5 Minute Sunday School Activities for Preschool -- Bible Adventures

Page 1

Every 5-Minute lesson includes l

memory verse


age-appropriate activity


step-by-step instructions


teaching tips


Bible story reference


reproducible patterns


Extra Time ideas


discussion starters



each meaningful, fun Bible lessons in 5 minutes! With 5-Minute Sunday School Activities for Preschoolers, you have everything you need to lead kids in a quick project that helps them learn more about God and His love for them. And if you have a few more minutes, just use the Extra Time section featured in each lesson. These crafts, games and puzzles are perfect fillers for Sunday school, children’s church, VBS and Bible clubs – or any time you have 5 minutes!


RB38412 Jesus Shows Me

RB38421 Exploring the Bible

RB38422 Jesus’ Miracles and Messages

Bible Stories About Jesus

RB38411 ISBN 10: 1-58411-046-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-58411-046-0

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children






An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. 4733 Torrance Blvd., #259, Torrance, CA 90503 See more excellent children’s teaching aids at www.Rose-Publishing.com

Mary J. Davis

Bring your children to a closer relationship with Jesus by teaching about Him with these creative activities. Each age-level book in Bible Stories About Jesus is packed with more than 80 puzzles, crafts, games and projects all based on a story from Jesus’ life. As an added value, the books are reproducible and use simple, inexpensive supplies so you can focus on Bible-learning.


RB38411 Bible Adventures

Mary J. Davis

This is a Preview of the 96-Page 5-Minute Sunday School Activities for Preschool: Bible Adventures Get the full version at www.rosekidz.com

An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. Torrance, CA www.Rose-Publishing.com

Bible Adventures Mary J. Davis

These pages may be copied. Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials for use with Sunday school or Bible teaching classes.

To Larry, as always. To our children and their families.

5 MINUTE SUNDAY SCHOOL ACTIVITIES FOR PRESCHOOLERS: BIBLE ADVENTURES ©2013 by Mary J. Davis, ninth printing ISBN 10: 1-58411-046-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-58411-046-0 Rainbow reorder# RB38411 RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children Rainbow Publishers An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. 17909 Adria Maru Lane Carson, CA 90746 www.Rose-Publishing.com Cover Illustrator: Todd Marsh Interior Illustrator: Chuck Galey Scriptures are from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), ©1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials for use with Sunday school or Bible teaching classes. All rights reserved. Except as noted above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of Rainbow Publishers. Printed in the United States of America

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Introduction Children l

need to grow up learning the foundational lessons of the Bible. Even young preschoolers can begin to learn the basics of God's love and care.

S-Minute Sunday School Activities for Preschoolers is designed to give teachers a quick activity that teaches an important Bible truth. Teachers are often faced with a few extra minutes after the lesson is finished. There are also times when a teacher needs a few moments to get attendance and other important matters out of the way before the main lesson. Instead of wasting these minutes with non-learning play, provide a 5-minute activity for the children. The activities in the book can also be used as entire lessons. Scriptures, teaching suggestions and memory verses are included with each activity. As a teacher of young children, you can make these activities go quickly by doing much of the preparatory work before class. You may also make the activities take longer, by allowing children to do their own cutting.

EXTAA TIME suggestions will be given for the activities. If you have more than 5 minutes for children to complete the craft, you may want to choose the extra time suggestion.


God Made E"erything Genesis 1:1-2:3

God created the heavens and the earth. - Genesis 1: 1

WHAT YOU NEED • page 10, duplicated • crayons

Duplicate pattern page for each child. Make a sample to show the children.

WHAT TO DO 1. Introduce the lesson by telling the Creation story found in Genesis chapter 1. Say, God made the world and everything in it. He made the sun, moon and stars. He separated the land and water. Then God filled the waters with fish and the land with plants and animals. Then God made people to live in His world. 2. Show the children your sample. 3. Distribute a pattern page to each child. 4. Say the memory verse. 5. Have the children trace the broken lines to discover some of God's creations. Then have the children color the pictures as they wish. 6. After the pictures are finished, have the children name some of the things in the creation picture. Also, have the children name some other things that God created.

EXTRA TIME Provide real nature items or cut-outs from magazines for the children to glue to their pictures.


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inish the picture by tracing the broken lines. Then color the -" beautiful things that God created.

God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1


God Makes Families Genesis 2:20-2Lj and Lj:l-2 The Lord God made a woman ... and brought her to the man. Genesis 2:22

WHAT YOU NEED . • page 12, duplicated • crayons

Duplicate the pattern page for each child. For younger children, fold the pages on the broken lines. Make a sample to show the children.

WHAT TO DO 1. Introduce the lesson by telling the story found in Genesis 2:20-24 and 4:1-2. Say, God made a man and called him II Adam." He made a woman who was named Eve. Then Adam and Eve had a son named Cain and another son named Abel. They were the very first family in the world. God makes families. 2. Show the children the sample. 3. Distribute a pattern page to each child. 4. Say the memory verse. 5. Have the children fold the page on the broken lines and color the pictures on the flaps. Say, Adam and Eve were the first people God made. They had two sons. They were the first family. 6. Have the children open the flaps and draw a picture of their own families inside. 7. When the pictures are finished, have the children show the pictures of their families. Practice the memory verse together. Ask, Can you point to Adam and Eve? Where are their sons? This is the first family God made.

EXTRA TIME Provide magazine cut-outs of families. Have the children glue one or more of the cut-outs inside the folding picture.



a picture of the first family that l God made. Then draw a picture of your own family.


Noah Obeys God Genesis Chapters 6-9 Take ... two 01 every kind ol... animal. - Genesis 7:2

WHAT YOU NEED • • • • •

page 14, duplicated crayons safety scissors yarn tape

Duplicate a pattern page for each child. For younger children, cut the four sections apart. Cut a oneyard length of yarn for each child. Make a sample to show the children.

WHAT TO DO 1. Introduce the lesson by telling the story of Noah's ark from Genesis

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

chapters 6-9. Say, God told Noah to build a great big boat called an ark. Then God told Noah to bring the mommy and daddy of each animal onto the ark. Noah gathered two of each kind of animal into the ark to stay safe from the big flood. Show the children the sample craft. Distribute a pattern page to each child. Say the memory verse. Help the children cut the page into the four sections, then fold on the broken lines. Have the children color the animals. Tape the length of yarn inside the fold of each animal section. When the marching animals are finished, mark off an area of the room with tape. Say, Here is an ark. Let's bring our animals into the ark. Have the children take turns pulling their animals by the yarn along the floor and into the ark.

EXTRA TIME Provide yarn for tails, cotton for fur and small feathers for birds. Have the children glue the textured items onto the animals.


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arch animals, two by two, as God mstructed.

Take ... two of every kind of ... animal. Genesis 7:2


Abraham &Sarah Have a Son Genesis 21:1-7; Genesis 7:15-18 The Lord did ... what he had promised. - Genesis 21:1

The Lord did ...


page 16, duplicated crayons safety scissors glue

Duplicate a pattern page for each child. For younger children, cut out the two sticker squares. Make a sample to show the children.

WHAT TO DO 1. Introduce the lesson by telling the story from Genesis 21:1-7. Say, Abraham and Sarah were very old. They both loved and obeyed God. What they wanted most was a child of their own. God told Abraham that Sarah would have a son. Abraham laughed because Sarah was so very old. But God kept His promise. Sarah soon had a son. His name was Isaac. God always keeps His promises. 2. Show the children the sample. 3. Distribute a pattern page to each child. 4. Say the memory verse. 5. Have the children cut out the two sticker squares. 6. Help the children glue the sticker of Isaac at the bottom right-hand comer of the picture. 7. Help the children glue the verse sticker in the upper left-hand comer. 8. Use the leftover time for the children to color the picture. 9. When the pictures are finished, practice the verse together. Ask, What did God promise to Abraham? How did God keep His promise? Have the children point to the people in the picture as you retell the story.

EXTRA TIME On the back of the picture, have the children draw a picture of a promise God has kept to them. Give suggestions to help them think of something to draw (food, care of family, Jesus and so on).


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ake a sticker picture of Abraham, Sarah and Isaac.

what he had The Lord did ...

promised. Genesis 21:1


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A Servant Finds a Wife for Isaac Genesis Chapter 21:1

Then the man bowed down and worshiped the Lord. - Genesis 24:26

WHAT YOU NEED • page 18, duplicated • crayons

BEFORE CLAgg Duplicate a pattern page for each child. Make a sample to show the children.

WHAT TO DO 1. Introduce the lesson by telling the Bible story from Genesis chapter 24. Say, The servant asked God to help him know which woman would be Isaac's wife. Rebekah offered to give water to the animals. Then the servant knew she was God's answer to his prayer. God answered the servant's prayer and helped him find Rebekah to be Isaac's wife. God answers our prayers. 2. Show younger children the sample. For older preschoolers, don't show the completed picture because they will enjoy discovering it as they connect the broken lines. 3. Distribute a pattern page to each child. Say the memory verse. 4. Have the children connect the dots to find for which animals Rebekah drew water. Then allow time for coloring the picture. 5. When the pictures are finished, practice the memory verse together. Ask, To which animals did Rebekah give water? How did God answer the servant's prayer? Yes, God, helped the servant find Rebekah to be Isaac's wife.

EXTRA TIME Provide brown construction paper or brown paper bags. Have the children cut or tear small pieces of paper and glue it to the camels for texture.


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ebekah offered to give water to the servant and to the animals. The servant's prayer was answered. Connect the dashed lines to find the animals to which Rebekah gave water.




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Then the man bowed down and worshiped the Lord. Genesis 24:26


Josephs New Coat Genesis 37:2-Lj

[Jacob] loved Joseph ... and he made a ... robe for him.

Genesis 37:3

WHAT YOU NEED • page 20, duplicated • crayons • brightly-colored construction paper • scissors or craft knife • tape • glue (optional) [JacobJloved Joseph ... and.he made a ... robe for him.

Duplicate a pattern page for each child. Use a craft knife or scissors to cut the slits in the pictures. Cut two 1" x 8" strips of bright construction paper for each child. Make a sample craft to show the children.

WHAT TO DO 1. Introduce the lesson by telling Joseph's story from Genesis 37:2-4. 2. Say, Jacob loved Joseph very much. He gave Joseph a beautiful coat of many colors to show his love. Families do special things to show they love each other. 3. Show the children the sample craft. 4. Distribute a pattern page to each child. 5. Say the memory verse. 6. Have the children weave the strips through the slits in the picture. (Have younger preschoolers simply glue the strips onto the picture.) 7. Tape the ends at the back of the picture. 8. Have the children color the picture. Say, Your family loves you, too. Can you say some things your parents do to show they love you? Allow time for the children to respond.

EXTRA TIME For a more challenging activity, make the strips V2-inch wide and 5 inches long. Cut five colors of strips for each child. Cut slits at the sides of the robe in five places and have the children weave the strips across the robe.




!ide in the colored strips to see Joseph's beautiful coat.

Uacob] loved Joseph ... and he made a ... robe for him. Genesis 37:3 20

Every 5-Minute lesson includes l

memory verse


age-appropriate activity


step-by-step instructions


teaching tips


Bible story reference


reproducible patterns


Extra Time ideas


discussion starters



each meaningful, fun Bible lessons in 5 minutes! With 5-Minute Sunday School Activities for Preschoolers, you have everything you need to lead kids in a quick project that helps them learn more about God and His love for them. And if you have a few more minutes, just use the Extra Time section featured in each lesson. These crafts, games and puzzles are perfect fillers for Sunday school, children’s church, VBS and Bible clubs – or any time you have 5 minutes!


RB38412 Jesus Shows Me

RB38421 Exploring the Bible

RB38422 Jesus’ Miracles and Messages

Bible Stories About Jesus

RB38411 ISBN 10: 1-58411-046-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-58411-046-0

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children






An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. 4733 Torrance Blvd., #259, Torrance, CA 90503 See more excellent children’s teaching aids at www.Rose-Publishing.com

Mary J. Davis

Bring your children to a closer relationship with Jesus by teaching about Him with these creative activities. Each age-level book in Bible Stories About Jesus is packed with more than 80 puzzles, crafts, games and projects all based on a story from Jesus’ life. As an added value, the books are reproducible and use simple, inexpensive supplies so you can focus on Bible-learning.


RB38411 Bible Adventures

Mary J. Davis

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