Social Life and Support

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Personal Tutoring MidKent College has an innovative and fresh approach to Personal Tutoring which our students tell us they find very beneficial. What Is A Personal Tutor? When you arrive at MidKent College you will be assigned to a Personal Tutor who will be a source of information, advice and support throughout your course. Your Personal Tutor can help with a wide range of course related and personal issues and provides a vital independent link between you, your subject tutors and any other support functions involved in your progress. You will work together with your Personal Tutor in Group Tutorials, optional sessions of your choice and Individual Tutorials (also called One-to-Ones). In addition to these tutorials, your Personal Tutor will be available to help you settle in during your induction and you can call upon their support for any issues that arise throughout your course. Group Tutorials You will have a Group Tutorial at key points during each term with your Personal Tutor with other students in your faculty. These tutorials focus on helping you to be a successful student and on preparing you for life after your course. Whether you plan to progress to another college course, go on to university or will be seeking employment, you will cover a wide range of topics to help you in the future. Passport to employability Employability skills have never been as important as they are in this difficult economic climate. As part of this preparation, you will work towards the BTEC WorkSkills Award within tutorial and on your main programme of study. This qualification will allow you to demonstrate that you possess essential skills that employers and education providers value highly Individual Tutorials (One-to-ones) Throughout the year, your Personal Tutor will ask to meet with you on an individual

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basis. During these meetings you will work together to review your progress, identify your strengths and improvement opportunities and then set SMART targets to help you achieve your goals. This is completed through the Moodle PLP (Personal Learning Plan). The PLP allows all the tutors and support staff who are working with you in college to give you feedback, help you set and meet targets and develop an on-going report of your progress and achievement on your course. Your parents/guardians can also be granted access, giving you some additional support to keep motivated and achieve even better. Your Individual Tutorial is also an important opportunity for you to discuss in private any other issues affecting you. Additional Support We know that sometimes things don’t go fully to plan. That is why your Personal Tutor is available throughout the duration of your course to provide support when you need it, with any issues that are affecting you. Although your Personal Tutor might not have the answer to everything, they can provide a vital point of contact and a signpost towards many other support services which are here to assist you. Ultimately, your Personal Tutor wants to ensure you that you are as successful and happy as you can be, during your time with us. If ever you need help and don’t know where to turn, ask your Personal Tutor.

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The Social Zones at the Medway and Maidstone Campuses are available for you to use during your free periods and provide a relaxing environment in which to socialise.

At the Medway Campus there are two zones, one in the East Wing on level 2 and one in the West Wing on level 1. The Maidstone Social Zone is situated in the refectory area. Each Zone provides a range of activities which include, a PS3 games console, Table Football, Wii, Table Tennis plus a selection of board games. The latest information about what is happening in student life, special offers, job vacancies, and enrichment activities, in the college and the surrounding area can be accessed via the zones. You can also, have a free swim at Medway Park leisure Centre or Mote park Leisure Centre , vouchers are available in the Social Zones or from our Youth Work team. If you have an activity that you are particularly interested in and would like to start a club or society, or have a favourite charity that you would like to raise money for. Don’t hesitate to let us know in the Social Zones and we will do our utmost to help you achieve your aims. The zones are also a base for the Students’ Union and you can talk to the team about starting a new club or society, planning an event, volunteering as well as getting involved with the Union.

You can find out more about the NUS discount card, which at a small cost can give you fantastic discounts at a broad range of retail outlets. For more information you can go to the zone and talk to one of the team or take a look here How-to-buy-NUS-Extra/ The Students’ Union President and the Exec Committee members can be contacted through the Social Zones and will be eager to hear your suggestions. Their job is to listen to you and help you to get the best from your experience here at the college.

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We realise that purchasing resources to support your course or paying for childcare can be expensive.

4 MidKent College Student Finance Team 4 You can also visit the EMA website at

If you are receiving benefits or have a low household income, there are various funds available to you if you are starting a course during this academic year (2010/11).

Adult Learning Grant (ALG) Students aged over 19 studying on a full time course may be eligible to apply for an ALG if they are studying their first full Level 2 or Level 3 qualification.

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) If you are a student who is aged 16,17 or 18 from 31st August 2010 and your household income (either yours or that of your parent(s)/guardian(s)) is less than £30,810 per year, you may be eligible to get an Education Maintenance Allowance of between £10 and £30 per week. Please note, if you are studying less than 12 hours per week you cannot apply for EMA. For further details and an application form contact: > EMA Helpline on 0800 121 8989. > Your local Medway Youth Trust or Kent Connexions Personal Advisor by calling 01634 334343 or 01622 753360

We would expect your ALG payments to cover the course costs including your travel to attend all College sessions. ALG application forms are available by calling 0800 121 8989. Please note, if you are studying less than 12.5 hours per week you cannot apply for ALG. You can also visit the ALG DirectGov website via EMA and ALG payments are linked directly to your register marks and attendance which are available to check via logging into Moodle.

Childcare Support Students under 20 years of age - when the course begins - should apply to CARE TO LEARN (0845 600 2809) for assistance with financial support for childcare. Students over 20 should apply to the Discretionary Learner Support Fund using the Application Form on the College website. Discretionary Learner Support Fund (dLSF) This fund is a means tested Government grant available to support you during your studies during this academic year.

Please complete the Discretionary Learner Support Fund Application Form, which is on the College website, if you wish to be considered for funds during this academic year. For further information contact Student Finance: Medway Campus Medway Road Gillingham Kent ME7 1FN Tel 01634 383165 Maidstone Campus If you are on benefits or your household is on a low income, we may be able to provide a contribution towards your studying costs ensuring your success during your time with us. The contribution is a discretionary award and it will always be conditional on a high level of attendance throughout your time at the College. MidKent College has a duty to make sure that the funds are awarded fairly to students that are most in need and approval is not automatic.

Tonbridge Road Maidstone Kent ME16 8AQ Tel 01622 691555

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Whatever your needs, our aim is to help you to get the most out of your College experience and achieve your full potential in whatever you choose to do. Along with your academic success, your health and wellbeing is important to us at MidKent College. Student Services are here to offer help and support every step of the way. We want you to enjoy your time here as well as to achieve. Whether it’s help in finding the right course for you; financial advice and support; additional learning support or impartial careers information, we have a dedicated Student Services team available at each campus. Whatever issues you have, we can provide the support you need, as the range of Student Services below demonstrates: > Careers Education, Advice and Guidance > College Counsellors > Additional Learning Support (CAST) > Learning Resource Centres (LRCs) > Moodle - our VLE (see page 13 for further details) > Student Finance > Personal Tutoring > Enrichment Activities

Careers Education, Guidance and Advice During your time with us you will need to start planning ahead for the next stage in your education or career and the earlier you start the better. To help you choose and plan your next steps, we offer a number of useful services including one to one careers guidance interviews, careers libraries, IT based careers packages, group sessions, job vacancies and details of various careers events. Contact the Careers Service at your campus for an appointment or to get more information. Our service is accredited by MATRIX which is the quality kitemark for Information, Advice and Guidance.

Counselling & Wellbeing Service If you are experiencing problems at college, whether to do with your studies or your personal life, the Counselling and Wellbeing Service is here to help. We are here to listen and give you the time and space you need to talk through your concerns. Your Student Welfare Officer can put you in touch with other professionals for support and advice over a wide range of issues such as health concerns, finance or housing. Through the Counselling and Wellbeing Service you can access support groups for stopping smoking, stress and anger management and exam nerves. You can contact the service by emailing counsellingandwellbeing@midkent., by phone on 01634 383618, through your Personal Tutor or Course Tutor. No matter what’s troubling you - whether you are struggling with your studies, finances etc, or simply need someone to talk to, a member of the team will be able to provide support and guidance.

HELPLINE NUMBERS FRANK Eating Disorders Sexual Health - Medway Bullying ChildLine RU Thinking Samaritans Lesbian & Gay Switchboard

Curriculum Access Support Team (CAST) The Curriculum Access Support Team (CAST) works with students who have additional learning support needs. The service is available to students at all levels. Examples of things the team can give you extra support for are: > Dyslexia > Hearing or visual impairment > Mental health concerns > Literacy and numeracy > Health problems There are many other difficulties that could affect your studies that the CAST team can help with, so get in touch for advice. They will organise exam concessions and provide you with specialist tutors, where necessary. CAST tutors are located in the Learning Zones at our two main campuses; if you think you need support you can contact the team through your Personal Tutor, course tutor or any College switchboard or Reception area. IMPORTANT If you think you might need extra time or other help with exams, please see someone in CAST as early in the year as possible.

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Students’ Union (SU) The Students’ Union is an informed, student- MidKent College Students’ Union led organisation designed to help you get the best from your time here - so get involved! All full-time and most part-time students over 16 are automatic members of the SU.


Welcome to MidKent College! My name is James Phillips and I’m the Students’ Union President for the upcoming academic year. Everyone enrolled on a MidKent College course lasting a year or more with lessons taking place at least once a week, is automatically part of our popular MidKent College e to promote the Students’ Union (MKCSU). Ther bers, MKCSU mem its of are welf interest and and social organises many groups, events year. These emic acad the t ghou activities throu ual and bisex include our LGBT (lesbian, gay, ly formed new our p, grou ent stud transgender) Club. Being a Gospel Choir and our popular Glee ly linked with Students’ Union, we are also close (or NUS) - which the National Union of Students of advice on gives you the additional benefits many high street student issues and discounts in stores. sentation system At MKC we have an active repre Students’ Union the within departments - and as College’s the of ber mem full a am I President, any issues, Governing Body. This means that voiced to the whether small or large, can be tly through me. College’s senior managers direc it to be - it can be MKCSU is whatever you want ask is that you we All it. of make you whatever and help make voice your opinion, get involved, it can possibly best the MKC of e rienc your expe be. ! Hope to hear from you soon James

Elections take place every year at each campus for Union Officers. Please make your interest known to the President through the Social Zone Co-ordinator. If you want to influence the Union, make your voice heard - your involvement will always be welcome. National Union of Students cards can be obtained from the Social Zones on all campuses and at the Freshers Fairs. This enables you to get discounts in a variety of shops, restaurants etc. Your Safety There are security staff on each campus to ensure your environment is safe. Please don’t hesitate to contact them through the Customer Services team if you have a concern regarding safety and/or security. Student ID Student ID badges must be carried at all times. Car Parking for disabled students If you are disabled or injured and require a parking disc to use the disabled bays, please contact the Customer Services team at your campus through Reception. Customer Services Our Customer Services staff (based at Reception at each campus) are here to help you. They hold a range of College literature including policies and procedures, location maps and prospectuses. They might not be able to solve all your problems or answer your questions but if they don’t have what you want to hand, they will be able to direct you to the appropriate place or person.

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