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This is a Preview of the 68-page Create a Christian Christmas Tree Workbook Get the full version at www.rosekidz.com

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Dedicated to: Rebecca Rose Belt, Phillip Paul Belt, Cathy Bennett Belt, Heather Lynn Belt, Tyler Phillip Belt, Paul Raymond Belt, the Cullers, the Bradleys, the Belts, the O'Connells and the church.

CREATE A CHRISTIAN CHRISTMAS TREE Copyright Š2010 by Legacy Press, seventh printing ISBN 10: 1-885358-22-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-885358-22-6 Legacy reorder#: DB46501 REUGION / Holidays / Christmas & Advent

Legacy Press P.O. Box 261129 San Diego, CA 92196 www.LegacyPressKids.com

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Interior Illustrator: Aiko Gilson Scriptures are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible, unless otherwise noted. Scriptures marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), Š1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or any other-except for required usage as described in craft instructions or brief quotations printed in reviews, without written permission of Legacy Press.

Printed in the United States of America

• Contents • Preface ........................................................................................................ 5 Before You Begin ........................................................................................ 6 Placing and Cutting on the Fold ...................... 6 Scoring ... .............................................................. 6 Adding Glitter .................................................... 6 Grid Enlarging ...................................... ............. 7 Duplicating Patterns ......................................... 7 Flexing Poster Board ......................................... 7 Using a Large Needle ........................................ 7 Hanging with Cord ........................................... 7 Materials ............................................................. 8 Oid Testament ............................................................................................ 9 The Creator's Hand ........................................... 10 The Ten Commandments ......................... ........ 12 The Rainbow ...................................................... 14 The Ark of the Covenant... ............................... 16 Old Testament Scroll ......................................... 18 Star of David ...................................................... 20 New Testament ......................................................................................... 23 Tree Top Star ....... ............................................... 24 Tree Top AngeL ............................................... 26 The Dove ... .......................................................... 28 The Fish .. ............................................................. 30 Grapes ................................................................. 32 The Chalice ................................... .. ... ................. 34 Crown of Thorns ............................................... 36 Sun of Righteousness ........................................ 38 Music Note .......... ....... ........................................ 40 Sword of the Spirit/Shield of Faith... ...... ....... 42 Anchor of Faith .................................................. 44 Keys to the Kingdom ........................................ 46 Eternal Alpha and Omega ............... ................ 48 Miscellaneous ............................................................................................ 51 Trinity Cross ...................................................... 52 Modern Cross ................................................... 54 Budded Cross .................................................... 56 Praying Hands ................................................... 58 Religious Figures ............................................... 60 Religious Paintings ............................................ 62


Create a Christian Christmas Tree


• Preface¡ Over the years I have heard many admonitions to put "Christ" into "Christmas." Looking around at all of the commercialization of Christmas, I was overwhelmed and wondered what I could do. I prayed. I meditated. I desired a good way to help others put Christ into Christmas. Contemplating the traditional Christmas decorations for deeper meaning, I became aware that the evergreen tree itself is symbolic of everlasting life. Topping the tree with a star and angel were obvious ties to Jesus' birth, so that was a beginning. But what about the rest of the Bible? Shouldn't the cross be represented in some way since that is why we as Christians are able to celebrate? What other symbols would be appropriate? I visited my local library and researched Christian signs and symbols. I also recollected some symbols from childhood Bible stories and from sermons. In addition, I used a Bible with descriptive headings at the beginning of each scripture passage to stimulate ideas for symbols representing parts of the plan of salvation. Gradually, I developed a lengthy array of symbols from Genesis to Revelation. Although traditional ornaments are beautiful and can still be celebratory of Christ's birth, these symbols give a spiri tual meaning to the Christmas tree. Everyone enjoys unpacking their Christmas decorations each year and sharing memories of hand-crafted or special purchased ornaments. Imagine the focus and blessing of trimming your tree with biblical symbols that exemplify the path designed for Christians! The symbols can also be used throughout the calendar year by teachers leading object lessons for children and in other crafts, such as mobiles or flower centerpieces. With a few adjustments, most of these symbols could become free-standing for display on a mantel or shelf. Each craft includes a Bible verse and explanation for further study, a materials list and step-by-step instructions. Patterns offer you the basic design of the symbol while suggestions for ornamen ta tion allow you to use your own preferences in color and treatment of each symbol. These projects are designed for adults, although older children and teens may be able to complete some crafts with assistance. Take extra care if children use scissors to cu t poster board, as the thickness may be difficult for them to work through. Also, consider using thick foam rather than multiple sheets of poster board to provide thickness with just one step. A bonus aspect of these crafts is that the materials required are not expensive and are found around your home or at your local craft store. I have attempted to limit store-bought supplies beyond what is necessary for the craft. Most of the crafts use the same materials, so as you complete a few crafts you will soon collect all of the supplies necessary to complete the book. May you enjoy your work as I have enjoyed mine. - Joyce Culler Belt Elyria, Ohio


• Before You Begin • Here are some hints and ideas to help you create beautiful Christian symbols for your Christmas tree.

Diagram B

Diagram A


Placing and Cutting on the Fold 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Trace pattern from book onto tracing paper. Fold artist's paper in half. Place carbon paper (see Diagram A) with shiny side down. Place tracing paper pattern's dotted fold line on the fold of the artist's paper (see Diagram A). With pencil, trace pattern through carbon onto artist's paper. Remove pattern and carbon paper and you will have copied the design onto artist's paper. Cut out pattern on all but the fold line (see Diagram B).

Adding Glitter


1. Place paper under each item to catch excess glitter. 2. Coverareawithglue.(Asmallpaintbrush or pencil helps in small spaces.) 3. Pour glitter over glue. 4. Flip item over and shake off excess glitter onto paper. 5. Use paper to funnel excess glitter into its container. 6. Allow glitter to dry thoroughly before handling.

Scoring will make folding thick paper and poster board neater and easier. To score straight lines: Hold a ruler firmly along the line. With the scissors point againstthe ruler's edge, firmly trace over the line, making a small impression into the poster board. To score curved lines: Trace over the curved line with the scissors point pressed slightly into the poster board.

Create a Christian Christmas Tree




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Diagram C



If you do not have access to a photocopy machine or overhead projector, use these easy steps to enlarge patterns yourself if you would like a larger pattern than provided. 1. Draw small squares over design to be enlarged (Diagram C). 2. For a design that is twice the size of the original, draw another grid with squares twice the width of the smaller squares on the original (Diagram D). 3. Place dots where the design crosses a line and at turning points. Connect the dots as in Diagram D. 4. When finished, small irregularities may be drawn in .

Diagram D

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Duplicating Patterns If possible, use a photocopy machine. If a copier is not available, you can easily copy the pattern to your working medium. 1. With a pencil, trace the pattern onto tracing paper (a thin, translucent paper). 2. Place carbon paper over poster board with the shiny side of carbon paper facing the poster board. 3. Lay the pattern over the back of the carbon paper and trace the pattern with pencil through the tracing paper and the carbon paper onto the poster board by bearing down with pencil just enough to make a drawing. 4. Be sure to copy any fold or cut lines to the poster board patterns so you can more easily follow the instructions for folding or cutting the symbols.

Flexing Poster Board To make the poster board flexible for fitting around curved parts, pull it across the blade of the scissors while bearing down on the poster board with the thumb of the hand that is holding the scissors.

Using a Large Needle Used in this book for adding a hanging cord, a large needle should have an eye big enough to thread cord through it. Push the threaded needle through the symbol at designated places and tie two ends together. (Pliers may be used when the poster board is more than one or two thicknesses.) Leave one end of cord short to pull it through first and thus have two ends to tie into a loop.

Hanging with Cord Gold cord (heavy enough to support weight of symbol and small enough for large needle) is used to hang the symbols on the Christmas tree. Each symbol should have a cord that is long enough to make a loop that will fit over the tree branch, yet short enough for the symbol to clear the branch (about 8" long).


Create a Christian Christmas Tree

• Materials • The crafted symbols will be more attractive with the use of colored beads, simulated jewels, pearls and other shiny or colorful materials. Since you may choose the materials that you desire, each craft suitable for these additions will include "beads or jewel trims" in the materials list and instructions. Craft stores carry materials suitable for these projects. Remember to plan materials for both sides of the symbol since it will be hanging on a tree and spinning around.

Glue Three different glues are used in constructing these symbols: white glue, plastic model cement and superglue. The white glue is used mostly where poster board, paper and cloth are glued together. I refer to it simply as "glue." Plastic model cement is used on non-porous materials where the surface of some items is hard and slick, such as jewel trims. Plastic model cement is especially helpful in gluing jewels to glitter-covered surfaces. Superglue is suggested on one or two projects where the white glue or the plastic model cement might not hold. If you choose to try the superglue, be sure to have nail polish remover handy because sticky mishaps may occur.

What to Gather beads, rhinestones and jewel trims bowl braid, gold branches, three 12" willowy thorn lengths chenille wire clothespin, spring-type cord, gold cotton doll, teen craft dowel rods or pencils, two %" X 41;2" pieces fabric, metallic, velvet or satin figurines, two small, flat on one side foam core glitter, blue, gold, red, green and purple glue, white hole punch knife, serrated knife, utility marker, black marker, black fine-tip marker, gold masking tape needle, large needle, small sewing paint, black, blue, gold, white, brown, silver, purple and green

Create a Christian Christmas Tree

paint brush paper, carbon paper, tracing paper, typing paper, white artist's drawing pattern, doll-size dress pen, black pencil pictures of Christ, small and framed plastic model cement plastic, self-stick, wood-grain pliers poster board, various sizes ruler scissors sequin, red straws, paper drinking string superglue thread toilet tissue tweezers water wire, fine or black cord wire, florist's yarn, red


Old Testament Symbols From Creation through the Old Testament, God's followers were required to have faith that He is the true King. The symbols in this section will remind you of God's power and promises to us, and of the great legacy left by the men and women who trusted that the Savior would someday be sent to redeem them.


Create a Christian Christmas Tree

• The Creators Hand • In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Gen. 1:1

• • • • • •• • • • • • • • •

In the beginning, God stretched forth His hand and made Earth as a paradise for man. A hand extending from a cloud of glory and surrounded by a nimbus - or halo of divinity represents our Creator in this symbol. We should be in awe of this mighty God, who has uniquely created each of us in His own image. Praise Him!

Materials poster board, one 28" X 22" sheet scissors glue gold cord, 8" black pen or marker blue glitter gold glitter cotton

Obtional ...

tweezers beads or jewel trims plastic model cement

Instructions 1. Review "Duplicating Patterns" on p. 7 and

4. Glue the cloud over the hand and nimbus as in illustration. 5. Loop and glue cord for hanging to back of cloud. 6. Outline the hand with pen or marker. 7. Cover nimbus with blue glitter. 8. Cover the hand (except the black lines) with gold glitter. 9. Cover the cloud with cotton. 10. If desired, use the tweezers to pick up beads or jewel trims and glue with plastic model cement to outline nimbus.

follow steps to copy the patterns from p. 11 six times each to poster board. Cut the six pieces from the poster board, then cut out the spaces marked "X" on the pattern of the poster board nimbi. 2. Glue pattern pieces into stacks of six alike. Weight down until dry to prevent warping. 3. Glue the hand on top of the nimbus as in illustration. Create a Christian Christmas Tree


• Patterns •

Hand Pattern

Nimbus Pattern

Cloud Pattern


Create a Christian Christmas Tree

• The Ten Commandments • Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. Rev. 22:14

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Receiving the Ten Commandments was a high point in the story of God's people. Today, thousands of years later, we are still held accountable to God for applying these timeless principles to our lives. We should all be aware of each commandment and its meaning in our walk with God.

• Materials poster board, two S1f2" X 11" sheets masking tape gold cord, 10" glue black marker gold glitter scissors pen pencil ruler large needle

OlJtional .

gold braid tweezers beads or jewel trims plastic model cement

Instructions 1. Review "Duplicating Patterns" on p. 7 and

5. Remove tape. 6. Push a large needle through both sides of the symbol at each curve of the commandments. Thread cord through for hanging, loop and tie. 7. Cover all but the black design on front with gold glitter. S. Attach gold braid, beads and/ or jewel trims to the outer edges of the symbol using plastic model cement.

follow steps to copy the pattern from p. 13 two times to poster board. Cut out the patterns. 2. Trace the commandments design on one pattern. Paint the design black or use black marker to color design. 3. Score and fold the patterns on dotted lines. 4. Glue a 5;8" wide strip of flexed poster board (see Flexing Poster Board on p. 7) around the edges of the two patterns, covering the tabs. Place small pieces of masking tape around the strip to hold symbol together until glue dries. Create a Christian Christmas Tree


• Patterns •

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Create a Christian Christmas Tree


• The Rainbow • • And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. Gen. 9:16

: • • • : • •• :

Every time we see a rainbow we are reminded that God once destroyed the whole world except for Noah's family and the animals with him. God promised Noah He would never again flood the world. Let's praise God for never giving up on us as He continues to reconcile man unto Himself even today.


Materials poster board, three 8%" X 11" sheets scissors glue gold cord, 8" large needle pliers red, gold, green, blue and purple glitter black, fine-tip marker

Instructions 1. Review "Duplicating Patterns" on p. 7 and

3. Glue and stack three more layers on top of the first stack. 4. Weight down until glue dries. 5. Add rows of glitter to form rainbow colors. 6. Outline dove with black, fine-tip marker.

follow steps to copy the pattern from p . 15 three times to poster board. Stack and glue all three layers together. Weight down to dry to avoid warping. 2. Push through a large needle threaded with gold cord at center near top (see illustration) of glued layers. Pliers may be needed to pull needle all the way through poster board.

Create a Christian Christmas Tree


• Patterns •


Create a Christian Christmas Tree

• The Ark of the Covenant • .. . Two cubits and a half was the length of it, and a cubit and a half the breadth ofit,and .. . theheightofit: And he overlaid it with pure gold within and without, and made a crown of gold to it round about. Ex. 37:1-2

: • •• : • •• : • ••

The Ten Commandments were kept inside the Ark of the Covenant. Whenever the ark was carried before the Israelite armies, they were victorious, thus signifying God's presence with His people. We should all carry God's commandments firmly and openly before us as we enter into the daily battles of life, knowing that God is with us to pick up where our humanness leaves off.

Materials poster board, one 8Vz" X 11" sheet scissors glue spring-type clothespin gold glitter gold braid plastic model cement two paper drinking straws gold cord, 8"

Instructions 1. Review "Duplicating Patterns" on p. 7 and follow steps to copy the patterns from p. 17 to poster board. You will need one ark, two angels and four wings. 2. Cut out poster board parts on solid lines. 3. Score and fold into box shape. The ark will fold naturally into a box if all folds are made in the same direction. 4. The tabs will come together naturally to the place on the ark where they are to be glued to form a box. Glue the tabs to make the box. 5. Glue two wings to each angel. 6. Glue angels centered on top of ark. 7. Glue the top tips of the angels' wings together. Hold the wing tips together with the clothespin (slightly overlapped) until glue dries. Create a Christian Christmas Tree

8. Cover the ark and angels with gold glitter. 9. Add gold braid around the top edge of the ark using plastic model cement. 10. Glue gold glitter to the straws. Add small pieces of gold braid to form rings on straws where the straws will touch the corners of the ark when they are centered on the sides, below the gold braid. Using plastic model cement, glue the glittercovered straws to the sides of the ark, centered. (You may need to cut the straws so that they are not too long, depending on the size of straws you have.) 11. Tie the gold cord around joined tips of angels' wings and form a loop for hanging. 16

• Patterns •

Note The angel pattern may also be used to make gift package tags.


Create a Christian Christmas Tree

• Old Testament Scroll • • • And he appointed cer- • tain of the Levites to minis- •• ter before the ark ofthe Lord, and to record, and to thank . and praIse the Lord God of Israel. 1 Chron. 16:4

. : • • •


For generations after entering the Promised Land, major and minor prophets received and recorded God's messages to His people in scrolls, the "books" of Bible times. Today, we have the privilege of studying God's Word because these early followers were faithful to communicate how God had worked in their lives. It is our responsibility to continue that effort as we spread the Good News and multiply the kingdom of God.

Materials white artist's drawing paper poster board, one 6" X 6" sheet scissors black, fine-tip marker glue dowel rods or pencils, two Y4" X 4W' pieces gold cord, 8" large needle

Instructions 5. Glue crosses to dowels with glue below the dotted line. Glue one cross in front and one behind it. 6. Glue bands to dowels over bottoms of crosses. Wrap the bands around the dowels and over the tabs of crosses. 7. Roll paper with parchment design over dowels and glue in place. 8. Attach hanging cord with large needle through top center of paper.

1. Review "Duplicating Patterns" on p. 7 and follow steps to copy the patterns from p. 19. Copy the parchment pattern once and the bands four times to artist's drawing paper. Copy the crosses to poster board eight times. 2. Cut out the parchment paper design. Ink in parchment design with marker. 3. Cut out bands. 4. Cut out crosses. Create a Christian Christmas Tree


• Patterns •

Note For a more authentic scroll, you may use parchment paper in place of artist's drawing paper, however, the drawing paper is more inexpensive, readily available and works just as well.


Create a Christian Christmas Tree

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't:& put f7t0Jt,e celei)ltationb?

Create A Christian Christmas Tree show you how to make symbols from the Bible that effectively proclaim your faith. Just gather some common household items and follow the easy instructions to shape

beautiful ornaments that tell the story of God's love from the Old and the New Testaments!

* *


Cltal;t inclwleb:

scripture verse

&explanation of symbol

complete patterns


materials list



step-by-step instructions



suggestions for additional usage

Make this holiday season a significant time of worship and devotion to God. With

Create A Christian Christmas Tree, you will renew your faith as you share the message of the Gospel with those you love.

The Un-Santa Book .................................... out chWln,ett in clu.vt,clt aJtd with the Good neoob oft 1)iJr,th! The Un-Santa Book is packed with ideas for celebrating the Christmas season in fun ways that really teach about the gift of God's Son. From hosting a complete festival to sponsoring a unigue holiday event to simply doing crafts with your Sunday school class, this reproducible book will enhance your children's ministry at this special time of year. RELIGI ON / Holidays / Christmas & Advent


9 78 1 8 8 5 3 5 822 6


PRESS路 ISBN 10: 1-885358-22-9

ISBN 13: 978-1-885358-22-6


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