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EuroCenter kursus Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020 Torsdag den 25. april 2019

1. Ansøgningens opbygning

2. Horizon 2020-ansøgning – “Excellence”

3. Horizon 2020-ansøgning - “Impact”

4. Sådan gjorde vi – et eksempel fra DTU

5. Horizon 2020-ansøgning “Implementation”

6. Evaluatorens rolle og erfaringer

7. Skrivetips og ESR-analyse

8. Yderligere information

9. Horizon 2020 Proposal Template

10. Horizon 2020 Self-evaluation Form

Ansøgningens opbygning

Ansøgningens opbygning - Part A Part A – resumé og budget • Online-udfyldelse af skemaer (partnere, mv.) • Administrative og faktuelle oplysninger

• Resumé

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 2

Part B – den egentlige ansøgning 1. Excellence 1.1.Objectives 1.2 Relation to the work programme 1.3 Concept and methodology 1.4 Ambition 2. Impact 2.1 Expected impacts 2.2 Measures to maximise impact a) Dissemination and exploitation of results b) Communication activities 3. Implementation 3.1 Work plan – work package, deliverable and milestone 3.2 Management structure and procedures 3.3 Consortium as a whole 3.4 Resources to be committed Part B – 2.del

4. Members of the consortium 4.1 Participants 4.2 Third parties involved in the project 5. Ethics and security 5.1 Ethics 5.2 Security Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 3

Evaluerings kriterier Excellence • Clarity and pertinence of the objectives • Soundness of the concept, including trans-disciplinary considerations, where relevant • Extent that proposed work is ambitious, has innovation potential, and is beyond the state of the art (e.g. ground-breaking objectives, novel concepts and approaches) • Credibility of the proposed approach Impact • The expected impacts listed in the work programme under the relevant topic enhancing innovation capacity and integration of new knowledge • Strengthening the competitiveness and growth of companies by developing innovations meeting the needs of European and global markets; and, where relevant, by delivering such innovations to the markets • Any other environmental and socially important impacts (not already covered above) • Effectiveness of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the project results (including management of IPR), to communicate the project, and to manage research data where relevant Implementation • Coherence and effectiveness of the work plan, including appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources • Complementarity of the participants within the consortium (when relevant) • Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures, including risk and innovation management Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 4

Evalueringsscore Hvert kriterie tildeles en score fra 0 til 5 (Man kan også give halve point): Score uddeling: 0 – når ansøgningen slet ikke forholder sig til kriteriet eller ikke kan bedømmes grundet manglende/ufuldstændig information. 1 = dårlig – kriteriet er ikke beskrevet tilfredsstillende eller der er nogle store svagheder i kriterieafsnittet. 2 = rimelig – ansøgningen forholder sig nogenlunde tilfredsstillende til kriteriet, men der er nogle betydelige svagheder i afsnittet. 3 = God – ansøgningen forholder sig tilfredsstillende til kriteriet, men der er stadig flere mangler i afsnittet. 4 = Meget god – ansøgningen forholder sig meget tilfredsstillende til kriteriet, men der er nogle få mangler i afsnittet 5 = Excellent – ansøgningen formår at addressere alle relevante aspekter i kriteriet på en særdeles tilfredsstillende måde. Tilstedeværende mangler er af mindre betydning. Den maksimale score er derfor 15 (3x5), medmindre man er nødsaget til at vægte indholdet yderligere. Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 5


Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Her sælger I projektets kerneindhold og understreger, hvorfor netop jeres projekt skal finansieres!


vis projektets styrke og vær overbevisende

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019


Indhold i Excellence-afsnittet 1.1 Objectives 1.2 Relation to the work programme 1.3 Concept and methodology 1.4 Ambition

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 4

Indhold i Excellence-afsnittet Indledning Start med en kort introduktion med highlights fra alle 3 hovedafsnit (Excellence, Impact, Implementation) som en udbygning af abstract/summary fra ansøgningens administrative del (Part A). Sæt scenen – fang evaluators opmærksomhed! • Hvilket problem vil I løse? • Hvorfor ikke anvende nuværende ‘best practice’? • Er det en europæisk udfordring? (eller kan det løses nationalt?) • Hvilke forskningsmæssige gennembrud forventer I? • Hovedudfordringer og håndtering • Hvorfor nu? • Hvorfor jer?

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 5

1.1 Objectives ”Describe the specific objectives for the project, which should be clear, measurable, realistic and achievable within the duration of the project.” ”Objectives should be consistent with the expected exploitation and impact of the project.”

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 6

Objectives er Specifikke (Clear) • Hvad vil I opnå, helt nøjagtigt? • Er objectives skrevet på en klar og letforståelig måde? • Hvornår vil objectives blive nået? Målbare (Measurable) • Hvordan vil I kunne afgøre om et objective er nået? • Er der klare parametre, hvorved objectives kan måles? • Hvor mange, hvor stort, hvor hurtigt?

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 7

Objectives er Realistiske (Realistic) • Er objectives realistiske OG ambitiøse på samme tid? Opnåelige (Achievable) • Opnåelige ift. tid? • Opnåelige ift. afsatte ressourcer? • Opnåelige ift. eventuelle udfordringer/barrierer?

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 8

Objectives er altså: Specifikke Målbare Realistiske Opnåelige • Beskriv objectives tidligt i ansøgningen • Korte, letlæselige og stærke! Uddyb efterfølgende… • Fokuser på krav/anbefalinger i topicteksten.

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 9

Kommissionen anbefaler:

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 10

1.2 Relation to the work programme ”Indicate the work programme topic to which your proposal relates, and explain how your proposal addresses the specific challenge and scope of that topic, as set out in the work programme.” • Redegør for, hvordan ansøgningen adresserer de specifikke udfordringer og scope i netop det topic, I søger under • Brug gerne en tabel for bedre overskuelighed:

Scope of call XX-XX:

Our project (Acronym) will address these:





• Desuden: Mange relevante referencer til policy i indledningen af arbejdsprogrammet – referér til disse Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 11

1.3 Concept and methodology ”Describe and explain the overall concept underpinning the project. Describe the main ideas, models or assumptions involved. Identify any trans-disciplinary considerations and, where relevant, use of stakeholder knowledge.”

• Kvalificer jeres tilgang til projektet – Beskriv de grundlæggende antagelser, idéer, modeller og hypoteser, som ligger til grund for projektet • Redegør for en mulig tværvidenskabelig tilgang • Har I inddraget interessenter (eksempelvis målgruppeanalyser), så beskriv det her.

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 12

1.3 Concept and methodology ”Describe the positioning of the project e.g. where is it situated in the spectrum from ‘idea to application’, or from ‘lab to market’. Refer to Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) where relevant.” TRL 9: System proven in operational environment. TRL 8: System complete and qualified.


TRL 7: System prototype operating in operational environment. TRL 6: Technology demonstrated in intended environment.


TRL 5: Technology validated in intended environment. TRL 4: Technology validated in laboratory

TRL 3: Applied research. First laboratory tests completed. TRL 2: Technology formulation. Concept and application formulated. TRL 1: Basic research. Principles observed. Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 13

1.3 Concept and methodology ”Describe any national or international research and innovation activities which will be linked with the project, especially where the outputs from these will feed into the project.”

• Vis at jeres projekt bygger oven på eksisterende viden • Find tidligere finansierede projekter inden for jeres felt og referér til disse.

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 14

1.3 Concept and methodology ”Describe and explain the overall methodology, distinguishing, as appropriate, activities indicated in the relevant section of the work programme, e.g. for research, demonstration, piloting, first market replication etc.”

• Beskriv, hvordan I vil gennemføre projektet – hvilken metode og hvorfor? • List de banebrydende teknologier som I vil benytte, og hvorfor I har valgt disse. • Excellencen i konsortium skal fremhæves her – Hvorfor er jeres konsortium det absolut bedste til at gennemføre dette projekt?

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 15

1.3 Concept and methodology ”Where relevant, describe how sex and/or gender analysis is taken into account in the project’s content.”

• Handler primært om kønsaspektet i forskningen; hvordan vil køn spille ind i jeres forskning og resultater? – Vis, at der er taget højde for dette ift. hvordan projektet er struktureret. • Redegør også for kønssammensætningen i konsortiet

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 16

1.4 Ambition ”Describe the advance your proposal would provide beyond state-of-the-art, and the extent the proposed work is ambitious….”

• Hvad er state-of-the-art inden for området? • Hvordan går jeres projekt videre end state-of-the-art? • Understreg et højt ambitionsniveau i projektet, men vær ikke overambitiøs/urealistisk.

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 17

1.4 Ambition ”Describe the innovation potential which the proposal represents. Where relevant, refer to products and services already avaliable on the market. Please refer to any patent search carried out.”

• Hvad er det nye i idéen? = Banebrydende objectives, nye koncepter og metoder, nye produkter, services eller organisationsmodeller? • Referér til eksisterende produkter og patenter, hvis relevant.

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 18

Opsamling - Excellence Anbefalinger: • Beskriv objectives klart (Specifikke, Målbare, Realistiske og Opnåelige) • Beskriv state-of-the art tydeligt (og hvordan I går videre end det) • Relatér til tidligere projekter • Vis den tværfaglige ekspertise • Vær ambitiøs, men ikke urealistisk • Kvantificér! • Forbliv konkret og præcis igennem hele afsnittet Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 19


Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 1

Impact-afsnittet omhandler: 2.1 Expected impact Impact not mentioned Barriers and obstacles 2.2 Measures to maximize impact Open access Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 2

Expected impact Alt dét der står i opslaget  Expected impact kunne fx være: ”Description of a sustainable and environmentally friendly pilot system for the degradation of plastic mixtures”  Beskriv konkret, hvordan dit projekt bidrager til netop det  På kort, mellemlang og lang sigt?

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 3

Impact not mentioned Alt det, der ikke står i opslaget Beskriv, hvordan I vil ...  Øge innovationspotentialet (skabe mulighed for mere innovation)  Skabe nye markeder  Styrke virksomheders konkurrenceevne og vækst  Bidrage til bedre klima og miljø  Styrke samfundsudviklingen på andre områder ... i Europa Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 4

Barriers and obstacles Analyser og beskriv, hvordan I vil forholde jer til ...  Forordninger, regler og standarder, der kan sætte hindringer i vejen  Mulig skepsis eller uvilje fra borgere, brugere og beslutningstagere  Særlige hensyn til medarbejdere  Behov for merfinansiering  Nødvendigt samarbejde med andre aktører uden for projektet

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 5

Measures to maximize impact  Dissemination  Exploitation (+ Open Access)  Communication

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 6

Dissemination  Formidl projektets resultater via videnskabelige artikler – ikke hele projektet  Målgruppe: Fagfæller, vidensorganisationer, beslutningstagere ...  Gør det muligt for andre at bruge og bygge videre på jeres resultater  I skal præsentere en klar plan for dissemination-aktiviteter: • Hvad, hvordan, til hvem og hvem har ansvaret? • Gælder under projektet, og efter projektet er slut

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 7

Exploitation  Peg på konkrete effekter, fordele og gevinster for samfundet • Anvis konkrete tiltag, der gør det muligt for andre at udnytte jeres resultater efter projektets afslutning (4+ år)

 Målgruppe: Folk, der ønsker at skabe nye virksomheder, jobs og mere innovation (nye løsninger, produkter eller services på baggrund af jeres resultater)  Lav en business plan – krav i visse opslag. En rigtig god ide uanset. Her redegør I bl.a. for produktet, løsningen eller servicens vej til marked  Hold styr på IP-rettigheder Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 8

Open access (til publikationer og forskningsdata)  Online arkiveringsværktøj: Fremmer deling af ny viden, der udspringer af H2020-projekter  Hovedregel: Alle Horizon 2020-projekter skal sørge for nem og gratis adgang (open access) til projektets videnskabelige (peerreviewed) artikler og data. I vælger selv, hvor I arkiverer  Undtagelse: Hvis I ønsker at udtage et patent eller har særlige behov for at beskytte data, bortfalder kravet om open access (opt out) • Husk: Lav en plan for håndtering af data  Green open access (Publikationer. Før, straks el. senest seks måneder efter publicering). Restriced access and use (data)  Gold open access (Publikationer. Straks-adgang ved publicering). Free access and use (data) Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 9

Communication  Målgruppe: Folk uden faglige forudsætninger og med blandede interesser i jeres projekt og resultater. Det kunne være borgere, brugere, medarbejdere, myndigheder, patienter, beslutningstagere ...

 Lav en kommunikationsplan (kvantificer antal likes, deltagere, pressedækning o.a.) – genbesøg planen løbende og juster  Definer et klart budskab, som I kommunikerer rundt om. Det kunne fx være ”Ny bioplast redder livet i havene”  Bland virkemidler: folkemøder, foredrag og facebook  Hold liv i jeres hjemmeside – også efter projektet er slut  Formidl successer og resultater i hele projektets levetid Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 10

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 11

Sådan gjorde vi – et eksempel fra DTU Energi Anke Hagen Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Dr. tec. Head of Section Applied Electrochemistry

Outline DTU Energy

The project My application steps in short My main conclusions

Summary 2

DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


The Danish vision

The goal of the Danish government is independence from coal, oil and gas by 2050.


DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


DTU Energy: Example high temperature fuel cells & electrolysis • Activities span over a large range in the value chain


DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


DTU Energy: Example high temperature fuel cells & electrolysis • ~35-40 man years

 Fund raising is an essential part of our work  Horizon2020 is getting more and more attention 5

DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


Anke Hagen


Outline DTU Energy

The project My application steps in short My main conclusions

Summary 6

DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

The project • We have been part of some EU projects in the area, but not as coordinator • It was not the first application for EU funding in the specific area of solid oxide electrolysis – previous ones passed the threshold after evaluation but were not invited • The call was under the Horizon2020 Program Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking


DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


The project • Efficient Co-Electrolyser for Efficient Renewable Energy Storage – Eco • Funding with 2.5 MEuro over three years • 9 participants from five countries


DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


Outline DTU Energy

The project My application steps in short My main conclusions

Summary 9

DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


My application steps in short Reading the call text carefully

Matching with our ideas

FCH-02.3-2015: Development of co-electrolysis using CO2 and water

Definition of main area: coelectrolysis using CO2 and water


DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


My application steps in short Reading the call text carefully

Matching with our ideas

Reading the details in the announcement

Finding related activities

Specific challenge • xxx Scope • xxx The topic therefore asks for: • xxx Expected impact:  xxx


• I started with copying all the required challenges, tasks, impacts etc. and tried to find proper activities or objectives for as many as possible • I looked at the required TRL levels, funding indications, other requirements

DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


My application steps in short Reading the call text carefully

Matching with our ideas

Reading the details in the announcement

Finding related activities

Strong players

Shaping the consortium

Find a strong core group based on the defined activities Observe geographic distribution and number of countries Consider a good mix academia & industry Use your and your colleagues’ network Use experiences from previous projects, one wants trust worthy partners who deliver what they promise  Some of the most attractive partners might be ”married” to other core consortia, negotiate  Some partners always want another one or two into the consortium     


DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


My application steps in short Reading the call text carefully

Matching with our ideas

Reading the details in the announcement

Finding related activities

Strong players

Shaping the consortium

Find a strong core group based on the defined activities Observe geographic distribution and number of countries Consider a good mix academia & industry Use your and your colleagues’ network Use experiences from previous projects, one wants trust worhty partners who deliver what they promise  Some of the most attractive partners might be ”married” to other core consortia, negotiate  Some partners always want another one or two into the consortium     


DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


My application steps in short Reading the call text carefully

Matching with our ideas

Reading the details in the announcement

Finding related activities

Strong players

Shaping the consortium

Writing process

Forming a dedicated team and distributing the tasks

The bigger picture, the problem, the solution (TRLs, KPIs, etc.) Technical/scientific content Economy Management (meetings, GA, decision making, etc.) Dissemination/exploitation (high weight for evaluation) Not too many people, but accept that you are not expert in all areas, which means it will cost extra time or will not have high quality  Ask for input from the partners in a coherent and clear way (do not 2019 14 DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark Anke Hagen ask too many things in one e-mail, not too much text)      

My application steps in short Reading the call text carefully

Matching with our ideas

Reading the details in the announcement

Finding related activities

Strong players

Shaping the consortium

Writing process

Forming a dedicated team and distributing the tasks


DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


My application steps in short Reading the call text carefully

Matching with our ideas

Reading the details in the announcement

Finding related activities

    

Involve a more neutral person that tries to read with ”reviewers eyes” Do not expect the reviewer to be a strong believer in the idea, initially players Shaping the consortium Have Strong in mind that the reviewer is not always an expert in your field “Sell” your idea Accept that you are sometimes less critical to your own ideas, try it Writing Forming a dedicated team and out with otherprocess colleagues

distributing the tasks

Proof reading


DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Neutral view: Is the project worth to be supported

Anke Hagen


Outline DTU Energy

The Horizon2020 project My application steps in short My main conclusions

Summary 17

DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


My main conclusions My first attempts were not successful I read the evaluation carefully and tried to learn However, following the reviewers’ comments is not a guarantee to get the funding the next time This time I succeeded to form a strong, balanced consortium I had a good plan for the writing process I involved a dedicated team from DTU Energy and the partners I was prepared for unexpected challenges 18

DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


Outline DTU Energy

The Horizon2020 project My application steps in short My main conclusions

Summary 19

DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


Summary Read announcement carefully Organise a strong consortium Make a good plan Involve a dedicated team, including the partners

Be prepared for deviations and delays Do not take challenges or rejections personal 20

DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen




DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark

Anke Hagen


Implementation -Selve køreplanen for projektet


Introduktion til Implementation Implementation viser: Hvem skal gøre hvad, hvordan, hvornår med hvilke ressourcer

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 2

Introduktion til Implementation 3.1 Workplan; workpackages, deliverables & milestones 3.2 Management structure and procedures; Organisationsstruktur, mekanismer for beslutningstagning, innovation management og risikohåndtering 3.3 Consortium; Sikre komplementaritet og synergi 3.4 Resources to be committed; månedlige udgifter (P/M ) og andre direkte omkostninger

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 3

Implementation lingo WP: Arbejdspakke, temamæssige dele af projektet f.eks.: ‘Project management’ Tasks: Opgave – kort fortalt Deliverables: F.eks. en rapport, der dokumenterer en afholdt workshop, etablering af hjemmeside Milestones: Et midtvejsresultat/kontrolpunkt der dokumenterer projektets fremdrift

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 4

3.1 Workplan • • • • • • •

Kort præsentation af arbejdsplanens struktur Liste over WP’s Kort beskrivelse af de enkelte WP’s og deres funktion Inkluder milestones og evt. større deliverables i projektet Ingen detaljeret beskrivelse af tasks Gør brug af Gantt Chart Illustrer med en grafisk model hvordan de enkelte WP’s interagerer.

Denne beskrivelse er omkring 1-2 sider.

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 5

3.1 Workplan

WP2. Preparation of Demos WP1. Project Management

WP3 Demo1

WP4 Demo2

WP5 Demo3

WP7. Communication/ Dissemination/ Exploitation

WP6. Technology upgrade

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 6

Year1 1 WP1


Year2 3

4 5



8 9





14 15

16 17


Project management

Task Project 1.1 management Task Project 1.2 Reporting WP2

Demo Preparations

Task Methodology 2.1 development WP3


Task Full scale demo 3.1 Task Demo analysis 3.2 & evaluation Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 7

WP’s – Anbefalinger til arbejdspakker • WP’erne skal have en operationel karakter • Vær opmærksom på, at WP’erne er et centralt element i evaluatorens bedømmelse af fordeling af budget versus opgaver • Bedst at være klar på konceptet i projektet før påbegyndelse af WP’er • Begræns længden af WP’er til ca. 2 sider hver • Begræns mængden af deliverables – ca. 2-3 i hver WP • Sørg for at WP’erne fremstår ens og med samme udtryk. Dvs. taler med den ”samme stemme” • Undgå overlap og huller imellem tasks og WP’er. – sikre flow.

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 8

WP’s – hvad kendetegner en god arbejdspakke? • Mængden af WP’er varierer i forhold til projektets indhold, budget og tid • Tid- og budgetdistribution skal være berettiget – ingen lige fordeling mellem WP’er • Hvis en WP er lille – overvej at slå den sammen med en anden WP

• Afslut med gennemtjek af: Er alle partnere i WP relevante? Er der huller i tidslinjen mellem tasks? Er det realistisk med tid/budget?

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 9

WP’s – hvad kendetegner en god arbejdspakke? • WP skal fremstå med et klart formål - undgå en rodet rækkefølge af tasks • WP skal interagere mellem hinanden

• WP skal indeholde samarbejde partnere imellem • Der er ikke behov for deltagelse af alle partnere i alle WP’s • Undgå dog, at der kun er en partner i en hel WP – samarbejde er added value.

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 10

3.2 Management structure and procedures • Beskriv den organisatoriske struktur og beslutningshirakiet og argumenter for, hvorfor netop lige præcis jeres model er den bedste til at håndtere kompleksiteten i projektet. • Hvis det er relevant, især i IA-projekter, så beskriv, hvordan innovation management vil blive håndteret. • Beskriv konflikthåndtering og mulige risici forbundet med projektet – og ikke mindst proceduren for at håndtere disse risici

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 11

3.2 Management structure and procedures

Executive board (Coordinator + WP leaders)

Advisory Board (External experts)

All Project partners

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 12

3.2 Management structure and procedures

Coordinator Admin & finance Scientific Leader

Advisory Board (External experts)

Scientific board (WP leaders+ specialists)

All project partners

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 13

Innovation Management Innovation management (3.2 Management structure, milestones and procedures): Skal dokumenteres i arbejdsplanen og på ledelsesmæssigt niveau. Forslag: Arbejdsplanen: • WP Exploitation: 1 task og 1 deliverable om innovation management styret af en innovation manager

Ledelsen: • Udnævn en innovation manager blandt partnerne

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 14

Risk Management Description of risk

WP involved

Proposed mitigation measures

Difficulties in agreeing on the data model & protocols


Data models to be first shaped by DSOs as regulated players before accounting for feedbacks by service providers

Difficulties in getting consumers to participate in pilots


- Start recruitment campaigns at duly time of the project - Plan in the demo budgets incentives to motivate early adopters

“Describe any critical risks, relating to project implementation, that the stated project's objectives may not be achieved. Detail any risk mitigation measures. Please provide a table with critical risks identified and mitigating actions” Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 15

3.3. Konsortiets sammensætning Begrund hvordan I har etableret det bedste team til dette projekt! - Dette er ikke en præsentation af de enkelte medlemmer i konsortiet - Dette punkt bruges til at forklare baggrunden for den specifikke konsortiesammensætning, partnernes rolle og komplementariteten i konsortiet.

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 16

Koordinators rolle Fordele Koordinator har det overordnede ansvar, står ved roret og kan styre projektet i den rigtige retning, rollen giver ære og synlighed (både på person og institutionsniveau), og man har kontrol over ressourceallokering. Argumenter imod Tidskrævende, administrativ byrde, konsortiestyring (inkl. styring af intern kommunikation og sikre fremdrift)

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 17

3.5. Ressourcer i projektet Anbefalinger til budgettering: • Bottom-up tilgang, baseret på WP strukturen og tasks • Det skal være et realistisk budget • Hver partner skal levere et konkret budgetestimat baseret på tasks og forventede omkostninger • Gennemgå budgettet og vurder om det er balanceret i forhold til de enkelte partneres roller. Husk at budgettet ikke skal deles lige! • Hvis det samlede beløb overstiger budget, kan koordinator tage en drøftelse med partnerne eller lave en horisontal budgetnedskæring.

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 18

Opsamling Implementation Anbefalinger: •

Skab en ambitiøs, realistisk og sammenhængende projektplan, der viser vejen mod projektets overordnede mål

Hav få, velvalgte deliverables og milestones

Hvis IA, så adresser innovation management eksplicit

Effektiv ledelse, der kan håndtere konflikter og risiko

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtvejs Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 19

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020 - erfaringer og gode råd fra en evaluator Birgitte Lønvig

Spørgsmål • • • • • •

Information om, hvem evaluatorerne er Dit udbytte af at være evaluator Dine gode råd til ansøgere Hvordan evalueringsprocessen foregår helt konkret Evalueringskriterierne Ting der tydeligt påvirker evalueringen negativt eller positivt

HORIZON 2020 2

Hvem evaluerer Horizon 2020 proposals for EU? • Eksperter (PhD ++) indenfor relevant

videnskabeligt område i forhold til det specifikke ”Call” og ”Work programme” beskrivelserne

• Diversitet – nationalitet, køn, alder, universitet/virksomhed

• Hvem er jeg? PhD, Industrien, SME, Kvinde, eHealth, IoT, Clouds, Business …

• Personlighed: Du skal være åben overfor andre synspunkter og være i stand til at indgå konsensus

HORIZON 2020 3

Mit udbytte af at være evaluator • Netværk • Faglig interesse i ny forskning og nye ideer

HORIZON 2020 4

Forventninger og forpligtigelser som en evaluator skal leve op til

HORIZON 2020 5

Guiding principles • Independence − You are evaluating in a personal capacity − You represent neither your employer, nor your country!

• Impartiality − You must treat all proposals equally and evaluate them impartially on their merits, irrespective of their origin or the identity of the applicants

• Objectivity − You evaluate each proposal as submitted; meaning on its own merit, not its potential if certain changes were to be made

• Accuracy − You make your judgment against the official evaluation criteria and the call or topic the proposal addresses, and nothing else

• Consistency − You apply the same standard of judgment to all proposals HORIZON 2020 6

Confidentiality You must:

• Not discuss evaluation matters, such as the content of proposals, the evaluation results or the opinions of fellow experts, with anyone, including: − Other experts or Commission/Agencies staff or any other person (e.g. colleagues, students…) not directly involved in the evaluation of the proposal − The sole exception: your fellow experts who are evaluating the same proposal in a consensus group or Panel review

• Not contact partners in the consortium, sub-contractors or any third parties

• Not disclose the names of your fellow experts − The Commission publishes the names of the experts annually - as a group, no link can be made between an expert and a proposal

• Maintain the confidentiality of documents, paper or electronic, at all times and wherever you do your evaluation work (on-site or remotely)

− Please take nothing away from the evaluation building (be it paper or electronic) − Return, destroy or delete all confidential documents, paper or electronic, upon completing your work, as instructed HORIZON 2020 7

Conflicts of interest (COI) (1) You have a COI if you: • were involved in the preparation of the proposal • stand to benefit directly/indirectly if the proposal is successful

• have a close family/personal relationship with any person representing an applicant legal entity

• are a director/trustee/partner of an applicant or involved in the management of an applicant's organisation

• are employed or contracted by an applicant or a named subcontractor

• are a member of an Advisory Group or Programme Committee in an area related to the call in question

• are a National Contact Point or are directly working for the Enterprise Europe Network

HORIZON 2020 8

Observer(s) • Appointed by the Commission/Agency may attend any

meetings or monitor remote evaluation, to ensure a high quality evaluation

• They check the functioning and running of the overall process

• They advise, in their report, on the conduct and fairness of

the evaluation sessions and, if necessary, suggest possible improvements

• They do not evaluate proposals and, therefore, do not express any opinion on their quality

• They may raise any questions - please give them your full support

HORIZON 2020 9

Hvordan evalueringsprocessen foregår helt konkret?

HORIZON 2020 1 0

Overview of the Evaluation Process

Individual evaluation • You read the proposal and evaluate it against the evaluation criteria

− Without discussing it with anybody else − As submitted - not on its potential if certain changes were to be made

Look at the substance: Some proposals might be handicapped by language difficulties, others deceptively well written

− Do not penalise applicants that did not provide detailed breakdown costs – they are not required

• You disregard excess pages marked with a watermark • You check to what degree the proposal is relevant to the call or topic

• You complete an Individual Evaluation Report (IER) − Give your view on operational capacity − Give comments and scores for all evaluation criteria (scores must match comments) − Explain shortcomings, but do not make recommendations

• You then sign and submit the form in the electronic system HORIZON 2020 12

Evaluation Process

Consensus • It usually involves a discussion on the basis of the individual evaluations

− It is not just a simple averaging exercise

• The aim is to find agreement on comments and scores − Agree comments before scores! − If an applicant lacks basic operational capacity, you make comments and score the proposal without taking into account this applicant and its associated activity(ies)

• “Outlying” opinions need to be explored − They might be as valid as others – be open-minded − It is normal for individual views to change

• Moderated by Commission/Agency staff (or an expert in some cases)

− Manages the evaluation, protects confidentiality and ensures fairness − Ensures objectivity and accuracy, all voices heard and points discussed − Helps the group keep to time and reach consensus HORIZON 2020 14

Consensus report (CR) • The rapporteur is responsible for drafting the CR − Including consensus comments and scores − In some cases, the rapporteur does not take part in the discussion

• The quality of the CR is paramount − It often remains unchanged at the panel stage

• The aim of the CR is to give: − A clear assessment of the proposal based on its merit, with justification − Clear feedback on the proposal’s weaknesses and strengths

• Avoid: − Comments not related to the criterion in question − Comments that are too short or too long or use inappropriate language you should explain what you mean in an adequate length and clear manner

− Categorical statements that have not been properly verified e.g. “The

proposal doesn’t mention user requirements” – when there is a short reference…  Applicants can challenge those through evaluation review procedures

− Scores that don’t match the comments − Making recommendations − Marking down a proposal for the same critical aspect under two different criteria HORIZON 2020 15

The panel review • Consists of experts from the consensus groups and/or new experts

• Ensures the consistency of comments and scores given at the consensus stage

• Resolves any cases where a minority view is recorded in the CR

• Endorses the final scores and comments for each proposal − Any new comments and scores (if necessary) should be carefully justified

• Prioritises proposals with identical total scores, after any adjustments for consistency

• Recommends a list of proposals in priority order

HORIZON 2020 16

Proposals with identical total scores •

For each group of proposals with identical total scores, the panel considers first proposals that address topics that are not already covered by more highly-ranked proposals

The panel then orders them according to: − First, their score for Excellence, − And second, their score for Impact For Innovation Actions: − First, their score for Impact, − And second, their score for Excellence

If there are ties, the panel takes into account the following factors: − First, the size of the budget allocated to SMEs − Second, the gender balance of personnel carrying out the research and/or innovation activities

If there are still ties, the panel agrees further factors to consider: − e.g. synergies between projects or contribution to the objectives of the call or of Horizon 2020

The same method is then applied to proposals that address topics that are already covered by more highly-ranked proposals

HORIZON 2020 17

Ethics review •

Only proposals that comply with the ethical principles and legislation may receive funding

For proposals above threshold and considered for funding, an ethics screening and, if necessary, an ethics assessment is carried out by independent ethics experts in parallel with the scientific evaluation or soon after

− Proposals involving the use of human embryonic stems cells automatically undergo an ethics assessment

For those proposals in which one or more ethical issues have been identified, the experts will assess whether the ethics issues are adequately addressed

The ethics experts will produce an ethics report and give an opinion on the proposal, including: − Granting ethics clearance (or not) − Recommending the inclusion of ‘ethics requirements’ in the grant agreement, or − Recommending a further Ethics Assessment and/or an Ethics Check or Audit

HORIZON 2020 18


HORIZON 2020 1 9

Operational capacity • As part of the Individual Evaluation, give your view on whether each applicant has the necessary basic operational capacity to carry out their proposed activity(ies) based on the information provided − Curriculum Vitae or description of the profile of the applicant − Relevant publications or achievements − Relevant previous projects or activities − Description of any significant infrastructure or any major items of technical equipment

• At the consensus group, you consider whether an applicant lacks basic operational capacity

• If yes, you make comments and score the proposal without taking into account this applicant and its associated activity(ies)

HORIZON 2020 22

Interpretation of the scores 0

The proposal fails to address the criterion or cannot be assessed due to missing or incomplete information.


Poor. The criterion is inadequately addressed, or there are serious inherent weaknesses.


Fair. The proposal broadly addresses the criterion, but there are significant weaknesses.


Good. The proposal addresses the criterion well, but a number of shortcomings are present.


Very Good. The proposal addresses the criterion very well, but a small number of shortcomings are present.


Excellent. The proposal successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion. Any shortcomings are minor.

HORIZON 2020 23

Ting der tydeligt pĂĽvirker evalueringen negativt eller positivt

HORIZON 2020 2 4

If a proposal •

Is only marginally relevant in terms of its scientific, technological or innovation content relating to the call or topic addressed, you must reflect this in a lower score for the Excellence criterion − No matter how excellent the science!

Does not significantly contribute to the expected impacts as specified in the WP for that call or topic, you must reflect this in a lower score for the Impact criterion

Would require substantial modifications in terms of implementation (i.e. change of partners, additional work packages, significant budget or resources cut…), you must reflect this in a lower score for the “Quality and efficiency of the implementation” criterion

If cross-cutting issues are explicitly mentioned in the scope of the call or topic, and not properly addressed (or their non-relevance justified), you must reflect this in a lower score for the relevant criterion − A successful proposal is expected to address them, or convincingly explain why not relevant in a particular case − Proposals addressing cross-cutting issues which are not explicitly mentioned in the scope of the call or topic can also be evaluated positively

HORIZON 2020 25

Cross-cutting issues: •Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) are integrated across all Horizon 2020 activities to successfully address European challenges •Gender dimension in the content of R&I - a question on the relevance of sex/gender analysis is included in proposal templates •The new strategic approach to international cooperation consists of a general opening of the WP and targeted activities across all relevant Horizon 2020 parts −The approach to providing 'automatic funding' to third country participants is restricted – see list of countries •Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) including public engagement, science education, open access to scientific publications, ethics…; •Other: GDPR, standardisation; climate and sustainable development …

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020 Tak for nu. Held og lykke med ansøgningsprocessen. Birgitte Lønvig


First impressions are important Evaluator ser først: 1. Projektresumeet fra Part A (2000 anslag) 2. Forsiden af Part B (titel, akronym, (abstract) og layout) • Giv allerede i resumeet i Part A et krystalklart billede af projektets indhold, og hvorfor netop jeres projekt SKAL finansieres. • Vælg et sigende akronym (ikke volapyk) – lad det relatere til indhold i ansøgningen. • Sæt evt. et billede på forsiden.

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 2


Format Gør det let for evaluatorerne at forstå jeres idé: • Brug grafer, illustrationer, billeder og figurer der letter forståelsen. • Vær sikker på at farvediagrammer også kan læses i sort/hvid. • Brug en passende skriftstørrelse, linjeafstand og marginer. • Brug markeret tekst når det passer ind (fed, understreget, kursiv), men lad være med at overdrive. • Forlad jer ikke på, at evaluatorer følger links (få alt det vigtige med i ansøgningen!). Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 3

Indhold • Arbejd ikke på at fylde alle 70 sider. Sørg blot for at få formidlet dine idéer og gennembrud succesfuldt. • Skab en logisk kæde imellem objectives, work packages og deliverables. • Sørg for evaluatorerne guides igennem jeres ansøgning på en logisk og letforståelig måde. • Brug ikke jargon som evaluator måske ikke er bekendt med • Brug ikke forkortelser uden først at have forklaret disse

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 4


Excellence DO


• Definér objectives klart • Vær ambitiøs, men realistisk • Beskriv state-of-the-art tydeligt og hvordan projektet går videre end state-of-the-art • Relatér projektet til tidligere projekter inden for feltet • Fokusér på tværfaglig ekspertise • Belys innovationspotentialet • Forbliv konkret og præcis igennem hele afsnittet • Gør brug af kvantificering hele vejen igennem

• Hast ikke! Dårligt forberedte ansøgninger kan ødelægge selv de bedste planer • Gentag ikke arbejde som allerede er dækket i tidligere projekter • Beskriv ikke processerne i projektet for overfladisk – vigtig med en detaljeret beskrivelse at metode, tekniske løsninger mm. • Glem ikke at vise hvorfor dit konsortium er troværdigt og de bedst kvalificerede til projektet

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 5

Impact DO


• Inddrag expected impacts fra topictekst • Planlæg et stærkt samarbejde med interessenter og end users • Involver gerne politiske beslutningstagere, SMV’er og industrien • Beskriv detaljeret, hvordan projektresultater når industrien • Udvikl detaljerede planer for dissemination, exploitation og communication • Adressér tydeligt, hvordan projektresultater bliver udbredt • Udarbejd en overbevisende kommercialiseringsplan • Udarbejd en forretningsplan • Kvantificer så meget som muligt

• Undgå at beskrive irrelevante eller urealistiske impacts • Være ikke for optimistisk – dette kan virke utroværdigt • Gør ikke brug at generelle beskrivelser – sørg for at være konkret hele vejen igennem • Lad ikke markedsanalysen være for generel og overfladisk • Lad være med at kopiere ‘expected impacts’ fra topic teksten – skriv med jeres egne ord • Undgå at lade dissemination, communication og exploitation dække over det samme arbejde

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 6


Implementation DO


• Konkret og præcis planlægning • Inddrag detaljer og kvantificering – brug tabeller • Lav veldefinerede ‘tasks’ og ‘activities’ som er fordelt jævnt over partnerne • Lav et velbalanceret og retfærdigt budget • Sørg for at projektpartnere komplementerer hinanden og skaber god synergi i konsortiet

• Glem ikke detaljerne • Alle partnere i projektet skal have klart definerede roller – inddrag ikke partnere i konsortiet der ikke bidrager med noget • Lad ikke ‘deliverables’ og ‘milestones’ være uklart beskrevet • Sørg for at beskrive en plan B.

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 7

Husk… Ansøgningen er IKKE en videnskabelig afhandling, men skal være:




Skriv ansøgningen til evaluatorerne – det er dem, som skal overbevises om, at netop jeres projekt skal finansieres.

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 8


Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) analyse

Side 1

Styrelsen for Forskning og Uddannelse har i 2017 lavet en analyse af 250 Evaluation Summary Reports (ESR) af ansøgninger med en relativ høj score, men ingen funding ESR stammer fra: Bioteknologi, Klima, SSH, Bioøkonomi, Sundhed, IKT, Innosup, NMBP, Sikkerhed, Energi, Transport og Space Formål: Afklare om der er specifikke udfordringer som evaluatorerne fremhæver ofte. De følgende slides viser de oftest forekommende kritiske kommentarer fra evaluering af de tre afsnit: Excellence, Impact og Implementation Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 2

ESR analyse – kritiske kommentarer til ‘Excellence’ 1.1 Objectives • Mangelfuld beskrivelse Eksempel: Objectives ”remain too general and not very concrete”

• Manglende kvantificering Eksempel: ”there are no indications on how to measure achievements”

1.2 Relation to work programme • Begrænset scope Eksempel: ”the project only partially addresses the scope of this call”

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 3

1.3 Concept og methodology • Manglende sammenhæng Eksempel:”fragmented concept lacking sufficient interconnection and coherence”

• Inter- and transdisciplinarity ikke adresseret tilstrækkeligt Eksempel: “potentially relevant transdisciplinary aspects have not been addressed appropiately”

• Interessenter ikke tilstrækkeligt involveret Eksempel: “The proposal does not properly address the use of stakeholder knowledge”

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 4

1.4 Ambition • Usikkert at resultater vil overgå nuværende ’state-of-the-art’ Eksempel: “the proposal does not sufficiently detail how the expected results will go beyond the state-of-the-art”

• Innovationspotentiale ikke overbevisende Eksempel: “ground-breaking nature of the proposal is not sufficiently explained”

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 5

ESR analyse – kritiske kommentarer til ‘Impact’ 2.1 Expected Impact The extent to which the outputs of the project would contribute to each of the expected impacts mentioned in the topic • Ikke overbevisende eller mangelfuld beskrivelse af impact • Barrierer og negativ impact ikke tilstrækkeligt taget i betragtning • Ufuldstændig relation mellem output og impact • Manglende indikatorer

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 6

2.1 Expected impacts Other impacts: Any substantial impacts not mentioned in the work programme that would enhance innovation capacity etc. • Utilstrækkelig beskrivelse af forretningsstrategi, den potentielle styrkelse af konkurrence evne og vækstskabende mulighede • Manglende demonstration eller begrundelse for andre impacts • Manglende information om integrering af innovationskapacitet og nye viden

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 7

2.2 Measures to maximise impact Quality of the proposed measures to exploit, disseminate and communicate the project results •

For generisk dissemination/communication plan

Udeladt eller overfladisk IPR beskrivelse

Lav detaljegrad for beskrivelse af exploitation plan/strategi

Uklar eller underudviklet Data Management Plan

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 8

ESR analyse - Kritiske kommentarer til ‘Implementation’ 3.1 Workplan • Uklar/ikke fyldestgørende beskrivelse af projektplanen (WPs, tasks, deliverables) • Manglende match mellem allokerede ressourcer og arbejdsbyrde • Tidsmæssig uoverensstemmelse i projektplanen • Ubegrundet/uhensigtsmæssig rollefordeling i konsortium

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 9

3.2 Management • Manglende/ikke fyldestgørende adressering af risk management • Uhensigtsmæssig ledelsesstruktur og beslutningsprocedurer • Manglende adressering af konflikthåndtering • Utilstrækkelig adressering af innovation management

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 10

Yderligere information

Meget mere info på EuroCenters hjemmeside Få hjælp til ansøgningsforløbet

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 2

FAQ – svar på de typiske spørgsmål


Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 3

Handlingsplan for dansk deltagelse i Horizon 2020 - En række initiativer for at understøtte fortsat dansk deltagelse


Gratis webinarrække 1. halvår 2019 Læs mere her:

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 4

Faktablade 1. halvår 2019  Standardisering  Communication, dissemination og exploitation  Open Access  Work packages Læs mere her:

Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 5

Ordninger Præevaluering af Horizon 2020-samarbejdsprojekter Danske koordinatorer kan få grundig og uvildig præevaluering af udkast til en ansøgning af to eksterne evaluatorer.

EUopSTART Danske virksomheder og videninstitutioner kan få dækket op til 50 % af udgifterne i forbindelse med forberedelsen af en ansøgning til et af programmerne under Horizon 2020 Koordinator: 75.000 kr. Partner: 50.000 kr. Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 6

Analyser og rapporter Proposals to Horizon 2020 – analysis of Evaluation Summary Report

Foranalyse: Indførelse af FAIR data i Danmark Midtvejsrapport: Dansk deltagelse i Horizon 2020 - status og mulige potentialer Handlingsplan for dansk deltagelse i Horizon 2020 alle findes på Den gode ansøgning til Horizon 2020, Eigtveds Pakhus, København, 25. april 2019

Side 7

H2020 Programme Proposal template 2018-2020 Administrative forms (Part A) Project proposal (Part B) Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) Innovation Actions (IA) Version 3.4 1 February 2018 Disclaimer This document is aimed at informing potential applicants for Horizon 2020 funding. It serves only as an example. The actual Web forms and templates, provided in the online proposal submission system under the Participant Portal, might differ from this example. Proposals must be prepared and submitted .via the online proposal submission system under the Participant Portal.





Information on Evaluation added - scoring of proposals as they were submitted, rather than on their potential if certain changes to be made (Part B)




In section 3.3, the number of the template section referred to for exploitation measures is corrected.




Reference added to Part B on compliance with any minimum requirements linked to participation for first stage proposals




Typographical correction: separation of required bullet points under section 2.1 "Expected impacts" (Part B)




Part A - Budget table distinguishes different tables for RIA and IA type of actions

new links added to WP16-17 General Annexes

sentence inserted in instruction page: "The page limit will be applied automatically, therefore you must remove this instruction page before submitting." + page numbers starting at cover page

subtitles "Tables for section 3.n" added in the tables section




12.10.2016 Part A 

Reference to FP7 removed from General section

Data management questions were updated to include the DMP and to reflect the extension of the Open Access to Research Data Pilot as open access becomes the default setting for research data generated in Horizon 2020

In ethics issues table: Sub-question on 'destruction of Human embryos' added (S1) Questions on 'Dual use' and 'Misuse' redrafted (S8, S10) 'Exclusive focus on civil applications' added (S9)

2 13

9 11 11

Part B (corresponding to the version v20160725 of part B in the submission system)

On 25/7 the revision of the WP is adopted. This includes the extension of the Pilot on Open Access to Research Data

replacement of "person/month" by "person month"

replacement of "malevolent use" by "misuse"


reference to ethics guidance on the Participant portal


link to Model Grant Agreement (article 37)




new instructions added



On 27/10 the new WP 2018-2020 was adopted. No change in the template.



Distinction between RIA and IA templates for single stage calls / 2 stage calls (stage 2) and 2 stage calls (stage 1).



Layout changes

par.2.2 all


Proposal template 2018-2020 Administrative forms (Part A) Project proposal (Part B) Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) Innovation Actions (IA) Single-stage calls & stage 2 of two-stage calls ......................................................... 4 Stage 1 of two-stage calls ................................................................................................ 40

H2020 Programme Proposal template 2018-2020 Administrative forms (Part A) / Project proposal (Part B) Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) / Innovation Actions (IA) Single-stage calls & stage 2 of two-stage calls Version 3.4 1 February 2018

Disclaimer This document is aimed at informing potential applicants for Horizon 2020 funding. It serves only as an example. The actual Web forms and templates, provided in the online proposal submission system under the Participant Portal, might differ from this example. Proposals must be prepared and submitted .via the online proposal submission system under the Participant Portal.

European Commission Research & Innovation - Participant Portal

Proposal Submission Forms

Horizon 2020



Topic: Type of action:



co m

Proposal number:

Proposal acronym:

no tt


Deadline Id:

Table of contents



General information


Participants & contacts




am pl





Budget Ethics

Call-specific questions

How to fill in the forms The administrative forms must be filled in for each proposal using the templates available in the submission system. Some data fields in the administrative forms are pre-filled based on the previous steps in the submission wizard.

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European Commission Research & Innovation - Participant Portal

Proposal ID

This page is valid for: RIA/IA single stage RIA stage 2 of 2

Go to

Proposal Submission Forms Acronym

1 - General information Topic Call Identifier


Type of Action


Deadline Id

Max 200 characters (with spaces). Must be understandable for non-specialists in your field.

co m

Proposal title*



Note that for technical reasons, the following characters are not accepted in the Proposal Title and will be removed: < > " &

Duration in months Estimated duration of the project in full months.


Enter any words you think give extra detail of the scope of your proposal (max 200 characters with spaces).


am pl


no tt

Free keywords

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European Commission Research & Innovation - Participant Portal

Proposal ID

This page is valid for: RIA/IA single stage RIA stage 2 of 2

Go to

Proposal Submission Forms Acronym




Remaining characters

co m




Short summary (max. 2,000 characters, with spaces) to clearly explain: • the objectives of the proposal • how they will be achieved • their relevance to the work programme. Will be used as the short description of the proposal in the evaluation process and in communications with the programme management committees and other interested parties . • Do not include any confidential information. • Use plain typed text, avoiding formulae and other special characters. If the proposal is written in a language other than English, please include an English version of this abstract in the “Technical Annex” section.




am pl


no tt

Has this proposal (or a very similar one) been submitted in the past 2 years in response to a call for proposals under Horizon 2020 or any other EU programme(s)?

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Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID

This page is valid for: IA stage 2 of 2


1 - General information Topic Call Identifier


Type of Action


Deadline Id

Max 200 characters (with spaces). Must be understandable for non-specialists in your field.

co m

Proposal title*



Note that for technical reasons, the following characters are not accepted in the Proposal Title and will be removed: < > " &

Duration in months Estimated duration of the project in full months.

Enter any words you think give extra detail of the scope of your proposal (max 200 characters with spaces).


Free keywords

no tt



am pl


Short summary (max. 2,000 characters, with spaces) to clearly explain: • the objectives of the proposal • how they will be achieved • their relevance to the work programme. Will be used as the short description of the proposal in the evaluation process and in communications with the programme management committees and other interested parties . • Do not include any confidential information. • Use plain typed text, avoiding formulae and other special characters. If the proposal is written in a language other than English, please include an English version of this abstract in the “Technical Annex” section.

Remaining characters


Has this proposal (or a very similar one) been submitted in the past 2 years in response to a call for proposals under Horizon 2020 or any other EU programme(s)?

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Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID


Declarations 1) The coordinator declares to have the explicit consent of all applicants on their participation and on the content of this proposal. 2) The information contained in this proposal is correct and complete.


3) This proposal complies with ethical principles (including the highest standards of research integrity — as set out, for instance, in the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity — and including, in particular, avoiding fabrication, falsification, plagiarism or other research misconduct).


4) The coordinator confirms:

co m


- to have carried out the self-check of the financial capacity of the organisation on or to be covered by a financial viability check in an EU project for the last closed financial year. Where the result was “weak” or “insufficient”, the coordinator confirms being aware of the measures that may be imposed in accordance with the H2020 Grants Manual (Chapter on Financial capacity check); or - is exempt from the financial capacity check being a public body including international organisations, higher or secondary education establishment or a legal entity, whose viability is guaranteed by a Member State or associated country, as defined in the H2020 Grants Manual (Chapter on Financial capacity check); or


- as sole participant in the proposal is exempt from the financial capacity check.

no tt

5) The coordinator hereby declares that each applicant has confirmed:

- they are fully eligible in accordance with the criteria set out in the specific call for proposals; and - they have the financial and operational capacity to carry out the proposed action.


The coordinator is only responsible for the correctness of the information relating to his/her own organisation. Each applicant remains responsible for the correctness of the information related to him/her and declared above. Where the proposal to be retained for EU funding, the coordinator and each beneficiary applicant will be required to present a formal declaration in this respect.

am pl

According to Article 131 of the Financial Regulation of 25 October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (Official Journal L 298 of 26.10.2012, p. 1) and Article 145 of its Rules of Application (Official Journal L 362, 31.12.2012, p.1) applicants found guilty of misrepresentation may be subject to administrative and financial penalties under certain conditions.


Personal data protection The assessment of your grant application will involve the collection and processing of personal data (such as your name, address and CV), which will be performed pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data. Unless indicated otherwise, your replies to the questions in this form and any personal data requested are required to assess your grant application in accordance with the specifications of the call for proposals and will be processed solely for that purpose. Details concerning the purposes and means of the processing of your personal data as well as information on how to exercise your rights are available in the privacy statement. Applicants may lodge a complaint about the processing of their personal data with the European Data Protection Supervisor at any time. Your personal data may be registered in the Early Detection and Exclusion system of the European Commission (EDES), the new system established by the Commission to reinforce the protection of the Union's financial interests and to ensure sound financial management, in accordance with the provisions of articles 105a and 108 of the revised EU Financial Regulation (FR) (Regulation (EU, EURATOM) 2015/1929 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 October 2015 amending Regulation (EU, EURATOM) No 966/2012) and articles 143 - 144 of the corresponding Rules of Application (RAP) (COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2015/2462 of 30 October 2015 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1268/2012) for more information see the Privacy statement for the EDES Database).

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Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID


List of participants #

Participant Legal Name



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no tt


co m





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Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID


Short name

2 - Administrative data of participating organisations PIC

Legal name

Short name:


Address of the organisation




Town Postcode

co m

Country Webpage

no tt


Legal Status of your organisation

Research and Innovation legal statuses

Public body .................................................... unknown

Legal person .............................. unknown

Non-profit ...................................................... unknown International organisation .................................. unknown


International organisation of European interest ...... unknown Secondary or Higher education establishment ....... unknown

am pl

Research organisation ..................................... unknown

Enterprise Data


SME self-declared status................................... unknown SME self-assessment ...................................... unknown SME validation sme ......................................... unknown Based on the above details of the Beneficiary Registry the organisation is not an SME (small- and medium-sized enterprise) for the call.

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Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID


Short name

Department(s) carrying out the proposed work Department 1

Department name

not applicable


Please enter street name and number.




Same as organisation address

co m



no tt



Dependencies with other proposal participants



am pl


Character of dependence

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European Commission Research & Innovation - Participant Portal

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Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID


Short name

Person in charge of the proposal The name and e-mail of contact persons are read-only in the administrative form, only additional details can be edited here. To give access rights and basic contact details of contact persons, please go back to Step 4 of the submission wizard and save the changes.



Sex Last name


First name


Please indicate the position of the Contact Point above in the organisation.

Please indicate the department of the Contact Point above in the organisation Same as organisation address

Street Town


Post code

no tt

Country Website

Phone 2

+xxx xxxxxxxxx

+xxx xxxxxxxxx


+xxx xxxxxxxxx


am pl


Phone 1

Same as organisation

co m



E-Mail Position in org.


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m o c

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t o n

















(K) Requested EU Contribution/ €

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(J) Max.EU Contribution / €

This page is valid for: RIA single stage RIA stage 2 of 2

(I) Reimbursement rate (%)

e t e

Go to

(E) (C) (D) (F) (G) (H) Direct costs of Direct costs of Costs of inkind Indirect Costs Special unit Total contributions subproviding /€ costs covering estimated not used on the contracting/€ financial direct & eligible costs beneficiary's (=0.25(A+B-E)) indirect costs support to /€ premises/€ (=A+B+C+D+F third parties/€ /€

x E




(B) Other direct costs/€

(A) Direct personnel costs/€

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3 - Budget for the proposal

Proposal ID

Proposal Submission Forms

European Commission Research & Innovation - Participant Portal









(B) Other direct costs/€

(A) Direct personnel costs/€

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3 - Budget for the proposal

Proposal ID

Proposal Submission Forms

European Commission Research & Innovation - Participant Portal


0 0


x E





, e l p

m a









o t

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t o n



? 100






0 0,00



0 0,00


(L) Max.EU Contribution / €

e t e

(K) Costs of third parties linked to participant

l p



(J) Max.EU Contribution / €

m o c




(I) Reimbursement rate (%)

(E) (C) (D) (F) (G) (H) Direct costs of Direct costs of Costs of inkind Indirect Costs Special unit Total contributions subproviding /€ costs covering estimated not used on the contracting/€ financial direct & eligible costs beneficiary's (=0.25(A+B-E)) indirect costs support to /€ premises/€ third parties/€ /€ (=A+B+C+D +F+G)






(M) Total Costs for

Go to






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(N) Max.EU Contribution / €

This page is valid for: IA single stage IA stage 2 of 2

European Commission Research & Innovation - Participant Portal

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Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID


4 - Ethics issues table 1. HUMAN EMBRYOS/FOETUSES

Page Yes


Will they be directly derived from embryos within this project?



Are they previously established cells lines?



Does your research involve Human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESCs)?






Does your research involve the use of human embryos?

co m

Will the research lead to their destruction? Does your research involve the use of human foetal tissues / cells? 2. HUMANS




No Page



Are they volunteers for social or human sciences research?



Are they persons unable to give informed consent?



Are they vulnerable individuals or groups?



Are they children/minors?














am pl

Are they patients?

no tt


Does your research involve human participants?

Are they healthy volunteers for medical studies? Does your research involve physical interventions on the study participants?


Does it involve invasive techniques?

Does it involve collection of biological samples?

If your research involves processing of genetic information, see also section 4. 3. HUMAN CELLS / TISSUES

Page Yes


Are they available commercially?



Are they obtained within this project?



Does your research involve human cells or tissues (other than from Human Embryos/ Foetuses, i.e. section 1)?

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Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID


Are they obtained from another project, laboratory or institution?



Are they obtained from biobank?


No Page

4. PERSONAL DATA Does your research involve personal data collection and/or processing?



co m

Does it involve tracking or observation of participants?

Does your research involve further processing of previously collected personal data (secondary use)? 5. ANIMALS Does your research involve animals?



Does it involve processing of genetic information?



Does it involve the collection and/or processing of sensitive personal data (e.g.: health, sexual lifestyle, ethnicity, political opinion, religious or philosophical conviction)?







No Page No







Are they cloned farm animals?



Are they endangered species?



Are they vertebrates? Are they non-human primates?

am pl


Are they genetically modified?

no tt




Please indicate the species involved(Maximum number of characters allowed: 1000)



In case non-EU countries are involved, do the research related activities undertaken in these countries raise potential ethics issues?



Specify the countries involved:(Maximum number of characters allowed: 1000)

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Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID


Do you plan to use local resources (e.g. animal and/or human tissue samples, genetic material, live animals, human remains, materials of historical value, endangered fauna or flora samples, etc.)?



Do you plan to import any material - including personal data - from non-EU countries into the EU?






Specify material and countries involved: (Maximum number of characters allowed: 1000)

Do you plan to export any material - including personal data - from the EU to non-EU countries?


In case your research involves low and/or lower middle income countries, are any benefits-sharing actions planned?



Could the situation in the country put the individuals taking part in the research at risk?



co m


no tt


Specify material and countries involved: (Maximum number of characters allowed: 1000)




Does your research deal with endangered fauna and/or flora and/or protected areas?



Does your research involve the use of elements that may cause harm to humans, including research staff?




am pl


Does your research involve the use of elements that may cause harm to the environment, to animals or plants?




Does your research involve dual-use items in the sense of Regulations 428/2009, or other items for which an authorisation is required?





Could your research raise concerns regarding the exclusive focus on civil applications?





Does your research have the potential for misuse of research results?

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Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID




Are there any other ethics issues that should be taken into consideration? Please specify





Please specify: (Maximum number of characters allowed: 1000)


am pl


no tt


How to Complete your Ethics Self-Assessment

co m


I confirm that I have taken into account all ethics issues described above and that, if any ethics issues apply, I will complete the ethics self-assessment and attach the required documents.

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Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID

This page is valid for: RIA/IA single stage


5 - Call specific questions Extended Open Research Data Pilot in Horizon 2020 If selected, applicants will by default participate in the Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 20201 , which aims to improve and maximise access to and re-use of research data generated by actions.




However, participation in the Pilot is flexible in the sense that it does not mean that all research data needs to be open. After the action has started, participants will formulate a Data Management Plan (DMP), which should address the relevant aspects of making data FAIR – findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable, including what data the project will generate, whether and how it will be made accessible for verification and re-use, and how it will be curated and preserved. Through this DMP projects can define certain datasets to remain closed according to the principle "as open as possible, as closed as necessary". A Data Management Plan does not have to be submitted at the proposal stage.

co m

Furthermore, applicants also have the possibility to opt out of this Pilot completely at any stage (before or after the grant signature). In this case, applicants must indicate a reason for this choice (see options below). Please note that participation in this Pilot does not constitute part of the evaluation process. Proposals will not be penalised for opting out. We wish to opt out of the Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020.



no tt

- the project does not generate any data


If opting out please indicate the reason(s) for not being able to participate in the Pilot:

- to allow the protection of results (e.g. patenting)

- incompatibility with the need for confidentiality linked to security


- incompatibility with privacy/data protection

am pl

- achievement of the project's main aim would be jeopardised - other legitimate reasons


Please specify the reason:

Remaining characters


Further guidance on open access and research data management is available on the participant portal: and in general annex L of the Work Programme.

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This page is valid for: RIA/IA single stage




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co m




According to article 43.2 of Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 11 December 2013, laying down the rules for participation and dissemination in "Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020)" and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1906/2006.

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This page is valid for: RIA/IA stage 2 of 2


5 - Call specific questions Declarations on stage-2 changes The full stage-2 proposal must be consistent with the short outline proposal submitted to the stage-1- in particular with respect to the proposal characteristics addressing the concepts of excellence and impact. Yes

Are there substantial differences compared to the stage-1 proposal?


Extended Open Research Data Pilot in Horizon 2020




If selected, applicants will by default participate in the Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020 , which aims to improve and maximise access to and re-use of research data generated by actions.

co m


However, participation in the Pilot is flexible in the sense that it does not mean that all research data needs to be open. After the action has started, participants will formulate a Data Management Plan (DMP), which should address the relevant aspects of making data FAIR – findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable, including what data the project will generate, whether and how it will be made accessible for verification and re-use, and how it will be curated and preserved. Through this DMP projects can define certain datasets to remain closed according to the principle "as open as possible, as closed as necessary". A Data Management Plan does not have to be submitted at the proposal stage.


Furthermore, applicants also have the possibility to opt out of this Pilot completely at any stage (before or after the grant signature). In this case, applicants must indicate a reason for this choice (see options below).

no tt

Please note that participation in this Pilot does not constitute part of the evaluation process. Proposals will not be penalised for opting out. We wish to opt out of the Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020.



If opting out please indicate the reason(s) for not being able to participate in the Pilot:


- the project does not generate any data

am pl

- to allow the protection of results (e.g. patenting)

- incompatibility with the need for confidentiality linked to security - incompatibility with privacy/data protection


- achievement of the project's main aim would be jeopardised - other legitimate reasons

Please specify the reason:

Remaining characters


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Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID

This page is valid for: RIA/IA stage 2 of 2


Further guidance on open access and research data management is available on the participant portal: and in general annex L of the Work Programme. 1


am pl


no tt


co m




According to article 43.2 of Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 11 December 2013, laying down the rules for participation and dissemination in "Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020)" and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1906/2006.

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Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID


Validation result The red 'Show Error' button indicates an error due to a missing or incorrect value related to the call eligibility criteria. The submission of the proposal will be blocked unless that specific field is corrected!

Show Error Show Warning

The yellow 'Show Warning' button indicates a warning due to a missing or incorrect value related to the call eligibility criteria. The submission of the proposal will not be blocked (proposal will be submitted with the missing or incorrect value).





am pl


no tt


co m



The form has not yet been validated, click "Validate Form" to do so!

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Proposal template: technical annex (for full proposals: single stage submission procedure and 2nd stage of a two-stage submission procedure)

Research and Innovation actions Innovation actions This template is to be used in a single- stage submission procedure or at the 2nd stage of a two-stage submission procedure. The structure of this template must be followed when preparing your proposal. It has been designed to ensure that the important aspects of your planned work are presented in a way that will enable the experts to make an effective assessment against the evaluation criteria. Sections 1, 2 and 3 each correspond to an evaluation criterion. Please be aware that proposals will be evaluated as they were submitted, rather than on their potential if certain changes were to be made. This means that only proposals that successfully address all the required aspects will have a chance of being funded. There will be no possibility for significant changes to content, budget and consortium composition during grant preparation. Page limit: The title, list of participants and sections 1, 2 and 3, together, should not be longer than 70 pages. All tables, figures, references and any other element pertaining to these sections must be included as an integral part of these sections and are thus counted against this page limit. The page limit will be applied automatically; therefore you must remove this instruction page before submitting. If you attempt to upload a proposal longer than the specified limit before the deadline, you will receive an automatic warning and will be advised to shorten and re-upload the proposal. After the deadline, excess pages (in over-long proposals/applications) will be automatically made invisible, and will not be taken into consideration by the experts. The proposal is a self-contained document. Experts will be instructed to ignore hyperlinks to information that is specifically designed to expand the proposal, thus circumventing the page limit. Please, do not consider the page limit as a target! It is in your interest to keep your text as concise as possible, since experts rarely view unnecessarily long proposals in a positive light. The following formatting conditions apply. The reference font for the body text of H2020 proposals is Times New Roman (Windows platforms), Times/Times New Roman (Apple platforms) or Nimbus Roman No. 9 L (Linux distributions). The use of a different font for the body text is not advised and is subject to the cumulative conditions that the font is legible and that its use does not significantly shorten the representation of the proposal in number of pages compared to using the reference font (for example with a view to bypass the page limit). The minimum font size allowed is 11 points. Standard character spacing and a minimum of single line spacing is to be used. Text elements other than the body text, such as headers, foot/end notes, captions, formula's, may deviate, but must be legible. The page size is A4, and all margins (top, bottom, left, right) should be at least 15 mm (not including any footers or headers). template WP18-20 v20180201

Fill in the title of your proposal below.

TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL The consortium members are listed in part A of the proposal (administrative forms). A summary list should also be provided in the table below.

List of participants Participant No. *

Participant organisation name


1 (Coordinator)

pl et


2 3


co m

* Please use the same participant numbering as that used in the administrative proposal forms.


Your proposal must address a work programme topic for this call for proposals.


Describe the overall and specific objectives for the project1, which should be clear, measurable, realistic and achievable within the duration of the project. Objectives should be consistent with the expected exploitation and impact of the project (see section 2).




Relation to the work programme

Indicate the work programme topic to which your proposal relates, and explain how your proposal addresses the specific challenge and scope of that topic, as set out in the work programme.

Concept and methodology

Ex a







This section of your proposal will be assessed only to the extent that it is relevant to that topic.

(a) Concept 


Describe and explain the overall concept underpinning the project. Describe the main ideas, models or assumptions involved. Identify any inter-disciplinary considerations and, where relevant, use of stakeholder knowledge. Where relevant, include measures taken for public/societal engagement on issues related to the project. Describe the positioning of the project e.g. where it is situated in the spectrum from ‘idea to application’, or from ‘lab to market’. Refer to Technology Readiness Levels where relevant. (See General Annex G of the work programme);

The term ‘project’ used in this template equates to an ‘action’ in certain other Horizon 2020 documentation.

1 [proposal acronym]

template WP18-20 v20180201

Describe any national or international research and innovation activities which will be linked with the project, especially where the outputs from these will feed into the project;

(b) Methodology Describe and explain the overall methodology, distinguishing, as appropriate, activities indicated in the relevant section of the work programme, e.g. for research, demonstration, piloting, first market replication, etc.

Where relevant, describe how the gender dimension, i.e. sex and/or gender analysis is taken into account in the project’s content.


Ambition 

Describe the advance your proposal would provide beyond the state-of-the-art, and the extent the proposed work is ambitious.

Describe the innovation potential (e.g. ground-breaking objectives, novel concepts and approaches, new products, services or business and organisational models) which the proposal represents. Where relevant, refer to products and services already available on the market. Please refer to the results of any patent search carried out.



Expected impacts







co m

pl et

Please note that this question does not refer to gender balance in the teams in charge of carrying out the project but to the content of the planned research and innovation activities . Sex and gender analysis refers to biological characteristics and social/cultural factors respectively. For guidance on methods of sex / gender analysis and the issues to be taken into account, please refer to

Describe how your project will contribute to:



Please be specific, and provide only information that applies to the proposal and its objectives. Wherever possible, use quantified indicators and targets.

Ex a

o each of the expected impacts mentioned in the work programme, under the relevant topic; o any substantial impacts not mentioned in the work programme, that would enhance innovation capacity; create new market opportunities, strengthen competitiveness and growth of companies, address issues related to climate change or the environment, or bring other important benefits for society


Describe any barriers/obstacles, and any framework conditions (such as regulation, standards, public acceptance, workforce considerations, financing of follow-up steps, cooperation of other links in the value chain), that may determine whether and to what extent the expected impacts will be achieved. (This should not include any risk factors concerning implementation, as covered in section 3.2.)

Measures to maximise impact 2

[proposal acronym]

template WP18-20 v20180201

a) Dissemination and exploitation2 of results 

Provide a draft ‘plan for the dissemination and exploitation of the project's results’. Please note that such a draft plan is an admissibility condition, unless the work programme topic explicitly states that such a plan is not required. Show how the proposed measures will help to achieve the expected impact of the project.

pl et


The plan, should be proportionate to the scale of the project, and should contain measures to be implemented both during and after the end of the project. For innovation actions, in particular, please describe a credible path to deliver these innovations to the market.

co m

Your plan for the dissemination and exploitation of the project's results is key to maximising their impact. This plan should describe, in a concrete and comprehensive manner, the area in which you expect to make an impact and who are the potential users of your results. Your plan should also describe how you intend to use the appropriate channels of dissemination and interaction with potential users.


Consider the full range of potential users and uses, including research, commercial, investment, social, environmental, policy-making, setting standards, skills and educational training where relevant.



Your plan should give due consideration to the possible follow-up of your project, once it is finished. Its exploitation could require additional investments, wider testing or scaling up. Its exploitation could also require other pre-conditions like regulation to be adapted, or value chains to adopt the results, or the public at large being receptive to your results.

 Include a business plan where relevant.



 As relevant, include information on how the participants will manage the research data generated and/or collected during the project, in particular addressing the following issues:


o What types of data will the project generate/collect?

o What standards will be used?

Ex a

o How will this data be exploited and/or shared/made accessible for verification and re-use? If data cannot be made available, explain why. o How will this data be curated and preserved? o How will the costs for data curation and preservation be covered?

Actions under Horizon 2020 participate in the extended ‘Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020 ('open research data by default'), except if they indicate otherwise ('opt-out'.)3. Once the action

2 3

See participant portal FAQ on how to address dissemination and exploitation in Horizon 2020 Opting out of the Open Research Data Pilot is possible, both before and after the grant signature. For further guidance on open research data and data management, please refer to the H2020 Online Manual on the Participant Portal.

3 [proposal acronym]

template WP18-20 v20180201

has started (not at application stage) those beneficaries which do not opt-out, will need to create a more detailed Data Management Plan for making their data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). You will need an appropriate consortium agreement to manage (amongst other things) the ownership and access to key knowledge (IPR, research data etc.). Where relevant, these will allow you, collectively and individually, to pursue market opportunities arising from the project's results. The appropriate structure of the consortium to support exploitation is addressed in section 3.3.


 Outline the strategy for knowledge management and protection. Include measures to provide open access (free on-line access, such as the ‘green’ or ‘gold’ model) to peerreviewed scientific publications which might result from the project4.

co m

pl et

Open access publishing (also called 'gold' open access) means that an article is immediately provided in open access mode by the scientific publisher. The associated costs are usually shifted away from readers, and instead (for example) to the university or research institute to which the researcher is affiliated, or to the funding agency supporting the research. Gold open access costs are fully eligible as part of the grant. Note that if the gold route is chosen, a copy of the publication has to be deposited in a repository as well.


b) Communication activities5,6


Self-archiving (also called 'green' open access) means that the published article or the final peerreviewed manuscript is archived by the researcher - or a representative - in an online repository before, after or alongside its publication. Access to this article is often - but not necessarily - delayed (‘embargo period’), as some scientific publishers may wish to recoup their investment by selling subscriptions and charging pay-per-download/view fees during an exclusivity period



 Describe the proposed communication measures for promoting the project and its findings during the period of the grant. Measures should be proportionate to the scale of the project, with clear objectives. They should be tailored to the needs of different target audiences, including groups beyond the project's own community. Implementation


Work plan — Work packages, deliverables




Please provide the following: brief presentation of the overall structure of the work plan;

timing of the different work packages and their components (Gantt chart or similar);

detailed work description, i.e.:

Ex a

o a list of work packages (table 3.1a); o a description of each work package (table 3.1b); 4


Open access must be granted to all scientific publications resulting from Horizon 2020 actions (in particular scientific peer reviewed articles). Further guidance on open access is available in the H2020 Online Manual on the Participant Portal. See participant portal FAQ on how to address communication activities in Horizon 2020


For further guidance on communicating EU research and innovation for project participants, please refer to the H2020 Online Manual on the Participant Portal.

4 [proposal acronym]

template WP18-20 v20180201

o a list of major deliverables (table 3.1c); 

graphical presentation of the components showing how they inter-relate (Pert chart or similar).

Give full details. Base your account on the logical structure of the project and the stages in which it is to be carried out. The number of work packages should be proportionate to the scale and complexity of the project. You should give enough detail in each work package to justify the proposed resources to be allocated and also quantified information so that progress can be monitored, including by the Commission

pl et


Resources assigned to work packages should be in line with their objectives and deliverables. You are advised to include a distinct work package on ‘management’ (see section 3.2) and to give due visibility in the work plan to ‘dissemination and exploitation’ and ‘communication activities’, either with distinct tasks or distinct work packages.

co m

You will be required to include an updated (or confirmed) ‘plan for the dissemination and exploitation of results’ in both the periodic and final reports. (This does not apply to topics where a draft plan was not required.) This should include a record of activities related to dissemination and exploitation that have been undertaken and those still planned. A report of completed and planned communication activities will also be required.



If your project is taking part in the Pilot on Open Research Data, you must include a 'data management plan' as a distinct deliverable within the first 6 months of the project. A template for such a plan is given in the guidelines on data management in the H2020 Online Manual. This deliverable will evolve during the lifetime of the project in order to present the status of the project's reflections on data management.



‘Work package’ means a major sub-division of the proposed project.


Management structure, milestones and procedures Describe the organisational structure and the decision-making ( including a list of milestones (table 3.2a))

Explain why the organisational structure and decision-making mechanisms are appropriate to the complexity and scale of the project.

Describe, where relevant, how effective innovation management will be addressed in the management structure and work plan.


Ex a



‘Deliverable’ means a distinct output of the project, meaningful in terms of the project's overall objectives and constituted by a report, a document, a technical diagram, a software etc.

Innovation management is a process which requires an understanding of both market and technical problems, with a goal of successfully implementing appropriate creative ideas. A new or improved product, service or process is its typical output. It also allows a consortium to respond to an external or internal opportunity.

Describe any critical risks, relating to project implementation, that the stated project's objectives may not be achieved. Detail any risk mitigation measures. Please provide a table with critical risks identified and mitigating actions (table 3.2b)

5 [proposal acronym]

template WP18-20 v20180201

Definition: ‘Milestones’ means control points in the project that help to chart progress. Milestones may correspond to the completion of a key deliverable, allowing the next phase of the work to begin. They may also be needed at intermediary points so that, if problems have arisen, corrective measures can be taken. A milestone may be a critical decision point in the project where, for example, the consortium must decide which of several technologies to adopt for further development.


Consortium as a whole

pl et


The individual members of the consortium are described in a separate section 4. There is no need to repeat that information here.

Describe the consortium. How will it match the project’s objectives, and bring together the necessary expertise? How do the members complement one another (and cover the value chain, where appropriate),?

In what way does each of them contribute to the project? Show that each has a valid role, and adequate resources in the project to fulfil that role.

If applicable, describe the industrial/commercial involvement in the project to ensure exploitation of the results and explain why this is consistent with and will help to achieve the specific measures which are proposed for exploitation of the results of the project (see section 2.2).

Other countries and international organisations: If one or more of the participants requesting EU funding is based in a country or is an international organisation that is not automatically eligible for such funding (entities from Member States of the EU, from Associated Countries and from one of the countries in the exhaustive list included in General Annex A of the work programme are automatically eligible for EU funding), explain why the participation of the entity in question is essential to carrying out the project

Resources to be committed








co m

Ex a

Please make sure the information in this section matches the costs as stated in the budget table in section 3 of the administrative proposal forms, and the number of person months, shown in the detailed work package descriptions.

Please provide the following: 

a table showing number of person months required (table 3.4a)

a table showing ‘other direct costs’ (table 3.4b) for participants where those costs exceed 15% of the personnel costs (according to the budget table in section 3 of the administrative proposal forms)

6 [proposal acronym]

template WP18-20 v20180201

Tables for section 3.1 Table 3.1a:

List of work packages

Work Package Title

Lead Participant No

Lead Participant Short Name


Start Month

End month

co m

pl et


Work package No

Ex a







Total personmonths

7 [proposal acronym]

template WP18-20 v20180201

Table 3.1b:

Work package description

For each work package: Work package number Work package title Participant number

Lead beneficiary

End month

co m

pl et

Start month


Short name of participant Person months per participant:








Description of work (where appropriate, broken down into tasks), lead partner and role of participants

Ex a

Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery)

8 [proposal acronym]

template WP18-20 v20180201

Table 3.1c:

Deliverable name

Work package number

Short name of lead participant


Dissemination level

Delivery date (in months)

co m

pl et


Deliverable (number)

List of Deliverables7



Deliverable numbers in order of delivery dates. Please use the numbering convention <WP number>.<number of deliverable within that WP>.


For example, deliverable 4.2 would be the second deliverable from work package 4.




Type: Use one of the following codes: R: Document, report (excluding the periodic and final reports) DEM: Demonstrator, pilot, prototype, plan designs DEC: Websites, patents filing, press & media actions, videos, etc. OTHER: Software, technical diagram, etc.

Ex a


Dissemination level: Use one of the following codes: PU = Public, fully open, e.g. web CO = Confidential, restricted under conditions set out in Model Grant Agreement CI = Classified, information as referred to in Commission Decision 2001/844/EC. Delivery date Measured in months from the project start date (month 1)


If your action is taking part in the Pilot on Open Research Data, you must include a data management plan as a distinct deliverable within the first 6 months of the project. This deliverable will evolve during the lifetime of the project in order to present the status of the project's reflections on data management. A template for such a plan is available in the H2020 Online Manual on the Participant Portal.

9 [proposal acronym]

template WP18-20 v20180201

Tables for section 3.2 Table 3.2a: Milestone number

List of milestones Milestone name

Related work package(s)

Due date (in month)

pl et

Due date Measured in months from the project start date (month 1)



Means of verification

Critical risks for implementation

Work package(s) involved

Proposed risk-mitigation measures




Description of risk (indicate level of likelihood: Low/Medium/High)


Table 3.2b:


co m

Means of verification Show how you will confirm that the milestone has been attained. Refer to indicators if appropriate. For example: a laboratory prototype that is ‘up and running’; software released and validated by a user group; field survey complete and data quality validated.

Ex a


Definition critical risk: A critical risk is a plausible event or issue that could have a high adverse impact on the ability of the project to achieve its objectives. Level of likelihood to occur: Low/medium/high The likelihood is the estimated probability that the risk will materialise even after taking account of the mitigating measures put in place.

10 [proposal acronym]

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Tables for section 3.4 Table 3.4a:

Summary of staff effort

Please indicate the number of person/months over the whole duration of the planned work, for each work package, for each participant. Identify the work-package leader for each WP by showing the relevant person-month figure in bold. WPn


Total PersonMonths per Participant

co m

pl et


Participant Number/Short Name ParticipantNumber/ Short Name Participant Number/ Short Name Total Person Months



Table 3.4b: ‘Other direct cost’ items (travel, equipment, other goods and services, large research infrastructure)



Please complete the table below for each participant if the sum of the costs for’ travel’, ‘equipment’, and ‘goods and services’ exceeds 15% of the personnel costs for that participant (according to the budget table in section 3 of the proposal administrative forms). Justification




Participant Cost Number/Short Name (€) Travel Equipment Other goods and services Total

Ex a

Please complete the table below for all participants that would like to declare costs of large research infrastructure under Article 6.2 of the General Model Agreement8, irrespective of the percentage of personnel costs. Please indicate (in the justification) if the beneficiary’s methodology for declaring the costs for large research infrastructure has already been positively assessed by the Commission. Participant Cost Number/Short Name (€) Large research infrastructure



Large research infrastructure means research infrastructure of a total value of at least EUR 20 million, for a beneficiary. More information and further guidance on the direct costing for the large research infrastructure is available in the H2020 Online Manual on the Participant Portal.

11 [proposal acronym]

template WP18-20 v20180201

Section 4: Members of the consortium This section is not covered by the page limit. The information provided here will be used to judge the operational capacity. Please make sure that you do not include information here that relates to the headings under sections 1 to 3. Experts will be instructed to ignore any information here which appears to have been included to circumvent page limits applying to those sections.

Please provide, for each participant, the following (if available):


4.1. Participants (applicants)

a description of the legal entity and its main tasks, with an explanation of how its profile matches the tasks in the proposal;

a curriculum vitae or description of the profile of the persons, including their gender, who will be primarily responsible for carrying out the proposed research and/or innovation activities;

a list of up to 5 relevant publications, and/or products, services (including widelyused datasets or software), or other achievements relevant to the call content;

a list of up to 5 relevant previous projects or activities, connected to the subject of this proposal;

a description of any significant infrastructure and/or any major items of technical equipment, relevant to the proposed work;

if operational capacity cannot be demonstrated at the time of submitting the proposal, describe the concrete measures that will be taken to obtain it by the time of the implementation of the task.1





co m

pl et


4.2. Third parties involved in the project (including use of third party resources)


Please complete, for each participant, the following table (or simply state "No third parties involved", if applicable):

Ex a

Does the participant plan to subcontract certain tasks (please note that core tasks of the project should not be sub-contracted)


If yes, please describe and justify the tasks to be subcontracted Does the participant envisage that part of its work is performed by linked third parties2


If yes, please describe the third party, the link of the participant to the third party, and describe and justify the foreseen tasks to be performed by the third party


Please refer to General Annex H Evaluation Rules, Selection Rules, Operational Capacity A third party that is an affiliated entity or has a legal link to a participant implying a collaboration not limited to the action. (Article 14 of the Model Grant Agreement).


1 [proposal acronym]

template WP18-20 v20171006

Does the participant envisage the use of contributions in kind provided by third parties (Articles 11 and 12 of the General Model Grant Agreement)


If yes, please describe the third party and their contributions Does the participant envisage that part of the work is performed by International Partners3 (Article 14a of the General Model Grant Agreement)?


Ex a







co m

pl et


If yes, please describe the International Partner(s) and their contributions


‘International Partner’ is any legal entity established in a non-associated third country which is not eligible for funding under Article 10 of the Rules for Participation Regulation No 1290/2013.

2 [proposal acronym]

template WP18-20 v20171006

Section 5: Ethics and Security This section is not covered by the page limit.

5.1 Ethics For more guidance, see the document "How to complete your ethics self-assessment".

If you have entered any ethics issues in the ethical issue table in the administrative proposal forms, you must: 

submit an ethics self-assessment, which:

pl et


o describes how the proposal meets the national legal and ethical requirements of the country or countries where the tasks raising ethical issues are to be carried out; o explains in detail how you intend to address the issues in the ethical issues table, in particular as regards: research methodology (e.g. clinical trials, involvement of children and related consent procedures, protection of any data collected, etc.)

the potential impact of the research (e.g. dual use issues, environmental damage, stigmatisation of particular social groups, political or financial retaliation, benefit-sharing, misuse, etc.).


provide the documents that you need under national law(if you already have them), e.g.:


research objectives (e.g. study of vulnerable populations, dual use, etc.)

co m

o an ethics committee opinion;


o the document notifying activities raising ethical issues or authorising such activities


If these documents are not in English, you must also submit an English summary of them (containing, if available, the conclusions of the committee or authority concerned).


5.2 Security4


If you plan to request these documents specifically for the project you are proposing, your request must contain an explicit reference to the project title.

Ex a

Please indicate if your project will involve: 

activities or results raising security issues: (YES/NO)

'EU-classified information' as background or results: (YES/NO)


See article 37 of the Model Grant Agreement. . For more information on the classification of Information, please refer to the Horizon 2020 guidance:

3 [proposal acronym]

template WP18-20 v20171006

H2020 Programme Proposal template 2018-2020 Administrative forms (Part A) / Project proposal (Part B) Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) / Innovation Actions (IA) Stage 1 of two-stage calls Version 3.4 1 February 2018

Disclaimer This document is aimed at informing potential applicants for Horizon 2020 funding. It serves only as an example. The actual Web forms and templates, provided in the online proposal submission system under the Participant Portal, might differ from this example. Proposals must be prepared and submitted .via the online proposal submission system under the Participant Portal.

European Commission Research & Innovation - Participant Portal

Proposal Submission Forms

Horizon 2020




Type of action:



co m

Proposal number:

Proposal acronym:

no tt


Deadline Id:

Table of contents



General information


Participants & contacts

am pl Budget






How to fill in the forms The administrative forms must be filled in for each proposal using the templates available in the submission system. Some data fields in the administrative forms are pre-filled based on the previous steps in the submission wizard.

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European Commission Research & Innovation - Participant Portal

Go to

Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID


1 - General information Topic Call Identifier


Type of Action


Deadline Id

Max 200 characters (with spaces). Must be understandable for non-specialists in your field.

co m

Proposal title*



Note that for technical reasons, the following characters are not accepted in the Proposal Title and will be removed: < > " &

Duration in months Estimated duration of the project in full months.

Enter any words you think give extra detail of the scope of your proposal (max 200 characters with spaces).


Free keywords

no tt



am pl


Short summary (max. 2,000 characters, with spaces) to clearly explain: • the objectives of the proposal • how they will be achieved • their relevance to the work programme. Will be used as the short description of the proposal in the evaluation process and in communications with the programme management committees and other interested parties . • Do not include any confidential information. • Use plain typed text, avoiding formulae and other special characters. If the proposal is written in a language other than English, please include an English version of this abstract in the “Technical Annex” section.

Remaining characters


Has this proposal (or a very similar one) been submitted in the past 2 years in response to a call for proposals under Horizon 2020 or any other EU programme(s)?

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European Commission Research & Innovation - Participant Portal

Go to

Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID



1) The coordinator declares to have the explicit consent of all applicants on their participation and on the content of this proposal.


2) The information contained in this proposal is correct and complete.



3) This proposal complies with ethical principles (including the highest standards of research integrity — as set out, for instance, in the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity — and including, in particular, avoiding fabrication, falsification, plagiarism or other research misconduct). 4) The coordinator confirms:

co m

- to have carried out the self-check of the financial capacity of the organisation on or to be covered by a financial viability check in an EU project for the last closed financial year. Where the result was “weak” or “insufficient”, the coordinator confirms being aware of the measures that may be imposed in accordance with the H2020 Grants Manual (Chapter on Financial capacity check); or

no tt


- is exempt from the financial capacity check being a public body including international organisations, higher or secondary education establishment or a legal entity, whose viability is guaranteed by a Member State or associated country, as defined in the H2020 Grants Manual (Chapter on Financial capacity check); or - as sole participant in the proposal is exempt from the financial capacity check. 5) The coordinator hereby declares that each applicant has confirmed:

- they are fully eligible in accordance with the criteria set out in the specific call for proposals; and


- they have the financial and operational capacity to carry out the proposed action.

am pl

The coordinator is only responsible for the correctness of the information relating to his/her own organisation. Each applicant remains responsible for the correctness of the information related to him/her and declared above. Where the proposal to be retained for EU funding, the coordinator and each beneficiary applicant will be required to present a formal declaration in this respect.


According to Article 131 of the Financial Regulation of 25 October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (Official Journal L 298 of 26.10.2012, p. 1) and Article 145 of its Rules of Application (Official Journal L 362, 31.12.2012, p.1) applicants found guilty of misrepresentation may be subject to administrative and financial penalties under certain conditions. Personal data protection The assessment of your grant application will involve the collection and processing of personal data (such as your name, address and CV), which will be performed pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data. Unless indicated otherwise, your replies to the questions in this form and any personal data requested are required to assess your grant application in accordance with the specifications of the call for proposals and will be processed solely for that purpose. Details concerning the purposes and means of the processing of your personal data as well as information on how to exercise your rights are available in the privacy statement. Applicants may lodge a complaint about the processing of their personal data with the European Data Protection Supervisor at any time. Your personal data may be registered in the Early Detection and Exclusion system of the European Commission (EDES), the new system established by the Commission to reinforce the protection of the Union's financial interests and to ensure sound financial management, in accordance with the provisions of articles 105a and 108 of the revised EU Financial Regulation (FR) (Regulation (EU, EURATOM) 2015/1929 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 October 2015 amending Regulation (EU, EURATOM) No 966/2012) and articles 143 - 144 of the corresponding Rules of Application (RAP) (COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2015/2462 of 30 October 2015 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1268/2012) for more information see the Privacy statement for the EDES Database).

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European Commission Research & Innovation - Participant Portal

Go to

Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID


Short name

2 - Administrative data of participating organisations Legal name 2PIC- Administrative data of participating organisations

Short name:


Address of the organisation




Town Postcode

co m

Country Webpage

no tt


Legal Status of your organisation

Research and Innovation legal statuses

Public body .................................................... unknown

Legal person .............................. unknown

Non-profit ...................................................... unknown International organisation .................................. unknown


International organisation of European interest ...... unknown Secondary or Higher education establishment ....... unknown

am pl

Research organisation ..................................... unknown

Enterprise Data


SME self-declared status ................................... unknown SME self-assessment ...................................... unknown SME validation sme.......................................... unknown Based on the above details of the Beneficiary Registry the organisation is not an SME (small- and medium-sized enterprise) for the call.

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European Commission Research & Innovation - Participant Portal

Go to

Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID


Short name

Department(s) carrying out the proposed work Department 1

Department name

not applicable


Please enter street name and number.




Same as organisation address

co m



no tt



Dependencies with other proposal participants



am pl


Character of dependence

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European Commission Research & Innovation - Participant Portal

Go to

Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID


Short name

Person in charge of the proposal The name and e-mail of contact persons are read-only in the administrative form, only additional details can be edited here. To give access rights and basic contact details of contact persons, please go back to Step 4 of the submission wizard and save the changes.



Sex Last name


First name


Please indicate the position of the Contact Point above in the organisation.

Please indicate the department of the Contact Point above in the organisation Same as organisation address

Street Town


Phone 2

+xxx xxxxxxxxx


+xxx xxxxxxxxx


am pl


+xxx xxxxxxxxx

no tt


Post code


Phone 1

Same as organisation

co m



E-Mail Position in org.


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x E

m a

, e l p

Total requested EU contribution for the proposal/ â‚Ź

3 - Budget for the proposal

Proposal ID

Proposal Submission Forms

European Commission Research & Innovation - Participant Portal

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t o n

o t

m o c


l p

e t e Go to

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European Commission Research & Innovation - Participant Portal

Go to

Proposal Submission Forms Proposal ID


Validation result The red 'Show Error' button indicates an error due to a missing or incorrect value related to the call eligibility criteria. The submission of the proposal will be blocked unless that specific field is corrected!

Show Error Show Warning

The yellow 'Show Warning' button indicates a warning due to a missing or incorrect value related to the call eligibility criteria. The submission of the proposal will not be blocked (proposal will be submitted with the missing or incorrect value).





am pl


no tt


co m



The form has not yet been validated, click "Validate Form" to do so!

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Proposal template:technical annex st (1 stage of a two-stage submission procedure)

Research and Innovation actions Innovation actions This template is to be used at the 1st stage of a two-stage submission procedure. The structure of this template must be followed when preparing your proposal. It has been designed to ensure that the important aspects of your planned work are presented in a way that will enable the experts to make an effective assessment against the evaluation criteria. Sections 1 and 2 each correspond to an evaluation criterion for a 1st stage proposal in a two-stage submission procedure. Please be aware that proposals will be evaluated as they were submitted, rather than on their potential if certain changes were to be made. This means that only proposals that successfully address all the required aspects will have a chance of being funded. Page limit: The page limit for a first stage proposal is 10 pages. The page limit will be applied automatically; therefore you must remove this instruction page before submitting. If you attempt to upload a proposal longer than the specified limit before the deadline, you will receive an automatic warning and will be advised to shorten and re-upload the proposal. After the deadline, excess pages (in over-long proposals/applications) will be automatically made invisible, and will not be taken into consideration by the experts. The proposal is a self-contained document. Experts will be instructed to ignore hyperlinks to information that is specifically designed to expand the proposal, thus circumventing the page limit Please, do not consider the page limit as a target! It is in your interest to keep your text as concise as possible, since experts rarely view unnecessarily long proposals in a positive light. The following formatting conditions apply. The reference font for the body text of H2020 proposals is Times New Roman (Windows platforms), Times/Times New Roman (Apple platforms) or Nimbus Roman No. 9 L (Linux distributions). The use of a different font for the body text is not advised and is subject to the cumulative conditions that the font is legible and that its use does not significantly shorten the representation of the proposal in number of pages compared to using the reference font (for example with a view to bypass the page limit). The minimum font size allowed is 11 points. Standard character spacing and a minimum of single line spacing is to be used. Text elements other than the body text, such as headers, foot/end notes, captions, formula's, may deviate, but must be legible. The page size is A4, and all margins (top, bottom, left, right) should be at least 15 mm (not including any footers or headers).

template WP18-20 v20180201

Fill in the title of your proposal below.

TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL The consortium members are listed in part A of the proposal (administrative forms). Do not repeat this information here.



Your proposal must address a work programme topic for this call for proposals.

co m

Relation to the work programme 


Describe the overall and specific objectives for the project1, which should be clear, measurable, realistic and achievable within the duration of the project. Objectives should be consistent with the expected exploitation and impact of the project (see section 2).

Indicate the work programme topic to which your proposal relates, and explain how your proposal addresses the specific challenge and scope of that topic, as set out in the work programme.

Concept and methodology



pl et





This section of your proposal will be assessed only to the extent that it is relevant to that topic.

(a) Concept

Describe and explain the overall concept underpinning the project. Describe the main ideas, models or assumptions involved. Identify any inter-disciplinary considerations and, where relevant, use of stakeholder knowledge. Where relevant, include measures taken for public/societal engagement on issues related to the project.

Describe the positioning of the project e.g. where it is situated in the spectrum from ‘idea to application’, or from ‘lab to market’. Refer to Technology Readiness Levels where relevant. (See General Annex G of the work programme);

Describe any national or international research and innovation activities which will be linked with the project, especially where the outputs from these will feed into the project;

Ex a





(b) Methodology 

Describe and explain the overall methodology, distinguishing, as appropriate, activities indicated in the relevant section of the work programme, e.g. for research, demonstration, piloting, first market replication, etc;

Where relevant, describe how the gender dimension, i.e. sex and/or gender analysis is taken into account in the project’s content.

Please note that this question does not refer to gender balance in the teams in charge of carrying out the project but to the content of the planned research and innovation activities . Sex and gender 1

The term ‘project’ used in this template equates to an ‘action’ in certain other Horizon 2020 documentation.

1 [proposal acronym]

template WP18-20 v20180201

analysis refers to biological characteristics and social/cultural factors respectively. For guidance on methods of sex / gender analysis and the issues to be taken into account, please refer to

Ambition 

Describe the advance your proposal would provide beyond the state-of-the-art, and the extent the proposed work is ambitious.


Describe the innovation potential (e.g. ground-breaking objectives, novel concepts and approaches, new products, services or business and organisational models) which the proposal represents. Where relevant, refer to products and services already available on the market. Please refer to the results of any patent search carried out.



Expected impacts

co m


pl et



Please be specific, and provide only information that applies to the proposal and its objectives. Wherever possible, use quantified indicators and targets.

Describe how your project will contribute to each of the expected impacts mentioned in the work programme, under the relevant topic.

Ex a








2 [proposal acronym]

template WP18-20 v20180201

2018-2020 Self-evaluation form Form 1: Research and innovation actions Innovation actions Form 2: Coordination & support actions Version 1.0 27 October 2017

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Self-evaluation form

Research and innovation actions Innovation actions

This form is made available to applicants who may themselves wish to arrange an evaluation of their proposal (e.g. by an impartial colleague) prior to final editing, submission and deadline. The aim is to help applicants identify ways to improve their proposals. The forms used by the experts for their evaluation reports will be broadly similar, although the detail and layout may differ. These forms are based on the standard criteria, scores and thresholds. Check whether special schemes apply to the topics of interest to you. The definitive evaluation schemes are given in the work programme. A self-evaluation, if carried out, is not to be submitted to the Commission, and has no bearing whatsoever on the conduct of the evaluation.

Scoring Scores must be in the range 0-5. Evaluators will be asked to score proposals as they were submitted, rather than on their potential if certain changes were to be made. When an evaluator identifies significant shortcomings, he or she must reflect this by awarding a lower score for the criterion concerned. Interpretation of the scores 0 — The proposal fails to address the criterion or cannot be assessed due to missing or incomplete information. 1 — Poor. The criterion is inadequately addressed, or there are serious inherent weaknesses. 2 — Fair. The proposal broadly addresses the criterion, but there are significant weaknesses. 3 — Good. The proposal addresses the criterion well, but a number of shortcomings are present. 4 — Very Good. The proposal addresses the criterion very well, but a small number of shortcomings are present. 5 — Excellent. The proposal successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion. Any shortcomings are minor. Thresholds & weighting The standard threshold for individual criteria is 3. The standard overall threshold, applying to the sum of the three individual scores, is 10. Scores are normally NOT weighted. Weighting is only used for some type of actions (see below) — and only for the ranking (not to determine if the proposal passed the thresholds.) Specific cases: Innovation actions (IA) For the ranking, the score for the criterion ‘impact’ will be given a weight of 1.5.

Two-stage submission schemes For stage 1-proposals, only the criteria ‘excellence’ and ‘impact’ will be evaluated and within those criteria only the aspects indicated in bold will be considered. The threshold for each of the two individual criteria is 4. After the evaluation, the call coordinator will then fix an overall threshold, to limit the proposals that will be invited to stage 2. (This overall threshold will be set at a level which ensures that the total requested budget of

proposals admitted to stage 2 is as close as possible to three times the available budget, and in any case, not less than two and a half times the available budget. The actual level will therefore depend on the volume of proposals received. The threshold is expected to normally be 8 or 8.5.)

1. Excellence Note: The following aspects will be taken into account, to the extent that the proposed work corresponds to the topic description in the work programme:    

Clarity and pertinence of the objectives Soundness of the concept, and credibility of the proposed methodology Extent that the proposed work is beyond the state of the art, and demonstrates innovation potential (e.g. ground-breaking objectives, novel concepts and approaches, new products, services or business and organisational models) Appropriate consideration of interdisciplinary approaches and, where relevant, use of stakeholder knowledge and gender dimension in research and innovation content

Score 1: Threshold 3/5


2. Impact Note: The following aspects will be taken into account: 

The extent to which the outputs of the project would contribute to each of the expected impacts mentioned in the work programme under the relevant topic;

Any substantial impacts not mentioned in the work programme, that would enhance innovation capacity, create new market opportunities, strengthen competitiveness and growth of companies, address issues related to climate change or the environment, or bring other important benefits for society

Quality of the proposed measures to:  exploit and disseminate the project results (including management of IPR) and to manage research data where relevant

Score 2: Threshold 3/5

 communicate the project activities to different target audiences


3. Quality and efficiency of the implementation* Note: The following aspects will be taken into account:   

Quality and effectiveness of the work plan, including extent to which the resources assigned to work packages are in line with their objectives and deliverables Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures, including risk and innovation management Complementarity of the participants and extent to which the consortium as whole brings together the necessary expertise

Score 3: Threshold 3/5

* Experts will also be asked to assess the operational capacity of applicants to carry out the proposed work.



Appropriateness of the allocation of tasks, ensuring that all participants have a valid role and adequate resources in the project to fulfil that role


Total score (1+2+3) Threshold 10/15

* Experts will also be asked to assess the operational capacity of applicants to carry out the proposed work.


Self-evaluation form

Coordination & support actions

This form is made available to applicants who may themselves wish to arrange an evaluation of their proposal (e.g. by an impartial colleague) prior to final editing, submission and deadline. The aim is to help applicants identify ways to improve their proposals. The forms used by the experts for their evaluation reports will be broadly similar, although the detail and layout may differ. These forms are based on the standard criteria, scores and thresholds. Check whether special schemes apply to the topics of interest to you. The definitive evaluation schemes are given in the work programme. A self-evaluation, if carried out, is not to be submitted to the Commission, and has no bearing whatsoever on the conduct of the evaluation.

Scoring Scores must be in the range 0-5. Evaluators will be asked to score proposals as they were submitted, rather than on their potential if certain changes were to be made. When an evaluator identifies significant shortcomings, he or she must reflect this by awarding a lower score for the criterion concerned. Interpretation of the scores 0 — The proposal fails to address the criterion or cannot be assessed due to missing or incomplete information. 1 — Poor. The criterion is inadequately addressed, or there are serious inherent weaknesses. 2 — Fair. The proposal broadly addresses the criterion, but there are significant weaknesses. 3 — Good. The proposal addresses the criterion well, but a number of shortcomings are present. 4 — Very Good. The proposal addresses the criterion very well, but a small number of shortcomings are present. 5 — Excellent. The proposal successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion. Any shortcomings are minor. Thresholds The standard threshold for individual criteria is 3. The standard overall threshold, applying to the sum of the three individual scores, is 10.

Two-stage submission schemes For stage 1-proposals, only the criteria ‘excellence’ and ‘impact’ will be evaluated and within those criteria only the aspects indicated in bold will be considered. The threshold for each of the two individual criteria is 4. After the evaluation, the call coordinator will then fix an overall threshold, to limit the proposals that will be invited to stage 2. (This overall threshold will be set at a level which ensures that the total requested budget of proposals admitted to stage 2 is as close as possible to three times the available budget, and in any case, not less than two and a half times the available budget. The actual level will therefore depend on the volume of proposals received. The threshold is expected to normally be 8 or 8.5.)

* Experts will also be asked to assess the operational capacity of applicants to carry out the proposed work.


1. Excellence Note: The following aspects will be taken into account, to the extent that the proposed work corresponds to the topic description in the work programme:   

Clarity and pertinence of the objectives Soundness of the concept, and credibility of the proposed methodology Quality of the proposed coordination and/or support measures

Score 1: Threshold 3/5


2. Impact Note: The following aspects will be taken into account: 

The extent to which the outputs of the project would contribute to each of the expected impacts mentioned in the work programme under the relevant topic

Quality of the propsed measures to:

Score 2: Threshold 3/5

 exploit and disseminate the project results (including management of IPR), and to manage research data where relevant  communicate the project activities to different target audiences Comments:

3. Quality and efficiency of the implementation* Note: The following aspects will be taken into account:    

Quality and effectiveness of the work plan, including extent to which the resources assigned to work packages are in line with their objectives and deliverables Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures, including risk and innovation management Complementarity of the participants and extent to which the consortium as whole brings together the necessary expertise Appropriateness of the allocation of tasks, ensuring that all participants have a valid role and adequate resources in the project to fulfil that role.

Score 3: Threshold 3/5


Total score (1+2+3) Threshold 10/15

* Experts will also be asked to assess the operational capacity of applicants to carry out the proposed work.


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