Rosie Scott
How have the illustrators explored the theme of identity within their narrative images /artwork?
In this essay I will be focusing on how my chosen artists have portrayed the theme of "Identity" in their artwork. The ways in which artists have portrayed ideas about identity has changed and developed over time. This is partly due to the introduction of technology and computer programmes like Photoshop, which has completely altered artist’s methods of photo-manipulation. An important question to ask in this is whether or not the use of computer design advances the ways we can portray identity or if it is just another method of expression. The definition of identity is "the fact of being who or what a person or thing is". This not only includes aspects of their outwards appearance such as age, gender, and ethnicity but also their individual traits. This includes their culture, experiences, their mentality and their emotions. The purpose of showing identity in artwork is to give the viewer a wider Idea of an image, exposing the emotions and breaking down boundaries. My artists Alexandra Bellissimo, Laurent Segretier, Jesús Devia, and (Pablo) Picasso all represent identity in very different ways. The use of narrative varies depending on the media it is used in. In graphics it is used to embed and communicate a story into a piece of artwork. Each of my artists use the mono-scenic narrative. This is when the artist uses a single scene with no repeated characters. The use of a mono-scenic narrative suggests a crucial moment captured in time. This single scene is used to portray the entire narrative and evoke emotions from the audience. Identity does not have to focus however on the experiences of an individual, it can also be representing the "different identities that we embody - political, religious, linguistic, national, local, and social" (6). Peoples identities change, either through how they see themselves or through others perception of them and this is conveyed through each artist’s work. My first artist is Jesús Devia, who was born in San Cristóbal, Venezuela, in 1993. The process of Devia's work involves both traditional and non-traditional methods. He uses watercolour paint to make some of the pieces and digital methods for others. An important aspect of Jesús Devia's artwork is that he claims the portraits are meant to "show a specific moment of the face but rather shall evoke a mood" (1) in the viewer. However, he believes that the interpretations of his work should be up to the viewers. This is significant as it allows the audience to have a chance to explore their perception on types of identity. The most obvious link to identity in the artwork is the focus on the individuals faces. This is a significant aspect to show some form of mystery or personal, (often hidden) emotions. The focus of the work is nearly always the individuals face. Jesús Devia has said that he purposefully draws these individuals so that they’re never staring straight ahead or directly at the audience. He doesn’t use portraits to show a particular feature but to evoke emotion in the viewer. This removes the intimacy of the piece and creates ambiguity. The artist’s work has many similarities, one of these is the colour scheme. Jesús Devia frequently uses muted and natural tones which helps to bring the focus towards the individuals face and not overwhelm the viewer with different aspects of the image. In addition to this there is an interesting use of texture to create a washed out and faded effect on the artwork. This works effectively with the composition to ensure that the individual is the focus of the work. Despite the simple style, Devia is able to create feelings of empathy in the viewer and interest towards the ambiguous figure. The emotion in the pieces are ambiguous and up to the viewer’s interpretation. Sections of the people’s faces are often cut out, scribbled on, facing away from the viewer, or distorted in some other form. This creates varying moods and confusion for the viewer. It also raises ideas about identity as part of the person is literally missing from their bodies. Importantly, Devia often shows the missing sections to be forming in the person’s head, which can be interpreted as a subtle portrayal of mental illness, that will affect the person’s judgement and identity. This links to his portrayal of the subjects being damaged people.