the hard work demonstrated by theand Audit and the staff involved the hard work demonstrated by the Audit Committee the Committee POA staL involved in POA the drafting of the in thebudget. drafting of budget the 2025 budget. 2025 The was developed by projecting the necessary expenses required to maintain the Association’s current contractual obligations, standards, lifestyle, and expectations that make The budget was developed by projecting the necessary expenses required to maintain the Association’s current Rose Hill a great community. The Board is confident that the adopted budget will cover Rose Hill’s contractual obligations,as standards, lifestyle, and expectations that make Rose Hill great community. The the Board on-going operations well as beginning to address the need to increase thea reserve which funds is confident thatmajor the adopted budget will Rose Hill’s on-going operations as well as beginning to address cost of future replacements andcover repairs. the need to increase the reserve which funds the cost of future major replacements and repairs.
A well-backed reserve fund ensures our residents won’t be caught oL-guard with large, unexpected
A well-backed reserve fund ensures our residents won’t be caught off-guard with large, expenses. expenses. Moreover, by adhering to the National Reserve Study Standards, first unexpected published in 1998, Moreover, by adheringfunding to the National Reserve Standards, firstgoal published in 1998, which which recommends at 65-70%, theStudy board’s long-term is to safeguard Roserecommends Hill’s legacy funding 65-70%, the board’s long-term goal is to safeguard Rose Hill’s legacy and its future. and its at future. The values were approved in two steps. In accordance with Article 7.4 of the The final final2025 2025assessment assessment values were approved in two steps. In accordance with Article 7.4Covenants, of the the board canthe onlyboard increase annual assessment by unanimous decision. After an unsuccessful votean to Covenants, canthe only increase the annual assessment by unanimous decision. 6-1 After increase the assessment improved to $3,000, the then passed a 7-0 vote, maintain the unsuccessful 6-1 vote for to an increase thelotassessment forboard an improved lot with to $3,000, thetoboard then passed withassessment a 7-0 vote,for to an maintain the 2025 annual assessment forvoted an unimproved at $2,800. 2025 annual unimproved lot at $2,800. The board then 6-1 to levy a lot Supplemental The board then voted 6-1 to levy a Supplemental Assessment of $200 in order to adequately fund the Assessment of $200 in order to adequately fund the important and essential functions of the association.
important and essential functions of the association. The following provides the total assessments due throughout 2025. The following provides the total assessments due throughout 2025. Improved Lot Regular Supplemental 3 Year Special Assmt. Total Due in 2025
Jan 1 $700 0 $0 $700
Mar 1 $0 $0 $175 $175
Apr 1 $700 $200 $0 $900
Jun 1 $0 $0 $175 $175
Jul 1 $700 $0 $175 $700
Sep 1 $0 $0 $175 $175
Oct 1 $700 $0 $0 $700
Dec 1 $0 $0 $175 $175
Unimproved Lot Regular Supplemental 3 Year Special Assmt. Total Due in 2025
Jan 1 $466 $0 $0 $466
Mar 1 $0 $0 $116.50 $116.50
Apr 1 $466 $133 $0 $599
Jun 1 $0 $0 $116.50 $116.50
Jul 1 $466 $0 $0 $466
Sep 1 $0 $0 $116.50 $116.50
Oct 1 $466 $0 $0 $466
Dec 1 $0 $0 $116.50 $116.50
The Board’s Board’sprimary primary focus continues beowners’ our owners' and residents' well-being and satisfaction. The focus continues to betoour and residents’ well-being and satisfaction. The 2025 The 2025 budget our commitment maintaining enhancing standards livingHill. that budget reflects ourreflects commitment to maintainingto and enhancing and the standards of the living that defineofRose We define Rose Hill. We are dedicated to fiscal responsibility while ensuring that our community remains are dedicated to fiscal responsibility while ensuring that our community remains a vibrant and desirable place a vibrant and desirable place to call home. We are confident that the 2025 budget will be a strong to call home. We are confident that the 2025 budget will be a strong foundation for our community’s continued foundation for our community's continued growth and prosperity. growth and prosperity.
Voice WINTER 2024 | 4
5B is rearing its ugly head again! Much has happened in the last 30 days regarding the future of Willow Run (the land immediately to our west). These potential changes could increase the likelihood of a connector road along our western border, running from Highway 278 to the proposed 5B.
changes may be of benefit, but others may adversely affect our residents. A folder is being created in the member section of the Rose Hill website. It will contain the documents pertaining to these issues and updates as we receive them. The POA will send an e-blast to the community when the folder is complete
The Town’s annexation of property near the intersection of Buckwalter Parkway and the lower portion of the Bluffton Parkway appears to streamline the realignment of the parkway.
Thank you to all the Rose Hill residents who attended the Town Hall meeting on December 17th. As stated, we have strength in numbers and need all hands-on deck to fight the Town of Bluffton on this 5B matter that threatens us every few years.
We have also learned that the School District is negotiating the final details of the purchase of a portion of the property and has signed an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Town for various facets of the development. The use of some of the property by the Town for affordable housing, ball fields, and a civic center is also a possibility. These changes also add a stop light at Eagles Point (school access) and a roadway from the property to the light at the firehouse. Some of the potential
Please consider how you can help. Vital Council meetings will be announced. Often, we don’t know dates and locations until the last minute. We need to pack the room! We are also reaching out to neighboring communities negatively impacted by these recent developments. A letter campaign will be announced very soon.
What Can YOU Do to Help Stop 5B? For further information, or to volunteer your time and/or expertise, please contact Mike Hagen at 843-816-4324 or by email: jmh1974@me.com. Join the 5B Facebook Page
A Facebook page has been set up for anyone in Beaufort County interested in the 5B project.
Voice WINTER 2024 | 5
Scan to Join the Facebook Page
Attend the Council Meetings
There IS power in numbers. If you can, attend the meetings. Both the 5B Facebook page and the Rose Hill POA page will post meeting dates.
Voice WINTER 2024 | 6
The entire Rose Hill Community was shocked and saddened by the recent loss of our friend, neighbor and Board member, Dan Fults. May you rest in peace Dan.
We've Added New Families to Rose Hill.
Voice WINTER 2024 | 7
Tyler Anderson
Kevin & Laura Krumholz
Gary & Kathleen Appel
Linda Larson
Brent & Cathleen Arvidson Butt
Brandon & Ashley Newman Hagan
Jonathan Crane & Patricia Schreiner
Edward & Julie Pryor
Walter Crocker
Sarah & John Seeger
Matt & Amy Haschak
David & Donna Sutherland
David & Linda Ivkovich
Michael & Orchid Tartaglia Wildman
Patrick & Bonnie Kestner
Gerry & Meredith Varcarolis
Alicia & Logan Kinch
Fred & Deborah Williamson
Operations Manager Report
In the last month the maintenance team has been busy working on a variety of different projects. They are currently in the process of remodeling and enlarging the feed room along with repairing the hay storage barn at the Equestrian Center. The feed room has been expanded to double its previous size. Additional outlets were added, light switches were rewired and an additional sprinkler head was added in order to meet local fire code. Shiplap is also being installed on the walls along with pine trim. The hay barn is undergoing a renovation that includes additional reinforcing by installing support braces for the exterior and interior walls. New siding and trim are also being installed on the exterior of the hay barn. In addition to the Equestrian renovations, the team has been removing branches and debris from the lagoons in Bill Baker Park, pressure washing the North and South guard houses, and clearing the brush between #4 tee box and the adjacent lagoon. Southeast Pipe is currently onsite starting the first 6 high priority pipe repairs that were identified in the Phase 2 pipe inspections. After the initial 6 repairs are finished we will be scheduling the next phase of repairs.
Tom Tracy
Operations Manager
Notable Neighbor Story If you would consider sharing your story, or nominating a “Notable” neighbor, please write a short, descriptive paragraph and submit it via email it to Carolina Adams, Office Manager at the POA. caroline@rosehillpoa.com. Please put “Notable Neighbors” in the subject line. A member of the Communications Committee will contact you.
Voice WINTER 2024 | 8
Fair Winds Bar & Grill
nth anniversary, o -m x si r u o te ra As we celeb incredible is th n o t c e fl re to nt let’s take a mome ur expectations! o ll a d e ss a rp su s journey which ha 25. rilling plans for 20
we explored th -setting meeting, al go r pointers! nt ce re r ou During a room full of lase in t ca a e lik — le as palpab table. The excitement w ing to be unforget go is ar ye is th y, work It’s safe to sa am. They say team te g in az am r ou iate e way. moment to apprec laughter along th of Now, let’s take a ty en pl d ha work, and we’ve makes the dream all. ghlights: dressed as a fireb Here are some hi ll hi se ur co lf go down a one while rolling lympic-level • Sam lost her ph contest into an O ne la rp ai r pe pa titive? turning a casual uld be so compe • Nick and Mark co r pe pa e bl ta e folding th event. Who knew lty, anyone? salt—sweet and sa ith w a te e th d ally sweetene r: it was us). • Shelly accident t admirer” (spoile re ec “s us rio te ys flowers from a m oil bucket. • Grace receives or instead of the flo e th to on er fry ally emptying the • Bryan accident cycle. soap met the rinse al re re he w de r escapa sh! • The dishwashe zzle—what a spla no e th g in ch ta at tea without he know • Sara brewing ganza—little did va tra ex ce fa erewell pie-in-th e closet. • And Jonah’s fa Bryan hiding in th m fro e pi s nu bo there’d be a
With love,
the Fair The Randalls and
Winds Team
Thank you Rose Hill for the memories, countless laughs, unwavering support and joy you bring every day.
Come Join U
Dow Counting
Deck the H
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Tennisclub of the Low Country
Tennis of the low country
Happenings! Under the guidance of Coach Paddy O’Donnell and Phoebe Mehl we have had several successful beginner and advanced beginner six-week sessions. These sessions are in the evenings and are usually full. The players are advancing quickly and besides their lesson, coach Paddy has a ball machine clinic once a week for those interested in solidifying their strokes. If you are new to the game, or just rusty and want to start playing again, reach out to our pro shop and sign up for the next sessions starting January 6th, 2025.
Most of the adult tennis in this area is doubles play, and we are fortunate to have several Members who go above and beyond organizing groups to play. In the mornings we have active groups of 3.0 players and 3.5 players who come out two mornings a week for social play; we have a 3.0/3.5 group of men who play two evenings a week, and we have a steady group of 4.0/4.5 men and women who play both one evening a week and on the weekend. In addition to that we have a lot of smaller groups that play weekly. If you are looking for a group to join, let us know and we will put you in touch with the group coordinator.
Our junior program is bursting at the seams, and we have added new team members to help instill the love of game in our youngest enthusiasts. If you would like more information about our Junior Programs which run monthly through June, you can go to our website at https://www. tlcrosehill.com/junior-tennis-programs.html or call the Pro Shop at 843-271-6401.
TLC offers a 24-hour racket restringing service, so get your racket tuned up for the new season. Remember, the rule of thumb for restringing a racket is that it should be restrung each year at least the number of times you play in a week. So, if you play 3 times a week – you should be getting a racket tune-up 3 times a year!
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The holidays are fast approaching, and we hope that you have all your holiday shopping completed. If not, a TLC gift certificate is a great way to go! As always, we thank you for your support. Have a wonderful holiday season and if you are on the roads, be safe. We look forward to seeing you on the courts in 2025! As always, thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you on the courts!
TLC Management and Staff
To Our Rose Hill Community and Staff: “Happy Holidays!
May you experience the light of laughter, the warmth of love, and the joy of gratitude this season and into the New Year.” Rose Hill Board of Directors
Voice WINTER 2024 | 12
International Golf Maintenance
At the turn
Events & Notes from 2024!
Junior Golf - Hosted Boys SC 4A State High School Championship - Hosted Girls SC 4A State High School Championship - Hosted SCJGA Player Series Tournament
Golf Course - Hosted PGCC (Professional Golfer’s Career College) Students for an educational golf course maintenance seminar) - 66% increase in rounds this year - 2 Successful aerifications and green re-sodding projects - Hosted 3 different First Tee Programs
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International Golf Maintenance
Tournaments - Men’s & Ladies Member/ Member - Men’ & Ladies Member/ Guest - St. Patrick’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Christmas Tournaments with proceeds going to local charities - New events including an 18 Hole Par 3 Tournament & Glow Golf Event
Voice WINTER 2024 | 14
Womens Golf
Rose Hill LGA News Submitted by Bunny Stoykovich
The Rose Hill Ladies Golf Association has had a wonderful year. We continue to grow, adding new members, and enjoying our beautiful golf course under the management and care of IGM. As the growing season comes to an end, we are fortunate to still be able to play and enjoy the course through the winter. We have come to realize how fortunate we are to have such a wonderful, supportive, group of women who love to play golf and the camaraderie we share each week. It is amazing when we socialize and learn of the talents some of these women have and their backgrounds. Many give time and support to organizations throughout the area.
Santa’s Helpers
Among the recipients of our volunteers’ time and service are Bluffton Self Help, Rotary, Caring Neighbors, Meals on Wheels, and Coastal Discovery Museum. One of the most unusual talents is a member who has devoted time and energy to learn and become a “turtle tracker” and simply loves the nesting and hatching times on the Island. We have a member who teaches Project Management and Leadership through the Engineering Management Institute, a certified Lacrosse referee, one who also designs and makes Memory Pillows for loved ones gone, bikers, hikers, photographers, and a beekeeper extraordinaire! Then there are the professionals who retired from finance, nursing, insurance, teaching and interior design. We have artists of exceptional talent with works on display throughout the communities. The thread that ties us all together is our love and enjoyment for the game of golf.
June Buggie’s Donation of her watercolor of 10th hole at Rose Hill
As we enter a New Year, we are thankful we are still out there, enjoying the sport and friendships it brings to each one of us. The Christmas Tournament was held December 7th and $1000 was raised for Bluffton Self Help. This was done jointly with the Men’s Golf Association and a great time was had by all our generous players and supporters. A wonderful meal was provided by Fair Winds Bar and Grill. On December 11th, the LGA held their Christmas Luncheon, and toys were requested from members for Bluffton Self Help which provided a list of needed and desirable items.
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LGA/MGA Donation to Bluffton Self Help
Notable Neighbors
Notable Neighbor
Robbin Zetrouer Before 17 year old Robbin Zetrouer was born, the love of golf had already been deeply rooted in the family, planted by her great-grandfather, Johnny Burt (“Pops”) who was a stellar golfer. With each new child, grandchild, and great-grandchild born into the family, Johnny gifted them a small set of golf clubs, hoping to pass on his passion for the game he loved so much. At just three years old, Robbin took her first swing with a golf club. While her early attempts didn’t promise stardom, she revisited the game at age 10 through the LPGA Girls Golf Program at Rose Hill. Under the guidance of Dr. Jean and Krista Dunton, Robbin fell in love with the sport. Her grandfather continued to provide lessons until shortly before his passing at the age of 97. Robbin fondly recalls those sessions, saying, “Pops would always say, ‘Strong left arm and keep the right hand on top, not under.’”
Looking ahead, Robbin will begin the next chapter of her journey in the fall of 2025 as a student-athlete at Saint Francis University, where she has accepted a scholarship to play golf. She plans to pursue a Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy.
Congratulations Robbin! Our entire community is proud of you!
When asked what golf means to her, Robbin reflects, “Golf is a connection to my past and a pathway to my future.” Beyond golf, Robbin has held steadfast to her Catholic faith, volunteering as an altar server and youth group leader at Saint Gregory the Great Church. In addition to her spiritual dedication, she has excelled academically, achieving a remarkable 5.16 GPA. Robbin also extends her gratitude to the Rose Hill Golf Club and its residents for their unwavering support, particularly during the state championship. “Everyone being there at each and every hole was motivation to make my neighborhood proud,” Robbin shares. In October 2024, Robbin’s high school golf journey reached an incredible conclusion. The 4A State Championship, hosted at Rose Hill Golf Club, saw Robbin and the May River Sharks claim the team title—her fourth in five years. Robbin also secured the individual state championship, finishing +3 over two days. She was voted onto the North-South All-Star Team by state coaches and led the South to its first victory in five years.
Accomplishments • 4-time State Champion • 2024 individual State Champion
• 4 Scholastic Gold Awards (Photography)
• President’s award for top 10% of my class academically - 4 years
• Individual winner of the May River Invitational at Palmetto Bluff
• Member of Student Government • Member of Beta Club& Book Club
• 5 time all- region
• LPGA Girls Golf E-Leader
• Robbin, her parents Gary and Brandi and brother Tripp have been Rose Hill residents since 2013. THE PLANTATION
Voice WINTER 2024 | 16
Equestrian Center
Equestrian Center News It has been an active season at the Rose Hill Equestrian Center. Although we continue to make improvements in partnership with the POA, The Red Horse Farm showing team is eager to get the arena lights working so that there is more than 30 minutes of practice time after school. Despite that, I was confident in taking a few clients to compete in Palmetto Bluff’s May River Classic on November 2, 2024. Rose Hill’s very own Olivia Vaughn represented us very well as she partnered with Red Horse Farm’s Port City (aka: Porter). Olivia won three 1st Place ribbons in the Palmetto Classic Pleasure Class and won the Division! She earned a Championship Ribbon and saddle pad, but she wasn’t quite finished! Olivia placed 1st, 4th and 1st in the 2’ Hunter Division. She won an additional Championship Ribbon and another saddle pad. Olivia has worked incredibly hard to balance academics and her passion for equestrian sport. This dedicated eight grader has kept strait As and also plays the viola in the orchestra. She has become an athlete to watch. Well done, Olivia.
Olivia Vaughn and Porter posing with their ribbons.
Also participating in the May River Classic was Paige Reynolds. She recently became a RH resident this year and you can often catch her riding her horse on the polo field. Paige competed with, Galesville Rocket (aka: Rocket). They earned a 1st and 2nd in Paige’s debut in the Hunter Jumper ring. Very impressive work, Paige! As a trainer, it is very fulfilling to see the results of the training and discipline that these human and equine athletes commit to. Red Horse Farms is looking forward to more improvements in 2025 and wishing you all a very happy and prosperous New Year!
Heather Jenkins
Red Horse Farm Owner-Operator and Head Trainer
Voice WINTER 2024 | 17
Paige Reynolds and Rocket posing with their ribbons and Heather Jenkins.
Caring Neighbors
news from
Caring Neighbors Submitted by Jane Phipps
Caring Neighbors hosted its annual Medicare informational meeting on Tuesday, October 8 at Colleton Point. Joel Iacopelli, an agent representing United Healthcare, BCBS, Humana, Clover, and other Medicare Advantage and Supplemental policies, explained the benefits of both Advantage and Supplemental policies. After a very detailed presentation, Joel answered questions from the attendees. The Board of Directors of Caring Neighbors sincerely thanks Joel for once again offering his time and expertise to educate our senior Rose Hill population on this important matter.
Caring Neighbors is a non-profit organization that was established to enable Bluffton residents to age in the comfort of their homes with confidence and safety. Our services include: • Transportation to appointments, shopping, or running errands • Assistance with minor chores or simple home maintenance • Friendly telephone check-ups or visits at home • Meals delivered when recuperating from surgery or illness • Temporary pet care such as dog walking
The Holidays are always extra busy times for Bluffton Self-Help so when they asked Caring Neighbors to hold 2 Food Drives to collect food for needy families, we were quick to respond. Collection bins were placed at the POA office, the Annex, and Fair Winds Restaurant. Fliers were made available with a list of the items needed and within a short time we had an abundance of food because of the generosity of the Rose Hill community. Thank you for your donations! Caring Neighbors was invited by the management of Latitude Margaritaville in Hardeeville to participate in the Hilton Head Volunteer Fair which allowed our Director, Sheryl Inglefield, to showcase our non-profit organization. She was given the opportunity to explain the purpose of our group and to recruit new volunteers which we desperately need at this time. Invitations from outside sources such as this also help us to emphasize just how important our mission is to the Bluffton area. The Rose Hill Garden Club recently held a Plant Swap and Raffle and gave the proceeds of this event to Caring Neighbors. Director Sheryl Inglefield was on hand to accept the check and to express the gratitude of the Board of Directors and our volunteers. The generosity of people like the Rose Hill Garden Club helps our non-profit organization to fulfill its financial commitments. We are sincerely grateful to them!
We are currently in great need of volunteers particularly in the area of transportation. If you are interested in assisting us, please email us at caringneighbors@hotmail.com, visit our website at caring-neighbors.org, or call 843-368-2096 for more information.
Voice WINTER 2024 | 18
Tis the Season to be Jolly... Holiday Sips, Breakfast with Santa, the Volunteer Party & More! Rose Hill Volunteer Appreciation Gathering
rt enwood Cou Ladies of Gre ering Holiday Gath
Holiday Sips & Sunsets
Voice WINTER 2024 | 19
Breakfast with Santa LGA Holiday Luncheon
Parade of Lights
Voice WINTER 2024 | 20
THESE UPCOMING DATES SHOULD BE ON YOUR CALENDAR! HOLIDAY POA OFFICE CLOSURES: • Dec. 24 & Dec. 25 • Closing noon on Dec. 31 and Jan. 1, 2025 NEXT LITTER GETTERZ ADOPT A HIGHWAY CLEANUP DATE: • February 8, 2025 at 9:00. Meet at POA office MEET THE CANDIDATES: • February 27, 2025 at 6:00 pm • March 8, 2025 at 11:00 am ROSE HILL ANNUAL MEETING: • March 31, 2025
Voice WINTER 2024 | 21
FUN CHRISTMAS FACTS • The most recorded Christmas song is “Silent Night” which has accumulated 733 versions since 1978. • The “Grinch” is the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time: “Home Alone” is second. • “Jingle Bells” was the first song broadcast from space from NASA’s Gemini 6A space flight on December 16, 1965. • “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” almost had a different name. The creator, Robert May, was considering Rollo and Reginald before finally settling on Rudolph.
Upcoming Events
The Rose Hill Communications Committee presents:
Speaker WINTER
and Wine
s e i r e S
BYOB of wine and enjoy informative presentations from excellent area speakers. Bottled water will be supplied.
Seating is limited to 44.
Don Dempsey
Rose Hill Residents Only.
Colleton Point Pavilion | 7:00–8:15pm Enjoy an evening presentation on taking your phone photography to the next level. Don Dempsey, a commercial photographer and Rose Hill resident, will discuss composition, lighting, camera settings and simple but effective techniques to get professional results. Don’s work, both in the studio and on location, can be
RSVP by RSVP by January 14, 2025 through the Rose Hill community calendar on the website. Click on the event to RSVP. Reservations can be made through the mobile app or the website.
seen in major magazines, annual reports, catalogs and packaging. He has photographed such different assignments as the Dead Sea scrolls in the studio, golf courses from a helicopter and heart surgery in the OR. Don’s talk will be based on iPhones, but the principles are the same for every smartphone.
Winter Series Dates
Voice WINTER 2024 | 22
Due to limited space (44) we ask that you RSVP for this event. If you can not make it please cancel your reservation by 8am the day of the event, if you are on the wait list, you will receive an email if a spot has opened up.
Voice WINTER 2024 | 22
Bring in the new year at Fair Winds Bar & Grill Exclusive red carpet event with Muddy Creek will be rocking the night with live music! You can walk the red carpet and show off your new years style at our Photo Booth! Grazing tables, appetizers and a champagne toast all included in your ticket price along with an entry to win our door prizes, including things like gift cards a bottle of Angels envy bourbon and a golf package! Limited availability. Tickets available now!
Voice WINTER 2024 | 23
Let the party begin! 9pm -1am 4 Clubhouse Drive | Bluffton SC 29910
See our Facebook page to reserve your spot!
In The New Year Trupti Paliwal
In this new year, Let’s talk more, chat less. Let’s call more, text less. Let’s meet more, Skype less. Let’s travel more, collect less. Let’s care more, ignore less. Let’s do more, gossip less. Let’s praise more, blame less. Let’s share more, accumulate less. Let’s experience more, fear less. Let’s love more, hate less. Published by Family Friend Poems 01/13/2017
Holiday Jokes!
• What do you call an old snowman? (Water) • Why shouldn’t you lend money to elves? (They’re always short) • Why did the Little Drummer Boy put his drum to bed? (It was beat) • What do you call a snowman with a six-pack? (An abdominal snowman) • What is green, covered in Christmas lights and Christmas bulbs, and goes ribbit? (A mistle-toad)
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