Instant Bible Lessons for Preschoolers -- I Learn Respect

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your preschoolers involved in creative, Kactiveeeplearning with Instant Bible Lessons for

Rainbow Books

I Belong To Jesus RB36851

Each lesson includes: 4 Bible story 4 Discussion questions 4 Memory verse 4 Several related activities 4 Take-home sheets 4 Step-by-step instructions

Rainbow Books

God’s Servants Teach Me RB36852


Preschoolers. Patterned after Rainbow’s popular Instant Bible Lessons series for ages 5-10, these reproducible books offer everything you need to teach preschoolers in eight extended sessions. From puzzles to games to crafts to snacks, each themed lesson provides flexibility as you shape the message for your preschool class.

Rainbow Books

I Learn Respect RB36853

Instant Bible Lessons (Ages 5-10)

I Am God’s Child RB36854

hether you teach children’s church, after-school sessions, mid-week services or home school, W you will find everything you need to offer meaningful, fun lessons in Instant Bible Lessons.


Bible Truths RB36622

Virtues and Values RB36623

An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. 4733 Torrance Blvd., #259, Torrance, CA 90503 See more excellent children’s teaching aids at

God’s Angels RB36624

RB36853 ISBN 10: 1-885358-57-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-885358-57-8

RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Children

Rainbow Books

Talking To God RB36621

This is a Preview of the 96-Page Instant Bible Lessons for Preschoolers: I Learn Respect Get the full version at

I Learn Respect by Pamela J. Kuhn

These pages may be copied. Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials in this book for use with pupils in Sunday school or Bible teaching classes.

An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. Torrance, CA

Dedicated to Jennifer Cessna, who carefully and lovingly shows respect for her friends and family.

Instant Bible Lessons for Preschoolers: I Learn Respect ©2013 by Rainbow Publishers, eighteenth printing ISBN 10: 1-885358-57-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-885358-57-8 Rainbow reorder# RB36853 RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children Rainbow Publishers An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. 4733 Torrance Blvd., #259 Torrance, CA 90503 Cover Design: Stray Cat Studio, San Diego, CA Illustrator: Chuck Galey Scriptures are from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials for use with Sunday school or Bible teaching classes. All rights reserved. Except as noted above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of Rainbow Publishers. Printed in the United States of America




Introduction .................. ......... 5 How to Use This Book ................... 5


The Obedient Way ..................... 50 Obedience Is Blooming .................. 51 Pocket Pal Reminder .. .... .. .. . .........52 Obedience Bloom Paperweight ............. 53 I Will Obey ........................... 54 Flower Garden ......................... 55

Chapter 1: I Learn to Respect God ..........7 Awesome Windows ... .. . ...... .......... 8 God Makes Awesome Kids, Too! ............. 9 Pharaoh's Throne Room ............. .... . 10 Respect Poster ....................... .. 11 More Awesome ......... .. ............. 12 Star Snacks ........................... 13 Run to God . ............ . .. . .. ..... .. . 14 NameTag ................. ...... . .... 15

Chapter 6: I Learn to Respect God's Word .... 57 This Is the Way .................... . ... 58 Pie Fit for a King ...................... .59 King Josiah's Hat ..... . . .. . .. .. . ........ 60 Cleaning God's House . .. .. .............. 61 Bookmark for God's Word ................ 62 Little Janitors .................. . ....... 63 Bible Patterns ....... ..... . .. .. . ....... 64 Lost and Found .............. .. ........ 65

Chapter 2: I Learn to Respect God's House ... 17 It's Grrr-eat! .. . ........................ 18 Respectful Students ........ . ............ 19 Church Windows ...... . ... ........ .. . .. 20 Our Church Wall Decoration .............. 21 It's Time to Ring the Bell . . ... ............ 22 Stained Glass Marshmallows .. .. . ...... .... 23 I Want to Be Good ........... .. ...... . .24 The Quiet Box ............. .......... .25

Chapter 7: I Learn to Respect God's Day ..... 67 What Did God Make? ... ... . .. .. . ....... 68 Church Time! .......... .. ............. 69 What Happened Next? .... .. ............. 70 Pillow Pals .............. . . ... . .. .. . ... 7 1 Number 7 ...... ... .. . . .. ............. 72 A Sundae Treat ........ . ................ 73 Sunday Reminder ...................... 74 Sunny Sundays .. .......... . .. ......... 75

Chapter 3: I Learn to Respect Missionaries ... 27 Edible Puzzle .......................... 28 Action Story .......................... 29 Prayer Chart . ... .. . ..... .. . ........... 30 Where's Peter? .. ....... ............. . .. 31 Story Ribbon Bookmark . .... ........... .32 Following God ....... . ... . . ..... ... .... 33 What's Different ................ ....... 34 Blessed Are Those . .................... .35

Chapter 8: I Learn to Respect God's Preachers .. 77 Flowers for Pastor ...... . .. . .. .. . . ... ... 78 God's Messenger ....... . . .. .. .... ... .. .79 We Love Our Pastor ........ . ... . ..... ... 80 Musical Pastors ....................... .81 Pastor's Bible ............. . ............ 82 Dot-to-Dot Surprise ..................... 83 Hungry Bear Fingers .................... 84 Respecting Mrs. Pastor ... .. . ... .......... 85

Chapter 4: I Learn to Respect My Neighbor . .37 A Kind Neighbor ......... .. . .. . . ....... 38 Happy Band-Aids .. . .. . ... ............. 39 Refrigerator Pictures .... . .. ..... ........ .40 Who? ..................... . ......... 41 Happy Neighbors .............. . ... . .. .42 Verse Application .... . .. .. .... . ........ .43 Poor Man Mask .............. .. ... . . .. .44 Neighbor Card ... .. ...... ............ .45

Chapter 9: Miscellaneous Respect Projects .... 87 Wiggle Busters for Respectful Kids .......... 87 It's GRRR-EAT! .. . ... ............ ... ... 88 Help! ................. .. .. . ...... ... .90 Certificate of Respect .................... 91 Count on Me .......... . .............. 92 It's Time ................. . ....... .... 93 I Have Learned ........... . ........... .94 Our Respectful School of Fish ..... ...... .. 95

Chapter 5: I Learn to Respect My Parents .... 47 How Many? ............. . . ........... .48 Copying Jesus . .. . ....... . . .. ......... .49





Introduction What do preschoolers know about respect? Usually not much, but after the lessons in I Learn Respect, your preschoolers will know that respecting God, His day, His House and His Word is important. As well they will learn to respect their neighbors, missionaries, parents and ministers. And they will be learning respect while singing, interacting with Bible stories, snacking and crafting. Each of the first eight chapters includes a Bible story, memory verse and numerous activities to help reinforce the truth in the lesson. An additional chapter contains miscellaneous projects that can be used anytime throughout the study or at the end to "recap" the lessons. Teacher aids are also sprinkled throughout the book, including bulletin board ideas and discussion starters. The most exciting aspect of the Instant Bible Lessons series for Preschool, which includes I Belong to Jesus, God's Servants Teach Me, I Learn Respect and I Am God's Child, is its flexibility. You can easily adapt these lessons to a Sunday school hour, a children's church service, a Wednesday night Bible study or home use. And because there is a variety of reproducible ideas from which to choose, you will enjoy creating a class session that is best for your group of students, whether larger or small, beginning or advanced, active or studious. Plus, the intriguing topics will keep your kids coming back for more, week after week. This book is written to add fun and uniqueness to learning while reinforcing what it means to be respectful children. Teaching children is exciting and rewarding, and in using I Learn Respect your preschoolers will be inspired to show respect to God and those who are important to Him.



How to Use This Book Each chapter begins with a Bible story which you may read to your class, followed by discussion questions. Then, use any or all of the activities in the chapter to help drive home the message of that lesson. All of the activities are tagged with one of the icons below, so you can quickly flip through the chapter and select the projects you need. Simply cut off the teacher instructions on the pages and duplicate as desired.





action rhyme

teacher help



bulletin board

finger play 5







Chapter 1

I Learn to Respect God Memory Verse He is more awesome than all who surround him.

Psalm 89:7

Story to Share

Respect Refused! "Moses," God commanded. "I want you to go to Pharaoh. Tell him that you want to take My people, the Israelites, out of their slavery in Egypt." This was not an easy thing for Moses to do. Pharaoh was ruler over all of Egypt. He wanted huge monuments and statues. The Israelite slaves had to make them. When Moses went to Pharaoh, he found an angry ruler. "You think you and your God can tell me what to do? Your people will work harder than ever," saId Pharaoh. Pharaoh gave the orders to the Israelites: "You must not only make the bricks from mud and straw, but you must also gather the straw from the fields." When God saw that Pharaoh would not respect Him and His word, He was angry. It was time for Pharaoh and the Egyptians to be punished. "What?" screamed Pharaoh one day. "What do you mean the rivers are red?" Yes, the rivers were red. God had caused the streams and canals, ponds and even the puddles to fill with blood. The fish swimming in the water died. Egypt smelled horrible! "No," Pharaoh said again. "I will not respect God and His commands." This time God sent frogs. There were frogs everywhere - thousands of them! Frogs were on Pharaoh's throne, his bed and even in his crown. But even when the only music that could be heard in Egypt was "ribbit, ribbit" Pharaoh still would not respect God's commands. God sent flies to buzz around the Egyptians' heads. Then He sent a disease on the cattle of the Egyptians. He sent hail and thunderstorms. He even sent locust insects, which ate every green leaf in Egypt. He covered the light from the sun for three days and all was dark, dark, dark. But aid Pharaoh listen? No, he still would not respect God. God was not happy with Pharaoh's disres'pect, so He caused all of the oldest sons from every Egyptian household to die. Pharaoh's oldest son died. Then Pharaoh realized that God was an awesome God and He deserved respect. "Take your people and go," Pharaoh told Moses. "I do respect your God." -

Questions for Discussion 1. Which plague do you think would have been the worst? 2. Obedience is a way of showing respect. Are you like Pharaoh or Moses?


based on Exodus 7:1-10:29

Awesome Windows craft

• • • • • • • • • •• Materials • • • • • • •

stars poster board scissors shaving cream yellow food coloring mixing bowl washcloth

Directions 1. Before class, duplicate and cut the star from poster board. Cut out the middle of the star. 2. Tape the stencils to the window. 3. Mix shaving cream and food coloring in a mixing bowl. 4. Show how to use lOur fingers to 'paint" cream miXture In the star. Carefully remove the stencil. 5. Wash off the children's hands. 6. Allow the stars to harden. They will adhere for several weeks.

Usage Say, We're putting stars on the windows to remind us that God is awesome. Who put the stars in the sKyr Look up at the stars tonieht and remember, ""God is Awesome."

I Learn to Respect God


God Makes Awesome Kids, Too! craft/song

Awesome Kid

••••••••••• Materials • poster • hole punch • yarn

Directions 1. Before class, duplicate and color the poster. Punch holes where indicated. Tie an 18" piece of yarn to it for hanging. 2. Sing the song to tune of " The Farmer In The

Dell." 3. Go around and hold the poster over each child's head and sing the second verse, substituting the child's name. 4 . Hang the poster in your classroom for a decoration.

Psalm 89:7

S9ng Our God makes awesome kids, Our God makes awesome kids, Clap, clap, dap-clap-clap-clap Our God makes awesome kids. God made our Danny-boy; God made our Danny-boy; Clap, dap, dap-clap-clap-clap God made our Danny-boy.

God made our Sarah-girl, God made our Sarah-girl, Clap, clap, clap-clap-clap-clap God made our Sarah-girl.

I Learn to Respect God


Pharaoh's Throne Room puzzle

••• •••••••• Materials • activity sheet • crayons

Directions 1. Before class, duplicate the activity sheet for each child. 2. Say, Pharaoh thought he was the most important person in the kingdom, but God was greater than Pharaoh. 3. Instruct the students to find the items in the box and circle them. Allow the students to color the picture.

r I Learn to Respect God


Respect Poster craft

••••••••••• M aterials • • • •

poster poster board dry lima beans uncooked elbow macarolll • gold spray paint • markers • glue


D irections 1. Before class, paint the lima beans and elbow macarolll with gold spray paint. Duplicate the poster for each child on poster board or glue to poster board. 2. Allow the children to color the poster. 3. Show how to make a frame for the poster by gluing one lima bean then one elbow macaroni, alternating them around the poster.

I Learn to Respect God


More Awesome songlcraft


God's more awesome than the rest, Yes, He is! God's more awesome than the rest, Yes, He is! He's more awesome than the rest, For we know that He's the best, Oh God's more awesome than the rest, Yes, He is!

stomp, stomp stomp, stomp

stomp, stomp

Materials • • • • • • • • •

lettering and star gold paper star pattern gold foil felt dowel rods stapler glue clear tape


Directions 1. Before class, duplicate the lettering on gold paper and the star on white paper, one set per child. 2. Show the students where to glue the letters and the star on the felt. 3. Staple the felt to the dowel rod for each child. Cover the staples with tape to avoid Injury.

4. Sing the song to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It," waving the flags on "Yes, He is!" I Learn to Respect God


Star Snacks snacklcraft

•••••••••• Materials

[God] is more awesome than all who surround him.

Psalm 89:7

• awesome God card • apples • caramel dip • sharp knife • tempera paint • paint smocks

Directions 1. Before class, duplicate the card for each child. 2. Say, Our awesome GOd made a big tree.


grows on tim tree. what it Its skin is red. It's round.

It's white imide the tulskin. (apple)

3. Say, Now watch what you see when I cut this apple in half It is another t:hins!: our awesome

Godmade. (star) 4. Cut up the apples 5.


has an awesome


7. 8.

for the children to eat with the dip. Show how to fold the card in half and glue the insert. Read the verse. Assist in writing the students' names on the line. Have the children on paint smocks. Cut an apple in h horiwntally. Give each child a half and instruct them to dip it in paint, then stamp it on the from of the card.

I Learn to Respect God


Run to God puzzle

••••••••••• Materials

• m aze • crayons

Directions 1. Before class, duplicate the puzzle for each child. 2. Say, The children

of Israel knew who to run to when they were slaves in Egypt. Was it Pharaoh or God? If you follow the path of the frogs you will end up in Pharaoh's lap. If you follow the stars you will find God. 3. Allow the children to color the picture.

Discuss Ask, Do you ever get frightened? you are afraid of someone bigger than you are. Maybe you are afraid of storms. Allow time for children to relate their fears. Say, Our

God is stronger than anyone or anything around you. So when you are afraid, run to your awesome God.


e ....---------,

B '--------'-----Jia Exodus 7:1-10:29

I Learn to Respect God


Name Tag craft

••••••••••• Materials

• frog pattern • crayons • spring-type clothespins • glue • large wiggle eyes

Directions 1. Before class, duplicate and cut a frog for each child. 2. Allow the students to color the frogs. Assist in writing their names on the line. 3. Show how to glue the eyes to the frog. 4. Demonstrate how to glue the frog to the clothespin. 5. Assist in clipping the frog to the children's clothes. 6. Say, In our story

today you will hear about frogs - hundreds 0 frogs. When you hear me say the wor, d "frog, " say, "ribbit, ribbit."

I Learn to Respect God



Chapter 2

I Learn to Respect God's House Memory Verse Have reverence for my sanctuary. Leviticus 19:30

Story to Share

Get Out of My House! Jesus was visiting Jerusalem. The first place He went was the temple. k Jesus stood and looked into the temple courtyard He was shocked at what He saw. There were people everywhere, and not only people who were coming to God's house to worship Him. There were people who were selling animals needed for sacrifices. "No, no," Jesus heard. "I can't sell you that lamb for so little. You must give me more." "I don't have more to give yo u, " begged the man who needed the sacrifice. "You are already charging more than I have to give." Everywhere Jesus turned there was another table with cattle and oxen to be sold. He became angry when He realized that the poor people were going away even poorer because of these greedy people. The poor people had come to the temple to worship God; instead they had their money cheated away from them. "Get out!" yelled Jesus above the noise of the crowd. "Get out of My house!" What confusion! What noise! Some of the cattle got loose, birds escaped from their cages and flew around the people's heads, and sheep were "baa" -ing frantically as they tried to escape from the confusion. Jesus ran to each of the moneychanger's tables and turned them over. The clanking of coins spilling was heard with the other noise. "This house belongs to My Father," He said. "It is a place to pray but you have made it into a den of robbers." Jesus didn't stop until all of the livestock-sellers were out of the temple. Shaking His head, Jesus said, "What disrespect for the house of God!" Looking around at those who had come to worship, He continued, "Have respect for the temple. This will make Me and My Father happy." - based on John 2: 13-16

Questions for Discussion 1. What is our name for the temple? 2. How should you behave in church?


It's Grrr. . eat! craft


Materials • tiger and tongue patterns • orange paper • red felt • paper lunch sacks • glue

Directions 1. Before class, dupli-

cate and cut out a tiger and tongue for each student. 2. Show the students how to glue the tiger parts on a paper lunch sack to make a puppet. 3. Show how to glue the tongue in place. 4. Say, Isn't it GRRR-EAT to have reverence for God's house? Let's help our tigers say it together. "It's GRRR-EAT to have reverence for God's sanctuary."

finished craft

I Learn to Respect God's House


Respectful Students activity


Materials • activity sheet • crayons

Directions 1. Before class, duplicate the activity sheet for each child. 2. Say, Oops, I see some children who aren't respecting God's house. 3. Instruct the students to draw an X on the children misbehaving. 4. Allow them to color the picture.

Have reverence for my sanctuary. Leviticus 19:30 I Learn to Respect God's House



your preschoolers involved in creative, Kactiveeeplearning with Instant Bible Lessons for

Rainbow Books

I Belong To Jesus RB36851

Each lesson includes: 4 Bible story 4 Discussion questions 4 Memory verse 4 Several related activities 4 Take-home sheets 4 Step-by-step instructions

Rainbow Books

God’s Servants Teach Me RB36852


Preschoolers. Patterned after Rainbow’s popular Instant Bible Lessons series for ages 5-10, these reproducible books offer everything you need to teach preschoolers in eight extended sessions. From puzzles to games to crafts to snacks, each themed lesson provides flexibility as you shape the message for your preschool class.

Rainbow Books

I Learn Respect RB36853

Instant Bible Lessons (Ages 5-10)

I Am God’s Child RB36854

hether you teach children’s church, after-school sessions, mid-week services or home school, W you will find everything you need to offer meaningful, fun lessons in Instant Bible Lessons.


Bible Truths RB36622

Virtues and Values RB36623

An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. 4733 Torrance Blvd., #259, Torrance, CA 90503 See more excellent children’s teaching aids at

God’s Angels RB36624

RB36853 ISBN 10: 1-885358-57-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-885358-57-8

RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Children

Rainbow Books

Talking To God RB36621

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