Page Deisgn by Rosemary Peters| THE BEACON Photos by Alissa White| THE BEACON
computer systems running KDUP’s web-streaming music. • Updates KDUP’s website regularly. • Regularly monitors the station’s AM signal strength and quality. Notifies GM and media adviser of any problems.
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KDUP e Th Th eL og The KDUP Bea con Thge KDUP K D n U ... responsible for setting goals for the radio station. Except the web engineer, they must attend all weekly meetings. L co ea o P B o The Log eTLhe B g aKDUP co Absences must be cleared in advance through the GM and adviser. Employees are responsible for creating TKh DUTPheeB Theeanc The Loogn cooperative working relationships with all KDUP staff members. The Beacon KDUP The Log g K o LThe Log TheDBeacon U e h KDUP P T The Beacon
!"#$%&'().+-/0 • Assists the music director in choosing, screening and cataloging music. • Maintains contact with record label representatives. • Keeps the music library organized and up-to-date by contacting record labels for new music. • Responds to deejay and listener requests for specific music.
!"#$%&'()-+*,, • Assists the program director in screening music and in implementing the station’s music format. • Maintains contact with record label representatives and helps publish KDUP’s weekly play list. • Responds to deejay and listener requests for specific music.
!"#$%&'()-+,,, • Publicizes the availability of on-air deejay positions at KDUP in conjunction with the program director. • Promotes the station on campus. Coordinates all advertising and promotional activities such as Pump Up KDUP Day, sponsors, acquiring concert tickets from promoters and deejay promotions at on-campus events. • Coordinates the publication and distribution of all promotional materials including flyers, announcements, newspaper ads, the station guide, T-shirts and Frisbees.
!"#$%&'()*+,,, • Is responsible for all on-air material and discussion. • Upholds rules and regulations of the FCC and the University of Portland. • Assists the student media adviser in implementing policies and directives. • Represents KDUP in community relations and as a non-voting member of the Student Media Committee. • Makes the final decisions in all station matters in consultation with the student media adviser. • Is responsible for supervising station staff. • Establishes and maintains professional managerial relationship with all members of the staff. • Provides leadership to assure an optimum learning experience for all members of the staff leading to the enhancement of their broadcast and interpersonal communication skills. • Holds one regular air shift each semester: two hours, one day a week. • Maintains an effective working relationship with the student media adviser. To accomplish this, the general manager will initiate weekly conferences with the student media adviser. • Writes an evaluation at the end of the year.
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-Applications due 0'12(342( -KDUP’s applications are available at 56782782'67 and can be submitted to 56789 782'672 -Stipends are approximate and subject to slight change. -All student media applicants must have a 2.5 GPA or higher.
Student Media Guide
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