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This Wonderful World Mary J. Davis
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An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. Carson, CA
What a privilege it is to have taught children who are now grown and have families of their own. I am thankful that so many of you are involved in teaching and ministering to children in some way. I relish the friendships we now have as adult Christians. I love ministering to, loving and spoiling your children as I did you, and encouraging those of you who are now “teachers of the Word.”
Instant Bible Lessons for Nursery: This Wonderful World ©2012 by Mary J. Davis ISBN 10: 1-58411-122-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-58411-122-1 RoseKidz® reorder# R38714
RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children
RoseKidz® An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. 17909 Adria Maru Lane Carson, CA 90746 Cover Illustrator: Stacey Lamb Interior Illustrator: Jon Mitchell Scriptures are from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), ©1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials for use with Sunday school or Bible teaching classes. All rights reserved. Except as noted above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of Rose Publishing. Printed in the United States of America
M Contents Introduction.....................................5
Chapter 4: God Made the Sun, Moon and Stars ....................................... 39
Chapter 1: God made Day and Night... 7
Story to Share......................................................... 39 Story Poster............................................................ 40 Little Star Song...................................................... 42 In the Sky Rhyme.................................................. 43 Flashlight Slipovers.............................................. 44 Match the Shape Puzzle........................................... 45 Easy Dot Puzzle.................................................... 46 Soft Mobile............................................................. 47 Sort and Match Game........................................... 48
How to Use This Book........................................... 5
Story to Share........................................................... 7 Story Poster.............................................................. 8 What Do I See? Booklet........................................ 10 God Made Day and Night Song......................... 13 Day and Night Puppet Poster............................. 14 Day or Night Puzzle............................................. 15 Good Night Good Morning Rhyme................... 16
Chapter 2: God Separated the Sky, Land and Sea..................................... 17 Story to Share......................................................... 17 Story Poster . ......................................................... 18 Splish Splash!......................................................... 20 Sky, Land and Sea Rattles.................................... 21 God Made Sky, Land and Sea Song................... 22 God’s World Room Decorations......................... 23 Pat-a-Cake Game................................................... 24 A Day with Grandpa Story.................................. 25 Felt Board Game.................................................... 26
Chapter 3: God Made Things that Grow........................................27 Story to Share......................................................... 27 Story Poster............................................................ 28 Flower to Make and Hold................................... 30 Put the Fruit on the Tree Game........................... 31 God Made Trees and Flowers Action Rhyme....... 33 God’s Beautiful Plants Room Decorations........ 34 Touch and Learn Plant Activity.......................... 36 What Did God Make Song ................................. 37
Chapter 5: God Made the Birds and Fish........................................... 49 Story to Share......................................................... 49 Story Poster............................................................ 50 Soft Fish and Bird Bracelets................................. 52 Aquarium............................................................... 53 Sky and Sea Animals Wall Hanging.................. 54 Sea and Sky Puzzle............................................... 55 Birds at the Window............................................. 56 Fishes and Birds Song.......................................... 58 Birds and Fish Action Rhyme............................. 59 Rolling Fish and Birds.......................................... 60
Chapter 6: God Made the Animals.... 61 Story to Share......................................................... 61 Story Poster............................................................ 62 Animal Circles....................................................... 64 Match the Animals Puzzle................................... 65 God Made Them All Touchable Song Poster.... 66 Animals Box........................................................... 67 Soft Bunny.............................................................. 68 Animal Blocks........................................................ 69
Chapter 7: God Made People............ 71 Story to Share......................................................... 71 Story Poster............................................................ 72 Edible Finger Puppets.......................................... 74 Storybook Dolls to Make..................................... 75 Mobile..................................................................... 77 God Created Everyone Song............................... 78 God Made You and Me Rhyme.......................... 79 God Made Each of Us Paper Plate Kids............ 80
Chapter 8: God Rested..................... 81 Story to Share......................................................... 81 Story Poster . ......................................................... 82 Shoebox Bed........................................................... 84 God Rested Song................................................... 85 Counting Song....................................................... 86 Baby Rests.............................................................. 87 Awake-Asleep Game............................................ 88 God Wants Us to Rest Puzzle.............................. 89
Chapter 9: More This Wonderful World Activities......................................... 91 God Made Everything Song Poster.................... 91 Creation Finger Covers........................................ 92 Cuddle Friend for Rest Time................................. 93 Creation Story Circle............................................ 94 It is Good Book to Make and Read ................... 95
i Introduction i Nursery time can be a great opportunity to share the story of how God made this wonderful world. As you hold, rock, change, feed and play with babies, the lessons in this book will help you teach children how God created His magnificent world and everything in it. The lessons in Instant Bible Lessons for Nursery: This Wonderful World are specifically designed for the youngest ones at church. Teachers can tell Bible stories, say the memory verses and a present activities that will appeal to a variety of nursery-aged children. If your nursery has only small babies one week, use the story poster ideas and sing the verse songs many times during class. Older babies will enjoy the crafts and touchable activities. Some of the crafts and games may seem a little old for babies, but the children will enjoy “helping� as much as they can. All the while, you can repeat the stories and memory verses for great one-on-one activities. You may send story posters, song and rhyme pages, and many other activities from this book home with parents, so they may continue the lesson theme throughout the week. Get ready to have fun in the nursery!
How to Use This Book
Each chapter begins with a Bible story which you may read to your class or to a child one-onone. The questions after each lesson can be used as an opportunity for you to continue telling the story. Ask and answer each question for the children. Encourage older babies to repeat some of the words of the story or memory verse with you. Every story chapter includes a bulletin board poster with the memory verse and suggestions for using the poster as an activity. All activities are tagged with one of the icons below, so you can quickly flip through the chapter and select the projects you need. Simply cut off the teacher instructions on the pages and duplicate.
story to share bulletin board
room decoration
hands on
easy craft
song 5
read to me
learning play
R parent corner
i Chapter 1 i
God Made Day and Night Memory Verse
God called the light “day” and the darkness “night.”
~Genesis 1:5
Story to Share
This wonderful world was made by God. At first,
God made the heavens and the earth. Everything was very dark. But, God said, “Let there be light.” Then there was light and dark. God called the light “day.” God called the dark “night.” And there was day and night, the very first day that God began to create the world.
~Based on Genesis 1:3-5
Story Review
1. Who made the world? God made the world. 2. What did God call the light? God called the light “day.” 3. What did God call the darkness? God called the darkness “night.”
Parent Corner R 1.
Peek-a-boo. Play day-and-night peek-a-boo. Cover your eyes or your baby’s and say, God made the darkness and called it “night.” Uncover your eyes or you child’s and say, God made the light and called it “day.”
2. Light and dark game. Older babies will enjoy a bedtime game of light and dark. Turn off the lights while holding your baby and say, It’s dark. God made the darkness and called it “night.” Turn the lights back on. Say, Now, it’s light. God made the light and called it “day.” Let your child turn the switch off and on a few times while you repeat the phrases.
i Story Poster i Bulletin Board What You Need
• pattern on page 9 • clear adhesivebacked plastic
What To Do
1. Depending on how you want to use the poster (see ideas below), enlarge, reduce or simply copy page 9 to fit your bulletin board space. 2. To make a takehome paper, duplicate the story page to the back of story poster. 3. For an in-class activity, use the poster in a group or one-on-one. 4. Fold the poster in half. Hold the poster so the children can see it. 5. Turn the poster to the day picture and say, Open our eyes. It is daytime. 6. Turn the poster to the night picture and say, Close our eyes. It is nighttime. 7. Repeat several times with the child or group.
z Poster Pointer
Fasten a poster on the wall above the diaper station/
changing table. Put another poster on a table close to the rocking chair. Use the poster for one-on-one time with babies. Tell the Bible story or say the memory verse many times during nursery time.
Day & Night 8
God called the light “day” and the darkness “night.” ~Genesis 1:5 9
* What Do I See? Booklet* Read to Me What You Need
• duplicated pages 10, 11 and 12. • construction paper • paper fasteners or ring-type fasteners • 3-ring hole punch
What To Do
1. Before class, construct a book for each child, or each group of children. 2. Place the two story pages between two sheets of construction paper. 3. Cut out the cover for the book and glue it onto the front piece of construction paper. 4. Punch holes in the left edge. Fasten with paper fasteners or ringtype fasteners. 5. Read the rhyming story out loud. 6. Read the book to several children as they are playing on a play mat or sitting in high chairs. Make sure the children can see the pages. Allow the children to touch the pictures.
Day & Night
What Do I See?
What To Do, continued... 7. Read the book to the children whenever the opportunity arises during class time. Repetition is a great learning tool for young children. 10
I look out my window and what do I see? I see the daytime that God made for me. Sun shines brightly and I can go play. God made the light and called it day.
I look out my window and what do I see? I see the darkness that God made for me. Darkness means there is no light. God made the darkness and called it night. 12
M God Made Day and Night Memory Verse Song
Song What You Need
• duplicated page • flashlight
What To Do
God made the day. God made the day. God made the day. God called the light day. God made the night. God made the night. God made the night. God called the darkness night. 13
1. Sing, “God Made Day and Night to the tune of “God Is So Good.” Use this as a group or one-on-one activity. 2. For an added attention-getter, help the children clap their hands to the song. 3. Older babies will enjoy putting their hand over a lit flashlight to make night, then removing their hand from the flashlight to make daytime.
Day & Night
i Day and Night i Puppet Poster
Easy Craft What You Need
• duplicated page 14 • crayons • tape
God called the light day and the darkness night. -Genesis 1:5
What To Do
1. Fold the pattern page in half. Tape the top and sides, leaving the bottom edge open. 2. Help older babies scribble color both sides of the puppet poster. 3. Slip the puppet poster over each baby’s hand or yours. Show the picture of the little girl and say, The little girl is feeding her puppy. It is daytime. God made the daytime. Show the picture of the little boy and say, The boy is getting ready for bed. It is nighttime. God made the nighttime.
Day & Night 14
M Day or Night Puzzle
Puzzle What You Need
• duplicated page 15 • crayons
What To Do
God called the light day and the darkness night. -Genesis 1:5
1. Hold each baby and show the picture. 2. Say, Let’s find some things we use in the daytime. Help the child touch pictures of the tricycle and swing set. 3. Say, Let’s find some things we use in the nighttime. Help the child touch pictures of the lamp, flashlight, and the bed. 4. Say, God made the day and the night. 5. Let older babies scribble a mark in one color for the daytime things, and another color for nighttime things.
Day & Night
i Good Night, Good Morning i Rhyme Rhyme What You Need
Good night baby, Good night baby, Good night baby, It’s time to go to sleep.
What To Do
Good morning baby, Good morning baby, Good morning baby, It’s time to wake up now.
• duplicated page 16 • dolls or stuffed animals, one per child
1. Give each child a baby doll or stuffed animal to rock. Sing the song to the tune of “Good Night Ladies.” (This can also be one-on-one time for a playtime activity.)
God made the nighttime, God made the nighttime, God made the nighttime, It’s time to go to sleep. God made the daytime, God made the daytime, God made the daytime, It’s time to wake up now.
Day & Night 16
i Chapter 2 i
God Separated the Sky, Land and Sea Memory Verse
God made the sky... land... and seas. And God saw that it was good.
~Based on Genesis 1:7-10
Story to Share
It was the second day that God was making the world.
There was water everywhere. God made a place above the water and called it “sky.” On the third day, God gathered the waters all together and called them “seas.” He made dry ground and called it “land.” God made the sky, land and seas.
~Based on Genesis 1:6-10
Story Review
1. Who made the sky? God made the sky. 2. What did God call the waters? God called the waters “seas.” 3. What did God call the dry ground? God called the dry ground “land.”
Parent Corner R 1.
Feeding time sharing. At feeding time, show your baby the story poster. Tell the story while the child looks at the poster. Ask and answer the discussion questions on the page. Repeat the story, memory verse or lesson theme several times while feeding your baby.
2. Outdoor play. Hold your baby or sit together on a blanket on the ground (weather
permitting). Help the child point to the sky and say, God made the sky. Let your baby touch the ground and say, God made the land (ground). If water is close by, let your baby splash the water. Say, God made the water.
3. Bath time fun. Help your baby splash in the water. Say, God made the water. God gathered the waters together and called them “seas.”
i Story Poster i Bulletin Board What You Need
• pattern on page 19 • clear adhesivebacked plastic • cotton balls • glue • tissue paper: blue, white, green, brown
What To Do
1. Depending on how you want to use the poster (see ideas below), enlarge, reduce or simply copy page 19 to fit your bulletin board space. 2. To make a takehome paper, duplicate the story page to the back of story poster. 3. To use the poster as an in-class activity, copy the poster onto blue card stock for each child. Help the children glue brown tissue paper pieces to the land, green tissue paper pieces to the sea, blue tissue paper pieces to the sky and white tissue paper pieces to the clouds.
Land & Sea
z Poster Pointer
Cover the front and back of story poster with clear adhesive-
backed plastic. Trim corners so they aren’t pointed. Place the covered picture on high chair trays or on the table where you will be holding babies for feeding time, story time or playtime. Tell the story or say the memory verse while the children play with the poster. Older babies may enjoy scribble-coloring on the covered posters. The posters can then be wiped off and used again.
God made the sky, land and seas. ~Based on Genesis 1:7-10 19
i Splish Splash! i Hands On What You Need
• duplicated page 20 • shallow pan, such as pie pan • towel • water • crayons
What To Do
1. Pour a small amount of water into the pie pan. 2. Hold the child securely and let him/her splash hands in the water. 3. Say the verse that is printed on the page. 4. Use the verse page as a coloring page for older babies, if you wish.
Splish, splash Splish, splash God made the water. Splish, splash Splish, splash God made the seas.
Land & Sea 20