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G R AD E S 1 - 2 *
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This is a Preview of the 64-Page Bulletin Boards for Sunday School, Grades 1-2 Get the full version at www.rosekidz.com
For Sunday School ( GRADES 1 - 2 )
Author ....................... Carolyn Passig Jensen Illustrator ............................... Roger Johnson These pages may be copied. Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials in this book for use with pupils in Sunday school or Bible teaching classes. All rights reserved. Except as noted above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of Rainbow Publishers. Unless otherwise noted, Scripture references are from the King James Version. Scripture marked NIV is taken from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
Copyright © 2007 • Ninth Printing Rainbow Publishers • P.O. Box 261129 • San Diego, CA 92196 www.rainbowpublishers.com #RB36248 ISBN 10: 0-937282-39-1 ISBN 13: 978-0-937282-39-7 RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children
For Sunday School (
GRADES 1 - 2
" Contents Introduction .............................................................. 5 How to Create Beautiful Bulletin Boards .................... 6
Bible-Teaching Bulletin Boards God Cared for Baby Moses ....................................... 10 We're Fishing for You in Sunday School ................... 14 Jesus Loves All Children! Jesus Loves Me! ............... 17 Don't Forget! We Need You in Sunday School ........... 22 Walk in Love ............................................................ 26 Hippity Hop Let's be Sure to Pray About ................... 29
Memory Verse Bulletin Boards The Bible Says ......................................................... 34 Your Word is a ... Light for My Path ....................... 37
Special Event Bulletin Boards Thank You God, for All Things ................................. 41 Rejoice! Jesus is Born! ............................................. 45 Roll Away the Stone! Jesus is Alive! ......................... 49 Our Moms are Special! ............................................. 53 Our Father's Day Promises ...................................... 57
Borders and Comers .............................................. 62
Children learn best and remember more when they can see and visualize what they are taught. In fact, we learn 83 percent by sight and only 12 percent by hearing and touch together. But when hearing, touch and sight are combined, learning is much easier, effective and long-lasting. This book contains 13 Bible bulletin boards especially designed for the abilities and interests of primary children in grades 1 and 2. Bulletin boards are a very effective way to teach primary children important biblical concepts so they will remember them. In fact, bulletin boards can be one of the most effective teaching tools you use. Because bulletin boards are colorful and attention-getting, children are naturally drawn to them and to the lessons they teach. Bulletin boards should be an important part of every Bible classroom for several reasons: • Bulletin boards are simple, inexpensive and colorful ways to decorate your classroom and provide an attractive learning environment • Bulletin boards help children visualize and remember biblical concepts far longer than just talking about them • Bulletin boards help relate spiritual concepts to the children's everyday lives • Bulletin boards provide an opportunity for children and teachers to relate to each other as they construct bulletin boards together. In fact, children are much more interested in things they; help prepare, so the best bulletin boards are the ones teachers and children work on together; this book includes several boards designed with this in mind. Included in this book are bulletin boards which teach Bible concepts first and second graders are ready to learn, bulletin boards which include the text of a Bible memory verse and therefore help the children to learn and remember the Bible verse and what it means, and several bulletin boards for seasonal and holiday use. All bulletin boards include a suggested Bible Memory Verse for the class to learn together and ideas you can use with the bulletin board to teach important spiritual concepts. (The King James Version of the Bible is used unless noted otherwise.) The patterns and instructions in this book make it easy to construct these bulletin boards, and you won't need a lot of artistic talent either! Each bulletin board includes complete instructions and suggestions for materials, borders, background, and how to put everything together. Fullsize patterns are also provided, as are large headline letters and three decorative borders and corners. All materials may be used right out of the book or traced, enlarged, duplicated or photocopied to make attractive classroom bulletin boards. Each bulletin board is designed for use in Sunday schools. Many may also be used in kids' clubs, Vacation Bible School, children's church, Christian schools or anywhere the Bible is taught. So ... tum your first and second grade classroom into an exciting learning environment with the colorful bulletin boards in this book!
How to Create Beautiful Bulletin Boards Using the Materials in this Book The 13 Bible-teaching bulletin boards for first and second graders in this book contain complete instructions, full-size patterns, lettering and decorative borders and corners. Plus there are instructions and suggestions for backgrounds and for putting the bulletin boards together. These four pages contain hints, tips and how-tos for using the materials in this book (and the other seven books in this series) to create beautiful bulletin boards.
Backgrounds Backgrounds are vital to the overall design of the bulletin board. In this book, simple suggestions are given for backgrounds for each bulletin board. Feel free to also experiment with materials you have on hand or which are readily available, such as: • Textured fabrics: flannel, felt, burlap, cottons, cheesecloth • Construction paper • Crepe paper • Wrapping paper, either solid color or with small print or design • Colored tissue papers • Newspapers (especially classified ads and stock market pages or pages without large headlines) • Aluminum foil or foil-type wrapping paper • Brown paper bags or brown wrapping paper crumpled and then flattened • Colorful corrugated paper available from school supply stores • Butcher paper or shelf paper • Poster board on which figures can be permanently attached • Maps • Adhesive-backed plastic in a variety of colors or patterns • Wallpaper with simple or small designs Borders Borders complete the bulletin board, so after the background is in place, it's time to frame the bulletin board with an attractive, colorful border. Three decorative borders and matching corners are provided on pages 62 and 63 of this book for use with selected bulletin boards in this book. Other simple border suggestions are given with the remaining bulletin boards in this book. To use the decorative borders and corners on pages 62 and 63, duplicate enough copies of the border strip to frame the bulletin board. Also make four copies of the matching corner. (Corners can also be used by themselves, or with strips of construction paper forming the border.) You may duplicate the border and corner on white paper and color them with markers; you may wish to have your students help with this. (Markers give brighter colors than crayons, so are preferable for all bulletin board work.) Alternatively, you may wish to reproduce the border and corner onto colored copy machine paper or construction paper which compliments the background color. (See "Duplicating Patterns and Lettering.") Overlap the border strips slightly and glue or tape the sections together. Use doublefaced tape or tape rolled to make it double to attach the border and corners directly to the frame of the bulletin board or staple the border and corners to the edge of the bulletin board just inside the frame. Roll the border to store for future use. Attractive borders can also be made with the following materials attached to the frame 6
of the bulletin board: • Artificial flowers, real or artificial leaves, nature items • Rope or twine • Braided yarn • Wide ribbon • Purchased corrugated borders available from school supply stores • Strips of twisted crepe paper 3/4- to I-inch wide • Strips of construction paper cut in attractive shapes, such as scallops, zig-zags, fringes, etc. • Lace, fringe and other sewing trims
Making Bulletin Boards Three-Dimensional Although bulletin boards are normally flat, there are many imaginative ways you can add a effect to your bulletin boards. Many of the bulletin boards in this book already include ideas for three-dimensional effects, but here are more you may like to try: • Place cork, thick pieces of cardboard, or plastic foam behind figures or lettering. • Attach large figures to the bulletin board by curving them slightly outward from the board. • "Stuff' figures by crumpling newspaper, paper towels or facial tissues behind the figures before attaching to the bulletin board. • Glue or attach three-dimensional or textured objects such as cotton balls or batting; fake fur; small pieces of wood; twigs; nature items; feathers; yarn; children's toys; small clothing objects (like scarves and mittens); balloons; artificial flowers, leaves or birds; chenille wire; fabrics and burlap; bamboo or woven place mats; corrugated paper; sandpaper; crumpled aluminum foil or brown paper grocery bags; rope; drinking straws and so on. • Flowers can be made from individual sections cut from egg cartons. • Heavy objects (such as a small tree branch or a toy) may be mounted securely in the following way: Cut two or more strips of bias binding tape or ribbon (available from fabric stories). Securely staple one end ofthe bias tape to the bulletin board, place around the item to be mounted and staple the other end (above the object) to the bulletin board so the object hangs securely on the bias tape straps. Velcro may also be used for some items. When constructing your bulletin boards, be sure to follow safety regulations concerning flammability of classroom materials.
Lettering Each bulletin board in this book includes full-sized lettering which is to be used to create your bulletin board. To use the lettering, you may do the following: • Cut the lettering out of any paper. Place the page(s) oflettering from this book (or a copy) over the sheet(s) of paper out of which you want to cut the letters. Cut through both sheets, using scissors or a craft knife. Mount letters individually on the bulletin board. • Duplicate the lettering onto white paper and color in the letters with markers. • Duplicate the lettering onto white or colored construction paper or plain white paper. Cut out letters and mount individually or cut the words apart and mount each word on the bulletin board in strip form. • Use colored markers to trace the lettering onto paper of any color. Cut out individual letters or cut apart words and use in strip form. 7
Cut individual letters out of two colors of paper at once (see first method above). When mounting letters on the bulletin board, lay one color on top of the other and offset the bottom letter slightly so it creates a shadow effect. Attractive lettering can also be made by cutting letters out of wallpaper, fabrics, felt, adhesive-backed plastic in various colors or patterns, wrapping paper, brown paper bags or wrapping paper which have been crumpled and then flattened, old newspapers and other materials. For a professional look, outline letters with a dark-colored marker for a neat edge and good contrast. Always try to use dark or deep colors for lettering. Textures can be used for lettering also, either by cutting the letters out of textured materials or by gluing on sequins, sand, straw, twigs, seeds, yam, rope, lace, buttons, craft or ice cream sticks, toothpicks, chenille wire, macaroni, cotton balls, sandpaper, aluminum foil or other materials. To mount letters flat, staple them to the board, use double-sided tape or roll a small piece of tape to make it double-sided. Always put the tape under the letter so it does not show. Position letters either in a straight line or in a curved or staggered arrangement. Space letters attractively.
Duplicating Patterns and Lettering All patterns, lettering, borders and comers in this book may be used right out of the book or traced, enlarged, reduced, duplicated or photocopied to make attractive classroom bulletin boards. The easiest way to duplicate the materials in this book is to use a copy machine to simply copy the patterns, lettering or borders onto white or colored copy machine paper. (Copy machine paper is available in a wide variety of colors ranging from pastel colors to very bright colors.) For a nominal price you can copy onto these colored papers at most copy centers. Construction paper also works in some copy machines. You can also trace materials in this book onto white or colored paper by holding the page you wish to trace up to a window or by using carbon paper. Some materials will need to be colored with markers. The easiest way to reduce or enlarge materials is to use a copy machine which enlarges or reduces, available at most copy centers also. You can also trace or copy the items you wish to enlarge onto a overhead projector transparency, project the transparency onto a sheet of paper on a wall, adjusting the image to the size you wish, and trace the image onto the paper. An opaque projector can also be used to enlarge patterns without having to trace or copy them onto transparency material first. Mounting Materials on Your Bulletin Board It is important that all materials stay securely on your bulletin board until you wish to take them down. Stapling materials directly to the bulletin board is the most secure method of mounting most materials and the staples are virtually unnoticeable. Be sure to have a staple puller handy to help prevent frustration and broken fingernails when it is time to remove the staples. Be sure no loose staples are left on the floor after you finish putting up the bulletin board. Always mount all bulletin board materials at the children's eye level, not at yours! When push pins are used, as with scissors, staples, pencils and all other items which can potentially cause harm, care should always be taken to ensure the safety of the children. How to Make Your Bulletin Boards Durable and Reuseable Cover both sides of your bulletin board figures with clear adhesive-backed plastic. Cut
around the figures, leaving a 1/4 inch edge of plastic. (If one figure is made up of several parts, put the parts together before covering with the plastic.) You can also glue figures to colored construction paper and cut around the figure, leaving a narrow border of construction paper.
Teaching with the Bulletin Boards Each of the bulletin boards in this book includes a suggested Bible Memory Verse for the children to learn together as a class, plus teaching tips to help you use the bulletin boards to teach important biblical concepts to your primaries. For children to really learn through the use of bulletin boards (or any teaching method), they must respond in some way to what they have been taught. In this book, this is accomplished by discussing the bulletin board and its meanings, by the children interacting with materials on the1Joard (they "roll" the stone away from Jesus' tomb, "hook" a fish to show they were in class or move figures on the board), or by giving the children the opportunity to construct the actual components of the board. (In fact, you will find that under your direction your primaries will take a great deal of pride and delight in working on their bulletin board.) All of the boards in this book include one or more of these methods to help ensure that these bulletin boards will not only be attractive and colorful room decorations, but most importantly that they will teach your first and second graders biblical concepts which are important to their lives and spiritual development.
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Bible-Teaching Bulletin Board Background and Border: Cover the bulletin board with light blue paper or fabric. Out of green paper, cut a strip of "reeds," as shown above. Cut the lower edge wavy to represent the edge of the water. Above the reeds, create a border by cutting wavy strips of orange paper. Materials and Instructions: Duplicate the figures of Moses, Miriam and the princess from pages 12 and 13 as indicated, color and cut out. "Hide" Miriam in the rushes and attach to bulletin board. Attach the end of one long piece of yam to the right side of the bulletin board and then mount the princess over the end of the yam. Tape a strip of paper about 3 inches long by 1 inch wide horizontally to the back of the figure of Moses, taping only the top and bottom of the strip. Insert the loose end of the yam behind the paper strip so Moses moves along the yam. Knot the loose end of yam and attach to the left
side of the bulletin board by inserting a push pin through the knot. Be sure the yam is taut from the princess to the push pin. Cut the lettering from page 11 out of orange felt and mount on the board. Teaching with this Bulletin Board: Tell the story of Baby Moses' rescue from Exodus 2:1-10. Then tell the children of God's special plan for Moses to grow up and help deliver his people. Say, "God had a special plan for Moses and God has a special plan for you too. God is with you and will watch over you." Learn the Bible Memory Verse. Let the children take turns retelling the story, saying the Bible Memory Verse and moving Baby Moses toward the princess. Suggested Bible Memory Verse:
"lam with you and will watch overyou." - Genesis 28:15NN
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€fo Bible-Teaching Bulletin Board Teaching with this Bulletin Board: Have each child cut out two fish and print his name on one of the fish. Show the children how to securely tape a paper clip to the undecorated side of one fish, at the nose. Then help them hold the two undecorated sides of the fish together and staple around the edges, leaving an opening. Each child may gently stuff one facial tissue into the fish and staple it shut. Give each child a I-inch piece of both sides of adhesive-backed Velcro. They may stick the hook side of the Velcro on their fish and the loop side of the Velcro on the pond. Tell the children that each week they can move their fish from the pond onto one of the paper clip "hooks." Learn the Bible Memory Verse together.
Background and Border: Cover the top half of the bulletin board with light yellow paper. Cover the lower half with bright blue paper cut into a wavy pattern along the top edge. Use the Flower border and comer from pages 62 and 63. Materials and Instructions: Cut two bamboo-type fishing poles out of brown construction paper and draw on markings. Attach to bulletin board as shown. Tie paper clips about 3 inches apart along two lengths of yam. Securely fasten one end of each piece of yam to the board at the end of each pole. Duplicate the lettering from page 16 and the words "in Sunday School" from page 25 onto red paper and mount on the board. Duplicate the two fish patterns from page 15 onto various colors of construction paper, making one copy for each child.
Suggested Bible Memory Verse: "I will come into Thy house." - Psalm 5:7
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Jesus loves Bible-Teaching Bulletin Board Background and Border: Cover the bulletin board with peach colored paper or fabric. Use blue corrugated border or cut construction paper in wavy shapes. Materials and Instructions: Duplicate the picture ofJesus from page 19 onto white paper, color and cut out. Glue to the bottom of an upside down foam meat tray and mount in the center of the bulletin board. Duplicate the child figure and stand from page 18 onto construction paper or lightweight poster board for each child. Cut the lettering from pages 20 and 21 out of purple paper and mount, or use in strip form. (Be sure to make two copies ofthe words ''Jesus Loves.") Teaching with this Bulletin Board: In class, talk with the children about Jesus' love. Learn the Bible Memory Verse together. Give each child a child figure duplicated from
page 18. Instruct the children to cut out the figure and decorate it to represent themselves. They may use markers to draw on clothing, features and hair, or glue on clothing shapes cut out of construction paper, wrapping paper or fabric scraps. When the figures are completed, give each child a stand duplicated from page 18. Help them print their name on the line and fold on the broken lines. Staple the feet of the figure between the top edges of the stand. Tape a craft stick to the back of each figure, extending the stick 3/4 inch below the top of the stand. The children may help mount the figures on the bulletin board; do not attach the stand to the board. When the bulletin board is dismantled, the children may take their figures horne. Suggested Bible Memory Verse:
"We love Him, because He first loved us." - I John 4:19 17
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* Graded Sunday School Bulletin Boards Books Here are the exciting bulletin boards which are just right for children's interests and abilities - from age 2 through fourth grade. Each book contains bulletin boards which teach Bible concepts and n' emory verses, plus bulletin boards for holidays throughout the year. Each of the eight Bulletin Boards books includes 13 bulletin boards with easy-to-follow instructions, full-size patterns, large headline lettering and three decorative borders-all of which can be reproduced or used right out of the book. A suggested Bible memory verse and tips for teaching Bible concepts are also included to help make each bulletin board an effective learning tool in any Bible classroom.
Bulletin Boards Ages 2-3 RB36246
Bulletin Boards
Ages 4-5 RB36247
Bulletin Boards Grades 1-2 RB36248
Bulletin Boards Grades 3-4 RB36249
Seasonal Sunday School Bulletin Boards Books Tum your classroom into a colorful learning environment all year long with the 13 seasonal bulletin boards in each exciting book. These bulletin boards are appropriate for children from ages 4 through 12 and include boards for seasonal events and holidays.
Fall Bulletin Boards RB36191
Winter Bulletin Boards RB36192
Spring Bulletin Boards Summer Bulletin Boards RB36193 RB36194
Rainbow Publishers速 www.rainbowpublishers.com 9
RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children
RB36248 ISBN 10: 0-937282-39-1 ISBN 13: 978-0-937282-39-7