Sample of first four pages of the 7th edition Christianity, Cults, and Religions pamphlet from Rose Publishing. Christianity, Cults & Religions helps you know what you believe and why! It compares the beliefs of 21world religions and cults side by side: Who is God? Who is Jesus? What happens after death? How is a person “saved” and what is the spiritual goal? Religions include: Christianity, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientology, Judaism, Islam, Nation of Islam, Unity School of Christianity, Buddhism, New Age, Hinduism, Mormonism (Latter-Day Saints), Wicca, Hare Krishna, Unification Church, Christian Science, Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism, Bahá’í World Faith, and Transcendental Meditation (TM). Helps Christians understand their own beliefs. Many religious groups use the same terms but hold completely opposite beliefs. Knowing these differences helps Christians understand their own faith better. 12 panel, glossy pamphlet, fits inside most Bible covers.