ring yo ur children to a closer relationship with Jesus by teaching about Him with fun and creative activities. Each book in this series is packed with more than 80 puzzles, crafts, games and projects all based on a story from Jesus’ life. Plus, every activity is age-appropriate, recognizing that kids’ abilities and interests change as they grow. Teacherswillappreciatetheeasy-to-followinstructionsandbonusteachingtipsineachlessonwhich will help you lead kids in a high-energy, meaningful learning experience. As an added value, the books are reproducible and use simple, inexpensive supplies so you can focus on Bible-learning. Use Bible Stories About Jesus anywhere you teach children — from Sunday school to children’s church to home — and watch as your kids eagerly learn about Jesus’ unending love for them.
s Grades 3 & 4 s
Ages 4 & 5 RB36112
Grades 1 & 2 RB36113
Favorite Bible Stories
Grades 3 & 4 RB36114
Ages 4 & 5 RB36242
Grades 1 & 2 RB36243
An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. 4733 Torrance Blvd., #259, Torrance, CA 90503 See more excellent children’s teaching aids at
RB36114 ISBN 0-937282-07-3
RB36114 ISBN 10: 0-937282-07-3 ISBN 13: 978-0-937282-07-3 RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Children
Rainbow Publishers
Ages 2 & 3 RB36241
Pamela J. Kuhn
ld and New Testament Bible stories with accompanying activities are creatively presented in this exciting series. Age-appropriate activities include cutting, coloring, and pasting; making crafts, puppets, puzzles, stand-up figures and mazes; and much more. Teachers will appreciate the helpful tips provided on each reproducible activity page.
Darlene Hoffa
Ages 2 & 3 RB36111
Darlene Hoffa Pamela J. Kuhn