Favorite Bible Families -- Grades 1-2

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Bonnie Line

These pages may be copied. Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials for use with Sunday school or Bible teaching classes.

To Scott Howard and Nicholas: May Jesus be the love of your lives! Love, Grandma



©20l2 by Rainbow Publishers, second printing ISBN 10: 1-58411-024-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-58411-024-8 Rainbow reorder# RB38053 RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children

Rainbow Publishers P.O. Box 261129 San Diego, CA 92196 www.RainbowPublishers.com Interior illustrators: Ron Forkner, Chuck Galey Cover illustrator: Court Patton

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Scriptures are from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), ©1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials for use with Sunday school or Bible teaching classes. All rights reserved. Except as noted above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of Rainbow Publishers. Printed in the United States of America

Contents Introduction ..........................................7

Story Match Up .................................. 38

Memory Verse Index •...•....................... 8

God Watches Over Me Kite ............. .39

Note to Families ....................................9

How to Survive a Famine ................. .40 Helping My Family ........................... .41

Chapter 1: Adam and Eve's Family It Was Very Good! ................................ 11

Chapter 6: Moses' Family

Creation Markers .................................. 12 Be Prepared .......................................... 13

Keeping Moses Alive ....................... .42 Who Always Sees Me? ..................... .43

Are You My Family? ............................ 14

The Talking Bush ............................... .44

Chapter 2: Noah's Family

Giving My Fears to God ................... .46

Pleasing God .......................................... 15 A Floating Zoo ...................................... 16 Animal Hunt ............. ............................. 18

Counting All Plagues ......................... .47 Red Sea Mural ................................... .48 Ten Rules to Live By ......................... .49

The Long Voyage .................................. 19

Rock of Water Flash Cards ................ 50

Mystery Word ........................................ 20

Chapter 7: Ruth's Family

Chapter 3: Abraham's Family

Have Suitcase; Will Travel ................ 52

Blessings Maze ...................................... 21 Peace Rules ............................................ 22

Leaving Com for Gleaning ................ 53 Second Chances .................................. 54

Starring the Family of God .................. 23

Chapter 8: Hannah's Family

My Name Badge .................................... 25

Handy Reminder ................................ 55

Promise Seals ........................................26

Keeping Promises .............................. 56

Chapter 4: Isaae's Family

Powerful Praises ................................ 57

Twin Boys Slide Show .......................... 27

Blessings Everywhere .............. .......... 58

Be Careful What You Trade .................. 29

Building Blocks of Knowledge .......... 59

Puppet Playhouse ................................. .30

Chapter 9: David's Family

Rock for God ........................................ 32

David vs. Goliath ................................ 60

Tricked into Marriage ............................ 33

King Wanted ...................................... 61

Stained Glass Forgiveness .................... 34

Next in Line ........................................ 62

Chapter s: Joseph's Family

Where Can I Worship God? .............. 63

His Only Possession Puzzle ................. .35

Chapter 10: Esther's Family

Trusting in God ..................................... .36

Hidden Plans for the Queen .............. 64

Hearing the Truth Maze ........................ 65

Chapter 13: Mary, Martha and Lazarus

Ways to Honor God .............................. 66

Listening with Both Ears .................... 83

First, You Pray ...................................... 67

A Reason to Celebrate .: ...................... 84

Royal Honor .......................................... 68

House of Honor .................................. 85

Chapter 11: Jesus' Family

Chapter 14: A Father and 1\\'0 Sons

Exciting News for Mary ...................... 69

Decision Cube Game .......................... 86

Impossible Possibilities ........................ 70

Party Time Word Search ...................... 88

An Angel Book Mark .......................... 71

Lost and Found Game ........................ 89

Birth of Jesus Picture Box .................... 72

Chapter IS: Family of God

Special Star Mobile .............................. 74 Dot-to-Dot Jesus .................................. 76 I Can See .............................................. 77

Chapter 12: Zeehariah's Family No Talking Allowed .............................. 78 Name That Baby .................................. 79 My Heart Says It All ............................ 80 Put in Chains ........................................ 81

Is It a Sin or Not? ................................ 91 He Died for My Sins .......................... 92 Family of God Certificate .................. 93 Answer Key ........................................ 95

Introduction We are all a part of some family, whether it is a family with parents and children, a family with a spouse, a larger extended family or God's family of believers. In the Bible, there were many different types of families. Some obeyed God while others did not. Yet they are all important because we can learn from them how to live, not only as a family, but also as Christians. God has a purpose for each family. As a teacher, you have the awesome responsibility of introducing your students to how God uses families in the Bible and in today's lives. First- and second-graders are very aware of relationships within their own family. The activities in Favorite Bible Families for Grades 1 & 2 are designed for strengthening roles in families, explaining God's plan for families and instructing children about the consequences of obeying and disobeying God. Each Bible family in this book is a lesson unit, with several themes that apply to the family. Suggestions for directed conversations with your children are contained in the "What to Say" section of each lesson. A materials list and step-by-step instructions will help you make the most of your lesson time. To minimize material costs, send home the reproducible Note to Families on page 9. In the last chapter of the book, there are lessons for the Family of God. These three lessons explain the steps to receive Christ as Savior. It is never too early for children to hear about the plan of salvation, even if your students may not yet be ready to receive Christ as their personal Savior. And other family members may read the take-home lesson page and learn how they can be a part of God's family!




OLD TESTAMENT Genesis 1:27 ..It Was Very Good! .............. 11

Ruth 4:13 ........ Second Chances .................. 54

Genesis 1:29 .. Creation Markers ................ 12 Genesis 3:8 .... Be Prepared ........................ 13

1 Samuell:20 .. Handy Reminder .................. 55 1 Samuel 1:27-28 Keeping Promises ......................... .56

Genesis 5:2 .... Are You My Family? .......... 14

1 Samuel 2:1 .. Powerful Praises ................ 57

Genesis 6:9 .... Pleasing God ...................... 15

1 Samuel 2:21..Blessings Everywhere .......... 58

Genesis 6:22 ..A Floating Zoo .................... 16 Genesis 7:1 .... Animal Hunt ...................... 18

1 Samuel 3:4 ...... Building Blocks of Knowledge ..59 1 Samuel 17:32 ..David vs. Goliath ........................60

Genesis 8:10 .. The Long Voyage ................ 19

2 Samuel 2:4 .. King Wanted ...................... 61

Genesis 9:13 .. Mystery Word .................... 20

1 Kings 1:30 .. Next in Line ........................ 62

Genesis 12:1 .. Blessings Maze .................. 21 Genesis 13:8 ..Peace Rules ....... ................. 22 Genesis 15:5 ......Starring the Family of God ....... .23

1 Kings 6:14 ......Where Can I Worship God? ...... 63 &ther 2:17..........Hidden Plans for the Queen ......64 Esther 2:22 .... Hearing the Truth Maze ...... 65

Genesis 17:5 .. My Name Badge ................ 25

Esther 3:2 ...... Ways to Honor God ............ 66 Esther 4:16 .... First, You Pray .................... 67 Esther 6:3 ...... Royal Honor. ....................... 68

Genesis 21:7 .. Promise Seals ...................... 26 Genesis 25:24 .. Twin Boys Slide Show ........ 27 Genesis 25:33 ....Be Careful What You Trade ..... .29


Genesis 27 :35 .. Puppet Playhouse ................. .30 Genesis 28:22 .. Rock for God ........................ 32 Genesis 29:16 .. Tricked into Marriage .......... 33

Matthew 1:20 .. An Angel Book Mark .......... 71 Matthew 2:11 .. Special Star Mobile .............. 74 Matthew 3:16 .. My Heart Says It All ............ 80

Genesis 33:4 .. Stained Glass Forgiveness .. 34

Mark 6:20 ...... Put in Chains ...................... 81

Genesis 37:3 ......His Only Possession Puzzle ..... .35

Luke 1:20 ........ No Talking Allowed ............ 78 Luke 1:38 ........ Exciting News for Mary .... 69

Genesis 39:2 .. Trusting in God .................. 36 Genesis 39:23 .. Story Match Up ................... .38

Luke 1:46 ....... .Impossible Possibilities ...... 70

Genesis 41:40 ....God Watches Over Me Kite ..... .39

Luke 1:63 ........ Name That Baby ................ 79

Genesis 41:54 ....How to Survive a Famine ..........40 Genesis 45:3 .. Helping My Family ........... .41 Exodus 2:10 .... Keeping Moses Alive ......... .42

Luke 2:11 ........ Birth of Jesus Picture Box .. 72 Luke 2:52 ........ Dot-to-Dot Jesus ................ 76 Luke 10:39 ...... Listening with Both Ears .... 83

Exodus 2:14 ........Who Always Sees Me? ............ ..43 Exodus 3:4 ...... The Talking Bush ................ 44 Exodus 4:12 .... Giving My Fears to God ... .46 Exodus 8:1 ...... Counting All Plagues ......... .47

Luke 15:18 ...... Decision Cube Game .......... 86 Luke 15:28 ...... Party Time Word Search .... 88 Luke 15:32 ...... Lost and Found Game ........ 89 John 3:16 ........ Family of God Certificate .. 93

Exodus 14:13 ....Red Sea Mural .......................... ..48 Exodus 34:1 .... Ten Rules to Live By ......... .49 Numbers 20:8 ....Rock of Water Flash Cards ....... .50 Ruth 1:16 ............Have Suitcase; Will Trnvel ....... .52 Ruth 2:12 ............Leaving Com for Gleaning ......53

John 9:3 ......... .1 Can See ............................ 77 John 11:4 ........ A Reason to Celebrate ........ 84 John 12:3 ........ House of Honor .................. 85 Romans 3:23 ..Is It a Sin or Not? .............. 91 Romans 5:8 .... He Died for My Sins .......... 92 8


o brown paper lunch sacks

o old magazines

o clear, self-stick plastic

o safety pins

o craft magnets

o string

o craft sticks, 6" size

o tissue boxes, 41f2" x 51f2" X 41f2" size

o dried corn

o white shirt boxes

o gold star stickers

o yarn

Please bring the items on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Thank you for your help! Teacher


o brown paper lunch sacks

o old magazines

o clear, self-stick plastic

o safety pins

o craft magnets

o string

o craft sticks, 6" size

o tissue boxes, 41f2" x 51f2" X 41f2" size

o dried corn

o white shirt boxes

o gold star stickers

o yarn

Please bring the items on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Thank you for your help! Teacher 9

Adam and Eve's Family

Bible Story

It Was Very Goodl Memory Verse o.0d

man in


hlS own lmage.

- Genesis 1:27

ooo@atwsv God created the whole world in six days! He created the day, night, sky, sun, moon, stars, land, seas, plants, trees, birds, fish and animals. Then God created something very special. He formed a man from the dirt of the earth, breathed air into his lungs to give him life and called him Adam. Next, God created a woman from a rib

taken from Adam. He called her Eve. God liked what He saw. He thought it was very good.

What You Need

o this page, duplicated o glue sticks o scissors o paper o old magazines

Whatfu Do 1. At the top of a sheet of paper, have the students print "God Liked What He Saw."


God creates Adam and Eve. (Genesis 1:1-31 & 2:4-25)

2. Instruct the children to cut out Adam and Eve and glue them onto the paper. 3. Allow the students to cut pictures of God's creations from old magazines and glue them onto the paper. 4. Say, As you watch the sun go down or a bird fly, remember that God liked what He saw. Ask the children about their favorite outdoor place to visit and why they enjoy it. As each child responds, ask, Did God make the [mountains, beach, lake, etc.]?

Adam and Eve's Family

Bible Stol'Y God creates a garden. (Genesis 1:29-31 & 2:8-15)

Creation Markers Memory Verse Then God said, " ... They will be yours for food. " - Genesis 1:29

nq . ] ltl : : : : : : : : -.-.

ooo@atfusV God created the heavens and the earth. He also created Adam and Eve and gave them a special garden in which to live. Many kinds of vegetables and fruit were in the garden for Adam and Eve to eat. Adam and Eve shared the garden with all the animals God had created. They

had everything they needed. God gave Adam and Eve food and a beautiful place to live.

: II

o crayons

o scissors

o glue sticks o large craft sticks o clear, self-stick plastic

What to Do 1. Have the students color the fruit and vegetable \--.:! pictures.

2. Ask the students to help you cover the sheet of pictures with clear, self-stick plastic. 3. Have the students cut out the pictures and glue a craft stick to the back of each one. 4. Say, You can plant a garden and use your fruit and vegetable markers to remind you that God created them for you to eat. Have you ever planted a garden? How did you feel about eating the vegetables grown in your garden?

Created by God

Created by God



Created by God

Created by God




Adam and Eve '5 Family

Bible Story Adam and Eve disobey God. (Genesis 3)

Be Prepared Memory Verse


They hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. - Genesis 3: 8

OOo<!!hat to Si) God gave Adam and Eve everything they needed to live in the garden. There was only one thing that they were not allowed to do: God said they should not eat from a special tree in the middle of the garden. One day when Adam and Eve

were near the tree, a serpent told Eve if she ate from the tree, she would be just like God. Eve ate fruit from the tree and then gave some to Adam. They both disobeyed God.

What You Need

o this page, duplicated o pencils

o gold star stickers What to Do 1. Read each sentence below to the students.

2. Instruct them to print what they would do or say in response to each situation. 3. Have the students put a gold star by each answer that they have decided to obey rather than disobey. 4. Say, Eve could have told

the serpent no and walked away when she was tempted to disobey God. You can say no when you are tempted to disobey your parents, teachers or God. Why is it wrong to disobey even when no one sees you?

1. You are not supposed to eat in your room, but no one will see you. What do you say or do?

2. Your parents said you couldn't watch a certain movie, but a friend has invited you to his house to see it. What do you say or do?

3. You are supposed to buy lunch with your money, but your friend is selling candy bars. What do you say or do?


Adam and Eve's Family

Bible Story

Are You My Fanrily? Memory Verse


He created them --.. male and female ... and called them "man." - Genesis 5:2

They raised flocks for both food and clothing. Adam and Eve had two sons. The oldest one was named Cain. The youngest was Abel. They were the very first family in all of God's creation.

What You Need When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they could no longer live in the garden where it was easy to find food. Instead, they worked hard to grow their own food.

o duplicated page o crayons


God creates the first family. (Genesis 1:1-31,4:1-2 & 5:1-2)

What to Do 1. Have the students draw a line to the animal pairs that belong together. 2. Say, It's easy to pick out the animals that belong together because they look like each other. You belong to a special family because you are part of God's big family! Explain that a family can have many people or just a few people in it.

Noah's Family

Bible 8fDry

Pleasing God Memory Verse

Noah was a righteous man ...he walked with God. - Genesis 6:9


Before Class Cut colored paper to 10" x 8" for each child. Fold the paper in half so it will stand like a table tent.

ooo@attosv Many people lived on the earth when Noah was alive. The other people . only pleased themselves, not God. They didn't love Him or pray to Him. Noah

Noah is a godly man. (Genesis 6: 1-9)

loved God and prayed to Him. He tried to please God in everything he did. This made God happy. Of all the people who lived on earth then, God found only Noah to be a righteous man.

What You Need

o this page, duplicated o pencils

o scissors o glue sticks

2. After each sentence is read, instruct the students to decide in which square it belongs, then allow them to copy it into that square. 3. Give each student a prefolded piece of colored paper. Have the students cut out and glue a square to either side of the table tent. 4. Say, The table tent should

o colored paper

What roDo 1. Help the students read the sentences aloud.

stand up, so you can put it on your desk or in your bedroom to remind you what pleases God and what does not. Why is it important to please God?

1. I learn my memory verse.

5. I do homework before watching TV.

2. I miss church to be with friends.

6. I pray before meals.

3. I let my friend copy my homework.

7. My friends and I make fun of others.

4. I feed the cat each day.

8. I use my lunch money to buy candy instead.




Noah's Family

Bible Story

A Floating Zoo Memory Verse ; ; Noah did everything just as God commanded him. - Genesis 6:22

Before Class

:::::: --..


Copy the ark on light brown paper, two per child.

ooo@atrosv Noah was the only person on the entire earth who tried to please God. When God told Noah He was going to send a flood, Noah believed Him. God told Noah to build an ark. It had to hold animals, Noah's family and food for everyone. They needed enough food to last

Noah builds an ark. (Genesis 6:1-22)

many months. It took Noah a long time to build the ark. Noah obeyed God because he loved and trusted Him.

What You Need

o pages 16 and 17, duplicated crayons

o o scissors o light brown paper o glue sticks Whot fu Do 1. Give each student the two copies of the ark to cut out. 2. Show how to glue the two sides and bottom together, leaving the top unglued.


3. Have the students color and cut out the animals. They should glue them on the back of the ark so they look like they are standing on the top deck. 4. Have the students color and cut out Noah. They should glue Noah near the animals. 5. Show how to carefully glue the front and back of the ark together at the top. 6. Ask the students to describe how they think it sounded and smelled on the ark. Say, It must have been difficult

for Noah's family to be on the ark, but they were obeying God. God loves you and wants you to obey Him, too.




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From troubled twins to faithful fathers, the Bible is full of families. Adam and Eve created the first family. Then Noah saved his family by building an ark. Mighty Moses led his family - and many others - across the Red Sea. And who could forget the wonderful story of Jesus' family? God has a plan for every family. With Favorite Bible Families, you can use examples of families in God's Word to teach your students about His design for their families today.

Ages 2&3 - RB38051

Ages 4&5 - RB38052

Each lesson includes: • • • • •

Bible story Teaching hints and tips Discussion questions Memory verse Step-by-step instructions

• Lesson ideas • Reproducible patterns

Grades 1&2 - RB38053

Grades 3&4 • RB38054

Favorite Bible Stories Teach God's Word in fun and creative ways! Old and New Testament Bible

stories are creatively presented with specifically designed age-appropriate activities in this classic series. As you teach

these Bible truths to your kids, they will Ages 4&5 RB36242

see how God is working for good in their lives, too!

RE LIGION / Christian Ministry / Children

Ages 2&3 RB3624 1

rainbowpublishers® www.RainbowPublishers.com P.O. Box 2611 29· San Diego, CA 92196

RB38053 ISBN 10: 1-58411-024-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-58411 -024-8

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