Kempston Calling – May 2022

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MAY 2022

At last…

Woman jailed over firearms offences

Finally after several years of campaigning the chicane in Orchard Street has been removed and replaced with an official crossing point. There have been many nearmisses between pedestrians and motorists over the years – so these improvements are well appreciated by Springfield School and local residents.

A WOMAN who looked after a sawn-off shotgun that a 15-year-old boy took into a Kempston school was on Wednesday April 20, jailed for three years. Keesha Kalyan, now 21 (pictured), had texted the boy saying: “I am grabbing a Dottie ffs don’t tell anyone.” He caused a major alert when word went around Challenger Academy that he had a gun on him. The boy was taken to Head Teacher Ian Evason’s officer at 9.15 in the morning of Friday, October 19, 2018. The black rucksack he was carrying was searched and a gun was found inside a sports shop bag. There were also six live 12 bore cartridges.

SIXTH HIGHEST TAX INCREASE AMONGST UNITARY COUNCILS FIGURES released by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities show that Bedford Borough Council had the sixth highest council tax rise amongst unitary authorities in England.

by John Guinn Local Democracy Reporter

of locally raised income for many local authorities. The council was asked why borough residents are seeing a higher increase this year than other residents in Bedfordshire. Cllr Michael Headley, portfolio holder for finance, said: “We made the decision to delay implementing 1% of the Government’s Adult Social Care precept in 2020/2021, so local residents have been protected from that extra cost on their Council Tax for the last 12 months. “This has meant local residents paid less Council Tax last year than they would have otherwise. “It is wrong to now criticise the Council for taking this approach, which saved residents hundreds of thousands of pounds last year.” Local authorities with adult social care responsibilities were able to increase council tax by up to 1% in 2022-23. Also, authorities that had deferred any or all of the 3% adult social care precept increase available in 2021-22 to 2022-23 could utilise up their remaining amount. These precept charges are in addition to the usual adult social care funding through council tax. Cllor Headley said: “Since 2009/10 to the present year, Bedford Borough Council has had the fourth lowest percentage increase on Council Tax out of all unitary local authorities. “We have consistently worked to keep Council Tax increases as low as possible, and continued to protect those residents on lowest incomes by providing 100% Council Tax support, so those most in need pay no Council Tax.” 8 St Cuthberts St, Bedford MK40 3JB This data from Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities does not take into account the £150 council tax SALES & TRADITIONAL REPAIR SERVICE rebate being given to households in Bands A to D.

The data showed the 2022-23 Band D council tax set by unitary authorities in England is an average 3.1% higher than the previous tax year. However, council tax for borough residents has increased by 3.99% – this includes the adult social care precept, but excludes parish precepts. Luton Borough Council’s increase is 2.99%, while residents in Central Bedfordshire face a rise of 1.95%. Introduced in 1993, council tax is the main source



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As the police arrested Kalyan, who was at the school at the time, she circulated an image that read: “Free my yung G… got bag with the Dotti.” Her fingerprint was found on the draw string of the sports shop bag. At Kaylan’s trial last year, prosecutor George Heimler said that Dotti was urban slang for a shot gun and G stood for gang member. Keesha Kalyan previously of Bedford, but now living in Church Road, Cowley, Uxbridge, denied being in charge of a prohibited weapon in October 2018, but was convicted by a jury in November. Defending, Ahmed Muen said Kalyan was 17 at the time of the offence. He said: “She has never been in trouble before. It is her fault the weapon ended up at the school. “She was the custodian and was being groomed by a person she was besotted by.” Jailing Kalyan, who cried in the dock, Judge Gary Lucie said: “The gun was not capable of being fired but that was more by luck than design. “The defence say you have turned a corner, but unfortunately you chose not to be straight forward and honest. You lied to the police, you lied to the jury and lied to probation and social service.”


— MAY 2022

TEL: 07894 935952 EDITORIAL:

£1.5m investment in the Camestone School – reading for enjoyment! riverside area begins THE first stage of Bedford Borough Council’s £1.5million investment to enhance the Embankment and riverside along the Great Ouse has begun with improvement works to the Embankment pavement. The Embankment, running alongside the River Great Ouse, is one of Bedford’s most picturesque settings and a popular place for

walkers, cyclists and other people enjoying the beautiful scenery. Works are taking place to resurface the walking areas. The buff coloured surface has worn away and the Council is replacing it with ‘buff quartzite’ which will restore the look of this surface to its best. The works are expected to last eight weeks, to be complete ahead of the River Festival.

CAMESTONE are delighted with their new library. It reflects two years of work on a drive to engage children in a love of reading across the school. The entrance has been given a complete makeover by Wall Art and the children are enjoying stories and reading time in the rejuvenated library area. The school has invested in a rich variety of quality books which reflect the diverse backgrounds and interests of children across the school. A grandparent has built a reading den with the site manager. The den has been decorated by Artist in Residence, Anne-Marie Abbate, with the support of Bedford Culture Challenge. Children enjoy

books in our cosy new space. Children in the library with local author and teacher at Camestone, Alan Jones. Other areas of the school have also been developed into attractive reading spots, organised and managed by the children themselves. On World Book Day in March, children decorated potatoes as book characters, with some amazing results!

The school currently has a vacancy for a Governor, if you are interested in becoming a Governor at the successful, friendly school, please email the school office: office@came

KEMPSTON TOWN COUNCIL Good news for play areas Bedford Borough Council has announced a significant investment in some children’s play areas in Bedford and Kempston. Included in the list are the play areas at Balliol Road and Hartwell Drive. The improvement works are set to be carried out this spring, with the bulk of work carried out during term time to minimise disruption. The works being carried out at each site will vary, but include new play equipment, new fencing and measures to make the play areas more accessible with pathways for all users, including for wheelchairs and prams.

New flowers coming soon! Fresh planting will take place on the railings and in the flower tubs as soon as possible after the risk of frost has passed.


Tuesday 10th May 2022 18:30 - Planning 19:30 - Kempston Town Council (AGM) All future meetings will be held in Centenary Hall until further notice

Site Agent

A vacancy has arisen for the post of Site Agent at Kempston Town Council with responsibility for the Council offices, Council Chamber and Centenary Hall. This is a full time post of 37 hours, Monday – Friday. The daily hours are irregular so the post could suit someone who lives locally. For further details contact the Town Clerk Tel: 01234 851005 (during office hours) Email CLOSING DATE: 27th May 2022 KEMPSTON CALLING

104 Bedford Road, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 8BG Tel: 01234 851005 Email: Office hours: 10am to 3pm Monday to Friday

MAY 2022 —

TEL: 07894 935952 ADS:

East West Rail invite you to ‘drop in’ to have a chat! THE East West Rail company (EWR) have sent out an open invitation to go along to a public ‘drop in’ to find out more about their plans for the linking of Oxford, Bedford and Cambridge by rail. The meeting will take place at: 2pm-8pm on Wednesday May 18, at Wyboston Lakes Resort Conference Centre, Great North Road, Wyboston MK44 3AL In a statement EWR said: “The event will provide local residents with an opportunity to understand the project development process and anticipated timescales, and speak face-to-face with members of the team. “The events will be drop-in style sessions, open to all, and tailored to provide information about the EWR project specific to the local community. “The events will also provide an opportunity to look at what we consulted on last year – as we are still reviewing the 9,000 responses received during the 2021 consultation and considering how the feedback is used to inform plans for the railway. “These events will sit outside of the formal consultation process providing an additional

opportunity for residents to talk to members of the EWR Co team present at the event. “We will use display boards, plans and other materials to help explain and provide information on our proposals and our planned next steps. “Having reviewed several event spaces in the area, we believe the Wyboston Lakes Resort provides the best option for the community here. “It sits within the area covered by the Bedfordshire Group, with ample parking and access to local transport. The venue is fully accessible allowing a wide range of participants to engage fully with the event and has rooms of a size that can be scaled up to accommodate the anticipated number of attendees. We feel it is important that residents and businesses potentially directly affected by our proposals have the opportunity to speak to us. “We want to make sure as many people as possible have an opportunity to come and talk to us at a time that suits them. “We are planning for the events to run from 2pm-8pm.”


Drug runner gets suspended sentence A ‘RUNNER’ for a county line gang in Bedford on Wednesday, April 20, thanked a judge for giving him a chance to stay off drugs. Jason Soares, 33, was caught in an undercover police operation in the town in 2019. Two officers, named Mel and Alice, were directed to Soares’ address in Alexandra Road, Bedford by a drug user. Soares was recorded on a secret camera supplying them with three wraps of crack and two of heroin for £25, Luton Crown Court heard. Prosecutor Alexander Wright said that eight days later, on June 14, 2019, ‘Alice’ received a text message about “banging deals.” The officers went to an alleyway near Alexandra Road where Soares handed over two wraps of heroin and one of crack for £20. The officers later received a call from the man running the ‘Sunny’ drug line to check if they had received the drugs. Mr Wright said the man who ran the Sunny line was Shiv Nahar, now 26, was earlier jailed for 40 months. Soares, now of De Parys Avenue, Bedford appeared for sentence having pleaded guilty to four charges of supplying class A drugs. He had 24 convictions for 33 offences. None were for drug dealing, but some

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were for possession of drugs. Defending, Mark Nicholls said Soares had ‘hung around’ with the wrong people. He delivered drugs and was receiving cocaine as a payment. Judge Karen Walden-Smith told him: “You were acting as a runner. Such offences normally involve immediate custody.”

She passed a 24 month jail sentence suspended for 24 months with a condition that he attends 30 rehabilitation days. The judge warned him: “You need to concentrate on staying off drugs.You are 33 this is your last opportunity.” Soares said: “Thank you” as he left the court.

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— MAY 2022

TEL: 07894 935952 EDITORIAL:

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MAY 2022 —

TEL: 07894 935952 ADS:

Battered black and blue Heart Academy teachers win by drunken boyfriend national film A VIOLENT boyfriend who subjected his girlfriend to regular assaults was jailed for two years on Tuesday, April 12, 2022. Luton Crown Court was told Sean Fullbrook, 25, had beaten the young woman “black and blue” at their home in Bedford. He had hit her over the head with a plant pot on one occasion and then attacked her with a vodka bottle. In another incident he had struck her so hard, her eye immediately swelled up and she couldn’t see out of it. Fullbrook, who the court was told was serving a 12 month prison service imposed at Luton Magistrate’s Court last month for a string of public order offences, pleaded guilty to two offences of assaulting the victim occasioning her actual bodily harm.

Prosecutor Charles Digby told how in January 2021 Fullbrook and the young woman had formed a relation and at first they were happy as he showered presents on her. But it soon became apparent to her that he was a heavy drinker who would become violent when intoxicated. As things between them deteriorated, Fullbrook would put his hands around her throat and strangle her whenever she complained. The court was told the first assault charge involving thr plant pot and the vodka bottle covered a period between February 21 and February 28 last year. Mr Digby said the victim said that afterwards she looked like ‘The Elephant Man’ Judge Lynn Tayton QC hearing the case then heard the


second charge of assault covered a period between May 1 last year and July 30. Fullbrook had punched the victim in the eye so hard she couldn’t see out of it as it swelled. Even months afterwards she found her vision out of the eye would occasionally cloud over. The prosecutor said the victim had eventually ended the relationship, but as a result of his treatment of her she found she had lost her ‘bubbly’ personality and was anxious and on edge the whole time. The court was told although they are no longer together the woman has forgiven Fullbrook and understands how he has had difficulties in his own life. Richard Hutchings defending said Fullbfook, who had a string of previous convictions, should be given credit for his guilty pleas which had spared the victim from having to give evidence. Passing sentence Judge Tayton jailed Fullbrook for a total of two years. She said: “I take the view both assaults were unpleasant,” adding that they were aggravated by the fact he had been under the influence of alcohol at the time. “I take the view they are serious offences which attract consecutive sentences.” She jailed him for 12 months on each charge, but ordered they should run consecutively making a total of two years. Fullbrook was told he would have to serve half the sentence behind bars before he is released on licence. The judge also made a restraining order which forbids him from contacting his ex.


A film starring a Bedford Academy maths and PE teacher has won a prestigious national award. Filmmakers at Teach First, a charity that addresses educational disadvantage, captured on camera the inspirational work of Bedford Academy teacher Albert Adeyemi. In the film, called Representation, Albert is shown mentoring groups of boys and talking to them about the importance of open and honest discussions about race and representation. The seven-minute film captures Albert passionately encouraging his students to aim high and find ways to express themselves through the spoken word. This week, the film fought off stiff competition from across the country to win the ‘People’s Choice’ category of the national Charity Film Awards. Albert, together with Bedford Academy’s Deputy Head Pete Roberts and two students featured


in the film, Muthir Jamal and Theodore McKoy-Campbell, collected the award at a ceremony in central London. Albert said the film vividly conveyed the ‘impact and power

of mentoring’. “It shows that representation really matters for so many reasons, from challenging stereotypes and misconceptions to enriching the experiences of all students.

Representation benefits everyone,” he said. Albert, who has taught at Bedford Academy for four years, said taking two students to the awards evening in central London had been “really special”. “The whole experience has been so positive, especially because it was so unexpected,” he said.” Chris Deller, Head of Bedford Academy, which is part of HEART Academies Trust, said: “As a school community, we are delighted that Albert has received the recognition he deserves.” “Our mentoring sessions are an important part of the support we give students throughout their time at Bedford Academy.” Pictured: Albert, Deputy Head Pete Roberts and two Bedford Academy students, Muthir Jamal and Theodore McKoy-Campbell, collecting the award.



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— MAY 2022

TEL: 07894 935952 EDITORIAL:

Planting a new 38-hectare Community Woodland as part of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee A NEW 38-hectare woodland on a Community Forest in an historic Bedfordshire setting has been renamed “Queens Wood” and will help to serve as a fitting tribute for Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. Teams from the Forest of Marston Vale Trust and the Woodland Trust were joined by HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire Helen Nellis at a naming event on Wednesday, April 20, to mark the launch of the new Queens Wood Community Woodland as part of the Forest of Marston Vale, a Community Forest stretching between Bedford and Milton Keynes. The site on the Ampthill and Houghton Conquest border has been planted with more than 35,000 native trees and shrubs in the past two years, and another 13,000 will go in the ground next winter to complete planting. The name “Queens Wood” was first suggested by local residents as part of the public consultation process in 2019, to reflect the area’s historic connection to Catherine of Aragon and its location adjacent to Kings Wood ancient woodland and site of special scientific interest (SSSI). With support from HM LordLieutenant of Bedfordshire Helen Nellis, the partnership has been granted permission to use the protected title “Queens Wood” by the Sovereign, acting on behalf of Her Ministers. The new woodland is part of the Woodland Trust Platinum Jubilee

Bancroft said: “At a time where urgent action is needed to start reversing the current twinned climate and nature crisis is, the role of trees and woods has never been so important, whilst also providing huge benefits for our health and well-being. “The Woodland Trust and the

Forest of Marston Vale have a long history of working in partnership with each other, and Queens Wood is a great example of this, creating a new native woodland for both people and wildlife. “It’s fantastic that Queens Wood has been recognised as part of The Queens Green Canopy project.”

National first for two Directors

Woods project to plant up to 70 woods of 70 acres UK-wide as a living tribute to Her Majesty, as part of the wider Queen’s Green Canopy initiative – a unique tree-planting initiative which is inviting people from across the UK to ‘Plant a Tree for the Jubilee’. James Russell, Forest Director at the Forest of Marston Vale Trust, said: “This has been a fantastic site to work on and we’re proud to establish Queens Wood as part of the Community Forest. “The historic significance of the land was taken into consideration when we planned the site, and the scheme was designed to be sensitive to the area as well as providing huge environmental and social benefit to local people. It’s fantastic to have this reflected in its new name.” The land for Queens Wood was acquired by the Woodland Trust, with incredible help and support

from The David Webster Charitable Trust, and is being planted and controlled via a 999-year lease to the Forest of Marston Vale Trust. HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire Helen Nellis said: “The people of Bedfordshire have been very active and enthusiastic in planting thousands of trees in every parish to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee and to show their faith in the future. “The planting of Queens Wood in such an historic site of the county is a great way to pay tribute to Her Majesty’s 70 years of dedicated service and as a Community Woodland, it will be enjoyed by many for years to come.” The new planting will see a combination of species including oak, hornbeam, wild cherry and alder. They were specifically chosen for their ability to tolerate and address increasing temperatures in the face of climate change and

provide a resource for local people to enjoy by foot, bike or horse for generations to come. The project is being delivered by the Forest of Marston Vale as part of their ‘Trees for Climate’ woodland creation programme, part of the Government-led Nature for Climate fund. The planting at Queens Wood has also been made possible with a generous donation from the Robert Steel Memorial Grant from The Steel Charitable Trust. James Russell added: “We know that only 7% of our native woodlands are in good condition in the UK. Over time, the wildlife currently confined to the ancient woodland will be able to expand out and take up residence in the new woodland, helping improve the resilience of our woodlands and their wildlife to the impacts of climate change.” Woodland Trust Regional Director for Central England Toby

TWO Directors of The Bedford College Group have been chosen to be among the first ‘Research Further’ scholars. In October 2021, The Association of Colleges and NCFE joined forces to launch Research Further – a scholarship programme supporting further education practitioners to carry out Masters or doctorate level study. Only 11 scholars from across AoC member colleges in the UK were chosen by Research Further’s high calibre advisory board. The scholars will now undertake funded research into areas of post-16 teaching practice and policy. Topics to be researched are wide-ranging and will cover finance, inequalities, regional outcomes and culture and best practice. Colleges have confirmed that their Research Further scholars will be given one day per week of remission to carry out the work. They will be supported by the advisory board, consisting of representatives from government, awarding organisations, funders,

and sector leaders from across the UK, and will soon start to support each other and the wider research community in FE through a series of written pieces and webinars. Pat Jones, Executive Director of Finance, The Bedford College Group – whose research will look at achieving sustainable financial health for the FE sector.

Catherine Lloyd, Director of Land Based Studies, Shuttleworth College (The Bedford College Group) – who will research the delivery of courses at a time of significant change in the wider agricultural sector.

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MAY 2022 —

TEL: 07894 935952 ADS:

PC Shabir runs to the rescue KEEN amateur athlete Constable Aimen Shabir frequently runs the river paths and was delighted when Kempston Mill Bridge recently opened again after its closure in 2021. Kempston resident Aimen is focussed on local crime and antisocial behaviour problems and was keen to collaborate with Cllr James Valentine who had recently expressed concern about anti-social behaviour and vandalism in the Kempston Mill area. Re-establishing CCTV will be a first step and Cllr Valentine has

already secured a camera to be installed at a suitable location, financed by his Ward Fund. PC Shabir also plans high-visibility patrols from time to time to reassure the public that it’s a safe environment. As well as protecting the interests of local residents, the area is visited by many for its beautiful surroundings and more visitors from Bedford are expected once the boat landing stage is completed.

Gather your bowls… Based in Southfields, Kempston, the Kempston East Bowls Club has provided local residents with many years of enjoyment. On Wednesday, April 20, 2022, the local councillor and current Mayor of Kempston, Carl Meader

From Ampthill to New Amsterdam

Former teacher turned social historian David Longman of Kempston is a regular speaker at groups in Bedfordshire with stories he has collected from local parish churches. Here is one fascinating example: “FRANK SINATRA sang about it and Martin Scorsese made a film about it. But what connects the city of New York with a small town located a few miles from Bedford? “The answer lies in the beautiful church of St Andrew's in Ampthill. Next to the altar is a monument to Richard Nicholls who was born in the town in 1624 and who fought for the Royalists during the English Civil War. He went into exile with the future King Charles II and his family during the rule of Cromwell and after the Restoration in 1660 he entered the service of the King's brother, the Duke Of York. “Four years later he led an expedition which crossed the Atlantic and peacefully captured the Dutch territories in the New World. Nicholls became governor of the former Dutch capital, New Amsterdam, which he duly renamed in honour of his patron. He then successfully governed the city for four years before returning to England. In 1672 he once again found himself in action at the Battle Of Solebay, a naval engage-

made an official hand-over of replacement ‘bowls gathering’ equipment. Their existing gatherers were getting somewhat tired, through many years of use! Carl used some of his ‘ward’

A career that makes a


ment between the Dutch and an Anglo- French fleet. In the thick of the battle Nicolls was struck by a cannonball and killed. His body was returned to Ampthill where he was laid to rest in the church. “The monument features the flags of the United States and Great Britain and, remarkably, the very cannon ball that is said to have ended the life of the man who named New York, New York!”


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fund to purchase the gatherers. Club members were on hand to have their photographs taken on what turned out to be a very pleasant early spring evening. They all seemed very pleased with their new acquisitions!



— MAY 2022

TEL: 07894 935952 EDITORIAL:

College powered up for Pearson awards THE Motor Vehicle team at The Bedford College Group have been short-listed in the prestigious Pearson National Teaching Awards. Led by Head of Department, James Woolley, they spend the past 12 months transforming a former College engineering site in Brunel Road, into a stateof-the-art facility for electric vehicle training. The new Advanced Automotive Technology Centre was not part of the Group’s original capital project plans, so Head of Motor Vehicle, James Woolley pitched his redevelopment ideas to the senior leadership team and managed the project himself. The overriding objective was to ensure the College could lead the way, offering cutting-edge training in electric vehicle maintenance. James said: “By 2030 the sale of new petrol or diesel vehicles in England will be prohibited – that’s only eight years away. Last year 10% of the new car market was electric and hybrid, that will only increase. We want to be at the forefront of the motor vehicle training – no other college in the region is currently running these courses and of the hundreds of local garages and repairs shops locally only a handful are qualified – others are turning away work on electric vehicles.” The team have ensured that the new Centre has the latest modern equipment and its own hybrid vehicle to train technicians and give them the knowledge and skills required to work safely on electric and hybrid vehicles whilst carrying out routine maintenance and repair activities. They have designed the facility with a specific workshop for each course level, each with its own repair bays, engines and specific tooling equipment. The body repair area has a paint mixer and spray rooms.

The Level 4 area has a specialist hybrid bay with brand new Bosch diagnostics equipment which were purchased with a 50% discount that James negotiated. The Bosch team also arranged to give Motor Vehicle staff a full day’s training. James was able to arrange more savings with Farecla, an international bodywork company, after some of the department’s students won their UK bonnet painting competition. Farecla gave the team free sanding and painting equipment in addition to tooling and polishing tools. In his plans, James included a giant balcony over the workshops, areas for staff to sit and relax at lunchtime and student areas with sofas, chairs, table tennis and a canteen. Even details such as housing the giant compressor outside the workshop was based on the team’s past experience of noisy workshops and ensured that the new Centre was much quieter. All classrooms in the Centre have giant Samsung


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BEDFORD residents are invited to a new and exciting exhibition, curated by Caroline Wendling as part of the Take Part Queen’s Park project, at The Higgins Bedford until 12 June 2022. Archipelago, will be on display at The Higgins, and it will celebrate the vibrancy of Queen’s Park using film, embroidery and clay. The film was shot in Queen’s Park with contributions from Queen’s Park residents. Elaine Midgley, Bedford Creative Arts’ Director, said: “Take Part Queen’s Park is an art project both inspired by and created with members of the community of Queen’s Park in Bedford. Caroline

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has been working in Queen’s Park since 2020, exploring the area with walks, and holding workshops at Queen’s Park Academy, the community centre and Presentation House (Stonewater - Independent Living Accommodation for elders). “Caroline has engaged residents of all ages with the creative arts through this project and has invited participants to share their sense of place and community with the wider residents of Bedford through this exhibition.” Caroline is one of three resident artists who has been working in Queen’s Park to explore the culture, talents and memories of residents and present their stories through new works of art. Caroline’s work is about ideas of place and the feeling of belonging. She explores history, local myths and invites people to reimagine local sites. She put those feelings into material form, via the clay pots and embroidery that make up part of the Archipelago exhibition.

Caroline said: “Queen’s Park is like an archipelago [a group of islands]– a place where people who each have their own cultures and traditions come together to form one unique, vibrant and unified community.”Residents who took part in the workshops said: l “I had no idea I would enjoy doing embroidery so much, my mother would have been really impressed.” l “I really enjoyed the embroidery workshop my daughters loved being taught by you.” l “It was so relaxing and calming I will do more embroidery at home.” l “Manipulating the clay reminded me of my childhood living near the river in Bangladesh, as kids we would always make things out of clay.” To find out more and to book your free entry please visit uk/Exhibitions/Archipelago_Take_ Part_Queen’s_Park.aspx


The links that the team have with the motor vehicle industry are exceptional. James has arranged for three students to gain work experience with Mercedes. In addition, Mercedes have agreed to come in to train Level 3 students on the new electric E-class Mercedes have developed, ensuring all students gain exposure to one of the top-end electric cars that has so far been launched on the market. What’s more, the team have been chosen to teach the body paint workers from Fairline Yachts, one of the world’s leading luxury yacht companies, in September. They are exceptionally proud to have been selected and have no doubt that their state-of-the-art new facilities and equipment have a large part to play in Fairline Yacht’s decision. Jo Baxter, Director of Science and Technology said: “The Motor Vehicle team here at The Bedford College Group have been an inspiration to other areas of the College over the past two years. They have worked tirelessly to improve the facilities for learners and provide a cutting-edge learning environment. The introduction of new vehicle technologies in electric and hybrid have given learners the opportunity to explore modern methods of working. The team have also forged some strong links with industry partners such as the Founders Group to help support learners in their development whilst studying at the College.”

Take part Queen’s Park Community Exhibition


TVs on the wall and every Motor Vehicle tutor has a hybrid laptop / tablet that automatically pairs with the screens when they walk into the classroom. The team gave up their summers to help finish off the renovations and ensure that the 54 students who had already enrolled on courses were able to start in September 2021. The new, expanded facility has already enable the Motor Vehicle Team to grow the number of students which have increased by 15% from 130 students in 2020 to 150 students in 2021 and the team are currently working with Bedford Borough Council to train their vehicle technicians. In previous years there were three Level 1 cohorts, whereas this year there were four. In addition, the team have launched a new course in Automotive Studies Advanced, Level 4 and the new Level 3 Electric/Hybrid Vehicle System Repair and Replacement course. Alistair McCrindle CAE MIMI, External Quality Assurer – South Region said: “‘The new Centre James and his staff designed, project managed and built, is a credit to themselves. The facilities, and student experience they have created, is purpose built for the modern Motor Industry and a credit to Bedford College.”

MAY 2022 —

TEL: 07894 935952 ADS:

Millbrook golfers raise tee-rific £11,788 GENEROUS golfers from The Millbrook Golf Club near Ampthill swung into action to raise thousands of pounds for Sue Ryder St John’s Hospice. The club has raised a total of £11,788 for the Bedfordshire hospice, which cares for local people with life-limiting conditions. Led by Danny Lang, the club’s Captain for 2020-2021, the golfers teed off their fundraising with a Captain’s Drive In day in early 2020. Then, when the coronavirus pandemic began and the first national lockdown put their fundraising plans on pause, they set up a JustGiving page appealing for donations. In summer 2021, as pandemic restrictions eased, the club’s

members were finally able to come together for a successful Captain’s Charity Day on August 21. Around 130 people enjoyed a fun-filled day with activities such as a putting course competition, a beat the pro competition with the Club Professional Andrew Coleman and a barbecue. There was also a raffle and an auction with prizes such as luxury golfing holidays, memorabilia from the London 2012 Summer Olympics, and a Christmas dinner. The Captain’s Charity Day raised £9,029 for Sue Ryder St John’s Hospice, bringing the club’s overall total raised to £11,788. Danny Lang, The Millbrook Golf Club Captain for 2020-2021, said: “A huge thank you to everyone at the club for their help and support with fundraising – it was a

Lady Jane is the new High Sheriff of Bedfordshire


THE new High Sheriff of Bedfordshire for 2022/2023 was installed on Sunday, April 3, 2022. Lady Jane Clifford, who succeeded Eric Masih, was sworn in at a ceremony at Elstow Abbey. Lady Clifford was born in Tanzania where her father, Sir George Paterson, was Attorney General. She was brought up in Sierra Leone, Ghana and Zambia as her family moved around with her father’s work, latterly as Chief Justice. One of her earliest memories was accompanying her parents to the Assizes in a huge dug out canoe crossing the Zambezi River as there were no roads or bridges. In Ghana, Sir George worked with Kwame Nkrumah to ensure the smooth transition to independence. Jane finished her education in Dorset before moving to London to read Art History at the Courtauld Institute, London University. It was during this time that she met her future husband, Timothy. Jane started out as a lecturer for the Workers’ Educational Association in Manchester before becoming the art critic of the Daily Telegraph. At the same time, she began closely assisting Laura Ashley, finding and copying antique wallpaper and textile designs and writing books about furnishing and decorating houses for the company. After Laura’s tragic death, Jane moved to Zoffany, another wallpaper and fabric manufacturer. While her husband was directing the Manchester City Art Galleries, Jane set up and ran the events for the Friends. When Timothy moved to direct the National Galleries of Scotland, Jane performed a similar role for the Patrons. Supporting her husband’s role took up a lot of her time and her career was put on hold. Timothy was knighted by Her Majesty in 2002. After their retirement in 2010 the Cliffords moved to Bedfordshire to be nearer London and their only daughter and grandson. Jane has helped various charities to organise large scale events, including Help the Aged, Save the Children and the NSPCC. She is a keen bridge player and founded a book club which is still going strong after 30 years. They own a small house in Umbria in Italy; Jane speaks Italian and is a great Italophile. Jane feels very honoured to have been nominated as High Sheriff for Bedfordshire for 202223 and will endeavour to serve the county to the best of her ability.

real team effort. I am really proud of what we have achieved, especially as we fundraised over two disrupted years because of the pandemic. “Sue Ryder St John’s Hospice is a great local charity and I decided I was going to help them in any way I could. My wife has family friends who have been cared for at the hospice. We also keep bees, and Ian, our beekeeping mentor who taught us how to look after them, was cared for at the hospice at the end of his life. Fundraising was a way of being able to give back. “The Captain’s Charity Day was a brilliant day, organised by the members. Everyone pulled together and wanted to help – from flipping burgers and sponsoring holes to generously donating prizes

and food. I hope our fundraising might inspire others to give it a go.”

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— MAY 2022

TEL: 07894 935952 EDITORIAL:

New forest in the making for Shackleton Primary

PUPILS at Shackleton Primary School, off Elstow Road in central Bedford, have planted a new forest with more than 400 saplings alongside volunteers from the local housing association and community. The children planted 10 different species of trees, donated by the Woodland Trust, which will create a special area on their school grounds to explore and enjoy for future generations. Andy George, Head of Shackleton Primary School, said planting the new trees would, in time, “create an illusion of being lost in the woods”. The school, which is part of HEART Academies Trust, has run Forest School activities for several years. “Experiential learning opportunities are one of the most important aspects of the education we provide at Shackleton, and across HEART Academies Trust,” Andy said. “It’s vital that, from an early age, children are immersed in language, imagination and creativity as much as possible. In years to come, children will walk our daily mile track through a forest and discover all the wonderful sights and sounds along the way. Engaging children in stories and language is key to developing a love of read-

ing. Bringing to life tales like Little Red Riding Hood or The Gruffalo. Let’s hope they are brave enough to go in to the deep, dark woods!” Jim Playle, Community Engagement Officer at bpha, a community housing association in Bedford, said the project was a particular favourite with his organisation’s volunteers. “Not only does it fit perfectly with our aims to support the local community and the environment, but everyone had a fun time and all the volunteers enjoyed engaging with the children who were a delight to work with,” he said. The school recently welcomed Bedford MP, Mohammad Yasin, Bedford Mayor Dave Hodgson and local councillors Abu Sultan and Fouzia Zamir Atiq to see the newly-planted trees. Meanwhile, at Cauldwell Primary School, on Edward Road in Bedford, which is also part of HEART Academies Trust, pupils have been celebrating the arrival of a new hedgerow, kindly donated by the Woodland Trust. They have planted flowers and shrubs to encourage new wildlife to the area and to create a natural border for Cauldwell’s Forest School area.

Connor Tomlinson shows his determination against

Drew Richardson uses his head against St Neots in 1-1 draw

Craig Mackail-Smith looking for options against St Neots in 1-1 draw Photography courtesy of Adrian Brown

Lewis Miccio wins the header in 2-0 win against AFC Dunstable

TEL: 07894 935952 ADS:

MAY 2022 —

On the road with the Eagles who win their league and are promoted to the Southern League Central Premier Division

AFC Dunstable in 2-0 win for Eagles

Ralph Allen, Chairman, collects Team of the Month Award

Hugh Alban-Jones gets a toe-in against St Neots in 1-1 draw

Renee Howe is stuck in against Wantage Town in 7-0 win

Drew Richardson mixes it with the goalkeeper in Bedford win over Aylesbury United in 2-1 win



— MAY 2022

TEL: 07894 935952 EDITORIAL:

View from the top Rt Revd Richard Atkinson – Bishop of Bedford A Suff’rer and a Healer Rent a desk only £75pm all inclusive BEDFORD’S PREMIER BUSINESS HUB 44 Harpur Street, Bedford, MK40 2QT

Kingsley Garage

I would like to think that by the time you read this the situation in Ukraine has improved. That our prayers for peace have been answered. Sadly, I fear this is unlikely to be case. If anything, more and more people will be caught up in the suffering of that awful conflict. Night by night we will hear more testimony from those whose communities have been devastated, whose loved ones have been assaulted and killed, whose lives have been torn apart. For some that will proof of the irrelevance of God. How can a loving God allow such misery? For others it will, surprisingly maybe, be a time of deeper encounter with the God who far from being remote from the world and its pain, is there in its midst. The Christian God who was crucified and hung there on the cross.

One of the notable theological developments in the twentieth century, especially in the light of two world wars, was an emphasis not on the power of God but on the suffering of God. An early exponent of this was Revd Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy, better known as Woodbine Willie, a much-loved chaplain to the men in the trenches of the First World War. Pondering the scandal of a God remote from the world impervious to human suffering, he wrote a poem called ‘The Suffering God’. A key verse draws this out this theme of the God who suffers: Father, if He, the Christ were they Revealer, Truly the first begotten of the Lord, Then must Thou be a Suff’rer and a Healer Pierced to the heart by the sorrow of the sword.

God, far from being remote is with us in our pain, suffering with us. It is that reality that often those who I meet for Confirmation, or to talk about their faith, are people experiencing deep challenges in their lives. I still hold in my prayers the father whose twelveyear-old daughter died suddenly. Awful as it was, he spoke of finding God present in that moment of loss. And he is not alone. When my Uncle, a Methodist preacher was dying, my cousin placed into his hands a small holding cross. A photo of this was included in his funeral service order. It spoke profoundly of God’s presence in that darkness of the end of life; of the God who is indeed a suff’rer and a healer.

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Next month will see the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations to mark Her Majesty’s 70 years of service and becoming the first British Monarch to reach this milestone. This year we will have a four-day bank holiday weekend from Thursday, June 2 to Sunday, June 5, and a number of events are being planned nationally and locally. A number of street parties will be held across Bedford Borough and a special Beacon will be lit as part of a nationwide Beacon lighting event. There will be activities in Bedford Town Centre including a special Jubilee Trail and entertainment. There will also be services at St Paul’s Church

in Bedford and other Churches across the Borough. There will be a number of events broadcasts including The Trooping of the Colour and the Platinum Jubilee Pageant which will combine street arts, theatre, music, circus, carnival and costume to celebrate Her Majesty’s unwavering duty, love of the natural world and dedication to the Commonwealth. There will also be a Platinum Party at the Palace with the world’s biggest entertainers performing at Buckingham Palace. Her Majesty The Queen will attend the Derby at Epsom and the winners of the Platinum Pudding competition will be unveiled. A special

commemorative medal will be awarded to serving frontline members of the police, fire, emergency services, prison services and the Armed Forces to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. There are a number of ways you can get involved in the Jubilee and you can find out more information at and at Also in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee year the UK will host the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham from 28th July to 8th August. More information, including how to book tickets is at

Mohammad Yasin – MP Kempston and Bedford Ukrainians need help now not later

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Some individuals have their application accepted but are unfairly held up by late ‘permission to travel’ letters. Others are simply stuck in limbo, hearing nothing back. Even caseworkers in my office are struggling to contact the Home Office, on hold for hours on the phone. It is appalling that once again the Government has not taken the necessary steps to recruit, train and deploy staff to meet the demand. Despite this, the Government is loudly shouting its successes, proclaiming this as “one of the fastest and largest visa programmes in UK history.” I recently submitted a question on this to the Secretary of State, because the experience of applicants, sponsors, and even my own

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office, says otherwise. Other substantial issues also need to be addressed. Under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, Local Authorities and sponsors will receive funding – but not under the Family Visa Scheme. This leaves families housing additional relatives and under-pressure Councils to struggle. I have written to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on this very issue, and await a response. There is not, however, room to feel exasperated. Please do reach out to my office if you are in need of any assistance. We must continue pushing forward; chasing up the Home Office, standing in solidarity with Ukraine, and vitally, always holding the Government to account for their failures. I will continue to do exactly that.


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We are looking for reliable people to deliver the Beds Bulletin in the following areas:

Many of you have asked how you can help vulnerable Ukrainians’ during Russia’s illegal invasion, and I am incredibly proud of my constituents’ generosity and kindness. Some are sponsoring individuals on the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, and countless others are donating their time, money and resources. Meanwhile, my staff and I have been working tirelessly, raising cases with the Home Office for Ukrainian visa applicants waiting to know if they can reach safety. Many applicants are facing unacceptable Home Office delays, with most waiting weeks left in the dark, vulnerable in third countries and uncertain of their next move. These delays are the direct result of the Government failing to prepare or streamline the process.

MAY 2022 —

TEL: 07894 935952 ADS:

diary Bedford Folk & Acoustic Club: Every Thursday 8:30pm -

11pm, Acoustic and folk music round-the-room, every Thursday evening from 8:30pm at the Bowls Pavilion of Kempston Hammers Club, MK42 7BN. Musicians, singers and poets all welcome, at every level. Find us on facebook, or come and meet us at the Bowls Pavilion. Contact:

Bedford RSPB: Sunday 1st May, Dawn Chorus. Meet 5am in the Priory Country Park, Barkers Lane, Bedford MK41 9DJ (TL 072 493. Followed by breakfast in the local Toby Carvery. Joint event with Beds Bird Club Indoor Meeting & AGM. Meet at ARA club, Manton Lane Bedford MK41 7PF. Thursday 19th May. Meeting 7.30pm aiming to finish by 9.30pm. Ouse Fen: ‘Creating the wetlands of the future’. Presentation by Chris Hudson. Chris is ‘Senior Sites Manager Fen Drayton Lakes and Ouse Fen’ and is actively involved in the restoration of the Fens. Suitable for Experts and Novices, RSPB membership not essential. Entrance fee, group members £1 Guest £2 annual group membership £5 under 18s enter free. Contact: 07905 199769 Evening walk. Thursday 26th May at Stewartby Lake. Meet at 7pm in the old A421 lay-by eastern end of Marston Moretaine, near MK43 0LE (TL 002 426) Bedford Art Society: 6th

May Friday 2022. meeting, 7.15 for 7.30 start, at Putnoe Heights Church, Bedford, MK418EB Keith Hornblower paints architecture in watercolour. His approach is dynamic, applying paint at speed creating a spontaneous effect. His subject this evening is Venice. Entry is free for members, £5 for visitors. Contact: Jean Paterson 01234 307210 or for information.


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Ink or toner low? Think... Bedford National Trust Association: The next meeting

will be our AGM at the Addison Centre in Kempston at 2.30 on June 21st There will be the AGM, refreshments and a speaker for 30 minutes. Mike Muncaster will talk on “Gone for a Burton”. He has come as our speaker in the past and we always enjoy his talks. There is no admission charge for the AGM. Everyone is welcome. There is plenty of parking. For further information Contact: Robin Salter on 01234 261897

Biddenham Gardeners Association: Tuesday 17th

May 2020 at 7.30. Biddenham Village Hall “Have Garden – Will travel” By Steffie Shields. Visitors very welcome Admission £5 per meeting for non members – includes Raffle & Refreshments Tuesday 21st June 2020 at 7.30, Biddenham Village Hall. “A portrait of a Victorian Garden” By Russell Bowes. Visitors very welcome Admission £5 per meeting for non members – includes Raffle & Refreshments www.biddenhamgardeners Contact:

Car Boot Sale: Milton Ernest

Garden Centre, Radwell Road, Milton Ernest MK44 1SH, Cars £5, vans £10. Sellers setup 9am, Buyers 10am-2pm.

Sundays May 1, June 12, July 3, August 7, September 4, October 2 No need to book a stall, bring your own table Horticultural Show Bank Holiday August 29

Family Fun Day and Dog Show Sunday September 11 Contact: (01234) 823033 or enquiries@miltonernestgarden

To advertise your club, group or society in these columns please email your copy to: advertising@ Please include a contact telephone number. These columns are for non-profit making organisations


Bedford Music Club:

Sandy Women’s Institute: Meets on the third

Tuesday of every month (except August) at Sandy Conservative Club, Bedford Road, Sandy. New members are always very welcome. Visitors are charged a small fee of £4. For further information contact: Ann Patterson 01767 680644.

Sandy Branch of The Leprosy Mission: Friday

May 6th, a Concert by the renowned Sandy Ukulele Band in the Sandy Baptist Church Hall at 7pm. Tickets at £6 each are available from Colin Osborne. Contact: 01767 682032). In aid of The Leprosy Mission.”

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Bedford Folk & Acoustic Club: Acoustic and folk music round-the-room, every Thursday evening from 8:30pm at the Bowls Pavilion of Kempston Hammers Club, MK42 7BN. Musicians, singers and poets all welcome, at every level. Contact: us on facebook, or come and meet us at the Bowls Pavilion.

Yoga: Priory Methodist Church,

Newnham Avenue, Bedford MK41 9QJ. 2pm Mondays Contact: June for details:

Kempston Senior Citizens Club:

DANCING, WHIST, BINGO. Meets Wednesday 10am-12noon Friday 10am-4.00pm, Centenary Hall, behind Kempston Town Hall, for further information contact: Sheila Cobban, on 01234 347306.

Tudor Reeds Folk Dance Club: Barn dance group meets

every other Wednesday 8-10pm, St Mark’s Church Hall, Brickhill. £2 inc refreshments Contact: Jenny 01234 217621

8pm Sunday 1st May, At the Five Bells in Henlow Village, a Fun Charity Quiz evening in aid of SERV (Service by Emergency Response Volunteers) who provide emergency blood-running and human milk deliveries to hospitals etc in the Herts and Beds area. Teams of up to 6 members are invited with entry £2.50 per person. Prizes for first and last places, together with spot prizes and a raffle. Further contact: John at or 07511 631045.

Fun Charity Quiz Night:


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— MAY 2022

TEL: 07894 935952 EDITORIAL:

A warehouse full of all the things you need for your next art and craft project Colemans Craft Warehouse is an Aladdin’s Cave of Art, Craft and Hobby products, which is open to the public seven days a week. With over 15,000 products in stock covering papercraft, home décor, haberdashery, floral craft, fine art, jewellery making and so much more, if you love crafting then you will be sure to fall in love with this place. They also have a full workshop programme with courses in everything from crochet to cardmaking and felting to fine art. There is free parking right outside and the store is fully accessible for wheelchairs. There is also a lovely café serving tea, coffee and cake. You can get a delicious Cream Tea for just £3! On the first Saturday of each month they have fantastic event days. Entry is free and you’ll get

to experience live demonstrations, incredible offers and you can even have a go at some crafting yourself! Head down to Colemans Craft Warehouse on 7th May for a fun filled ‘Art For All’ day. They will be running Watercolour For Beginners classes with the wonderful Melanie Henson. Give them a call on 01933 355530 to book your spot on either the morning (10am12pm) or afternoon (1pm3pm) session. The class will cost just £15 and all your materials will be included. They are located just two minutes from Rushden Lakes on Brindley Close which is opposite Lidl, and next door to Screwfix. You’ll be greeted by a friendly team who are on hand to give expert help and advice with any projects that you might be working on.

gardening Celebrating the 70 years of Queen Elizabeth’s reign by Maureen Catlin


with Milton Ernest Garden Centre

he Queen’s Green Canopy Initiative is a concept inviting people in the UK to plant trees as a lasting legacy to honour The Queen’s leadership and service to the nation for the last 70 years. The aim is to help the environment by planting trees during her Platinum Jubilee Year. Planting more trees is our most powerful weapon in the fight against climate change. Trees are the ultimate carbon capture and storage machines. Like great carbon sinks, woods and forests absorb atmospheric carbon and lock it up for centuries through photosynthesis. The entire woodland ecosystem plays a huge role in locking up carbon, including the living wood, roots, leaves, deadwood, surrounding soils and its associated vegetation. It will create a green legacy of its own, with every tree planted bringing benefits for people, wildlife and climate, now and for the future. The Queen and The Prince of Wales planted the first Jubilee tree, a Verdun Oak, in the grounds of Windsor Castle earlier this year. Verdun Oaks were first planted in the UK as memorials following World War I. The acorns were collected at the battlefield of Verdun and grown into young trees. The Prince of Wales describes tree planting as a “statement of hope and faith in the future”. The Queen has been planting trees since she acceded to the throne in 1952. During her reign she has planted more than 1,500 trees worldwide. If you do not have space to plant your own tree contribute to a local ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy’ project to create a network of individual trees, avenues, copses and whole woodlands in honour of Our Queen. We can also celebrate by using the national colours of the Union Jack Red, White and Blue for the summer flower schemes in our tubs hanging baskets and borders. Unless you have already grown your plants from seed these are now ready to buy from the Garden Centre. May is when most risk of damaging early morning frost is very low so you can confidently plant with just one eye on early morning temperatures. If cold is forecast just cover with fleece the night before. If you are reusing tubs and baskets from last year first empty completely, remove the drainage crocks, and moss and liners from baskets. Soak in a solution of one part household bleach and nine parts water for 10 minutes then thoroughly rinse in clean water and allow to dry otherwise things get very messy especially if you have a little helper. If you are planting tubs whether plastic, stone, reconstituted materials or old galvanised baths make sure there are drainage holes in the base and a good layer of drainage crock, even broken up polystyrene packing, before adding any compost. This avoids the compost compacting. The composts we recommend contain little or no peat (the ultimate carbon store) which has been replaced by coir and wood fibre substitutes both waste products. Westland New Horizon which is completely peat free claims to now produce better root growth than most other composts. Terry and I are trialling it this year so I will report our findings at a later date. Meanwhile you can always rely on Jacks Magic.


TEL: 07894 935952 ADS:

The same composts can be used for planting hanging baskets. These can be lined with moss and synthetic moss type products but these should be replaced every year to avoid any carry over of pests and disease from a previous season. It is a good idea to include water retaining crystals and slow release feed after a couple of handfuls

of compost have been added. So which plants shall we select? Here are just a few possible combinations. If you have lots of tubs or hanging baskets its effective to choose a variety like Petunias which come in so many colours and plant a single colour per tub so one Red one


White One Blue. Petunias are available as upright or trailing plants with single or double flowers which are often highly perfumed and like sunny patios. Verbena is more discreet and also available as upright and trailing vari-

MAY 2022 —

eties in red white and blue. Other schemes for sunny aspects can include Red Geraniums, Senecio with silvery white foliage and White or Blue Lobelia all of which can be upright and trailing. If you are planting a shady place substitute Red Fuchsias for Geraniums and Impatien White Beacon for Senecio. Sweet Pea Royal Mixed is a mix of Sweet Peas seeds in red white blue and royal purple. Plant directly into a large pot with an obelisk to support these highly perfumed much loved climbing cottage garden plants. The Platinum Jubilee Rose has large double vibrant pink flowers with an incredibly strong sweet fragrance that will linger in the breeze.. This compact shrub variety is ideal for beds and borders or even grown as low hedging. It is also good in large tubs especially on terraces and porches where the fabulous scent can be admired by everyone. We must find a place to plant this rose.





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Milton Ernest Garden Centre Radwell Road, Milton Ernest MK441SH

01234 851081


— MAY 2022

TEL: 07894 935952 EDITORIAL:



Two brilliant comedy shows in May

Thursday, May 12, The Gordon Arms, Bedford Castle Comedy is back at the Gordon Arms Ent Shed. The show will be a classic mixed bill of TV names and rising stars in an intimate environment. There is also a Pre-Show meal offer so you can enjoy a delicious dinner beforehand.

AHIR SHAH – Double Edinburgh Comedy Award ‘Best Show’ nominee Ahir Shah is one of the fastest-rising comedians of his generation and is known for his sharp, intellectual brand of standup featuring a blend of philosophical inquiry, political vigour, and sweet gags.



KEMPSTON 01234 851120 Sunday 1st May CHARITY DAY with music from


Hog roast/BBQ supplied by BBQABLE OF BEDFORD Raffles/auction. All money raised going to the staff rest rooms at Bedford Hospital – All welcome Saturday 7th May


the brilliant if you recognise the name yes he used to sing with the Drifters and lead singer with Hot Chocolate don’t miss a fantastic night of soul and Motown Saturday 14th May a great night of ska and reggae with

Saturday 28th May new to the Conclub the amazing

GEORGIA LILY Friday 3rd June come celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee the English way with a Pimms afternoon tea will be outside with weather permitting and singing for you will be


(this must be prebooked 1 week before event and paid for £18pp with Pimms £15 pp without Pimms) Fri 3rd June from 8.30pm join us for a great night of you entertaining us with the Conclub



Saturday 21st May the fantastic

Saturday 4th June another new act to add to our favourites is



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“Sweet as a nut”

Mon-Sat Noon-11pm Sunday Noon-10.30pm

Ahir is a regular on television and radio and has performed stand-up on Live At The Apollo, The Now Show and Stand Up Central. Outside of stand up, Ahir has been seen on shows including Have I Got News For You, Frankie Boyle’s New World Order, Mock the Week, The Mash Report/Late Night Mash, Guessable, Rob Beckett’s Undeniable and Catastrophe. HHHHH “Intricately crafted, profoundly moving, howlingly funny” The Daily Telegraph EDD HEDDGES – is taking the comedy scene by storm after winning the prestigious So You Think You’re Funny Competition in 2013. He was invited to perform at the Adelaide Fringe in 2018 as part of their UK All Star show. He is young, funny and set to be a major star! ‘A joy to watch.’ The Scotsman Wednesday, May 25, The Crooked Crow Bar, Leighton Buzzard A brilliant independent music and event venue hosts a classic mixed bill of comedy! ANDREW BIRD – is a top headline act up and down the UK as well as performing around the world from Dublin to Doha. He has just appeared on Sky 1’s The Russell Howard Hour performing a brilliant routine. He has supported Rhod Gilbert, Rob Bryden and Michael McIntyre on tour. “Birdie supported me on my arena tour and made me laugh every night. Truly an excellent comedian” – Michael McIntyre MAD RON – The Third Hardest Man in Uxbridge, is a comedy creation of Steve Lee, first appearing on the comedy circuit back in December 2015. Since then Mad Ron has gone on to win multiple awards… were threats made? Who can say! Doors 7pm, shows start 8pm, show finish 10.45pm To book

If you missed Danni at Esquires in April she’s headlining at the Stables Local award nominated singer songwriter Danni Nicholls can finally hit the road for her thrice rescheduled Hear Your Voice Tour. On May 14, she and her stellar band will be appearing in the Jim Marshall auditorium at the beloved Stables, Milton Keynes. Danni says: “I grew up visiting this amazing venue to hear world class music and was inspired by that experience to follow the calling of a life in music. I still pinch myself that I get to sing on that big ole stage. It’s gonna be a night to remember.” Performing songs from across her catalogue which span the ‘Americana’ genre, there are songs to make you move, smile and weep, all pulled together with the strong, soulful, character of Danni’s remarkable voice. Danni’s vibrant, spell binding performances are guaranteed to melt your heart into the soles of your boots. Her passionate delivery, captivating vocals and charmingly engaging between-song banter will compel you to fall under her spell. “I absolutely love the elegance and beauty of her music” Bob Harris, BBC Radio 2 “Smokey soul, folk-pop and heart-wrenching altcountry, all in a rich voice” Q Magazine “Sumptuous” UNCUT “An artist full of soul and wisdom” Maverick Music Magazine Special guest Charlotte Carpenter will open the

show armed with her effortless cool and electric guitar. Acclaimed by Best Fit, NME, Clash, Classic Rock as well as BBC Introducing, 2 & 6 Music, Charlotte has brought herself to the forefront of alternative singer/songwriters. Tickets:

Fake Music Festival is back

by Tony Hendrix For many the thought of seeing live rock performances from legendary acts like Oasis, Queen, Guns n Roses and other iconic 90s rock bands in Bedfordshire and under one roof would be unheard of and branded impossible. Well look no further Bedford Fake Festivals is a tribute-based music event which comes to Bedford on Saturday, June 18, 2022, these promoter’s will be bringing to town an amazing selection of the world’s best Tribute Bands. Six amazing ‘Tribute bands’ will take to the stage at various times throughout the day at Bedford Park. I have had the pleasure in

listening to two of these tribute bands, if you closed your eyes you would believe you were listen to the original artists. They look, sound and move like the real rock-stars you really have to see them to believe it! The artists lined up for appearances in the Park in the order of scheduled stage appearances are: The Jam’d at 12.45pm, The Stereotonics at 2.30pm, Blondied at 4.15 pm, P!nk at 6.00pm, Guns 2 Roses at 7.45pm and finally Oasish at 9.45pm. These festivals are backed by a very good safety record, secure, accessible and friendly, with an environment that caters for all ages. The bands will perform in a giant marquee ensuring a warm, lively, in door atmosphere. There will also be a large well stocked licensed bar inside the marquee, drink tokens will be available from a token desk near the bar where you can exchange tokens at the bar for one bar (alcoholic) drink or two soft drinks, food traders will also be on site providing a range of food.

Weather permitting there will be a variety of of stalls, children’s rides/inflatables and face painting. This live music event is just one in many credible festivals to be put on in Bedford Park and as always demands your support, tickets are available from fake Now here’s a date for the diary if you’re a soul music lover. In my opinion one of the best soul artists to grace the UK Kenny Thomas will be making an appearance in Wyboston on Saturday, June 4, at The Ride Centre Wyboston Lakes. Kenny will be joined on the night by ex American Drifters singer Randy Corwood who will be belting out some classic soull gems too. This will be a phenomenal show not to be missed. Kenny will undoubtedly be rocking the venue with many of his top 20 hits, Outstanding, The Best of You, Thinking about your love to name a few alongside some of his more recent attributes. Tickets for this event will cost £27.95, the show starts at 7pm till 11.30pm, tickets to this event are available from Ticket master.



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Saturday 8th April



Saturday 14th April


Saturday 28th April


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