This is a Preview of the 96-Page Bible Activities in a Snap: Holidays Workbook Get the full version at
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Dedication To all the great kids at church who sometimes made my job easy and sometimes made it hard, just remember: Jesus loves you!
BIBLE ACTIVITIES IN A SNAP, HOLIDAYS ©2012 Rainbow Publishers, eleventh printing ISBN 10: 1-885358-44-X ISBN 13: 978-1-885358-44-8 Rainbow reorder# RB36813 RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children
Rainbow Publishers P.O. Box 261129 San Diego, CA 92196 Author and Illustrator: Barbara Rodgers Scriptures are from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition) , copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials for use with Sunday school or Bible teaching classes. All rights reserved. Except as noted above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of Rainbow Publishers. Printed in the United States of America
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Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 7 New Year Happy New Year! ........................................ 8
Peter Denies Knowing Jesus ..................... 36 Jesus Is Not Ashamed of Us ... .................. 37
TV Time ................ .......... .. ........................ ..9 Claiming the Land of the Unknown ......... 10 Your Land of the Unknown ... .. ... .... .......... 11
Jesus on Trial ........ ..... ...... ....... ................. 38 Jesus on the Cross .... ..... ..... ... .. ............. .. .. 39 An Angel on the Stone .... .... ... .. .... ..... .. .. ...40
tJa'ent;ne's pay
Jesus and Mary in the Garden ..... ........ ....41
Saint Valentine ......................................... 13
Bribed with Money .. ... .... ..... ....... ............. .42 Jesus Appears to His Disciples ............... ..43 New Life in Christ .... .... ........ .. ... .............. .44
God's Gift of Love ....... .... ... .... ........... ........ 14
He Makes All Things New ..... ... ............ .... .45
God's Love for Us ................ ..................... 15 God's Word Teaches About Love ..... ..... .. .. 16 We Love with Our Actions ..... ...... ...... ...... 17
Mother's Pay
Valentine's Day ... .. .. ....... ..... ...................... 12
Heart of Stone ........ ....... .. .... ........ ............. 18
Mothers Are God's Workmanship ........... ..46 Sarah Was a Woman of Faith ...... ............ .4 7
The Eyes of Our Hearts ............................ 19 We Are Living Valentines ... .. .. .................. 20 Jesus Is King of Our Hearts .... ... ...... ......... 21
Mary Was Thoughtful and Comforting .... .48 God Is Our Comforter ... .......................... .49 Mary and Jesus Go to Market .. ... ... .. ......... 50
God Chooses David as King ..................... 22
Grocery Store Helper ........... ...... ...... ... ... .. 51
God Looks at Our Hearts .. ....... ................ 23 He First Loved Us ...... ... .. ..... ..... ....... ......... 24
Jochebed, Miriam and Baby Moses ........ ..52 Flowers for Mother .......... .. ... .................... 53
We Love One Another ......... ........ ... ..... ..... 25
Father's pay
ÂŁaster The Sunrise and the Risen Son ................ 27
We Are Children of God ....... .................... 54 We Are Adopted into God's Family ..... ..... 55 Jesus and His Father ....... ...... ................... 56
Symbols of Easter ... .... ..... ... .. .. ... .. ... .......... 28
Snow Fun ........ .... ..... .... ... .......... ................ 57
Jesus Is Risen ....... ....... .. .. .. .... .... ........ ....... 29 Jesus Died for Us to Live .... ...... .. .............. 30 Seeds Bring Forth Life ...... ...... ..... .... .. ....... 31
Adam Tells His Son About God ..... .. .. .... ... 58 Teaching About God .......... .......... ........ ..... 59 Abraham's Many Sons .... ..... ... .. ................ 60 We Are Abraham's Family ... ... .................. 61
Our Easter Traditions .......... ........ ... ...... .. ..26
A God of Promises ................... .... ............. 32 Colors of Easter .. ........ ......... .... .... ........... ..33 Stained Glass Window ....... ..... .. .... .... .. .... ..34 Jesus Is the Lamb of God .. .. ...... ... ..... .. ..... 35
Independence Pay Happy Birthday, America! ... ................ .... .62
continued on next page ...
Thomas Jefferson .......... ..... ... .................. 63 George Washington .................................. 64 Park Picnic ........... ..................... ............... 65
Serpent Cursed and Savior Promised ...... 78 Prophecies of the Messiah ........................ 79 The Angel Visits Mary .............................. 80
We Can Follow Molly's Example ............... 66
The Angel Visits Joseph ........................... 81 Journey to Bethlehem .............................. 82 At the Inn ..... ............................................ 83 Part of God's Plan ... ........... ..... .. .............. .. 84
The Truth Will Set You Free ........... .......... 67
Jhanksgivhlg Feast of Tabernacles ...................... ...... ..... 68 A Thanksgiving Feast ............................... 69 God's Promise to the Israelites ................. 70 Harvest Time Abundance ......................... 71 The Pilgrims .. .. .. ......... ........ ........ .............. 72 We Celebrate Thanksgiving ...................... 73 The Harvest of the Earth .... ....... ...... ..... .... 74 The Fields Are Ripe .................................. 75
Christmas Our Christmas Traditions ...... .. ................ 76 What Are Your Traditions? ...................... 77
Animals in the Stable ..... .......................... 85 An Angel Visits the Shepherds ................. 86 Jesus' Birth Announcement ..................... 87 Shepherds Hurry to Bethlehem ............... 88 Baby Jesus in the Manger .. .......... ............. 89 The Magi Follow the Star ......................... 90 The Visit of the Magi ... ..... .. ....... ..... ........ .. 91 No Christmas Without Jesus ........ .. .......... 92 Celebrate Christmas Every Day ............... 93 Christmas Symbols ...... ..... ........................ 94 The Greatest Gift Ever Given .................. 95
Welcome to Bible Activities in a Snap, a unique book series intended to bring joy, satisfaction and biblical understanding to children ages 3-8. Sunday school teachers, children's church leaders, Christian school teachers and home school parents will find this book series helpful for:
* reinforcing Bible lessons
* teaching spiritual concepts and biblical truths * inspiring children's creativity * proyiding lesson extension materials
This exciting concept offers two pages per lesson. For younger or less-skilled students, the lefthand page offers a finished illustration ready to color. The right-hand page of the same lesson is partially illustrated, allowing older or advanced children to use their imaginations and complete the scene. And because the pages are reproducible, you can duplicate the sheets to expand your curriculum, then allow the children to select the activity level they prefer. Every page includes a short narration and Scripture verse, so Bible Activities in a Snap may complement a lesson or serve as lessons themselves, making preparation truly a snap! Here are some tips to get the best results from Bible Activities in a Snap:
* from The pages are perforated for easy tear-out. However, you may want to copy them directly the book to keep the lessons organized.
* When photocopying a page, place a sheet of black construction paper on the back of the original so the copier will not duplicate any print from the reverse side. * Try offering different media for coloring, such as crayons of all shapes and colors, markers, colored pencils, chalk, paint and glitter pens. * Show how to enhance some of the pictures by gluing basic elements to them such as yellow yarn for straw or cotton balls for sheep.
* Give the children additional instructions for drawing on the illustrations, or challenge the kids to devise their own one-of-a-kind work. There is no limit to the teaching and learning possibilities!
* Consider using the sheets as take-home pages for parental review so families may reinforce the lessons at home.
These books are so easy to duplicate and use that your only requirement is the desire to touch the hearts of young children with God's Word. Watch your children grow spiritually as God's precious Word is impressed upon their hearts and minds knowing "that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." (1 Corinthians 15:58)
路 Happy New Yea16! New Year's Day is a time to say goodbye to the old year and hello to the new year. It is when we promise ourselves to do better than the year before. God gives us the same opportunity to say goodbye to our sinful ways and hello to the new life we can have in Him. Every day should be New Year's Day for Christians because God has given us each new day as a chance to live for Him.
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This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 8
TV TiM.e There are 24 hours in each day. What are you doing with the time that you have? God wants us to use our time wisely because life on earth is short compared to spending eternity in heaven. Is the boy on the sofa who watches hours of TV spending his time wisely? With each day God gives us a fresh opportunity to do good and tell others about Him. Draw chips or popcorn in the bowl and a can of soda in the boy's hand.
Teach us to number our days ... that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90: 12 9
CLaiMiNG tiHe LaND Of tiHe UNkJNOWN When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, they wandered in the desert for 40 years. Because of their faithlessness they never saw the new land that God promised them. However, their children did take possession of the land that "flowed with milk and honey." This was a new beginning for the Israelites. God gives us new beginnings, too. Every January we can look forward to what God has in store for us in the coming year.
.dU". The land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven. Deuteronomy 11: 11 10
YOUB LaND OF tiHe UNkJNOWN The Israelites were about to move into a new land. God was faithful in keeping His promise of special land, but the Israelites still had to fight for it. The Israelites trusted God. We can trust God, too . As you look ahead to the coming new year, think of all the good things you would like to see happen. Maybe you want to join a sports team or get a better grade in one of your classes. Draw in the bubble what you want to happen this year.
It is a land that the Lord your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord your God are continually on itfrom the beginning of the year to its end. Deuteronomy 11:12 11
vaLeNuiNe'5 Day The heart is the symbol of love. Valentine's Day is the day to show our love toward others. The festivities of Valentine's Day include parties, giving and receiving valentines and enjoying treats. Jesus tells us that there is no greater love than laying down your life for a friend. And Jesus should know because that is exactly what He did for us. Now that is a love worth celebrating!
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 12
S9iNO V9LeNOiNe Legend says that Saint Valentine was a Christian priest who was killed for performing illegal marriages for Roman soldiers. While Valentine was in prison, he became friends with the jailer's daughter, who showed him kindness. The day before his execution on February 14 he thanked her for her friendship in a note signed, "Your Valentine." No matter how true legends are, Valentine's Day helps us focus on love for each other. Jesus is the greatest example of love that this world has known. Draw flowers and a forest of trees.
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A friend loves at all times. Proverbs 17: 1 7 13
GOD'S Gift Of Love Our God is a God of love. He loved us but our sins kept us separated from Him. So great was God's love for us that He gave us a Savior. That is love in action! Jesus is God's gift of love to us but it is still up to us to accept it. Tell Jesus you want His gift of eternal life.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 14
GOD'S Love fOB US Jesus died for us while we were sinners. He did not wait until we were good enough because we will never be good enough by God's standards. Sin deserves punishment. Jesus paid the punishment for us. As Jesus died, He knew it was for people like us. He had the power to save Himself from the pain and anguish at any moment but instead He obeyed His Father. Draw a picture of yourself inside the heart.
But God demonstrates his own love jor us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died jor us. Romans 5:8 15
TeaCHes ABout; Love
Jesus says that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments. So how do we know what His commandments are? The Bible is the only true source for God's commandments. It was written by ordinary people, but God inspired their writing. Therefore, we can read it, trust it and learn from it. Look up the verses inside the hearts to see how God wants us to love.
This is loveJor God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome. 1 John 5:3 16
we Love WitiH DUB J\CtiiONS Because God showed His love for us through Jesus, we should show our love for others. The Bible says that it is not good enough to merely tell people that you love them. We must show them our love by our actions and how we treat them. Our actions really do speak louder than words. How is the boy in this picture showing his love for his grandmother? Draw the colorful leaves that the boy is raking .
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Dear children, let us not lO'Ve with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18 17
ake Bible teaching as easy as a snap of your fingers with this copy-and-go series. Each two-page lesson offers a choice of simple coloring for younger students or, on a page, drawing and coloring for your older students. And because the pages are reproducible, you can duplicate the sheets to expand your curriculum, then allow the children to select the activity they prefer. Either way, your kids are sure to learn more about the Bible - in a Snap!
With Bible Activities in a Snap you get: • reproducible art projects • solid Bible teaching
• memory verses • take-home papers IIges 3-8
Sharing God's 'ove
I!!!!!! Holidays RB36813
Living by God 's Word RB36812
Bible Stories Come to Life RB36811
classroom 'essons!
Sharing God's Love RB36814
5-Minute Sunday School Activities Teach meaningful, fun Bible lessons in 5 minutes! With 5-Minute Sunday School Activities, you have everything you need to lead kids in a quick project that helps them learn more about God and His love for them. And if you have a few more minutes, just use the Extra Time section featured in each lesson. These crafts, games and puzzles are perfect fillers for Sunday school, children's church, VBS and Bible clubs - or any time you have 5 minutes!
Exploring the Bible RB38421
Jesus' Miracles and Messages RB38422
RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children
ISBN 10: 1-885358-44-X ISBN 13: 978-1-885358-44-8