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Writings from the Rosie’s Place
Women’s Education Center, Spring 2023
Writings from the Rosie’s Place
Women’s Education Center, Spring 2023
Writings from the Rosie’s Place
Women’s Education Center, Spring 2023
This book was created by students, volunteers and Rosie’s Place staff in partnership with our publisher.
Cover and Interior Design
Sara C.
Book Committee
Stella K. & Clara P.
Sara C., Jamie D., Liz H., Sara J., Rebecca M.
Leah K.
Andrea A., Sydney A., Zhane A., Elizabeth D., Allison I., Kathy M., Emily O., Larity R., Emily T., Karen T., Carolyn W., Miranda W.
Cindy R., Bridgeport National Bindery
We thank the entire Rosie’s Place community for their support!
In class, we make progress together correcting our writing, adding new words like “delightful” and typing it up ourselves.
We dedicate this book to the Rosie’s Place community, and our families who will read, share and expand on our ideas. We hope our families around the world will learn to write as we have, and feel part of the Rosie’s Place family as we do.
Writings from the Rosie’s Place
Women’s Education Center, Spring 2023
I struggled to make progress during COVID. I was cleaning my hands and everything in my house. I did this myself because this COVID is very dangerous. It can kill many people so I must be careful. I struggled in many ways. I washed my hands and face, everything must be clean. I was sad seeing how COVID affected everyone. I learned to stay away from others for my own safety.
I was always very nervous during COVID. l overcame this by prayer and I persevered. I struggled with being in my house too much. When my family calls me, I feel better. I learned to be more human during the pandemic.
During COVID I stayed inside. I did not like having to stay in my house all the time. The pandemic was bizarre, it was terrible. Even though it made me sad, it gave me courage. I lived through a pandemic. I am very grateful. I liked spending more time with my family. I love my family because they love me. I have one daughter and one son. During COVID I got the COVID shot five times. I felt good after my doctor gave me my vaccine.
Before COVID, people did not worry about a pandemic. This is because they know they could go to the hospital or get medicine, if they got sick. But this was not as easy when COVID spread. No one could do anything. No work. No business. Children could not go to school. People couldn’t go where they wanted to go. There were no roads, subways, and airports. All of it was shut down. And no people could go to visit friends. Everyone and every family was staying home. That was very bad.
For me I just made sure that I took care of my children. I made them study their lessons. I made sure that my children had food to eat. I helped them stay safe in my house and not walk outside. Because of COVID, they would get sick. There was no progress. There were no jobs. People were not going to work anymore. All the
companies and schools were shut. The people were staying home with their children, because they were not going to work and school. Every family was supposed to stay home. People were not taking trips to go to their countries to visit their families, or visit their friends. It was difficult to go to the store to buy food to eat, or to buy other things, which they needed to buy. Everyone was afraid of COVID because everywhere in the world was bad. However, my heart will refresh at every corner. My mind and heart are connected. From my mind and ideas, my heart responds with good emotions that make me happy, safe, thankful, true, forgiving and strong. My body will also be strong, healthy and everything in it will work well. Despite COVID, I can celebrate my progress now. I celebrate when I go to school to learn English, reading, writing, and when I send my children to school. Also when I’m in my house, cooking food
to eat, or doing work in my house, like doing my laundry to have clean clothes. I celebrate when I go to the store to buy food, or other things that I want. When I go to church or when I am in my house, I listen to music, watch TV, or play games with my friends and my children. All these things make me celebrate my progress and make me feel happy.
I am a grandmother. I hope there will be peace in the world. My heart is healthy and active. I spend a lot of time with my family. I find peace in nature. Cooking and learning is progress for me.
If I was a boss, I would manage people and help all the women. I would ask the women what they need. My heart is happy and strong. I find love in going to my church. The most important thing to me is my family.
I am a grandmother and I care for my grandchildren. I hope they live delightful lives in America. My heart is thrilled that they live near me. I did not see my grandchildren during COVID which made me feel terrible. I find beautiful water and mountains in Lake George. I want to walk to the park with my family and grandchildren.
As a grandmother, I hope my family returns. My heart is delighted because my family is together. I find the smell of my home is beautiful. I love cooking rice, beef, and beans.
I am a grandmother. I hope to see more public transportation in Haiti. So it is easier for people to get around. I take American Airlines to Haiti. My family picks me up.
I am a grandmother. I hope my children are joyful. My heart is full of love for my children. I wanted to go to church during COVID. I feel thankful for my family and my children. I know more English now. I am proud of my progress.
I am a grandmother. I love my grandson a lot. I hope my grandson is healthy and learns better in school. My heart is missing my grandson. My grandson teaches me how to use technology sometimes, he is very busy. I don’t get to see him a lot because he lives in Hong Kong. I miss my grandson every day. My grandson is now eleven years old. My grandson is very cute and sends me pictures and drawings on my iPad. I often look at his photos. My grandson grows up every day.
As a daughter, I hope to learn English to be firstclass. My heart is full of my blood and love. I will change the world with love. I find beauty in the beach. The white sand, the little animals, and the blue water. The beach in the Dominican Republic is visited by tourists of other countries and by people in the Dominican Republic.
I am a mother. I hope I can forever love my son. My heart is compassionate because I help people to stay safe. I worked in a nursing home on the front lines during COVID. I am strong. I find beauty when I go to museums. I enjoy the passage of history in the museums about the country, the people, and the culture. Photos and art are also beautiful to me. The most important thing about my progress is learning English. I learn English everywhere, in museums, at work, at home, on the bus, on the street, with my family and friends.
I am a grandmother. I love all my grandchildren. My heart is thankful to Jesus. During COVID I worried about my family. My family is beautiful to me. I am learning better English.
A safe community is the responsibility of all the inhabitants. Our priority is to work together for the progress of our community. We need to work together with our representatives at the Legislative Assembly to present the problem and the needs of our community. Together, sisters and brothers, we need solidarity to stop all the discrimination in religion, genders, and languages. We can inspire unity and equality for everybody, because we are all created from the universe. We have a right to live in harmony in this land. You know girls, together we are stronger and more powerful. You know girls, we can be part of the solution to society’s problem. You know girls, a creative community is an active community. It is safe and friendly.
As a grandmother I hope to make good food. My heart helps the world. My heart is hopeful. I will give food to everyone. I like going to church. At church I pray and sing.
If I’m president, I would make sure everyone has an excellent education. I would spend money on teachers and classroom services, such as tutors. Next, I would make more food because people have to be healthy so they can work and enjoy life. If the people have a good education and enough food, the country would be a better place. I would focus on two things: education and food. I think the people need to work together in the community to improve the country, there is too much violence. We need to learn about the solutions together.
As a grandmother I hope I would help. My heart is excellent. I like my family. I find beauty in cooking in the kitchen. I like to make rice, beans, and chicken. I am proud of my family.
As a student, I hope to learn to read and write. My heart is to go to my country Sierra Leone because it is my home. I love to clean my house. I found my good friend Mike when I was homeless. I want to learn better English. I love to come to school at Rosie’s Place.
I want to study in English class, so I can get a job. I would like a cleaning job. I have learned more English than before Rosie’s Place. Because I’m learning a little English I can have a better conversation about arts and music. I can celebrate my progress by working at a job.
I am a student. I hope to help people. My heart is jubilant because I have three daughters. Two of them live in the Dominican Republic and one lives in Madrid, Spain. I struggle with learning English. I find beauty in my family. Progress to me is that I know more English now.
When I arrived in the United States in 2002, I had a lot of difficulties not knowing English. My husband didn’t want to let me work. I didn’t have friends, I had no one to talk to and interact with. I was locked in my house.
Then, I went to the church they invited me to. They helped me get a job and when I got the job, I started going out and I talked to many people. Shortly after, the relationship with my husband ended, and I continued alone and fighting to get ahead.
It’s been a struggle at times but I am overcoming it right now. I live proudly with my children and my family that God gave me. I believe in myself, and I have a great dream in my life. I want to own a small business in my country, because there are not big clinics. I am a nurse and I can
cure a person with little resources if they can pay me. They don’t have to pay for everything I have. That’s my big dream. I want to be able to help someone else just as one day someone helped me.
When I came to the U.S.A. I didn’t know many words in English. But in my first class, I learned some verbs and other new words. Now I can hear and I can understand the directions. I can answer the phone and I can think in English. I can go to the store and buy all the things I want. When the principal organized the celebration last year and the students read their stories, I thought it was very important for me to understand English. If I can change the world I would make it better for everyone. I could change the hearts of the people.
The most important thing to me is to know that I’m improving and getting more knowledge in my daily life. I want to understand other people and learn vocabulary every day. When I go to the Doctor’s office I want to understand what they are saying. I want to understand the chart at the Doctor’s, directions, rules in offices, and transit. I also want to fill out applications and have better conversations in English. When I go to the grocery store and can’t find a product I want on the shelves, I want to be able to ask a staff member. I want to be able to ask for what I need in any place. I want to be able to read a menu and order food in a restaurant. My progress helped me to obtain a good job, a better quality of life, to get a home, and participate in different organizations to help neighbors in my community. Now, I have better communication with my siblings and I understand meetings at
school better than before my English classes. In my community I participate in different activities and read the bulletin that is sent to me and answer the phone. My development in English has helped open doors in my life and I feel relaxed to go places now.
I’m progressing day by day in English class doing my homework, listening to people, talking in the grocery store, reading the names of the label of the article, and the names of streets where I go. The world flows with more stability in mind when I speak, write, share or participate in activities. When you are independent, you can work, visit any area you want, understand everything, follow directions. A person that manages life, goes to an interview, applies for job, can communicate with any person, takes any opportunity in life, visits anywhere no matter the language they speak. Now I participate in the meeting of my community. I was too timid to talk, but now I’m not shy. I talk and ask questions anywhere. Read the menu in the restaurant and order my food. I speak better
with my siblings and with the new generations of the family that is growing now. I am helpful for those who need help, contributing to society. I celebrate my progress every day when I’m in Rosie’s Place in the class with my classmates. The personal recognition of the efforts of the student gives us activities, everyday motivation to break the shyness.
When I finish the season, of course I receive certificates or medals clapping hands, words to continue with the struggle in life and English class. I feel excited, happy that I don’t have words to express. I clap, jump, and laugh. My grandson and daughter said good for the progress, blessing! God will prosper our work and may pour out his blessing upon all of my classmates to continue their progress in English.
Bless all the personnel responsible for the program in Rosie’s Place. Thanks for all the personal help, motivation, materials, understanding and patience for us. Blessing for Rosie’s Place.
2023 is a special year. I enjoyed my writing this year more than ever before. I’m writing with some relief from passing through the worry of death to living life in the COVID-19 pandemic. There was a lot of fun and laughter, and our teacher was wonderful. She taught us nice songs that meant a lot to me in my journey. When I started writing this story, I had memories of the past years in this program like learning many songs. The best one for me was Lean On Me, because I was leaning on this program, which was giving me hope.
The most important thing to me in making progress was about doing something that will change my life. Studying English breaks barriers of communication in my day to day life with people around me. All through my life, people have been helping me to make decisions. Some were helpful and some were not. When I started learning
English, I realized that I had been making a lot of mistakes. I have grown and I have learned a lot from this experience.
I have made progress in my struggle. I have struggled all my life to survive with my children as a widow and with my health issues. I went from one battle to another, and coming to the U.S.A. from Africa was also a struggle. God helped me out by running to the hospital for my life. I became homeless. At this point I couldn’t do anything on my own. I needed help. I met with people who were willing and ready to stand with me in my struggle, to remove me from feeling trapped in a dark cave. When I heard the song, This Land Was Made for You and Me, I felt encouraged. I knew I was making progress, and I have changed because I do a lot of artwork. In my creativity, I crochet, sew, and paint. This part of study brought me healing in my life. In 2020, when the United States and the whole world changed, because of a disease called COVID-19, there
was a nationwide shutdown. It is spread from one person to another, and keeping people apart from each other can slow the spread. Everywhere was closed. During this time, I didn’t go out except to the food pantry or to the hospital. It was the biggest challenge I have ever faced in all my life. But this program, the church, and my friends were there for me. My teachers connected me online to study English with Cell-Ed, and Zoom classes. Also, the creative writing teachers connected with me online in a writing group. By then, I was able to do that because I was studying. I had hope and great encouragement. And I was feeling strong. I put my creativity into action and I started working at home by myself. I started sewing masks, reaching out to my neighbors and friends, and everyone that I came across. Some took a mask and some were scared. I also made a quilt with all kinds of colors of fabrics. It represented the flags of all the countries of the world, and had a huge star on it to guide us to God from the darkness of the pandemic. I wrote a prayer on
the quilt, LORD HELP US! Then I wrote the song, We Shall Overcome!
I celebrate my progress with joy and peace, because I no longer feel the way I used to feel. I am a new person and it took me many years to get to this point. I’m glad we made it. I appreciate everyone who has been part of my life in the past and to this day. I say thank you to this program, my teachers, caregivers, and my friends. And also to my children and my grandchildren who are far away. I have dedicated my life to God almighty, because he is the only one who is leading me throughout this journey. I pray God to give me a forgiving spirit, to forgive all my past, and to forgive myself for all the things that I didn’t know but I did them. I feel happy to move on with my new life.
At the hospital my caregiver gave me a cane, because I couldn’t walk well. I named my cane “the pilot,” it has been of great help to me in this journey. It is my secret friend, and has supported
me throughout this journey.
If I want to change the world, I have to be educated. When I am educated, I will be able to meet with others to discuss matters of importance that will help me to change the world. I have to bring nations together. I have to bring up my ideas on how I will want to change the world. Education will be my number one point, and then jobs, and healthcare for all, peace, and immigration. I will be a GOD-fearing ruler, and I will love my people. With my great ideas, I will surely make the world a better place for everyone. Rosie’s Place, I thank you for everything.
I am a grandmother. I hope I will help everybody. My heart is ecstatic. I want to lower the cost of housing because it is expensive. I have worked at McDonalds for twenty-two years. My progress is that I can write better English.
Boston is making progress by The Mayor making laws. The Governor is there for the people. The President keeps the country safe. The world has many problems. Progress to me is that my life has gotten better.
For me it is important to learn to write more English. It is important to me to learn English so I can get a job. I have been learning English for a long time but it is difficult. I have a job and I take care of my family. I have better conversations with people and they understand me better. I will be proud to publish my story in the book.
I am a student. I hope I will improve my English and meet new people. My heart is jubilant because I love my mother. I struggle with my progress. I find dancing makes me joyful. Having enjoyable classes is important to me.
I am a student in the Women’s Education Center. I hope to continue to learn English. My heart is sad, because I know Turkey and Syria had an earthquake, and many people died. I hope they are able to overcome the disaster. God bless them!
Nature lets me feel the beauty of the mountains, rivers, trees, and flowers, and the four seasons are very beautiful. Studying English is important for me because I want to speak and listen to English well.
I am a student.
I hope Rosie’s Place is always open.
My heart is thankful because my mother was incredible, and pleasant, but she was always sick.
I feel stressed when I struggle.
I find cooking makes me cheerful. Bananas are beautiful to me.
The most important thing to me is my progress in English.
Founded in 1974 as the first women’s shelter in the country, Rosie’s Place provides a safe and nurturing environment to help poor and homeless women maintain their dignity, seek opportunity and find security in their lives.
Nearly five decades after our founding, Rosie’s Place not only provides meals and shelter but also creates answers for 12,000 women a year through wide-ranging support, housing and education services. We are grateful to our staff, volunteers and donors who work together to offer our guests the unconditional love, respect and care that can change their lives.
Founded in 1974 as the first women’s shelter in the country, Rosie’s Place provides a safe and nurturing environment to help poor and homeless women maintain their dignity, seek opportunity and find security in their lives.
Nearly five decades after our founding, Rosie’s Place not only provides meals and shelter but also creates answers for 12,000 women a year through wide-ranging support, housing and education services. We are grateful to our staff, volunteers and donors who work together to offer our guests the unconditional love, respect and care that can change their lives.
Founded in 1974 as the first women’s shelter in the country, Rosie’s Place provides a safe and nurturing environment to help poor and homeless women maintain their dignity, seek opportunity and find security in their lives.
Nearly five decades after our founding, Rosie’s Place not only provides meals and shelter but also creates answers for 12,000 women a year through wide-ranging support, housing and education services. We are grateful to our staff, volunteers and donors who work together to offer our guests the unconditional love, respect and care that can change their lives.
889 Harrison Avenue
Boston, MA 02118