This is a Preview of the 96-Page Favorite Bible Families, Ages 4-5 Activity Book Get the full version at
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Bonnie Line
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To Scott Howard and Nicholas: May Jesus be the love of your lives! Love, Grandma
4& 5
©2012 by Rainbow Publishers, second printing ISBN 10: 1-58411-023-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-58411-023-1 Rainbow reorder# RB38052 RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children
Rainbow Publishers P.O. Box 261129 San Diego, CA 92196 Cover illustrator: Court Patton Interior illustrator: Ron Forkner
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Scriptures are from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), ©1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials for use with Sunday school or Bible teaching classes. All rights reserved. Except as noted above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of Rainbow Publishers. Printed in the United States of America
Contents Introduction ..........................................7
I Work for God Hat ............................ 37
Note to Families .................................... 9
Happy Face Cup ................................ 39
Memory Verse Index .•...•..•................. 11
Saving for the FaIIline ....................... .40
Chaptet' 1: Adam and Eve's Family Made by God ........................................ 13
Forgiving Others ............................... .41
My Special Garden ................................ 14
Hiding in tile Grass ........................... .42
Closed Forever ...................................... 15 Work and Play Together ........................ 16
Chaptet' 6: Moses' Family Who Sees Me? I'uzzle ....................... .43 Do You Hear What I Hear? ............... .44
Chaptet' 2: Noah's Family
Staff or Snake Twister ....................... .45
Making the Right Choices .................... 17
No, You Can't Go ............................. .46
Two by Two Ark .................................... 18
Sand Under My Feet ......................... .47
Waiting for the Raindrops .................... 19
Blue Ribbon Rules ............................. .48
Safety First ............................................ 20
Glittering Water ................................. .49
An Altar for God .................................. 21
Chaptet' 7: Rnth's Family Chaptet' 3: Abl'8ham'S Family Traveling the Road with God ................ 23 Too Many Sheep .................................... 24 Count the Stars ...................................... 25
A Heart of Love .................................. 50 Find the Hidden Food ........................ 51 Picture I'erfect .................................... 52
New Names ............................................ 26
Chaptet' 8: Hannah's Family
A Blanket for Isaac ................................ 27
Sponge Letter Spelling ...................... 53 A Robe with a Heart .......................... 54
Chaptet' 4: baae's Family A Hairy Baby ........................................ 28
Joyful Letters ...................................... 55
Food Swap ............................................ 29
Blessings froIIl God ............................ 56
Look Alikes .......................................... 30
Finding God's Word .......................... 57
Promise Rock ........................................ 31
Chaptet' 9: David's Family
Family I'110to AlbuIIl .............................. 32
With Only One Stone ........................ 58
Love Bears All Maze ............................ 34
King for a Day .................................... 59
Chaptet' 5: Joseph's Family
Training a King .................................. 60
Robe of Many Colors ............................ 35
A I'lace to Worsllip God .................... 61
Jailed Because of a Lie .......................... 36
Chapter 10: Esther's Family
Chapter 12: Zeehariah's Family
Surprise Inside ...................................... 62
Praising Hands .................................... 78
Telling Others ...................................... 63
Trumpet Announcement ...................... 79
Scroll of Honor .................................... 65
Paper Sandals ...................................... 81
Prayers for a Special Dinner ................ 67
Chained to Truth .................................. 82
Rewards for Bravery ............................ 68
Chapter 13: Mary, Martha and L8Z8rus
Chapter 11: Jesus' Family
A Good Place to Listen ...................... 83
Gabriel the Angel .................................. 69
Lazarus Is Alive .................................. 84
The Impossible Banner ........................ 71 Is There an Angel in My Dream? ........ 72
How to Honor Jesus ............................ 86
Found in a Stable .................................. 73 Sign in the Night Sky ............................ 74 Different Paths ...................................... 75
Chapter 14: A Father and tWo Sons Foolish or Wise Bank .......................... 87 Decision Maze .................................... 88 Lost and Found Son ............................ 89
Where to Find Jesus .............................. 76 Blind But Now I See ............................ 77
Chapter 15: Family of God Sin Makes Me Sad .............................. 90 He Took My Punishment .................... 91 Letter to God ...................................... 92 Jesus, My Savior .................................. 93
Introduction We are all a part of some family, whether it is a family with parents and children, a family with a spouse, a larger extended family or God's family of believers. In the Bible, there were many different types of families. Some obeyed God, while others did not. Yet they are all important because we can learn from them how to live as a family and as Christians. God has a purpose for each family. As a teacher, you have the awesome responsibility of introducing your students to how God uses families in the Bible and in today's lives. Four- and five-year-olds are just becoming aware of relationships within their own family. The activities in Favorite Bible Families for Ages 4&5 are designed for identifying roles in families, explaining God's plan for families and instructing children about the consequences of obeying and disobeying God. Each Bible family in this book is a lesson unit, with several themes that apply to the families. Suggestions for directed conversations with your children are contained in the "What to Say" section of each lesson. A materials list and step-by-step instructions will help you make the most of your lesson time. To minimize material costs, send home the reproducible Note to Families on page 9. In the last chapter of the book, there are lessons for the Family of God. These four lessons explain the steps to receive Christ as Savior; it is never too early for kids to learn about God's salvation plan. And other family members may read the take-home lesson page and learn how they too can be a part of God's family!
We have some exciting activities planned for use in teaching Bible lessons this year. Some of these crafts use ordinary household items. We would like your help in saving these items for our activities. D clear, self-stick plastic
D paper plates, large and dessert size
D cotton balls
o craft sticks, 6" size
o paper towel rolls o ribbon, 1f4"
D dry, uncooked com kernels
D safety pins
o gold ribbon, 1/4"
D string
o magazines
o wild rice
o paper cups
D paper grocery bags Please bring the items on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Thank you for your help! Teacher TO FAMILIES OF FOUR- AND FIVE-YEAR-OLDS
We have some exciting activities planned for use in teaching Bible lessons this year. Some of these crafts use ordinary household items. We would like your help in saving these items for our activities. D clear, self-stick plastic
D paper plates, large and dessert size
o cotton balls
o paper towel rolls o ribbon, 1/4"
o craft sticks, 6" size
o dry, uncooked com kernels o gold ribbon, 1/4" o magazines
D safety pins
o string o wild rice
D paper cups
o paper grocery bags Please bring the items on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Thank you for your help! Teacher 9
MeIIlory Verse Index OLD TESTAMENT Genesis 1:27 .. Made by God .......................... 13
1 Samuell:20 .. Sponge Letter Spelling ........ 53
Genesis 1:29 .. My Special Garden .................. 14 Genesis 3:8 .... Closed Forever ........................ 15 Genesis 5:2 .... Work and Play Together. ......... 16 Genesis 6:9 .... Making the Right Choices ..... . 17
1 Samuell:28 .. A Robe with a Heart ............ 54 1 Samuel 2:1 .. Joyful Letters ...................... 55 1 Samuel 2:21 Blessings From God ....... ... 56 1 Samuel 3:4 .. Finding God's Word ............ 57
Genesis 6:22 .. Two by Two Ark ... ..... ............. .18
1 Samuel 17:32 .. With Only One Stone .. ............. .58
Genesis 7:1 .... Waiting for the Raindrops .... .. 19 Genesis 8:10 .. Safety First .............................. 20
2 Samuel 2:4 .. King for a Day .................... 59 1 Kings 1:30 .. Training a King .................. 60
Genesis 9:13 .. An Altar for God ................... .21
1 Kings 6:14 .. A Place to Worship God .... 61
Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis
.. Traveling the Road with God ..23 .. Too Many Sheep .................... 24 .. Count the Stars ...... .... .... .......... 25 .. New Names ........................... .26
Esther 2:17 .... Surprise Inside .................... 62 Esther 2:22 ... .Telling Others .................... 63 Esther 3:2 ...... Scroll of Honor ..... ........... .. 65 Esther 4:16 ........Prayers for a Special Dinner .... 67
Genesis 21:7 .. A Blanket for Isaac ................ 27
Esther 6:3 ...... Rewards for Bravery .......... 68
Genesis 25:24 .. A Hairy Baby ........................... .28 Genesis 25:34 .. Food Swap ................................ 29 Genesis 27:35 .. Look Alikes ................................30
Genesis 28:22 .. Promise Rock ............................ 31
Matthew 2:13 .. Different Paths ...................... 75
Genesis 29:16 .. Family Photo Album ............... .32 Genesis 33:4 .. Love Bears All Maze .... .......... 34 Genesis 37:3 .. Robe of Many Colors .............. 35
Matthew 3:16 .. Paper Sandals ........................ 81 Mark 6:20 ...... Chained to Truth ................ 82 Luke 1:20 ........ Praising Hands .................... 78
Genesis 39:2 .. Jailed Because of a Lie ........ ..36
Luke 1:38 ........ Gabriel the Angel.. .............. 69
Genesis 39:23 ..1 Work for God Hat .................. 37
Luke 1:46 ........ The Impossible Banner ...... 71
Genesis 41:40 .. Happy Face Cup ...................... 39 Genesis 41:54 .. Saving for the Famine ............ ..40
Luke 1:63 ........ Trumpet Announcement .... 79 Luke 2:11 ........ Found in a Stable ................ 73
Genesis 45:3 .. Forgiving Others ................... ...41
Luke 2:52 ........ Where to Find Jesus ............ 76
Exodus 2:10 .... Hiding in the Grass ............... .42
Luke 10:39 ...... A Good Place to Listen ...... 83
Exodus 2:14 .... Who Sees Me Puzzle ....... ...... .43 Exodus 3:4 ...... Do You Hear What I Hear? ... .44 Exodus 4:12 .... Staff or Snake Twister ........... .45
Luke 15:18 ...... Foolish or Wise Bank ..... ... 87 Luke 15:28 ...... Decision Maze ...... ... ........... 88 Luke 15:32 ...... Lost and Found Son ............ 89
Exodus S:l. ..... No, You Can't Go ................... .46
John 3:16 ....... .Jesus, My Savior ................ 93
Exodus 14:13 .. Sand Under My Feet ... .......... .47 Exodus 34:1 .... Blue Ribbon Rules .... ............. .48 Numbers 20:8 .. Glittering Water ...................... ..49
John 9:3 .......... Blind But Now I See .......... 77 John 11:4 ........ Lazarus is Alive .................. 84 John 12:3 ........ How to Honor Jesus ............ 86
Ruth 1:16 ........ A Heart of Love ........ .............. 50
Romans 3:23 .. Sin Makes Me Sad .............. 90
Ruth 2:12 ........ Find the Hidden Food ............ 51 Ruth 4:13 ........ Picture Perfect .................. ... ... 52
Romans 5:8 .... He Took My Punishment.. .. 91 1 John 1:9 ...... Letter to God .... ......... ... ......92
12:1 13:8 15:5 17:5
Matthew 1:20 ..... .Is There an Angel in My Dream ..72 Matthew 2:11 .. Sign in the Night Sky .......... 74
11 John 3:16 ....... .Jesus, My Savior .......... ... ... 93
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Adam and Eve's Family
Bible 800ry God creates the first family. (Genesis I :26-31 and Genesis 2:4-25)
Made by God
that the man wouldn't be alone. She was to be the man's helper. God called the man Adam and the woman Eve. God liked what He had made. ••
What You Need God made the whole world. One day, God decided to create a man. He formed the man from the dirt of the earth. He breathed air into the man's lungs so the man could live. Then God created a woman so
o this page, duplicated o crayons o scissors o glue sticks
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What roDo 1. Have the children color Adam and Eve. 2. Help the students cut out Adam and Eve and the hands . 3. Show how to glue Adam and Eve to the hands. 4. Say, God created the first family. God created you. Emphasize how special each child is and then say, And God said (use each child's name) is good.
Adam and Eve's Family
Bible Story Adam and Eve in the garden (Genesis 1:29-31)
My Special Garden Memory Verse They will be yours for f ood. - Genesis 1:29
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Adam and Eve with a beautiful place to live and good food to eat. It must have been fun to live in this special garden!
Before Class
What You Need
Cut small pictures of plants, food, birds and animals from old magazines.
o old magazines
ooo@attosv God made a special garden for Adam and Eve. There were big trees with fruit and nuts to eat. There were many plants with berries and vegetables to eat. Birds and animals also lived in this garden. God provided
o this page, duplicated o crayons o glue sticks
What ro Do 1. Ask, What kinds of flowers and trees would you plant in a garden? Would you have birds and animals living in it?
2. Have the students select and glue pictures of plants, trees, birds and animals to the picture. 3. Instruct the children to draw happy faces on the kids in the picture. 4. Say, God gives you good food to eat and a beautiful world with tall trees, blue skies and it big sun to keep you warm.
Adam and Eve's Family
Bible Srory Adam and Eve disobey God. (Genesis 3)
Closed Forever Memory Verse ; ; ; They hid from the ltl Lord God. - Genesis 3: 8
Before Class
Cut an 18" length of yarn for each child.
oOO@otrosv God made a special garden for Adam and Eve. They could eat from all of the trees except from the one in the middle of the garden. God told Adam he couldn't eat or even touch the
fruit. One day, Adam and Eve ate from the tree. Then they heard God walking nearby and hid from Him. God loved Adam and Eve, but told them they could no longer live in His special garden because they had disobeyed Him.
What You Need
o this page, duplicated o crayons o scissors o yarn : o hole punch : i
want to. Talk about how hard it is sometimes to obey, but emphasize that God is happy when we do.
They hid from the Lord God.
1. Have the students color the sign. 2. Help the children cut out the sign and punch two holes at the top. 3. Instruct the students to thread the yarn through the holes, then tie the ends together for them. 4. Say, God wants you to
obey even when you don't
- Genesis 3: 8
What to Do
Adam and Eve's Family
Bible Story
Work and Play Memory Verse ; ; He created them male and female. - Genesis 5:2
ooo@atrosv Families are speciaL God created the very first family. Adam and Eve were the people He created. They lived in a special garden until they disobeyed God. After they left the garden, they had two sons. Their oldest son
Adam and Eve have children. (Genesis 1:1-31; 4:1-2 & 5:1-2)
was named Cain and their youngest son was named Abel. They all worked hard to grow food to eat. Sometimes the boys got along and other times they didn't. But they were still God's first family.
What You Need
o this page, duplicated o happy face stickers o crayons
What to Do 1. Allow the students to stick a happy face on the pictures of children playing and working nicely. 2. Instruct them to draw a large X on the pictures of children being mean. 3. Say, God wants you to be nice to others, especially your family. Talk about how families are special.
Noah's Family
Bible Sfury
Making the Right Choices Memory Verse
loved and worshipped God. His name was Noah. He always tried to please God. This made God happy. He loved Noah because he was a righteous man.
Noah was a righteous man. - Genesis 6:9
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What fuDo 1. Have the students connect the broken lines to find the answer to what they need to do each day.
you choose to do what pleases Him. You can please God by sharing your toys and obeying your parents and teachers. Ask them how they feel when they please their parents.
o this page, duplicated o crayons
2. Read the words to the class. 3. Instruct the students to draw a happy face inside the heart. 4. Say, God is happy when
What You Need
God made two people to start the first family, but soon there were many people who lived on the earth. They did whatever they wanted. They didn't care about anything but making themselves happy. This made God angry. On the whole earth, there was only one man who
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Noah is a godly man. (Genesis 6: 1-9)
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From troubled twins to faithful fathers, the Bible is full of families. Adam and Eve created the first family. Then Noah saved his family by building an ark. Mighty Moses led his family - and many others - across the Red Sea. And who could forget the wonderful story of Jesus' family? God has a plan for every family. With Favorite Bible Families, you can use examples of families in God's Word to teach your students about His design for their families today.
Ages 2&3 • RB38051
Ages 4&5 • RB38052
Grades 3&4 • RB38054
Grades 5&6 • RB38055
Each lesson includes: • • • • •
Bible story Teaching hints and tips Discussion questions Memory verse Step-by-step instructions • Lesson ideas • Reproducible patterns
Grades 1&2. RB38053
Favorite Bible Stories Teach God's Word in fun and creative ways! Old and New Testament Bible stories are creatively presented with specifically designed age-appropriate activities in this classic series. As you teach these Bible truths to your kids, they will see how God is working for good in their lives, too!
Ages 2&3 RB36241
rainbowpublishers® P.O. Box 261129' San Diego, CA 92196
RB38052 ISBN 10: 1-58411·023·6 ISBN 13: 978-1-58411·023-1