Service or Self Serving?

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The Beacon —


Service or self-serving? U.-4' ?%.&' /4%' C!+*%&1+/?' &%­ quires all incoming freshmen to participate in a day of service 6"&+!>' /4%+&' ,&1/' ("==' <%%G%!6' on campus after orientation. 34+1'6.?')('1%&*+-%'_'6"$$%6' 5"+=6+!>' F)##"!+/?I' W%&*+!>' /)'7%.&!'_'!)/')!=?'4%=01'/)'"!+­ fy the freshman class, but also %!()&-%1' /4%' C!+*%&1+/?`1' -)&%' values: teaching faith and ser­ vice. It aims to teach freshmen the practices of sustainability and service in the surrounding community. 34+1'?%.&@'4)<%*%&@'/4%'C!+­ versity taught 100 freshmen how to be self­serving by failing to send them outside the bubble of 34%'5="((2' 34%1%' (&%14#%!' <%&%' &%­ quired to do yard work behind L%&=)'D+%=6'.!6'()&'/4%'C!+*%&­ 1+/?P)<!%6'4)"1%1'=+!+!>'Q+==.­ #%//%' 5=*62@' .1' <%==' .1' 0"==' +*?' behind the tennis center. 34+1'1%&*+-%'.-/+*+/?'$=./.!/­ =?'<%!/'.>.+!1/'/4%'0)+!/')('34%' 5"+=6+!>' F)##"!+/?I' W%&*+!>' to Learn Program: to get fresh­

men out into the community. would have been better spent Q4+=%'1)#%'(&%14#%!'6+6'!)/' serving food to the homeless or mind helping Physical Plant oth­ spending time with the elderly. ers were disappointed they could 5"+=6+!>' F)##"!+/?I' W%&*­ not help make an im­ 0.-/'%=1%<4%&%2'34%?' too thought their ser­ vice would be more $%!%,-+.=' )"/1+6%' )(' /4%'CH'-)##"!+/?2' S!1/%.6@' /4%' C!+­ versity could have hired student work­ ers to do the land­ scaping. '''34%&%'.&%'0=%!/?')(' students still looking for work­study posi­ tions. 5%()&%' &%J"+&­ ing unpaid students /)' >+*%' /4%' C!+*%&­ sity a cosmetic up­ lift, the administra­ /+)!'14)"=6'4.*%',&1/' considered people )"/1+6%' /4%' CH' -)#­ munity who need ba­ 1+-' /4+!>1' 6)!%2' 34%' freshmen’s efforts

ing to Learn isn’t solely about .$=%'.$)6%'4%&%')!'34%'5="((2' /4%' CH' -)##"!+/?2' S/' +1' .=1)' about showing students how to reach out beyond our comfort­


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Letters to the Editor

You know you’re a Minnesotan if... Kevin Convery Guest Commentary Although many of you may know a Minnesotan or two on campus, you probably don’t truly know what we’re all about. Just to set things straight, I have cre­ ated a list of things pertaining to the glorious state of Minnesota and its people that I think you should know… 1. It’s a hot dish. I don’t know what this casserole is that you speak of, and if you don’t even know what I am talking about …

just stop, please. 92'Y"&'1.=.61'>%!%&.==?'6)'!)/' have greens … and sometimes come in layers. \2' a%1' <%' /.=G' ("!!?@' $"/'' no … You betchya I am not from Canada … Alright, eh? b2'Q%'4.*%'-+/+%1'.!6'."/)#)­ biles … I do not ride my cart and buggy to my farming village. 5. You measure snowfall in inches … the only amount worth measuring is feet. 6. Fishing a sport? False, it’s a lifestyle. [2'K=-)4)='+1'.'!%-%11+/?@'!)/'.' /4+!>')('0=%.1"&%'_'6)'?)"'G!)<' what wind chill is? ]2' Q%' #%.1"&%' 6+1/.!-%' +!' #+!"/%1' .!6' 4)"&1' c' Q%' =%.*%' the feet and miles to the cartog­

Submission Policy

Letters and commentaries from readers are encouraged. All contributions must include the writer’s address and phone !"#$%&'()&'*%&+,-./+)!'0"&0)1%12'34%'5%.-)!'6)%1'!)/'.--%0/' submissions written by a group, although pieces written by an individual on behalf of a group are acceptable. 7%//%&1'/)'/4%'%6+/)&'#"1/'!)/'%8-%%6'9:;'<)&612'34)1%'<+/4' =)!>%&')0+!+)!1'.&%'%!-)"&.>%6'/)'1"$#+/'>"%1/'-)="#!12'34%' 5%.-)!' &%1%&*%1' /4%' &+>4/' /)' %6+/' .!?' -)!/&+$"/+)!1' ()&' =%!>/4' .!6' 1/?=%@' .!6A)&' &%B%-/' /4%#' <+/4)"/' !)/+,-./+)!2' C!+*%&1+/?' students must include their major and year in school. Non­ 1/"6%!/1'#"1/'+!-="6%'/4%+&'.(,=+./+)!'/)'/4%'C!+*%&1+/?@'+('.!?2

Advertising in The Beacon

D)&'.6*%&/+1+!>'+!()&#./+)!@'-)!/.-/'E%=1%?'3"//=%@'$"1+­ ness and advertising manager, at


Subscriptions are available at $26 for the year, covering 24 +11"%12' F4%-G1' 14)"=6' $%' #.6%' 0.?.$=%' /)' 34%' C!+*%&1+/?' )(' H)&/=.!6I' 34%' 5%.-)!2' D)&' #)&%' +!()&#./+)!' .$)"/' 1"$1-&+0­ /+)!1' )&' $+==+!>' J"%1/+)!1@' -)!/.-/' 5"1+!%11' .!6' K6*%&/+1+!>' L.!.>%&'E%=1%?'3"//=%'./'$%.-)!.61M"02%6"2

raphers. Z2' Q%' (&?' %*%&?/4+!>' <%' -.!' … look at the menu for the Min­ nesota State Fair. d;2'Q4+=%'?)"'4+6%'+!1+6%'?)"&' warm house during the winter, we erect houses on frozen lakes. Y4'?%.4@'.!6'<%',14'(&)#'/4%#2 If you want to hear more, eat 1)#%' ="/%,1G@' )&' B"1/' 4.!>' )"/' with an awesome crew, join the Minnesota Club. Yes, it’s real. Kevin Convery is a senior global business and German studies major. He can be contacted at

Oak trees get axed

of these trees throughout campus and surrounding areas. 34%'O%&+/.>%'3&%%'+!'/4%'H+=)/' 34%&%'.&%'/4&%%'!./+*%'Y&%>)!' Q4+/%'Y.G1')!'-.#0"1@'/<)'$%­ House Plaza is one such tree, and 4+!6' /4%' /%!!+1' -%!/%&' e7H3Ff' is doing well. and one just off the Main Parking Lot near the north corner of the Library that have been declining -Jim Haines Foreman, Physical Plant in health over the years due to substantial changes to their sur­ rounding environment from con­ struction work. C!()&/"!./%=?' /4%1%' /&%%1' have declined to the point they can fall over, so are now con­ sidered hazardous and must be &%#)*%62'Q%'0=.!')!'&%0=.!/+!>@' in more suitable locations, with several of the same type of tree. 34%&%'.&%'.=1)'#.!?'#)&%'

Follow The Beacon on Twitter: @UPBeacon

THE BEACON Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief . . . . . . . News Editor . . . . . . . . . . Living EditoR . . . . . . . . . Opinions Editor . . . . . . Sports Editor . . . . . . . . Design Editor. . . . . . . . . Asst. Design Editor . . . Copy Editor . . . . . . . . . . . ASST. Copy Editor . . . . . .

. . . R)1%#.&?'H%/%&1 . . . . . Hannah Gray . . . . . Laura Frazier . . . . . . Caitlin Yilek . . . . . John McCarty . U=+V.$%/4'3%&/.6+.! . . . . . Shellie Adams . Jocelyne LaFortune . . . . . . . . Enid Spitz

Contacting The Beacon

E­mail: Website: Address:':;;;'T2'Q+==.#%//%'5=*62''X''H)&/=.!6@'YR'Z[9;\P:[Z]

Staff Writers

N.1)!'O)&/1-4@'E?=%'F.0%P7+!6%=+!@'5&"-%' Garlinghouse, Lesley Dawson, Sarah Hansell, K#.!6.'5=.1@'Q+=='7?)!1@'F)&%?'D.<-%//@'R.-4%=' L-S!/)14@'T./.=+%'Q4%%=%&@'E./%'H%+(%&@'E./4&?!' Q.=/%&1


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Staff Members

Page Designer . . . . . . . . . N%!!+(%&'R+==.#.1 Business & Ad Manager . . E%=1%?'3"//=% Artist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K!!'3&")!> Web Technician . . . . . . . . . . Peter Kirby Circulation Manager. . . . . Jack Kortum Adviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nancy Copic Publisher . D&2'U2'Q+==+.#'5%."-4.#0@'F2W2F2

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