Ages 2 & 3
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To Sherrol, Mary and Jeanne, my daughters and very best friends, who once learned by my side and who now teach me. ~ D.H.
To my Emily Diane, I dedicate this book. You are truly a creative, sensitive, caring, loving daughter who seeks to please Jesus with Christ-like attitudes, childlike faith, and joyful service. I love you! ~ Mom (P.K.)
BIBLE STORIES ABOUT JESUS: AGES 2&3 ©2012 by Rainbow Publishers Rainbow reorder# E36111 RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children ISBN 10: 1-58411-130-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-58411-130-6
Rainbow Publishers P.O. Box 261129 San Diego, CA 92196 Interior Illustrator: Chuck Galey Cover Illustrator: Terry Julien Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture is taken from the New International Version of the Bible. Scripture marked NIV is from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), ©1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
Permission is granted to the buyer of this e-book to photocopy student materials for use with Sunday school or Bible teaching classes. The maximum allowable number of photocopies is set by the terms of your purchase. All rights reserved. Except as noted above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of Rainbow Publishers.
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Jesus’ Birth & Childhood
A Savior Is Coming..(Is. 7:14; Micah 5:2) A Promise Fulfilled....................................10 Bethlehem Picture ....................................11 The Angel’s Good News ..(Luke 1:26-38) Moving Angel Picture ................................12 Good News Angel Puppet ........................13 A Special Baby Arrives ....(Luke 2:1-7) Room for Jesus Picture ............................14 Blanket for Baby Jesus ............................15 The Shepherds’ Surprise..(Luke 2:8-20) Popcorn Sheep Picture ............................16 Hurrying Shepherds ..................................17 Wise Men Look for Jesus....(Matt. 2:1-11) Follow the Star Game ..............................18 Gifts for Jesus Mobile ..............................19 Simeon & Anna See Jesus..(Luke 2:22-38) Holding Baby Jesus ..................................20 Thank You, God..........................................21 Jesus Grows Up ............(Luke 2:41-52) Build a Church ..........................................22 My Growing Up Book................................23 Teaching Tips ....................................24
Jesus’ Life & Ministry
Jesus Says No ..........(Matthew 4:1-11) Saying No ....................................................26 Talking to Jesus Reminder ......................27 Baptized by Cousin John ..(Matt. 3:10-17) Jesus Is Baptized........................................28 The Father’s Love Dove ............................29 Jesus and the Fish..........(Luke 5:1-11) My Fishing Rod ..........................................30 Hand Bells ..................................................31 Follow Me ..............(Matthew 4:18-20) Follow Me Sandals ....................................32 Whose Footprints? ....................................33 Smile for Jesus ........(Matthew 5:3-12) Happy Listeners ........................................34 Sharing Smiles............................................35 The Lighted Candle ....(Matt. 5:14-16) Shining Bright Candle ..............................36 Helpful Lights Game..................................37
© Rainbow Publishers
We’ll Help You ................(Mark 2:1-12) Helpful Headband ......................................38 A Man and His Mat ....................................39 God’s Loving Care ..(Matthew 6:25-34) Happy Bird Picture ....................................40 Tipping Watering Can ................................41 The House on a Rock ..(Matt. 7:24-27) Build a House ............................................42 Make a Tool Set..........................................43 Jesus Heals a Girl ........(Luke 8:40-56) A Girl’s Bed ................................................44 A Pillow Reminder ....................................45 Jesus Blesses Children ..(Matt. 19:13-15) Jesus Loves Me Watch ..............................46 Jesus Knows Picture ................................47 The Good Farmer ............(Mark 4:3-9) Cupcake Flower Garden ..........................48 Grow a Crop ..............................................49 The Best Rule ............(Mark 12:28-31) My Loving Handprint ................................50 Best Rule Medallion ..................................51 Jesus Calms the Sea ....(Luke 8:22-25) Beautiful Day Texture Picture ................52 Make a Sailor Hat ......................................53 Listening to Jesus ......(Luke 10:38-42) Mr. Ears ......................................................54 Where Are the Brooms?............................55 The Good Samaritan ..(Luke 10:25-37) Helping Others Picture..............................56 Be Kind Poster ..........................................57 We Can Talk to God ....(Luke 11:1-10) Talking to God............................................58 Jesus Hears Me Plaque..............................59 Two Small Coins ........(Mark 12:41-44) Our Offering Plate......................................60 Finger Tracing ............................................61 Puffy Loaves of Bread..(Luke 13:21-22) Love That Grows........................................62 Hearts of Love ............................................63 Money in a Fish....(Matthew 17:24-27) Tax Collector’s Pouch ..............................64 A Surprise Coin ..........................................65 Copyrighted Material. All rights reserved.
Thank You, Jesus........(Luke 17:11-19) A Happy Man ..............................................66 My Thank You ............................................67 The Lost Coin ..............(Luke 15:8-10) Hidden Coin Picture ..................................68 Make a Treasure Box ................................69 Jesus Heals a Blind Man..(Luke 18:35-43) Happy Day Picture ....................................70 Beautiful Butterfly ....................................71 Zacchaeus and Jesus ....(Luke 19:1-10) Meeting Jesus Picture ..............................72 Obeying Jesus ............................................73 Jesus Helps at a Wedding ....(John 2:1-11) A Happy Wedding ......................................74 Jesus Helps Me Banner ............................75 Jesus Feeds a Crowd......(John 6:5-14) Picnic People Stick Puppets ....................76 A Picnic Time Basket ................................77 The Good Shepherd ........(John 10:11) Shepherd Texture Picture ........................78 Make a Marshmallow Lamb ....................79 A Family Jesus Loved ..(John 11:1-45) Jesus’ Special Friends ..............................80 Sad to Happy ..............................................81 Teaching Tips ....................................82
© Rainbow Publishers
Jesus’ Death & Resurrection
The People Praise Jesus ..(Matt. 21:1-11) Praise Parade Texture Picture ................84 Joyful Praise Tambourine ........................85 Jesus Serves Supper ....(Luke 22:8-20) Make a Meal Picture..................................86 Make and Serve Supper ............................87 A Sad Day ..............................(John 19) A Snack Cup Wrap ....................................88 A Special Verse ..........................................89 Easter’s Glad Story ..(Mark 15:25-27, 39; 16:1-6) Easter Cross Decoration ..........................90 Happy Sponge Paintings ..........................91 Jesus’ Special Promise ..(Matt. 28:18-20) “I Am With You” Picture............................92 Promise Holder ..........................................93 Jesus’ Heavenly Home....(Jn. 14:1-3; Acts 1:9-12) Heaven’s Jewel Globe................................94 Jesus Loves Me Frame ..............................95 Teaching Tips ....................................96
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Bible Stories About Jesus
includes a variety of activities suited for many teaching situations. These creative, Bible-learning projects are based on many favorite Bible stories from Jesus’ life. All are created for the abilities of 2’s and 3’s — scribble coloring, making paper bag and stick puppets, sponge-painting, using play clay, playing active games and even role-playing Bible stories. Full-size patterns and figures are included to ensure successful projects every time. Most activities require only ordinary school supplies or household items. The name of each lesson’s Bible story and its Scripture reference are located at the top of every page for easy reference. Each story is reinforced with two different Bible-learning activities. Either or both activities may be used to teach that story about Jesus. The pencil icon (at left) indicates a special “For the Teacher” section, located at the bottom of each activity page. This section contains additional instructions for the teacher, valuable teaching tips and other ideas for using the activity. The light bulb icon (at right) means you will find even more creative ideas for that lesson at the end of the chapter. The activities in this book have been designed to be simple and easy to complete. Materials should be used under the direction of an adult, and close supervision is recommended at all times. Take care to protect the children from injury. Always keep potentially harmful items out of the hands of young children. Kids will look forward to and will eagerly take part in these creative activities. The wide variety of learning projects — over 80 in all — will help 2’s and 3’s learn and remember the stories of Jesus as they
experience His love firsthand.
© Rainbow Publishers
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Jesus’ Birth & Childhood
© Rainbow Publishers
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A Savior Is Coming
G A Promise Fulfilled G
Isaiah 7:14; Micah 5:2
ld Testament men announced that Jesus would be born to save the world from sin. Isaiah was one of the prophets who gave God’s message that a Savior was coming to the people. Just like the prophets promised, Jesus came to the world. Color the pictures. Your teacher will help you put the papers together so you can see Isaiah and the promised Jesus.
ISAIAH 7:14; MICAH 5:2
For the Teacher:
Duplicate the page and cut out the two pictures for each child. Cut a slit along the dashed lines in the top picture and cut out the square. Allow the children to color the pictures, then assist in sliding the bottom picture through the slits in the larger picture. Demonstrate how to show Isaiah promising the Savior, then pull the tab to show the Savior’s arrival. © Rainbow Publishers
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A Savior Is Coming
G Bethlehem Picture G
Isaiah 7:14; Micah 5:2
icah was another prophet who promised Jesus would come. He said that Jesus would be born in the town of Bethlehem. Micah’s prophecy came true, too. Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem! Color the picture of Micah and the town of Bethlehem. Your teacher will help you glue the pictures to a piece of black paper. It’s nighttime in Bethlehem. Can you put some stars in the sky? Move Micah’s arm to show him pointing to the town where Jesus would be born.
For the Teacher:
Duplicate the page and cut out the pictures for each child. Assist the children in gluing Micah and the town of Bethlehem to black construction paper. Attach Micah’s arm with a paper fastener. Give each child star stickers to place in the sky. © Rainbow Publishers
Copyrighted Material. All rights reserved.
The Angel’s Good News
G Moving Angel Picture G
Luke 1:26-38
ne day God sent an angel to tell Mary some good news. God’s Son, Jesus, was coming to earth as a baby. God had chosen Mary to be Jesus’ mother. At first, Mary was afraid, but then she was happy to obey God. The angel went back to heaven. Color the pictures of Mary and the angel. Your teacher will help you cut out the angel and tape it to a ribbon attached to the back of the picture. Make the angel come to tell Mary the good news and then leave to go back to heaven.
finished picture
For the Teacher:
Let the children color Mary and the angel. Cut out the pictures. Help the children glue Mary onto a sheet of 6" x 9" construction paper. Tape the angel to one end of a 6inch piece of stiff ribbon. Help them tape the other end of the ribbon to the back of the picture. Show the children how to make the angel come to bring Mary the good news and then go back to heaven. Talk about how God always helps us when we obey Him. © Rainbow Publishers
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G Good News G
Angel Puppet
The Angel’s Good News Luke 1:26-38
od sent an angel to tell Mary the good news that Jesus, God’s Son, was coming. God told Mary that she would be Jesus’ mother. Mary was glad to obey God. You can obey God, too. You can tell the Good News that Jesus is God’s Son. You can make an angel to help you tell the Good News. Color the angel’s hair and wings. Your teacher will help you cut them out and glue them on a paper sack to make a puppet. Your teacher also will help you give the angel a halo.
finished craft
apply glue here
For the Teacher:
Duplicate the angel pattern, two for each child. Let the children color the angels. Cut out one face, mouth and halo and two wings for each child. Help the children glue all but the halo to the paper bag, as shown. Help them tape a chenille wire to the angel’s back and tape the halo on the other end of the chenille wire. Show the children how to make the angel say, “Jesus is God’s Son.” © Rainbow Publishers
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A Special Baby Arrives
G Room for Jesus Picture G
Luke 2:1-7
glue here
glue here
hen Jesus was born, all the hotels were filled with guests. But God had a plan for His son, Jesus. An innkeeper let Mary and Joseph use his stable. Mary wrapped Jesus in strips of cloth. She laid Him on soft hay in a cow’s manger because she didn’t have a crib in the stable. Color the picture of Jesus’ birth. Your teacher will help you glue doors onto the picture. You can open the doors and see the room where Jesus was born. God had a plan for Jesus. God has a special plan for you, too.
finished project
For the Teacher:
Duplicate the page for each child. Cut two 4¹⁄₄" x 7" pieces of brown construction paper for each child. After the children color the picture, spread glue on the side margins. Give each child two pre-cut pieces of brown paper. Help them place the paper over the picture and press the edges onto the glue. Fold the doors back for easy opening. Show the children how to open the doors and say, “God had a plan for Jesus. He has a special plan for me, too.” © Rainbow Publishers
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G Blanket for Baby Jesus G
A Special Baby Arrives Luke 2:1-7
ary and Joseph were far from home when Jesus was born, but Mary had warm blankets for her new baby. She wrapped Jesus in the blankets and gently put Him in the manger. You can make a blanket for baby Jesus, too. Color the picture. Your teacher will help you wrap the baby in the blanket and fasten it with a soft tie. Make baby Jesus feel snug and safe. You can make a manger for Jesus. Sing Jesus your favorite song. Say, “Sleep well, baby Jesus.”
place flannel square this way
fold flannel as shown
For the Teacher:
Duplicate the page for each child. Cut an 8" x 8" square of flannel and four 9" x 12" strips of yellow paper for each child. After the children color, cut out their baby for them. Give each child a square of flannel and show them how to wrap Baby Jesus. You may tie a ribbon around the blanket in a bow. Give each child a small envelope to use as a manger. Help them fold the yellow strips and glue them inside the envelope manger as straw. Lay Jesus on top. © Rainbow Publishers
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The Shepherds' Surprise G Popcorn Sheep Picture G Luke 2:8-20
ne night shepherds were watching their sheep in a field. A bright light shone in the sky. The shepherds were afraid. An angel told the shepherds not to be afraid. The angel explained that Jesus had been born. Jesus’ birth was good news. Color the shepherd. Your teacher will help you glue popcorn sheep on the hill and a bright light in the sky. You can take your picture home and tell your friends and family the story of the shepherds.
finished project
For the Teacher:
Duplicate the shepherd for each child. Make popcorn before class (pop extra for snacking!). Cut the light pattern from foil and the shepherd from white paper, one set for each child. After they color the shepherds, give each child a 6" x 9" piece of black paper. Spread glue on the lower right corner, and show the children how to add popcorn to make a flock of sheep. Help them glue the bright light in the sky and the shepherd on the ground. Glue a chenille wire staff to the shepherd’s hand. © Rainbow Publishers
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G Hurrying Shepherds G
The Shepherds' Surprise Luke 2:8-20
he shepherds were excited to hear that Jesus had been born. They hurried away to find Jesus in the manger. Then the shepherds went to tell others the good news that Jesus was born. You can tell others that Jesus was born, too. Color the shepherd and his feet. Your teacher will help you attach the feet to the shepherd with a paper fastener. You can make the shepherd hurry to baby Jesus and then go to tell others the Good News.
For the Teacher:
Duplicate and cut out the shepherd and feet pictures, one set per child. Punch a hole in each picture where shown. Help the children put the feet in place by matching the holes. Attach the feet with a paper fastener. (Do not let children hold the hole punch or paper fasteners.) Help the children glue fabric pieces on the shepherd’s robe and tape a chenille wire to his hand for a staff. Š Rainbow Publishers
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Wise Men Look for Jesus
G Follow the Star Game G
Matthew 2:1-11
he wise men traveled a long way looking for baby Jesus. God made a special star T to show them where to go. The wise men followed the star until the star stopped over the place where Jesus lay. The wise men were very happy to find baby Jesus. You can make a wise man hat from construction paper. Your teacher will help you decorate your hat with colored foil and bright paper jewels. Then your teacher will show you how to play the Follow the Star Game.
finished craft
For the Teacher:
Duplicate and cut out a crown and a 1³⁄₄" x 12" strip from purple construction paper, one set per child. Give the children small, pre-cut squares of colored foil and bright paper to glue on their crowns. Staple a paper strip to one side of each crown. Place the crown around the child’s head to size and staple the other end of the strip to the crown. Cover the staples with tape to avoid injury. See Teaching Tips on page 24 for how to use the star and play the Follow the Star Game. © Rainbow Publishers
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Wise Men Look for Jesus
G Gifts for Jesus Mobile G
Matthew 2:1-11
hen the wise men found Jesus, they gave Him gifts. They prayed to show Jesus that they loved Him. You can show Jesus you love Him, too. When you are kind and helpful, when you pray and when you go to church you are showing Jesus you love Him. Color the pictures the teacher has cut out for you. Your teacher will help you make a mobile to take home. You can hang the mobile in your room to remember ways to show that you love Jesus.
For the Teacher:
Duplicate and cut out two sets of pictures for each child. After they finish coloring, give each child three pieces of bright yarn in various lengths. Help them tape a piece of yarn to the back of a heart, a smiling face and a church. Help the children glue the other set of pictures to the back of the matching pictures. Then help the children tape the ends of each piece of yarn to a plastic hanger to make a mobile. Š Rainbow Publishers
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Simeon & Anna See Jesus
G Holding Baby Jesus G
Luke 2:22-38
here was a man and woman who were especially happy Jesus was born. Simeon was the man. When he saw baby Jesus, he said, “I have seen the Son of God.” Anna saw baby Jesus and told everyone she knew, “God’s Son is born!” Color the pictures of Simeon, Anna and baby Jesus. Can you help Simeon hold baby Jesus? Can you help Anna hold baby Jesus?
For the Teacher:
Duplicate the page and cut out Simeon, Anna and baby Jesus for each child. Cut a slit at the dashed lines on Simeon and Anna’s arms. Show how to help Simeon and Anna hold baby Jesus. When Simeon holds baby Jesus, say, I have seen the Son of God. When Anna holds baby Jesus say, God’s Son is born. © Rainbow Publishers
Copyrighted Material. All rights reserved.
ring your children to a closer relationship with Jesus by teaching about Him with fun and creative activities. Each book in this series is packed with more than 80 puzzles, crafts, games and projects all based on a story from Jesus’ life. Plus, every activity is age-appropriate, recognizing that kids’ abilities and interests change as they grow. Teachers will appreciate the easy-to-follow instructions and bonus teaching tips in each lesson which will help you lead kids in a high-energy, meaningful learning experience. As an added value, the books are reproducible and use simple, inexpensive supplies so you can focus on Bible-learning. Use Bible Stories About Jesus anywhere you teach children — from Sunday school to children’s church to home — and watch as your kids eagerly learn about Jesus’ unending love for them.
Ages 2 & 3 RB36111
Ages 4 & 5 RB36112
Grades 1 & 2 RB36113
Favorite Bible Stories
Grades 3 & 4 RB36114
ld and New Testament Bible stories with accompanying activities are creatively presented in this exciting series. Age-appropriate activities include cutting, coloring, and pasting; making crafts, puppets, puzzles, stand-up figures and mazes; and much more. Teachers will appreciate the helpful tips provided on each reproducible activity page.
Ages 2 & 3 RB36241
Ages 4 & 5 RB36242
Grades 1 & 2 RB36243
Grades 3 & 4 RB36244
Christian Education Church and Ministry/ Ministry Resources/Children’s Ministry P.O. Box 261129 • San Diego, CA 92196 Order from your Christian bookstore
RB36111 ISBN 0-937282-04-9