Retail Wrap-up Magazine

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A guide to frictionless shopping

RETAIL WRAP-UP The Connected Store: Webinar Sign up for our webinar on 5 December, 10.30EST / 15.30GMT, for insight into how stores can be central to frictionless shopping experiences.







Take a bigger bite from the Big Apple at NRF 2019 Displaydata ranked as top innovator by EnsembleIQ

KAUFLAND GROUP: Stops the rot on waste

Join us for our PlanetRetail RNG Webinar

Join us on 5 December, 10.30 EST / 15.30 GMT Our webinar will explain how stores can become central to convenient – and frictionless – shopping experiences that blend physical, mobile and online channels around customers.

• Rob Gregory, Global Research Director, PlanetRetail RNG • Sarah Herrlein, Senior Analyst, PlanetRetail RNG • Andrew Dark, CEO, Displaydata • Paul Milner, Marketing Director, Displaydata The team will refer to Displaydata and PlanetRetail RNG’s recent report ‘Analogue to Automated: Retail in the Connected Age’. This can be downloaded at

A message from Andrew Dark, CEO Displaydata JOIN US AT: NRF – 13-15 January NYC – book a stand tour at

REGISTER: For our webinar with PlanetRetail on how the store can be at the centre of a frictionless shopping experience – 5 December 10.30 EST / 15.30 GMT at

2018 has been another eventful year for retail. The industry has been grappling with unprecedented business challenges, operational choices and changing shopper expectations. There’s no doubt that the struggles of eminent brands are a reminder of how competition is disrupting markets


his, our inaugural end-of-year wrap-up, provides insights into research we published with PlanetRetail RNG that’s based on interviews with 5,000 consumers and 1,000 retailers. It serves to underline how technology is accelerating the speed of change, especially online – where improvements to the digital customer experience, and logistics, are enabling online shopping to get close to the personal level of service, and instant gratification, that was once the preserve of the store. All that said, I’m incredibly optimistic about the future of the store. Business success is necessarily about reinvention. Both at Displaydata and in a wealth of tech businesses that are innovating the retail space, I see some great technology coming through: from virtual concierges, to new ways to recognise and reward customers, to Internet of things (IoT) systems that enable stores to change product, price and promotion details with the speed, agility and consistency of online platforms. Now it’s down to retailers to embrace the innovations on the table and create experiences that are not only more personalised and engaging for shoppers, but which also create operational efficiencies and increased profitability. Indeed, as the findings of our PlanetRetail RNG study show, now's the right time to move into the era of in-store digital retail.

DOWNLOAD: Our PlanetRetail RNG research, which surveyed 5,000 shoppers and 1,000 retailers about the future of in-store retail at: 3

Research from PlanetRetail RNG: The connected store In Spring 2018, PlanetRetail canvassed opinions from 5,000 consumers and 1,000 retailers across the globe. The research team looked into what shoppers value – and want – from their store experiences, and also retailers’ strategic goals and priorities. 4

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Store relevance: As ecommerce growth continues apace, shoppers increasingly want a more digital, connected physical shopping experience:

The push towards omnichannel retailing has been a key focus for the industry, and it’s popular with shoppers:

Price has the greatest influence on buying decisions at the shelf-edge, for 80% of consumers polled.

Moreover, accurate pricing is the main type of information shoppers wish to see displayed (82%), with less than half (43%) always trusting that the prices on display will be the same paid at the till.


One in ten consumers were unable to purchase a desired product in-store, with a similar proportion finding different prices in-store and offline.

The ability to return products in-store that were purchased online, and the desire to order all products available online at the retailer’s store, were the second and thirdplaced reasons for visiting physical stores.

And, to further emphasise the need to create consistent online and offline experiences, almost a third of consumers said that online research was a key motivator for subsequently visiting a physical store.

PRICING ACCURACY Retailers are looking for ways to build trust with consumers. Pricing and promotions accuracy are the most influential tools at their disposal in-store: •

Yet 65% of retailers are not able to implement all the price changes and promotions they want.

Retailers confirmed that 'improving pricing and promotional strategy' is their top strategic priority in 2018, as cited by nearly half (48%); second is 'improving customer experiences in-store' (45%); and digital (including mobile) customer engagement (42%) follows in third.

DIGITAL ENGAGEMENT With shoppers increasingly tech-savvy, it’s essential to provide interactive store environments: •

Over two-thirds (67%) of consumers think the technology deployed in-store improves their shopping experience and has some or a lot of influence over their choice of retailer. A further 27% want to be identified as a loyal shopper.

The top three types of digital service that shoppers want in-store are free, secure public Wi-Fi (38%); promotions delivered direct to their mobile (33%); and electronic shelf labels (ESLs) to show accurate, real-time prices, promotions, and detailed product information (31%).

Consider also that 42% of shoppers claim they recently had a poor experience in-store due to a lack of Wi-Fi, a lack of information at the shelf-edge, and differences in product availability instore and online. And it is clear retailers need to focus more effort on turning the physical store into a digital environment for tech-savvy shoppers, to meet consumer expectations raised by online around transparent pricing, promotions and availability, starting at the shelf-edge ■

DYNAMIC PRICING It’s an unchallenged assumption that consumers would reject the concept of dynamic pricing. But the research suggests retailers should actually prioritise agility as part of their pricing strategy: •

Nearly two-thirds (65%) of consumers would welcome price changes throughout the day if a product is reaching sell-by date, for example, or to price match (52%).

Yet, a quarter of retail respondents are not convinced of customer acceptance if they were to change prices more frequently, while 84% of the same retailers agree the ability to price dynamically can help improve margins and store efficiencies.

Our webinar on 5 December, 10.30 EST / 15.30 GMT, addresses the PlanetRetail RNG research and how stores can boost customer engagement and profitability by becoming the centre of a frictionless shopping experience.

Register here:

Displaydata recognised as a Retail innovator With our goal of creating engaging, rewarding and personalised in-store experiences, Displaydata works closely with many of the world’s leading retailers. Our work was recognised recently by the Retail Technology Innovation Index. RETAIL TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION INDEX: DISPLAYDATA SELECTED AS A TOP RETAIL TECH INNOVATOR The 2018 Retail Technology Innovation Index, powered by EnsembleIQ, presents an opportunity for retailers to understand the changing retail technology landscape. It is a benchmarking platform for suppliers of technological solutions in the retail industry. In its report, Displaydata is indexed as one of the top 75 retail tech innovators and also one of the top 30 retail tech companies in the product category.


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Is your store red-carpet ready? The role of in-store technology for brand uptime It seems clear that every touchpoint of the buyer journey should be taken into consideration when strategising in an omnichannel retail environment. This seems like a simple concept but, in a fastmoving, competitive industry where share of shoppers’ wallets is at stake, sometimes basic concepts of customer experience are overlooked or neglected.

T PAUL MILNER @PaulMilner9

Printed in Retail Customer Experience, September 2018, written by Displaydata’s marketing director, Paul Milner

he retail landscape has changed dramatically as digital and ecommerce create new opportunities and unique challenges. But the in-store experience still matters - buying decisions are greatly influenced by what customers see, and consequently how they feel, as they shop. And that experience should to be consistent each time they engage with a brand, both in-store and online.

UPTIME TRANSCENDS THE DIGITAL SPACE Uptime is often used in connection with website functionality, as ecommerce has shifted retailers’ focus on the creation and maintenance of userfriendly websites that load quickly. But when you consider that 87% of shoppers have visited a retail store in the past month, and that millennials are more likely to visit brick-andmortar stores than baby boomers (78% versus 70%), it’s clear that high standards of in-store experience are just as important. Indeed, there’s a


term out there - 'brand uptime' - that I believe needs to be made more of a priority. Brand uptime is 'the concept of meticulously maintaining stores to portray a consistent and positive image'. Customers have a perception of your brand that is informed by many factors: lighting, cleanliness, space to move down aisles and around product displays, air temperature and quality, the availability of products and more. With one chance to make a first impression, getting these things right is important.

FIRST IMPRESSIONS, RIGHT AT THE SHELF The aesthetics of the store are one way to improve brand uptime and, as a result, a shopper’s first impression. But the experience can also be improved through an investment in the right in-store technology. Interactive displays, free Wi-Fi, in-store navigation apps and digital shelves are all ways to bring efficiency and delight to customers, whether they’re on a quick trip to grab one item or have time to explore the aisles a bit more. One

benefit of shopping online is the real-time visibility into product availability but, with the right technology, you can make that available in-store, too. Electronic shelf labels can display stock information, giving shoppers the right info before they engage a sales associate for help. Or, if it’s not available in that location, shoppers and the store associates can both know if another store has it in stock, right there at the shelf-edge. Also mirroring the online shopping experience, ESLs can easily display social reviews of the product or even competitors’ pricing, not to mention giving shoppers the confidence that the price they see on the label is accurate.

offer delivered at the moment they’re thinking about a purchase. Brand uptime will be greatly influenced by a customer’s feeling of being catered to as they shop. Every shopping trip is an opportunity to impress, and the uptime of your brand is dependent on a variety of physical store qualities. In-store experiences still need to be a focus for retailers, even when it might feel like you need to focus on the online space. Like your online presence, technology is key to creating an engaging and impressive in-store experience that will keep customers coming back and building your brand into one they love ■

INCREASE BRAND UPTIME WITH PERSONALISED PROMOS With the latest ESL technology, even personalised marketing in-store can be made possible. The International Council of Shopping Centers recently studied retailer loyalty, and they found that 62% of consumers said they would be willing to spend more if they received customised offers while shopping. Innovation today allows you to push notifications directly to a shopper’s device, depending on their location in-store. Think about the impact of a personalised promotion


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Making the most of margins with one of Europe’s largest ESL deployments Kaufland Group is a German hypermarket chain owned by the Schwarz Group – one of Europe’s largest grocery retailers. Kaufland operates in seven countries across the continent, with 1,270 stores and over 148,000 employees. It offers a wide range of goods with up to 60,000 products.


he focus is on freshness for its fruit and vegetables, dairy products, meat, sausage, cheese and fish lines. Alongside well-known brands, sold at competitive prices, Kaufland has developed its own label produce, such as the successful 'K-Classic' private label range. Known as an innovator – in terms of its overall offering, and use of technology – Kaufland wanted to enhance the way it sells and markets perishable goods.

Its key goal was to find a more agile way to promote offers, react to competitors’ price changes and increase the frequency of price markdowns to protect margins. It also looked to reduce the amount of time associates spend manually adjusting labels, to provide a better service to customers and cut operational costs associated with paper-based labelling. Kaufland identified that Electronic Shelf Labels (ESLs) provided the best solution to meet their business requirements.


SOLUTION Kaufland created a dedicated project group to review ESLs from a number of vendors. The ESLs were measured against a range of criteria, across various areas of Kaufland’s stores. This included the infrastructure needed to centrally manage the labels, how easy it is to create and update labels, the accuracy of changes and the quality of the labels. The project group also reviewed the vendors’ capabilities to support continuous

business growth in line with Kaufland’s strategy.

It’s a common challenge faced by all large retailers – how to make the number of price changes that you want, without tying your staff up all day. Displaydata’s ESLs have transformed the way we run the fruit and vegetable areas of our stores: we can reduce prices in just a few moments, on any shelf, anywhere – all centrally managed. This flexibility allows us to use price reductions more strategically to protect margins and reduce waste. And, our staff are freed up to focus much more time on our customers. The time and cost savings from using Displaydata’s ESLs will deliver a satisfying return on investment in a short time.


Business Consulting Vertrieb, Kaufland Group

Following the extensive review process, Kaufland selected Displaydata’s enterprise ESL solution. This was based on the solution being the most efficient to install and manage, and requiring the least amount of hardware in-store of any ESL vendor. The solution is connected with Kaufland’s existing ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning) and is centrally managed from head office using a single instance of Displaydata’s Dynamic Central software. Displaydata wireless communicators are used in each store to manage the label updates. The network runs over a separate frequency to Wi-Fi, so it’s secure, resilient and interference-free. In addition, the labels communicate their status back to the head office, reporting that updates have been made and providing details such as battery voltage and temperature. Kaufland selected Displaydata’s Chroma 74 ESLs based on their quality and consistency of colour. The large size (182 x 122 x 15 mm) fully graphic three-colour labels (red, black and paper white) provide a flexible canvas for Kaufland to draw attention to offers and can display a wider range of information. The labels are being rolled out in Kaufland’s 1,270 stores across Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Romania and Bulgaria.

react quickly to competitors’ offers, while using price in a more strategic way – it can graduate markdowns as sell-by dates near, to incentivise sales, protect margins and reduce waste. What’s more, in-store teams are freed up from continuous, time-consuming (and costly) labelling and have much more time for customers. As well as improving service, Displaydata’s ESLs also add value for the customer, with more detailed product information available on each label (such as nutritional values/source of origin and much more), while the assurance of 100% price accuracy builds trust, boosts loyalty and upholds the reputation of the Kaufland brand. From a marketing perspective, the colourful labels enhance the in-store environment, while allowing Kaufland to draw attention to price reductions and special offers to increase sales. As well as cost savings achieved by freeing staff from manual pricing activities, operational costs are lower compared to other ESL solutions. This is based on the solution being simple to install and needing the least amount of in-store hardware of any ESL vendor. What’s more, Kaufland will benefit from the reduced printing costs and material savings from the reduction of paper labels. With these advantages in mind, the company is projecting a satisfying return on its investment in a short time ■ BENEFITS


Unlimited price changes to protect margins

The project, one of the largest deployments of ESLs in Europe, with 350,000 three-colour fully graphic labels across 1,270 stores, is in line with Kaufland’s company strategy: it’s an innovative, future-oriented solution with low operating costs. It’s also highly scalable and continually evolving to support the business growth and competitive advantage required by Kaufland. From an operations perspective, Kaufland can make unlimited price changes on any label, anywhere, in seconds. This versatility enables Kaufland to

Ability to respond even faster to competitors’ offers

Lowered operational costs through improved in-store efficiencies

Flexible and versatile fully graphic ePaper-displays to promote offers

Staff spend more time with customers


Counting the cost: How a lack of digital innovation is impacting physical retail PAUL MILNER @PaulMilner9

Printed in Information Age, July 2018, written by Displaydata’s marketing director

Physical retailers have yet to deploy digital technologies at scale, which meet shopper needs that are being shaped online. This is a worry, given the innovation that continues apace in online retail, from AI chatbots providing a more personalised service to within-the-hour deliveries.


his is not to say advances haven’t been made. But some would argue we’ve lost more than we’ve gained in the race to increase efficiencies. For starters, self-checkout can be polarising; increased choice but a lack of product information or in-store knowledge among associates is frustrating; and stores are open longer but it often


feels as if fewer associates are working in them. And, in many popular shops, queues are still a fact of life. Against this backdrop, hungry, tech and data-savvy online retailers are now also pushing into bricks and mortar retail armed with the lessons they’ve learnt from trading online and their superior knowledge on the

customer’s preferences and journey. Arguably these brands are better equipped to merge together physical and digital to create something better. In comparison physical retailers have yet to deploy digital technologies at scale, which meet shopper needs that are being shaped online. This is a worry, given the innovation that continues apace in online retail, from AI chatbots providing a more personalised service to withinthe hour deliveries. One area in particular in which physical retailers are compromised compared to virtual stores is price changes and promotions. Recent research has highlighted that a fair and accurate price, consistent across channels, remains the key purchasing factor for the vast ma jority of shoppers and 57% are losing faith over pricing inconsistencies and inaccuracies. Little wonder when they can wander around a store and check the price on the retailer’s own site or competitors’. Often prices can vary across channels, items can be bought cheaper elsewhere and what’s charged at the checkout can be different to what’s on the shelf-edge. Given how many offers


and promos retailers run at any one time, it’s unsurprising that the printed label price may sometimes be wrong. Nevertheless, it’s damaging consumer trust as shoppers increasingly expect online and in-store shopping to be complementary options. In fact, only 18% would shop at the store again with confidence. Surprisingly, it’s this highly valued consumer trust that is preventing retailers from deploying a more flexible pricing strategy, despite the fact that 65% of customers welcome agile pricing if it saves them money or reduces waste. With online retailers able to adjust prices in the blink of an eye, physical retailers need to be able to do the same to compete. However, many retailers worry about negative consumer reaction. In reality, price-savvy and environmentally conscious consumers want technology to give them the best deals and help tackle retail waste. The hard costs of outdated manual systems are also alarming. Some 67% of retailers spend up to 4.99% of the average monthly store turnover making price and promo changes.

That’s equivalent to approximately $104 billion in sales. And these changes are being carried out by hand, by store associates who would rather be serving customers. TOWARDS A BRIGHTER FUTURE The good news is that estimates suggest that over a five to tenyear time-frame as much as 75% of all retail sales will still take place in stores. And there’s a great opportunity for stores to deploy new technology to become more engaging destinations. And shoppers want an enhanced shopping experience: over twothirds want technologies that enhance their experiences instore – 33% want promotions sent directly to their mobile devices; 31% want Electronic Shelf Labels (ESLs) to show accurate, real-time promotions and detailed product information; and 27% want to be identified as a loyal customer.1 Indeed, IoT-enabled ESLs help to create a digital and agile store environment. Using ESLs with integrated bluetooth beacons, it’s easy to recognise shoppers as they come into store. And, using data captured at all touchpoints – such

as social media activity, search histories and past purchases – shoppers can be presented with personalised offers on their smartphone. As an example, think of a shopper after a high-end walking jacket who, after searching online, is sent an invite to a personal consultation. And, when they arrive in-store, they are greeted with a welcome message and receive a voucher for money off. Such aligned marketing will need some technology investment, but it’s easily achievable today. ESLs can also be used to match the level of information that customers are used to, and value, online. For example, integrating an ESL platform with ERP and other data sources makes it easy to price with the speed and agility of online platforms and to show information like stock levels, reviews, price comparisons and more, which act as powerful agents to motivate sales. Alongside these benefits, ESLs can also be used to help associates speed through operational tasks and support new and exciting services such as virtual concierges to guide shoppers around stores.


Such applications will help create the perception that the store is capable of innovation too – providing experiences that are more compelling, engaging and rewarding for shoppers, and profitable for retailers ■

1 Analogue to Automated: Retail in the Connected Age – Planet Retail, 2018

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JOIN THE WORLD'S NUMBER ONE ESL PROVIDER AT NRF Javits Center NYC. 13–15 January 2019, Booth 1910: Book to meet us:

Turn your stores into digital, connected spaces with our IoT-enabled Electronic Shelf Labels (ESLs). With the industry’s highest quality and best performing ESLs, you can react to your Big Data insights by changing promos, offers and prices on any shelf, anywhere, in seconds. You can also show competitors’ prices, reviews, stock levels and more – and send personalised offers to shoppers’ smartphones based on their buying behaviour and location in-store. What’s more, the ESLs free your team from laborious price changes to speed through tasks and spend more time looking after your shoppers. ELECTRONIC SHELF LABELS

Take a bigger bite from the Big Apple at NRF 2019 NRF’s Big Show is galloping towards us. It’s an ideal postholidays chance to catch up with customers, learn from peers and take a look at the latest retail tech innovations.


ut seeing as we’re all in a city that merited Frank Sinatra’s most well-known song, it’s also a great chance to venture beyond the Javits Center and take a bite from the Big Apple. We’ve pooled the opinions and preferences of a handful of NRF veterans, gathering together a quick list of alternative places to fuel up or wind down. Whether you’re looking to schmooze or just grab a non-Starbucks coffee to give you that extra boost before a day full of meetings, have a read of our top recommendations. OTHERWISE, WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AT THE SHOW – BOOTH #1910.




OLD COUNTRY COFFEE This place prides itself on its ‘private blend’, which comes from Gillies, ‘The oldest roaster in America’ – and if you’re a cold brew convert then you’re covered too. A chilled-out spot to satisfy your morning java needs, or somewhere to pick up a sandwich, bagel or cake without having to stray far from the Javits. 455 West 34th Street - 6 minute walk

CASA NONNA ‘Grandma’s House’ serves classic Italian dishes, from salumi to steaks and bruschetta to branzino. And some superb pizza, of course. Ideal for a team dinner after a long day on your feet, particularly with happy hour at 5-7pm, Mon-Fri. Head there straight from the show, and check out the $6 blood orange margaritas. 310 West 38th Street - 11 minute walk

RUSTIC TABLE A ‘farm to table style café’ with a Mediterranean twist to the menu, and another option for your pre-show Cup o’ Joe. A smorgasbord of food choices has you covered, whether you need a grab ‘n’ go pastry or want to sit down and breakfast properly with a cooked meal. 504 West 42nd Street - 9 minute walk

KEENS STEAKHOUSE If you’re looking for somewhere quintessentially New York – or just a venue to wine and dine a customer – then Keens Steakhouse takes some beating. Opened in 1885, this famed restaurant has an old-school wow factor and dangerously good steaks. You’ll need to hop in a cab, but it’s worth the journey. 72 West 36th Street, NY 10018 - 15 minute cab

SUNAC NATURAL MARKET Healthy choices can be limited at the conference, but they certainly aren’t at Sunac. This organic-first deli/market has a huge choice of salads and sandwiches, as well as a smoothie and juice bar – just in case you need a vitamin boost. 600 West 42nd Street - 11 minute walk


HELLCAT ANNIE’S As the name suggests, this place is where you go to cut loose. Think team celebration at the end of NRF. Hop heads will be delighted with the rotating selection of craft beers (20 on tap, at time of writing), plus there are plenty of wines and cocktails, and a hearty array of sandwiches. And if you get away from the Javits Center early, happy hour runs from 3 until 6pm every day of the week. 637 10th Avenue, at 45th Street, NY 10036 13 minute walk

The Connected Store Webinar The Journey towards Frictionless Shopping Webinar: Wednesday 5 December 10.30 EST / 15.30 GMT

Shoppers value convenient – and frictionless – shopping experiences that blend physical, mobile and online channels around customers. A panel of retail analysts and experts will discuss how to create these experiences in our webinar led by:

• Rob Gregory, Global Research Director, PlanetRetail RNG • Sarah Herrlein, Senior Analyst, PlanetRetail RNG • Andrew Dark, CEO, Displaydata • Paul Milner, Marketing Director, Displaydata

Register at:


Diary Dates 2019 NRF Big Show, NYC:

Sunday 13 – Tuesday 15 January

Super Bowl LIII:

Sunday 3 February

Valentine’s day:

Thursday 14 February

International Women’s day:

Friday 8 March

Retail Week (UK):

Wednesday 27–28 March

Mother’s Day (UK):

Sunday 31 March

Easter Sunday:

Sunday 21 April

Mother’s Day (US):

Sunday 12 May

Mother’s Day (Germany):

Sunday 12 May

FA Cup Final (UK)

Saturday 18 May

Father’s Day (UK):

Sunday 16 June

Cricket World Cup Final (UK):

Sunday 14 July


Thursday 31 October

Rugby World Cup Final (Japan):

Saturday 2 November


Thursday 28 November

Black Friday:

Friday 29 November

Cyber Monday:

Monday 2 December

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