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avcrite Bible Crades 1c 2
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Crades 1c 2 Carolvn Passig Jensen &
Pamela I. Kuhn
These pages may be copied. Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials in this book for use with pupils in Sunday school or Bible teaching classes.
To Eleanor, Thanks for sharing all the "kid talk" with me during our prep sessions. Your creativity shows through in the Bible stories you tell and the unique way you explain the concepts of salvation. P.K.
FAVORITE BIBLE STORIES: GRADES 1&2 ©2013 by Rainbow Publishers, twenty-fIrst printing ISBN 10: 0-937282-16-2 ISBN 13: 978-0-937282-16-8 Rainbow reorder# RB36243 RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children
Rainbow Publishers P.O. Box 261129 San Diego, CA 92196
Interior Illustrator: Chuck Galey Cover Illustrator: Todd F. Marsh Unless otherwise noted, all Scriptures are from the King James version of the Bible. Scriptures marked NIV are from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), ©1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials for use with Sunday school or Bible teaching classes. All rights reserved. Except as noted above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of Rainbow Publishers. Printed in the United States of America
• • • • • Table of Contents • • • • • Introduction .................. . ...... .. . 7
Handwriting on the Wall (Daniel 5) Memory Game ................ ......... 38 Who's the King? ........................ 39
God's Creation (Genesis 1) Things God Made ............ ... ........ 10 Day and Night Activities . ....... . ... . . . . .. 11
Daniel in the Lions' Den (Daniel 6:4-22) Story Sequence ............... . .. ....... 40 Lion Puppet ... . ............... . .. . ..... 41
Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:2Cr3) What Animal Is It? . ..................... 12 Find the Hidden Pictures . . ................ 13
Jonah's Lesson (Jonah 1-2) A Story Picture ......................... 42 Spell J-O-N-A-H ...................... . . 43
Noah and the Ark (Genesis 6:8-8:22) God's Promise Mobile ....... . .......... .. 14 Food for the Animals .. .. ... . . .... . . ...... 15 Father of Many (Genesis 13:14-18; 15:1-21; 21:1-7) A Starry Candle Holder. .................. 16 Medicine Joke Book . .. ... ..... .... ... . .. 17 A Wife for Isaac (Genesis 24) Follow the Path to Find Rebekah ........... 18 Moving Picture .......... .............. . 19 Baby Moses (Exodus 2:1-10) Color by Number. . .. . . ... ............... 20 A Basket for Baby Moses ................. 21 God's People Leave Egypt (Exodus 7-14) Moses and Pharaoh Finger Puppets . ..... .. . 22 What Did Pharaoh Say? .................. 23 The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20; 32:15-16) Picture Puzzle .... .... ..... .... . ........ 24 Obeying God's Commandments ............ 25 David Serves God (l Samuel 17; 2 Samuel 2) Reasons to Praise God ............... . . . .. 26 King David's Crown ............... . ..... 27 A Wise King (1 Kings 3:5-15) King Puppet . . .......................... 28 Prayer Book . . ... . ... . ..... . .... ...... . . 29 A Poor Woman Shares (1 Kings 17:10-16) Finish the Picture ...................... . 30 The Widow's Bread Basket .... ... . ....... . 31 A Pouting King (1 Kings 21) King Ahab Story Picture . ............... .. 32 The Prophet's Quiz . . . ... ... . . .. ....... .. 33 God's Word Is Found (2 Kings 22:8-23:3) Color King Josiah .. ..... ................ 34 A Story to Read . . ....... . ............... 35 Three Brave Men (Daniel 3) Follow the Story Path .... . . ..... . ... . .... 36 What Would You Do? . . . . ........... . .... 37
Ntw T£STAM£NT ACTIVITI£S Jesus' Birth (Luke 2:7-16) Make a Christmas Mura1. ................. 46 Shepherd Child Puppet . .. ..... . .... . ..... 47 An Angel Tells of Jesus' Birth (Luke 2:10-14) Nativity Stick Puppets .................... 48 Stand-up Angel . . ... . . .. . ............... 49 A Faithful Cousin (Matthew 3:1-12) A Round Puzzle ........ .. ... . .... . . . . . . 50 A Secret Message . ... .................... 51 Jesus Helps His Friends (John 2:1-11) Water Pot Bingo ........................ 52 Wedding Memory Page .... . . . ... . ........ 53 Fishers of Men (Matthew 4:18-22) Fish Mobile ............................ 54 Lake in a Jar ..................... .. .... 55 The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) Learning to Pray Picture Puzzle ........ . ... 56 Stand-up Card .......................... 57 Jesus Blesses the Children (Mark 10:13-16) Find the Hidden Pictures .... ... ........... 58 My Best Friend Bookmark ................ 59 Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man (Luke 5:18-26) Help the Friends Find Jesus . . . ... . ....... . 60 Shoe Box House ....... . ........ . .. . . . . . 61 The Lost Sheep (Luke 15:4-7; John 10:27) Count the Sheep .. . ................... . . 62 Stand-up Lamb .................... . .... 63 The Runaway Boy (Luke 15:11-32) Draw How He Looked .... .............. . 64 Find the Way Home ..... .. .............. 65 Jesus Heals the Brokenhearted (Luke 17:11-16) Finish the Story ...... . .. . . . . . ... .. ...... 66 Thank You Chain .... . . . ........ . ...... . 67 continued on next page
• • • • • Table of Contents Continued ••••• Ntw T[STAM[NT ACTMTI[S continued
Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) Climb the Tree . . . . ................. . . . .. 68 Finger Puppets . . . . . . .. . . .. .. ...... . ... . . 69 My Father's House (Luke 19:45-48) A Two-sided Picture .. .... . . . . . . . . . . .. ... 70 God's House Puzzle .......... . . . ...... . . 71 Jesus Heals a Sick Boy (John 4:46-54) A Happy Boy ... .. ...... . ... .. ..... . . . .. 72 When You Are Sick . . ... . ... . . . . . ..... . . . 73 Jesus Rides into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-16) Story Strip ... . . . ............ . . . .. . .. .. . 74 Color, Cut and Paste .... ... . . ....... .. . . . 75 Mary's Gift for Jesus (John 12:1-8) My Gift for Jesus .. ..... . .. . .......... . .. 76 Sweet Smell of Love Sachet . . ....... .... . . 77 Jesus Dies and Comes Alive Again (Matthew 27-28) Colorful Cross . ....... . ..... . ....... . . . . 78 Easter Week Circle ...................... 79 Peter Visits a Dead Woman (Acts 9:36-42) Counting the Garments Game .... . . . ..... . 80 Get Well Card .... .. ... . .. .. ......... . .. 81 Paul Tells About Jesus (Acts 13) People Who Heard About Jesus . . . . .... . . .. 82 Places to Tell About Jesus ......... . ....... 83 The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-23) Fruit and Worms . .. . ... . ... . ............ 84 Good or Rotten Fruit ......... ... ... . . . . . . 85
MOR[ BIBL[ TDCHINC ACTMTI[S Prayer (psalm 4:3) Times to Pray ............ . . . . .. .. ... . . . 88 Connect the Dots .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. 89 A Place to Worship (psalms 34:3; 122:1) A Bouquet of Praise .... . .......... .. .. . . 90 Foiled Church Window ..... . ............ . 91 The Bible Is God's Book (psalm 119:16; John 5:39) Bible Marker ............. .. .. ..... . .... 92 Read a Story . . . . . . ..... . . . . . ... ........ 93 Obeying Parents (Ephesians 6:1-3) Things to Do ............. .. ... . ....... . 94 Helper Certificate . ........... . .... ... .. . 95 Puzzle Answers ...................... 96
• • • • • • • Introduction • • • • • • • One of the best ways to teach children biblical truths and Christian attitudes is through
Bible stories. In fact, there are hundreds of interesting and erdting stories that fill the Bible! These stories make spiritual truths come alive. When you teach Bible stories to children, they learn how to live the Christian life through the examples of real people with victories and struggles. This book provides over 80 Bible-learning activities built designed to teach Favorite fibre Stories and biblical principles from both the Old and New Testaments. As your first- and second-graders do these activities, they will begin to learn not only the Bible stories themselves, but also how much their God loves and cares for them. There are two Bible-learning activities (on facing pages) for each Bible story. You may choose to use either or both of the activities in teaching the Bible story. And because this book is reproducible, you may make as many copies of each activity sheet as you have students. You'll find a great variety of activities, suitable for a variety of teaching situations, that are designed for the abilities of first- and second-graders - coloring, cutting, pasting and folding, puppets, mazes, simple counting and reading, connect-the-dots, hidden pictures and other erciVng acVv;Ves just right for this age. Most activities require only ordinary school supplies or household items. Each activity sheet features a short introductory paragraph that refers to the Bible story and gives instructions for the activity. These paragraphs are designed to be read aloud to the children. The top of each page also lists the Bible story and Scripture reference. A special If For the Teacher II section at the bottom of each page gives valuable teaching tips, hints for using an activity, or further instructions just for you. (Cover this section prior to making copies so the teaching ideas do not appear on the children's papers.) Children wi11look forward to your class with the opportunity to work on these fun activities. And the wide variety of different learning projects will help your children learn and remember Bible stories - many of which are sure to become their Qavorites!
Qvcrite Bible old Testament
Things Cod Made
God's Creation Cenesis \
God created our world and our universe. He made the heavens and the earth. He made the moon and the stars. He made oceans, rivers, mountains and valleys. God also created all the plants, animals and birds. He created you, too. Color the pictures of the things God made. Leave uncolored the things that people have made. After you finish, stop and say a prayer of thankfulness to God for the wonderful things He made.
For the Teacher: Help the children understand the difference between things God made in the beginning and things that people make using what God made in the beginning. For example: God made trees. People cut down the trees and use the wood to build houses and furniture. 10
Dau and Night Activities
God's Creation
God created the heavens and the earth. He made the night and the day. Then God made the oceans, mountains and all the living things on the earth. On the circle, color the DAY yellow and color the NIGHT black. Then draw a line from the yellow side of the circle to things that usually happen in the daytime. Draw a line from the black side of the circle to things that usually happen at night.
Cenesis \
We sleep.
The sun shines. The moon and stars shine.
We play.
Animals sleep.
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For the Teacher: Help children read the words on the circle and the captions by the pictures. Talk about nighttime and daytime activities. Emphasize the greatness of God's creation.
Adam and Eve
What Animal Is It? After God created Adam and the rest of the world, God told Adam to name all the animals. Draw a line from each animal picture to the description of the animal. If you know how to write the animal's name, write it on the line after the description. Think about other names Adam could have given the animals. What would you have named them?
A yellow animal with brown spots and a very long neck.
An animal that seems to have long arms instead of front legs. A funny animal that makes us laugh.
A large, furry animal. May be black or brown or white. Sometimes we have furry toys like this animal.
A small animal that many people have as a pet. Comes in many colors. Says, "Meow."
This animal is called "the king of the beasts." It is strong and fierce. It is a light brown color.
This animal is a well-liked pet. It has been called "man's best friend." It comes in many colors, and it barks.
For the Teacher: Lead the children in thanking God for the animals (and other creations) He made. To help the children remember that Adam named the animals God created, have the children draw imaginary animals on blank sheets of paper and give each new animal a name. 12
Adam and Eve
F"meI the IrIdden Pictures Adam and Eve were the first man and woman God created. God also made Adam and Eve a beautiful garden where they could live. The garden had everything Adam and Eve needed. God told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit on one special tree, but a wicked snake came along and told Eve to eat the fruit anyway. Eve ate the fruit and gave some to Adam. God punished Adam and Eve for disobeying Him by sending them away from their garden home. Find and color five things from Adam and Eve's garden home that are hidden in the picture.
For the Teacher: Help the children understand Adam and Eve's disobedience and that as a result we are all sinners. Emphasize to the children that Jesus came to earth to die and come alive again so our sins can be forgiven when we ask Him. Offer the opportunity for the children to pray with you for forgiveness. (The five hidden items are: Adam, Eve, tree, snake, fruit .) 13
Noah and the Ark
Co(fs Promise Mobile God saw that people on earth were very sinful. God said He would destroy the sinful people in a big flood. So God told Noah to build a big boat and take his family and every kind of animal into the ark. Noah trusted and obeyed God. The flood came and all living things outside the ark died. Inside the ark, God took care of Noah, his family and the animals. After the flood, God put a beautiful rainbow in the sky and promised He would never again kill all living things by a flood. You can make a pretty mobile to help you remember to trust and obey God. Color and cut out the mobile shapes and punch holes at the tops. Your teacher will give you a clothes hanger and yarn to tie the figures to the hanger. Learn the memory verse.
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Hoaband the Ark
Food For the Animals God told Noah to take two or more of every animal into the ark to protect them from the flood . Noah took care of the animals and fed them the food they needed. Draw a line from the animals on the left to the food they eat on the right. Then say "thank You" to God for the good food He gives you to eat every day.
For the Teacher: Talk about how Noah took care of the animals. Discuss food needed by other animals not pictured. Say, God protected all the animals in the ark during the flood. He wanted the animals to be able to live on the earth again after the flood. Relate God's care for the animals to 15
Astarry Candle Holder
Father of Manv
Abram worshiped God even though his neighbors all prayed to false gods. God told Abram to move to a new land. "I will bless you for obeying me," God told Abram. "Look at all the land around you. All this land will belong to you." God told Abram to look at the stars. "You will have as many children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren as the stars; so many that no one will be able to count them all." Paint your baby food jar with the glue mixture your teacher has prepared. Work in small sections, painting a portion and then pressing the two shades of blue tissue paper squares into the glue. Glue one star to the front of the jar and the others around the jar. When the jar is complete, paint another layer of glue on top and sprinkle it with gold glitter.
Abram obeyed God.
Abram obeyed God.
Abram obeyed God.
Abram obeyed God.
For the Teacher: Premix one part water with one part glue. For easy usage, put the mixture in film canisters. Precut or tear two shades of blue tissue paper. Provide votive candles for the children to place in their holders. Emphasize to the children that they must light candles only when an adult is present. 16
Father of lanv CelJesis 2\:\-1
God was pleased with Abram because He knew Abram loved Him. God promised Abram that he would have more children and grandchildren than he could count. God also changed Abram's name to "Abraham." God kept His promise of children to Abraham. Abraham was 100 years old when his son Isaac was born. Isaac means "laughter." Did you know laughing is good medicine? Laughter is important to your health - the Bible even says so! Color the pages of your joke book and cut it apart. Stack the pages together and staple them. Cover the front and back of the staples with colored electrical tape. Write your favorite jokes on the blank pages.
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Genesis 21 :1-7 If time permits, allow the students to share jokes with each other. 17
AWile lor Isaac
Follow the Path to remd Rebekah Abraham knew his son Isaac needed a wife. He sent his servant to find a girl to marry Isaac. Follow the path to see what happened. Then color the pictures. Abraham asks his servant to find a wife for Isaac (1). The servant gets on his camel (2) and rides to another country (3). The servant asks God to have the girl Isaac should marry offer to water the servant's camel (4). Rebekah comes to the well and waters the camel (5). Rebekah and the servant return to Abraham's country (6) and Rebekah marries Isaac.
For the Teacher: Use this story to teach the children we should tell God our problems and He will help us. Discuss problems the children may have about which they can tell God. Give time for silent prayer so the children can tell God their needs. Close by thanking God for hearing and answering our prayers. 18
AWile lor Isaac
Moving Picture Isaac was very happy when his father's servant brought Rebekah home to be his wife. He knew God had given him someone very special. Color and cut out the picture of Isaac and the figure of Rebekah. Tape a small strip of paper to Rebekah's back. Slip a string through the paper strip and tape the two ends of the string on the picture at the dots. Move Rebekah to meet Isaac.
• Genesis 24
For the Teacher: It is not too early to begin to teach the children that God has a perfect plan for each one of their lives. Say, God had a special plan for Isaac and Rebekah to be married. God has a special plan for your life, too. It is important to always obey God so we are always doing what God has planned for us. 19
each God's Word in fun, creative ways! With Favorite Bible Stories, you can lead kids in crafts, games and other activities that are reproducible and easy to prepare, and include teaching hints and tips. As you teach these Bible truths to your kids, they will learn how God uses all situations for His glory. And they will see that He is working for good in their lives, too!
[ach book includes: • reproducible patterns
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• step-by-step instructions
• solid Bible teaching
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Favorite Bible Heroes Get more crafts, games, puzzles and activities based on real heroes from the Old and New Testaments! Each age-based book includes memory verses, reproducible patterns and easy instructions so you can teach kids how they, too, can be one of God's heroes.
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RB36243 ISBN 10: 0-937282-16-2 ISBN 13: 978-0-937282-16-8 RELIGION / Christian Ministry/ Children