Logesta Corporativa Revista de Punto A Punto N º 03 de marzo 2012

Page 1

nº 03 March 2012


Chief of Security at the National Mint

Interview with José Guzmán

Logesta collaborators

Recognising effort

Petrol prices

A threat to transport

E ditorial

David Moreno

International Operations Director

Control and quality, the keys to our success Dear friends, It is well-known that we are going through a long crisis period in which road transport is being heavily hit due to very significant cost increases and price adjustments, caused by the strong competition in the market place. At Logesta we know that the only way to defend our market share is to maintain and, if possible, increase control and quality when offering our services.

Throughout the last few years we have developed equipment and procedures that allow us to be a first class transport company, with Logesta being a reference in the European market. This, in my opinion, has been achieved thanks to the great effort which, every day, we all make in the company in order to have a maximum control in each and every transport operation to achieve maximum quality. And this will continue to be our commitment in the future: watching over the fulfilment of both factors, which means total client satisfaction, Logesta’s main aim.

DE PUNTO A PUNTO ( From Point to Point) is the Logesta Group magazine From the marketing department we would like to encourage all of you to actively participate in the elaboration of this publication. Please suggest themes and send us articles with some aspect that you think is important to share. Thank you for your extraordinary collaboration, because in this way it will be a magazine for everybody.

Contact us mkt@logesta.com Logesta, Gestión de Transporte, S.A.U. Calle Trigo 39. Poligono Industrial Polvoranca 28914 Leganés. Madrid (Spain) Telephone :(+34) 902 151 233 / www.logesta.com


A l b a rte C o m un i cac i ó n Edition, design, layout, photography and production (+34) 91 63 60 665 / info@albarte.com.es www.albarte.com.es

Summary nº 03 March 2012


Interview with José Guzmán The Chief of Security at the National Mint speaks to De punto a punto just after receiving his organisation’s medal for his 35 years of service. His professionalism and personal qualities are an example to all.




The increase in diesel prices threatens many companies.

Logesta opens a new office in Germany, a key country for its expansion.

Four Logesta collaborators have received our recognition.

Update: fuels

Update: new office

Update: recognition


Teamwork New Department: International Agency


Our Group Logista, Vanguard infrastructures.


U pdate

The big problem in the transport sector The evolution of diesel prices The brutal economic crisis that we are going through is negatively affecting many sectors, but the transport sector, as we all know, is being especially damaged. Just looking at the diesel price evolution we can get an idea of the spectacular cost increases that all sector companies have been forced to assume. It is important to remember that fuel costs today officially represent 30% (in reality this cost is over 35%) of the total vehicle use costs. For this reason it is not surprising that 20.000 road merchandise transport companies closed in Spain in 2011, which has meant the loss of some 60.000 jobs

and some 45.000 vehicles are no longer used, according to the figures given by the president of the Spanish Confederation of Merchandise Transport (CETM), Marcos Montero Ruiz.

And we mustn’t forget that the transport sector is a sector of growing strategic importance, not just to improve competitively in our country, but also to help in the development of activities in other sectors like industry, commerce and tourism, to mention just a few of the larger ones in the productive structure of the Spanish economy, as stated in the CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations) Transport Memorandum.

Average diesel price (including taxation) Record prices in 2012 The graph shows the diesel price evolution throughout the last few years. This year the accumulated price increase of fuel is 1,1%. In the second week of February, and compared to the same dates last year, diesel for the automotive industry, which surpassed 1,3 euro in April last year, has increased 9,4 %. And to this we have to add the elimination last December of the professional diesel allowances.


U pdate

Concepción Martín, new financial director Concepción Martín is the new Logesta financial director. She graduated in Biological Sciences from the Madrid Complutense University and is a graduate in Company Management and Administration from the UNED. She has been in the Group since1986, when she entered Tabacalera. Since 2006 she has been the manager of the Logista Accounts department.

According to Concepción her aims for this new professional stage are “to give maximum value to the organisation based on the experience I have acquired at Grupo Logista and to deepen my knowledge of the transport business. I am looking forward to the change and I think it will be personally and professionally enriching”.

Logesta gives raffle prize After the huge participation in the raffle for two tickets for the Valencia Motorbike Gran Prix that Logesta organised amongst the attendees at the Truck Gran Prix in the Jarama circuit, and once the corresponding National Lottery had been held, the fortunate winner was a lorry driver

from Valencia called José Martín. Our colleague Eduardo Gutiérrez, from the Fleet Development department, went to our subsidiary in Mercavalencia to hand over the tickets in person. And, judging by the winner’s face, he was overjoyed.

Opening of Logesta Deutschland Logesta opens the doors of its new office in Germany where our representative, César Ruiz, promotes our services in the German market and manages the loads with origin and destination in this

country. For this new office we forecast strong growth during 2012, favoured by the important Business volume in the country and for its logistics potential within Europe.

PARTICIPATE WITH LOGESTA ….IN OUR SOLIDARITY PROJECT WE MAKE YOU A PROPOSAL… Do you know of any association that does great work for a specific social group? Do you know anybody totally dedicated to a solidarity cause? Present your collaboration project and, amongst all the proposals, a specially created commission

will choose one of the projects and will organise a SOLIDARITY PIGGY-BANK, in which employees, clients, and suppliers can participate and, above all, that will count on an important Logesta contribution. Because times are hard and we all have to help!


U pdate

Meeting with our collaborators Logesta awarded its annual prizes to four collaborating drivers. Their dedication and efforts are an example to all of us. In November we celebrated the traditional meeting with collaborators in which more than 100 of our drivers get together. There would have been many more if our work had permitted but, as we all know... the client comes first! The aim of the get together is to transmit our values, make them participants in our culture and, above all, recognise their efforts and the work they carry out during the year as transporters.

On this occasion four were given awards for their dedication and collaboration with Logesta: Iván Barahona Zancada, Francisco Puente Pozo, Jesús Moreno Torres and Sorin Cristea. This a small token of recognition for the work our drivers carry out, with which we aim to thank all of our collaborators for their dedication; because, as Iván says, “to be a driver you have good at it and those who are not end up leaving the

profession. And the worst thing is that we are badly viewed. This is not what it was like 20 years ago when I started”.

Indeed, the work of a driver is not very well considered in society today and, moreover, as Paco states, this profession “is quite hard, mainly because we spend so many days away from home. The high fuel costs, taxes, insurance, etc. means it is a job with low margins, which is reflected in the driver’s moods”. You just have to look at the photo Sorin sent us, with the snow falling, to know under what conditions they carry out their profession. As he himself says, “I have been working at Logesta for two years; it offered me continuous work, well organised and guaranteed payment, and it has fulfilled its part. But the transport profession is very hard as we are away from home so long and the worst thing is how we are treated in some of the companies where we load and unload”.

The opinion of the winners Why do you think you have been given the prize this year?, how do you feel about this recognition?


“Because the managers have thought that my implication is maximum. The recognition is motivating for my work and another incentive. I thank everybody for the recognition and the confidence placed in me. I am especially grateful to Luis Guerra, Alberto Torres, Alberto Barroso, Iker Gartzia, Susana Fernández and José Luis Romero. Thanks!”. Jesús Moreno

“Dedication, effort and, above all, look a bit beyond the work itself to see how things can be improved for everyone. I am pleased to get this prize and this year, at least, I will make as much effort. I would also thank my company, Areatrans, for the confidence it has placed in me and the support it has always given me”. Sorin Cristea

“I think I have earned it. But I wouldn’t have got it alone, this is a team job. Everybody likes their work to valued, it motivates you more in these difficult times”. Iván Bhonaara

“It is an honour that my work is recognised. I am grateful for the consideration, but I consider myself a simple representative of all my colleagues”. Francisco Puente

The evaluation of performance Mª Isabel Saugar

Human Resources Manager

. Training needs. Possible training needs for the collaborator are evaluated in order to improve his-her performance. The revision of all training needs together are a very valuable source for the posterior annual company training plan. Also, many of the training needs decided can be done in-house (for example, learn how another position works), and can be organised within the same department.

. Professional interest.

At this point we evaluate whether the employee has professional interests within other areas of the company, or in other positions within the same department.

The Performance Evaluation interview is the key piece within any performance management system. Every organisation with a lesser or greater level of Human Resources systems has tools to go over and record its employees’ performance. Some systems of this type use different procedures to carry out this task, more or less complex depending on the organisation. At Logesta we decided to implement a simple method, but one which is no less valid or efficient: An structured Performance Evaluation interview. Our interview has three clear parts:

Our interview process is carried out once a year, normally between January and February.

. Competence rating (aptitudes and attitudes). In these the manager values the marks that employee reaches in carrying out each of the competences that are needed in hisher position. These abilities were not chosen by chance, they are the ones that were taken directly from the job description, and the principles or corporate ones are those decided by the Management as necessary for any employee who works at Logesta.

It is the obligation of every team boss to prepare the interviews well, dedicate all of his-her attention to one of the team members and give him-her good feedback. We all have to have clear information from our superiors; it is a moment to motivate as well as to thank, if the performance has been good, or to determine the pending improvement areas.

The, therefore, show our way of working or our work culture. By choosing each mark the manager takes advantage of his-her time to deeply reflect on his-her collaborator’s work, as he-she does not only have to give the marks but also explain to the employee why he-she has been given such a rating and not a different one, superior or inferior.

Currently Grupo Logista is in the process of developing and implementing a homogenous performance evaluation system for the whole Group. Although its first area of application will be in the Management teams, and we it is probable that in years to come we will make some changes to our system in order to adapt to our corporate model.

As employees these meetings are good to ask questions that are not possible to ask our managers during our every day work. This means that we shouldn’t forget to mention things related to our work or the company so that when we leave the interview we know exactly what our managers’ opinion is of us. We encourage you to give it the importance it deserves and to take the utmost advantage of it.


A n organisation with life

Logesta gets dressed up Our company put on its gala dress last December to hold the traditional kids party, with the Magic Kings of course. Moreover, in this issue, you can see the latest weddings, pregnancies... and football!

Kids party at Logesta Last December Logesta held a Christmas party for the little ones. Many colleagues shared in the experience by bringing their children to the office, and the party was a great success. Amongst sweets and cakes, undoubtedly the best was the unexpected visit from King Melchor, who received the lists of presents that every child would like to get on the 6th of January. And as all the little ones have been good, the Kings have brought lots of presents‌ Special thanks to our colleague Raúl Serrano for his collaboration.


And the great news with which we have started the year!

Our colleagues Esther Román, from the Marketing department, and Almudena Lerín, from our subsidiary Basegar, will be mums for the first time this summer. More proof that Logesta is an Organisation with Life.

Congratulations girls!

Luis Guerra

International Fleet Manager Got married on the 22nd of October

Logesta football 7 team After repeated petitions by our colleagues, Logesta now has a 7 a side football team. It plays in the inter-company league, in the Pozuelo de Alarcón,and, as an anecdote, to let you know that we faced two well-known rivals in this league: Logista –who we drew with– and Logista Pharma –where Logesta won by a great 3 -1. You can see the classification at: www.competicionesinterempresas.com

Come on boys! We want to finish in first place!

Upper left: Víctor Cebriá, Alberto Barroso, Daniel Herranz y Fernando Muñoz. Down left: Paul Farfán, Víctor Fernández, Iker Gartzia y Alberto Torres.


P rotagonists


the Logesta team Rosa María Magano started in November in the Safety department as Follow up coordinator. In the same department we would also like to welcome Alberto López.

And in January we received Octavian Bejan as the new International Fleet

Mercedes Román has joined the Finance

Daciana Mincu has arrived with a

José Manuel López, manager of Transportes Basegar, has been named regional manager for Logista in Vizcaya, although he continues with his functions in Basegar.

Our colleague Romina Barahona has moved to our subsidiary in Portugal where she will develop this part of the business of Logesta Iberia.

Also in November Gabriele Miani, joined our subsidiary in Italy in the International Operations department.

department, in the documentation area.


lot of strength to develop the Rumanian business, the country where she comes from.

Araceli González Almohalla, our financial director, leaves Logesta to go to Unidad de Negocio de

Tabaco de Logista as director of Control Management. Araceli has been in Logesta since its creation and has therefore been one of the pillars on which the company was built, and she has faithfully contributed to the success of Logesta, for her tenacity and good work. Therefore, we thank her enormously for her complete dedication during nearly ten years and we wish her every success in her new professional challenge. We will miss you very much!

After an intensive and success professional career, our Financial Projects Manager, Antonio Martín Mesonero, reaches the moment of a well deserved rest, retirement. Thanks, Antonio, for having enriched us with your knowledge and experience.


T eamwork

From left to right, David González, department manager; Paula Álvarez, Christiane Steinhoff and Alberto Torres, the members of the Leganés department.

International Agency Department The new department is born with the vocation of being a back up to all fleet managers, maintaining daily contact with load planners. After several months of restructuring and the integration of the anterior Alternative Fleet departments, as well as the Management and International Agency departments, the new department of Client Development Management and International Agency was created in February, and it has, in addition to the Team manager, David González, three people in Leganés (upper photo), one person in Germany (César Ruiz) and the collaboration of the structure of our subsidiaries in Poland, France, Italy and Portugal. The aim of this new department is the constant search for reliable collaborators as well as the incorporation and development of new clients for the Group. Its functions are, on one hand, to maintain the relationship with habitual clients under Development, attend to their requirements and maintain service quality and, on the other hand, search for loads in the market in order to approximate the Logesta lorries and minimise inefficiencies.

The new department is born with the vocation of being an important back up for all fleet managers, maintaining daily contact with load planners in all countries and to bring our lorries nearer to the main loading points. Its responsibility in

Spain is to maintain and consolidate clients, mainly Exporters, as well as cabotage trips for our dedicated fleet. As for Germany, the last subsidiary to incorporated into the Group, we forecast strong growth for the year 2012. On one hand thanks to the business volume in the country and, on the other, thanks to its logistic potential within Europe. We are already closing deals in this country with important distribution groups to acquire loading commitments, carry out national trips between client logistic platforms and even with their collaborators in other countries. The German subsidiary still has to develop commercially and operationally, receiving all the help from the head office in this start up stage so that, in a second phase, it can continue to expand its structure.

As David González states,

department manager, “the maintenance of important accounts with Logesta Clients under Development is done by closely collaborating with the International Customer Services department, which sets out the guidelines and operative needs of every client. The Agency department carries them out from the operational point of view”.


O ur Business

Vanguard Infrastructures

Logista has one of the widest and most specialised infrastructure and transport networks in Europe. Grupo Logista, through the companies that it manages, carries out over 40 million deliveries per year to some 300.000 delivery points that it regularly arrives to in Spain, France, Italy, Portugal and Poland where they are developing the activity. To efficiently manage these complex International and multi-product logistics goes beyond a simple delivery, it requires highly qualified professionals, excellent operations, unquestionable specialisations in the businesses and product Management, the most advanced information systems...and vanguard infrastructures. Logista has one of the widest and most specialised infrastructure and transport networks in the south of Europe. More than a million square meters of warehousing area in logistics platforms and warehouses in Spain, France, Italy,


Portugal and Poland are at the Group’s and our clients’ service. These more than 10 hectares of operating surface area give great robustness to Grupo Logista, to which we can add its strategic location in each country, is closeness to the main markets and the better efficiency in resource use. Also, the Grupo Logista infrastructure network, along with the advanced technology applied to each activity, are fundamental pieces in maintaining the traceability of their shipments. Grupo Logista controls the products and shipments from the moment it takes charge of them, whether in the client’s factory or in its own warehouses, until delivery and, therefore, this includes total knowledge about the merchandise, the order, conditions, etc. while it goes through the Grupo Logista network.

~ 300.000 DELiVErY POiNTs + 40 miLLiON DELiVEriEs/YEAr ~ 1.100.000 m2 OF WArEHOUsE sUrFACE ArEA 459 WArEHOUsEs 1.600 TrAiLErs 4.000 DELiVErY VEHiCLEs ~ 16.500 DirECT COLLAbOrATOrs

DirECTOs: +6.500 iNDirECTOs: ~9.000

In this way the Grupo Logista infrastructure network is considered one of the competitive advantages in carrying out the business. It is therefore fundamental to maintain a continuous improvement strategy and the permanent modernisation of these infrastructures. So, at the start of 2011 Logista moved its regional offices in Valencia, its main installation in the areas of Levante and the Baleares, to a logistics building with 8.000 m² and 11 loading bays.

The new installation has large manoeuvring areas, high quality construction and a modern logistics park with high security levels, all of which contributes the better efficiency in the use of the installations to service its activities. Additionally, the company has recently moved its regional office in Barcelona to a logistics building located in the

Barcelona Zona Franca Logistics Park.

The new installation has a surface area of 8.384 m² and 26 loading bays in one unique and individual building within the park, facilitating better control and Simplicity in the operations, as well as the additional security conditions that the complex offers .

These two new installations mean that Grupo Logista has completely renovated the most important centres in two of the six zones in which its activity in integral logistic distribution for tobacco derived products in Spain is structured. These new installations are just two examples of the permanent commitment that Grupo Logista has to continuous modernisation and infrastructure network improvement with which it services its clients.


I nterview

Almudena Díaz, director of Logesta Iberia, presented José Guzmán with a model of one of our lorries to thank him for his collaboration with Logesta.

Chief of Security at the National Mint

José Guzmán “My satisfaction is the personnel that work with me” José Guzmán has been in charge of security for over 30 years at one of the safest institutions in the country, The National Mint, which is in charge of, amongst other activities, to make euro coins and distribute them –with Logesta’s help– Throughout Spain.


Being Chief of Security in an institution like the National Mint carries great responsibilities. I wouldn’t take it out of proportion. It’s a job like others in the organisation. What is important for us is to participate as a business unit within the institution, which means being an added value. It’s true that when I started this work I saw risks and dangers with every open window, but with time and experience you calm down and see situations in a different light. It’s a nice job and we have gone through very important stages, like setting up the euro distribution, which was a

challenge for us just like taking the peseta out of circulation, which was done in record time, successfully and without any problems. I am satisfied with that period. I suppose you felt bad about the end of the peseta… Well, no, I didn’t feel bad at all. I am not nostalgic about the peseta, for the simple fact that a euro is worth 166 pesetas. Better one euro than one peseta. What does the Chief of Security at the National Mint do? We have a service mentality. We are at the disposal of the clients we may have, whether at home or abroad. We have the mentality of a private company: we live according to our budgets. In fact, we sell our security products to European, American countries. An important part of our work is to place the product in the destination point, so we have to study the logistics and very specific transport, with a very important security aspect. We have to be competitive to compete with foreign markets and with our rivals. What moment, throughout all this time, was the most critical? When we had to produce and distribute the euro, we distributed between 9000 and 11.000 million coins, I don’t remember exactly. We

did it in a very short period of time. We had a very specific and simple plan, which could be compared to a military strategy, with factors to take into consideration. Fortunately, everything went well, with the effort made by everyone. If I have a virtue then it is in having known the right people to choose for the right job. You currently have an agreement with Logesta as unique operator. What does it offer regarding logistics security? It is a company with a great capacity to react, which is very important for us, and it has a great coverage capacity, not just here, but also in Europe, which has done us well. We take advantage of the infrastructure it has in Europe as a support point for the trips we make. We have never had any problems. And if we have had a problem, it has been solved. To think there are not going to be any problems is unreal, but the response capacity at Logesta has always been fast. What have been the hardest and the most satisfying moments during these 35 years? I am a positive thinker so I don’t want to remember the bad times. My satisfaction is clear: the personnel who are working with me, that they have a working environment where they can work with responsibility

without any type of pressure, because you shouldn’t need to use a stick with anyone. That they are enthusiastic and energetic. This is what I will take with me when I retire. How would you like to e remembered in the institution? As one more in the team. I have been here a long time and after me another person will arrive, who will do it the same or better than me. What are your hobbies outsider work? In my personal life I don’t do anything that any other person wouldn’t do. I like sport, the cinema, reading. The extraordinary is being a normal person. It is important to be happy with yourself, to have principles and life according to these principles. Your colleagues speak well of you. I remember another company where I worked before coming here, where it was very strict. There were things that I knew I would never do if I was ever in charge of the workers. My workers interest me a lot. Sometimes, at an organisational level, it frustrates you that you can’t meet the professional aspirations of every person. I don’t agree with pats on the back, medals, I prefer the sentence “look for honour and not honours”. But it is difficult to transmit in this materialistic society.

Over 35 years in the National Mint José Guzmán was born in Madrid on the 26th of March 1942. He has just been awarded the Gold Medal for 35 years of work in the National Mint Factory, where he is the Chief of Security. Although Guzmán minimises the importance of his work,

thanks to his supervision of a team of 25 people, all the National Mint products can be produced and distributed with the maximum security guarantees. His office is well-known for housing an important collection of security corps caps from around

the world (the image on the left is from ten years ago), and his table is full of photographs of the latest presidents of the Government, as well as one of His Majesty King Juan Carlos. On retiring he will leave a big space in the National Mint.


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