God and Me! Girls Devotional -- Ages 6-9

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This is a Preview of the 236-Page o Devotional for Girls o God and Me! Ages 6-9

o Get the full version at www.rosekidz.com

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LEGACY PRESS www.LegacyPressKids.com




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Table of Contents Introduction .............9 Who Is God? ........... .11 God's Word ... ......... .12 God Shows Himself' in the Bible · . .. . .......... . . .. . . .... 12

Every Na me Tells A Story .14 The Bible Tells What God [s Like ................ . .... 16

God, the Creator ........ .18 God's Plans for l1y Life ... 18 Someone Like You ... . ... 20 God's Animals . . .. ...... 22 The Night and Day Sky ... 24 God's Plants . . ... . ...... 26

The God Who Sees ...... .28 God Sees Things You Can't See · . . .... ....... ....... 28

I Can't See You , God .. .. .30 God Sees l1e . .... . .. ... 32 God Cares j\bout My Feelings · . ...... . ... . ... .... .34 God's Flag Test .... ... . .36 Hiding from God ..... . .. 38

Jehovah .............. .40 God Changes, Part One .40 God Never Changes , Part Two · ... . . .... .......... . The Gift Box .. ..... . .. .44 Always the Same .... . .. .46

God Is There .......... .48 lVroses , Moses! ... . ..... .48 Favorite Firsts ... .. . .. .. 50 Quiet Places .... . . . .... 52

Looking Fo r Something? .. 54 Fire Trucks and Police Cars · .... .... . ... . . .. .... 56

God the Shepherd . ...... .58 The Shepherd's Sheep, Part One · ....... . ............ 58 The Shepherd's Sheep, Part 1\vo · .... ................ 60 Voices ........ . ... . ... 62 My Sheep Know Me ... . .. 64

The God Who Satisfies ... .66 God Fills My lIeart ...... 66 God 's Recipe .... ... .. . .68

God, My Father ......... .70 A Happy Father . ... . . . .. 70 Abba Father ... . . ...... 72

Where Is God? ......... .74 Heaven , God's Hom e .. .. .74 IIeaven Is a Treasure .. .. .76 Streets of Gold .... . .... 78

God loves Me ....... . .. .80 Special Fliend .... . ........... .80 1 Love You! . ...... . ... . ... ... .1--\2 Chosen One ... .... .. .........&1

The Bible Tells Us About God .86 God's Word, Jesus . . ..... 86 God's Words Are Sweet ... 88 What Makes a Good King . .90

God's Rules ............ .92 Why Rules? ...... ... .. .92 Pleasing God ..... . .... .94 Do Put God First .... . ... 96 Do Love God Most . . ..... 98 Honor God's Name . .. .. 100

Table of Contents Make Su ndays Special .. .102 Ilonor Your Father and Mother . . .......... . ... . . .. 104 Respect and Protect Life . .106 Be True When You Marry .108 Keep Only vVhat Is Yours .110 Be Honest .... . ....... 112 Want Only What Is Yours .114 Little Packages . ... .. . .116

The Lost Coin .. .... . .. .150 A Happy Wom an . . .. . . .150 I Can Be Happy .. . . . ... 152

Lydia .... . . ... . .... .. .154 Lydia Chose God's Way .. 154 I Can Choose God's Way .. 156

Sarah ... . ....... . ... .158 Sarah Followed God .. .. 158 I Can Follow God .. .... 160

Women in the Bible ......119 Abigail . .. . . ...... .. . .120

Phoebe ....... ...... . .162

Abigail's Kindness .. ... .120 I Can Show Kindness .. .122

Phoebe's Eyes 'Vere on Jesus . .162 Looking the Right Way . .164

Ruth ... . .. . ... . ... . .. 124

Miriam . . . .. . ........ . .166

Ruth Was Faithful . .. . .. 124 I Can Be Faithful . ... . .. 126

Miriam Thanked God . .. 166 I Can Thank God, Part One 路 .... . .. . ........... 168 I Can Thank God, Part rl\vo 路 ....... . ... . .... . . .170

Naomi . ...... . ... .. . . .128 Naomi Was Counted On .. 128 God Can Be Counted On .130

Deborah .. . .. . .. ......132 Deborah Leads .......... .132 I Ca n Lead .. . ...... .. 134 Esther . .. .. ...... . .. . .136 Esther Was Brave . .. .. .136 Living God's Way ...... .138 I Can Be Brave .......... 140

Hannah ... . .......... .142 Hannah Prayed .. . ..... 142 I Ca n Pray ............ 144

Dorcas ............... .14 6 Dorcas Put Others First .. 146 r Can Put Others First ... 148

Mary, Mother of Jesus .. . .112 Mary Loved Jesus ...... 172 I Will Love Jesus ... .... 174 Mary and Martha .......17 6 Mary and Martha's Friend .176 Jesus, My Friend ....... 178

Joanna . . . . . . .. . . . . ...180 Joanna Blessed Jesus .... 180 I Can Bless Jesus ....... 182

Rahab ..... . ......... .184 Rahab Showed Her Goodness 路 ......... . . . .... . .. 184 I Can Show Goodness ... 186

Jochebed ..... . . . .. . . .. 188 A Mother Trusted God ... 188


ol Contents

I Can Trust God . . . .... 190

The OHering .......... .19Z A Wom an Who Shared . .192 I Can Share ..... ... ... 194

Anna .................196 Anna Loved God's I louse .196 I Will Love God's IIouse .. 198

Lois and Eunice ....... .ZOO Lois and Eunice Shared God's Word ..... .. ....... . . ... .200 I Can Share God's Word .. 202

Naaman's Servant Girl .. Z01A Little Girl Does Right . . . . .. . 204 I Ca n Do Right .... .... 206

Who Am I? .......... .269 Happy To Be Me ....... .Z10 Being lIappy Inside . .. .210 Grow ing Each Day . . .. .212 God Never Forge ts Me . .214 I Can Be Strong .... . . .21 6 Your Wonderful Body ... 21 8 Being Great for God .... 220 Mean People and Me . .. 222 The Best for Me .. ..... 224 What I Believe .... . . . .226 Being Clean Inside . . . . .228 I'm Ready For Jesus ... .230

Answers ............. .Z3Z


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Introduction Did you know that God wants to be your very speciaL friend? He knows everything about you but He wants you to know Him. This book will help you lmow God and His ways. You will learn about God's love for you. You will also learn He loves all people. Lea rning to live God's way isn't always easy. But living God's way is different than living your own way. It m eans to love God and obey Him even when you don't want to. Living His way is the only way to be h ap py. Share this page with your parents. Ask them to help you with words in this book that you do not understand. If you are just lea rning to read , let a parent read this book with you .

Here are steps to use God and Me!:


Read the devo tion n ame and th e purpose.


Read the Bible verse. Look it up in your Bible. Draw a line under the words in your Bible to h elp you quickly find the verse later. God doesn't mind if you draw a n ea t line in His words.

3. Read the story or h ave your parents read it to you . Answer th e questions.

4. Think about the answers to the qu es tion s. Pray to God. Talk to Him about 'vvhat you have learned. Try to spend a minute or m ore just listening for God's vo ice in yo ur heart and mind.

S. Read the activity directions and do the activity. The proj ects and puzzles will help you act on what you learn .

Use this book each Jay in a speciaL time aLone with God. Take time to talk to God in prayer as you go through this book. Have fun loving God and learning about Him every day!







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God an d Me!

God's Word God wants me to know Him. Some tlllst in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord. Psa lm 20: 7

God ShOWS lIimseH in the Bible "What's your name?" "My name is Sally. I live in the yellow house on the corner." "It's nice to m eet you , Sally. My name is Tracy. I live in the blue house by the park. " Wh en you meet someone it is good to know her name. How do you explain to others who you are? If you tell them your name, you share one of the most important things about you. By trading nam es with others, you are telling about yourself. God tells about Himself in the Bible. Isaiah 42:8 says, "I am the Lord; that is my name!" God wants you to know Him as well as you know your family mem be rs. lIe already knows everything about you. Matthew 10:30 says, "Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered."

Your Turn 1. How can you expla in to others who you are? Z. How d oes God te ll you who He is? 3. How can you te ll o thers a bout God ?

Prayer Thank You , God , that I can m eet n ew people. Teach m e to tell others about You . Amen.

Who Is God ';) 13

The Address Book Fill out the address book o n this page . Write the n ames of fri ends and family in the add ress book. Pray for each person every day.


God and Me!

God's Word My name is special to God.

I am the Lord; that is my name! Isaiah 42:8

Every Name Tells a Story Sally Joy Kramer. Ann Marie Smith. Most people have a first , middle and last name. Every name tells something. The person who na med you had a reason for giving you your name. Your name has meaning. Some people in the Old Testament of the Bible were called Hebrews . The Hebrews were God's first people. Each Hebrew child had a name that told something about her. The name was the greatness hoped for in that child . For example, Sarah means "princess. " She became a very beautiful woman inside and outside. Her parents hoped she would be a princess for God when they named her Sarah. Noah means "comforter. " Noah's parents hoped he would comfort people who were sad. A name tells what a person is like and who they are. What story does your name tell ? Look for the meaning of your name in a name book.

Your Turn 1. How did your parents choose your name? Look up the story of yo ur name in a book of names . Ask your parents how you got your name . Tell a friend your middle name . 3. Why d o yo u t hink God wants you to know His nam e?


Prayer Thank You , God , for m y n ame . Teach me more about Your name, God. I want to know You. I want to tell others about You. Amen .

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God and Me!

God's Word I can learn about God from the Bible. Our help is in the name of the Lord. Psa lm 124:8

The BibLe TeLls What God Is Like The day you were born was a happy day for your parents. Before you came home from the hospital, they signed birth papers. A birth paper tells all about you. It tells your name . It tells your parents' names. It also tells the time and place you were born . Did you know that there is no way of knowing God's age? 0 one knows when or where He was born. God has always been here . God doesn't have parents. You can show your birth papers to someone to prove who you are and to prove where and when you were born . God does not need a birth paper. He has shown us who He is in the Bible . The Bible tells what God is like. The Bible is like birth papers fo r God. The Bible tells what God does . It tells th at He is the Creator. He is the God who sees , the God who is always there, and the Shepherd. The Bible also says that He is the all-sufficient One, never-changing Jehovah , and Immanuel, or "God with us."

Your Turn 1. How can the Bible be a birth paper for God?

2. Wh y do you want to know who God is ?

Prayer I thank You , God , fo r the Bible . Th e Bible tells us who You are and what You are like. Teach m e to read Your word each day. Am en .

Who Is God? 17

God's Birth Papers l ook a t your birth pa pers and ba by book. Sha re the facts about yourse lf with your class or a friend. Then fill out the birth papers below for God . In the space for God's nam e write words abou t God . For exam ple: "good, " "loving" or " kind. " Write "un known " in the space fo r place of birth and time of birth.

Certificate of 13irth 9{ame: :First




iJate of tJ3irth

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fj)octor's 9{ame

Mother's 9{ame: :First



:Father's 'J.ÂŁame: :First




God and Me!

God, the Creator God knew all about me when He created the earth.

But be glad and

j"orC'Der in what I will create. Isaiah 6 5:18

God's Plans tor My Lite Did you ever make plans to do something important? Are you planning for a birthday party or a camping trip with your mom or dad? God made plans for you before you were born. God made the heavens and the earth. He planned to malw a place for you to live and grow. God loved you then, and He loves you now. Imagine, God knew about you while He created the earth. He prepared a place with air, water and land . God made good plans for you to live. Can you be glad and rejoice in all God has created ? Thank Him now for all lie made for you to live. You can read about God creating the heavens and the earth in Genesis 1:6-8.

Your Turn 1. How can you hear about God's plans for your life? Z. How can you help your friends know tha t God has a plan for thei r lives?

Prayer Thank You, God, for making plans to care for me. Thank You for the air I breathe . Help me to follow Your plans for me. Amen.

Who Is God ? 19

Making Plans Create a plan to spend time with a person soon. Make an invitation below explaining the plan you created. God planned long ago to spend time with you now. God's invitation to you is found in the Bible .


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H ey, girls, did you know that God wants to be your best friend? And this book can help you learn more about Him! Use God and Me! to get to know your heavenly Father better. As you read each devotion you will find out more about God and how to be a Christian. After you read , there is a fun activity to help you understand the Bible. Start today on your new friendship with God!


Ages 2-5 • LP46821

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The Christian Girl's Guide to Being your Best! G Od wants you to do your best and be your best! How? Lots of ways! Learn what it means to be the best Christian girl you can be! Stories about fictional girls, devotionals, Scripture, journaling, quizzes, crafts and other activities will show you how to live out God's special plan for your life. LP46822 ISBN 10: 1-885358-60-1

ISBN 13: 978 -1-885358-60-8

JUVENILE NONFICTION/Religion/Devotion & Prayer


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