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Maree Worrall-Bader
I am an illustrator, photographer and designer from New Zealand with a love for fashion, style and craft. My style is very feminine and often features flowers and the colour pink. I have a strong interest in feminine portraiture as I am intrigued by how women communicate through the subtle untold language of their expression. One image has the power to convey a personality and so whichever medium I use to capture this, I try to remain true to the persona whilst keeping with my own aesthetic as an artist. For my final Project at Art School, having just completed a Bachelor of Visual Arts with the University of Auckland, I created my own magazine which utilises many skills I have attained over the last four years of my degree. I thoroughly enjoyed making Rose Magazine with the positive message of modest style that it communicates. As a creative, I was stimulated by the ability to use various mediums which really showcase my acquired skill set..