Rosieteapot issue 3

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rosie talks tweaking house*tweaking At home in love circus of cakes the fashion tweaker

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two lippy ladies a side of sweet hello mr rabbit sarah natac in nepal rosie's recipes

Hey Beautiful! So happy to have you here. “Tweaking” is a concept I think about frequently and due to fact we have two “tweakers” this issue (House*Tweaked & The Fashion Tweaker - purely coincidental by the way!!) I thought it would be timely to bring this up. We all have areas to improve on in our lives and unfortunately for us women, we’re constantly told the main area to improve is our physical appearance. I’m assuming you also get ads on your browser with headlines like “5 ways to fight belly fat!” with trim tummies and tight buns! Ironically, in the 10 minutes we may be reading about fighting belly fat, we could actually be doing 10 minutes of crunches - or even 5. We’re programmed to look for those quick fixes where logically, if we make small additions or subtractions, we can move in the right direction.

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Believe me, I’m not trying to shame you into an exercise routine - that’s the last thing I want to do. But if more exercise is your goal, then where “working out 20 minutes 3 times a week” seems impossible, adding 5 minutes of crunches a few times a week has got to be a good thing, right? But ladies, your body is just one area of your life!

Who, like me, catches up with a friend you haven’t seen in aaaaagess and says “Why don’t we ever catch up? It’s so fun! How has it been 4 years???” Tweak it! Put a calendar reminder to catchup once a year or once every 6 months! You want to drink more water? Tweak it! Make a checklist so you can count how much you’re drinking. Want to view Facebook less? Tweak it! Log yourself out and don’t let the browser remember your password so it’s slightly more of a hassle. Basically, I’m talking about gentle, incremental steps in the right direction. It’s often (not always, but usually) more powerful than “quick fixes”. Experimentation is an important part of learning & growing. In this day and age, it’s easier than ever to try things out and have a go. So let me ask you this: What areas in your life would benefit from a bit of tweaking? Adding or subtracting? A bit of experimentation? OR has there been something you’ve slightly tweaked in your life that seemed to work really well? Let me know on Facebook! I would absolutely LOVE to hear your thoughts on this.


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If you’re viewing this on your PC/ Laptop (or on the Pinterest App on Ipad) and you’re a Pinterest User, did you know you can use your Pinterest button on your browser to pin pages from this mag onto your boards? So, see something you like? Pin it! Cool interior? Pin it! Cool fashion? Pin it! You get the idea... xxx



At Home With...

Dana Mil er house*tweaking

You DIY / renovating fanatics are going to thank me for this find! Meet Dana, the Pharmacist come DIY Queen. I’m teasing you here as I’ve put up quite a few of the “after” photos and not the “before” ones. I’ll leave you to visit Dana’s website to view & experience the renovations for yourself. You’ll be stunned, inspired & impressed when you behold the original “dilapidated 1950’s ranch” (Dana’s words, not mine!) she and engineer hubby, Steve, completely transformed. Dana is not only passionate about interior design and renovation, but seriously talented to boot. She’s someone who’s willing to try a lot of things and share them on her fantastic blog. Food, fashion, yoga - she does the lot. Beautifully. This is a website you definitely need to bookmark:

How long did it take in your Pharmaceutical job before you realised you weren't happy doing it? What were the tell-tale signs? I quit my job as a retail pharmacist after a decade but I knew a few years in that I wasn’t happy. I loved studying to become a pharmacist but hated the actual work environment. (Anatomy and physiology were my favorite subjects in high school and college.) In the U.S., it’s basically a glorified version of the fast food industry. Everyone wants their meds and they want them NOW. The companies I worked for during my 10+ year career were constantly pushing pharmacists to do more with less. There was always more focus on numbers and money than on patient health. I didn’t feel like I was using any of the knowledge I had gained in college. But the money was good and that’s what made it so difficult to walk away.

“10+ years ago

I had life all figured out. I was going to marry my college boyfriend, become a pharmacist, make good money, have a nice family and live happily ever after.

Well, I did do all those things. It turns out my college boyfriend is pretty handy around the house, my respectable day job sucked all inspiration out of me, making good money wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, my family is nice and LOUD, and I’m still working on my happily ever after.

Did you quit that job to pursue interior design or did you make that decision when you took time off to have a family? I actually started an online interior design course prior to quitting my job. The decision to quit came after we found out we were expecting our (surprise!) third child. It didn’t really have anything to do with interior design. I had always worked second shift and that meant I usually did the morning routine of getting the kids off to school while my husband handled the evening chaos of pick up, dinner and bedtime. We had a serious, honest conversation about the cost of having three kids in childcare and the logistics and stress of running them from here to there during the week. In the end, the money I would be bringing in after the cost of childcare just wasn’t worth it to us. We felt it was more important to have a stable family life.

What is the best advice you could give someone who is starting to renovate their home? Be flexible and don’t beat yourself up. Problems are going to arise and things aren’t always going to go according to plan. Keep your eyes on the prize. Big projects are just a bunch of little projects en masse.

How would you describe your Interior Design style? Modern, organic, cozy.

What graphics, patterns & colors do you go for? I’m really into tribal patterns, like Hmong and mud cloth textiles. The black and white combo never gets old and indigo is having a good run at the moment.

What is happiness to you? I read a quote recently that went something like this: “Happiness is just a collection of small, pleasurable moments.” I couldn’t agree more. So, I make time every day for those small moments whether they be enjoying the quiet of a sleeping house early in the morning with coffee in hand, going for a nature walk with my kids, reading a book, watching a movie with my husband, taking a hot shower. Really, it’s the little things.

Where do you draw inspiration from? Everywhere! Nature, design blogs, magazines (Dwell and House & Home are my two favorites currently), commercial spaces, houses I drive or walk by...I’m constantly looking for and discovering inspiration.

How do you relax? When my kids are in bed for the night, I grab a book and a glass of wine and all is right with the world.


between updating our starter Cape Cod (our first home) and de-buildering our boring builder basic (our second home), I discovered a passion for interior design, styling & photography and my husband, Steve (an engineer by trade), became really good at using power tools. We fell in love with all things house and home.


Cover photo! Did you spot it?

Does your style differ from your husbands style? If so, how do you deal with situations where you want one thing and he wants something else? My husband is an engineer and tends to focus on function rather than aesthetics. Together, we make a good pair though! We’ve had to compromise on so many projects, merging his need for function with my desire for a cozy vibe. One example that comes to mind is the planked TV wall we concocted in our living room. My husband wanted a large flatscreen to watch sports but I didn’t want it be a complete eyesore. We recessed it within a tongue and groove wall and it’s one of our favorite features in the living room now.

Have you ever had any negative experiences blogging? Of course! But the good outweigh the bad by a long shot.

You have to check out Dana’s clubhouse! Also known as “The Mini-Mash-Pad”

Describe your perfect day My kids sleep until I finish my morning coffee. The weather is breezy and mild so I can open the windows. We have food in the fridge so I don’t have to go grocery shopping. My house is clean. We spend a lot of time outside, maybe discover a new park. My toddler takes a 4-hour nap. I get in a good workout. No one whines at dinner. My husband and I get a few kid-free hours alone after the kids are in bed. I read a few chapters of a riveting book. Like I said. It’s the little things.

follow dana at these places

website facebook twitter pinterest instagram

At Home With...

Aileen Allen at home in love I think I just found the sweetest 25 year old in the world. At Home in Love is Aileen’s website focusing on budget-friendly, cosy interiors & lifestyle. Aileen considers herself “uncool” - her reasoning seems to be as follows: She listens to country music She isn’t vegan or gluten-free She doesn’t drink alcohol She doesn’t wear designer clothes Her fav color is pink She overuses smiley faces & exclamation marks She’s apparently a “terrible dancer” I’m sure these will be the very reasons her friends adore her! (I find it hilarious that these reasons exist in the first place.) But that’s Aileen, she’s a gorgeous person all right and she has the kind of home you just want to snuggle into.

What is happiness to you? Happiness is waking up on Saturday morning and having the whole weekend ahead of me to spend with my husband.

On naming “At Home in Love”:

“When I was

coming up with a name, I started thinking of how I wanted people to feel when they came across my blog (which is also the way I want people to feel when they come to my house), and I kept coming back to the phrase "at home." A lot of interiors in design magazines are inspiring and beautiful, but they can also feel austere and a bit formal...I wanted to showcase homes that were more casual, cheerful, and homey... where you'd be comfortable kicking your feet up and chatting with a good friend. A place where you'd feel right "at home." The second phrase I kept thinking of was "in love." I wanted this blog to be a place where people could fall in love with ideas, not just find solutions that could work. I wanted it to inspire excitement and joy... and a realization that you can have a home that you're "in love" with on a realistic budget.

You say you're camerashy! How are you going now? Are you getting a little more used to it? Haha! Well, I am still camera-shy‌

What are some of your favorite patterns / graphics? I’m really loving simple, geometric patterns lately. I’ve been eying ferm LIVING’s cushions - they do a great job of finding fun patterns that are simple but not boring.

If you could live anywhere outside the US for a year, where would you live and why? Ooh, that’s a good question. I haven’t traveled very many places outside of the US yet (something I definitely want to change). Europe is next on our list (or maybe New Zealand/Australia). I’m a cautious person, so I don’t think I’d move anywhere for a year until I’d checked it out first.

If you could be doing ANY job in the world, what would you do and why? Oh, man. That’s a tough one! There are so many things I’m interested in. Mostly I just want to be doing something creative, challenging, and fun. I’ve always thought it could be fun to be an interior decorator, but I’m not sure if that’s something that I will pursue. For now, I’m pretty happy with what I’m doing.

What did you study at University & what's your "day job"? I studied Industrial Design at Washington University. For the last year, I’ve been working as an assistant buyer at Zulily. I actually just got a new job, which I start on Monday (the 18th). I’ll be a social media specialist at Julep

What inspires you? Getting out in nature, window shopping at stores with beautiful displays, spending time with smart and creative people, reading awesome blogs and design books, and getting on Pinterest.

stolen From Aileen's Blog Post: "25 Random Things" 1. I’m half Chinese. Can you tell? My

mom is Chinese and my dad is totally white. My mom tried to teach us Chinese when I was growing up--I even went to Chinese school on Saturdays for several years--but none of it stuck. I can’t speak it at all! Kind of sad, I know.

2. I love playing games. Most

weekends, we get together with friends and play games at least once. I like any and all games, but I actually really enjoy strategy games that others *might* classify as nerdy. Two of my recent favorites are Lords of Waterdeep and Firefly. If you like Settlers of Catan, you should give them a try!! Don’t judge a game by it’s box...

3. I’m the oldest of three kids.

I have a younger brother, Leon, who is in California at a Bible school, and a younger sister, Megan, who is in high school.

4. I loooove popcorn. With lots of

butter and salt. Not the microwave kind, the kind you make in a popcorn popper and drizzle with melted butter yourself. Before I got married, I used to make a huge bowl of popcorn and eat that for dinner sometimes. Now, Ben won’t let me. He says it’s not very healthy (men…what do they know?).

5. I also love going to movies.

Growing up, we never ever went to the movie theater. I think that’s part of the reason why it always feels like such a treat to me. So a movie at the theater plus a big tub of buttered popcorn? Heaven on earth. In fact, that’s probably what we’ll do for my birthday tonight. Any suggestions for what we should see?

6. I’m really picky. I don’t like sour

cream, mayonnaise, eggs, ranch dressing, or cheese. I also used to hate tomatoes, brussel sprouts, kale, and asparagus… but now I can eat all of those. So I’m doing better with vegetables! I still order pizza without cheese, though, and the thought of a quiche or an omelet pretty much makes me want to gag.

7. But ice cream is my favorite.

When I first moved to Seattle for college and did my own grocery shopping, I used to buy this one ice cream from Safeway that had ribbons of peanut butter in it and chunks of toffee and peanut butter cups. SO GOOD. I gained a freshman fifteen just from that ice cream--I’d polish off an entire carton in one night. And not just once, I did that regularly. I literally lost 10 lbs in a month when I stopped eating ice cream. I still buy it sometimes, but I can’t have it in the freezer at all the time, because I have no self control. I will finish it.

8. I’m really scared of spiders.

I like the house we live in for the most part, but last year, we got a lot of spiders here (it’s a daylight basement, so right on the ground level). Our lease is up at the end of this month, and part of the reason I’m not sure if I want to renew it is the spiders. Seriously. If we can find an apartment that’s on the fourth floor or something, where the spiders aren’t likely to come, I’ll feel so much better. Speaking of which, does anyone in the Seattle area know of a great place to rent (preferably not more than $1300/month)? Let me know. It’s so funny, because I saw so many places with “For Rent” signs before, but now that our lease is almost up I feel like I can’t find anything good.

9. I’m super awkward in front of the camera. You can probably tell from the fact that I rarely post pictures of myself on this blog. I never know what to do with my hands, or my face (should I smile? should I look casual? what should I look at?!), etc. But I want to be able to share more about my personal life on here, so I’m going to try to get more comfortable with having photos taken of me. 10. My favorite scent is lemon. My second favorite is lavender!

11. By day, I work as an assistant

buyer. I don’t really talk about my “real job” on here very much, but in case you ever wondered, I work as an assistant buyer at zulily. I’m in the toy department…it’s pretty fun most of the time, but also crazy busy.

12. My middle name is Rebecca. 13. My favorite colors are pink, mint green, robin’s egg blue, and yellow. That probably doesn’t come as a surprise if you’ve been reading this blog for awhile! I always gravitate to those colors. 14. I have a hard time keeping

my hands still. I always have to be doing something with them--doodling, cracking my knuckles, writing things down, or doing something on my phone.

15. I get my hair cut once, maybe twice, a year. I’ve

never dyed it, so I don’t have roots to take care of. And I don’t really like myself with short hair. So I pretty much keep it the same all the time, and just get it cut when I start noticing a lot of split ends.

16. I’m a major cheapskate. I can’t buy anything online without

checking first for a coupon code, and I looove thrift stores. In fact, a couple years ago when Ben asked what I wanted to do for my birthday I said I wanted to go thrifting. Haha!

17. I believe that bacon makes anything better. Burgers,

waffles, maple bars….just about anything. I even wrote a post about it (a long time ago) here.

These photos are taken by Aileen’s friend Corlana, she’s fantastic too! See here:

18. My favorite time of the year is summer. I’m excited that it’s just around the bend! I love backyard barbecues, iced drinks, going to the beach, and laying outside with a book. And most of all, I love the sun.

19. I’ve never broken a bone. It’s probably because I’m a pretty

cautious person. My mom said that when I was a baby, she never worried about me crawling into the street or anything. She’d just put a blanket down on the yard and set me on it. I’d go to the edge of the blanket, touch the grass, and then head back to the middle of the blanket…I was a little scaredy-cat. Ever since he heard that story, Ben calls me “blanket child” whenever I’m being unadventurous.

20. My favorite flowers are

peonies, garden roses, ranunculus, and anemones. I’ve posted about more of my favorite flowers here.

21. Eventually, I want to have four kids. Who knows if this will

actually happen (we’ve got to have one first, after all!) But I like the idea of having a big family, and a house full of noise and commotion and laughter.

22. But I’m not a big pet person.

Sorry if that makes me sound terrible. If my kids really want a dog or a bunny one day, maybe we’ll get one. But for me personally, I’m not interested in spending a bunch of time taking care of an animal. And I’m allergic to cats!

23. I’m addicted to Pinterest and Instagram. And I’m also getting

more into Twitter lately! Follow along, if you’d like (links at the end of the article)

24. I’m an introvert. I’ve never gone to any blogger conferences and I’ve barely met any other bloggers in Seattle. I’m definitely a homebody too--I’d rather stay at home with a movie, a bowl of ice cream, and my hubby than go out to a fancy dinner and a big party where I don’t know anyone. 25. I love cheesy jokes.

Puns and plays on words are my fave. I have one for you guys: Why do you never hear a pterodactyl in the bathroom? Because it has a silent p! Ahahaha. I know, groan. Anyone have a cheesy joke for me?

so You love cheesy jokes, what's your fav? I don’t know if I can pick a fav! But here are a few that I’ve heard: Did you hear about the man who lost his whole left side? He’s alright now. Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? It’s okay, he woke up. What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef. I know! They’re so terrible and stupid. But so funny.

follow Aileen for more sweetness


At Home With...

Jenna Fields

circus of cakes Ladies & Gentlemen, now for someone a little retro! Meet Jenna, Los Angeles dweller, fulltime nanny, Elvis fanatic (and I mean fanatic!), cat lover (particularly her cat, Ringo) & all around cool chick. She has a super cute apartment and I have a feeling there’ll be a frenzy of readers going out to buy bright yellow, retro dining chairs! Coincidentally, she has featured on Aileen’s blog, At Home in Love that’s not even how I found her! The photos of Jenna’s apartment are by Desiree Asher Photography I nearly died from all the cuteness, enjoy!

“My boyfriend and I

found this gem of an apartment back in October of 2013. I had been on the hunt for a 1920's apartment with hardwood floors, a tiled kitchen and bathroom, and plenty of white space to decorate with tons of color. I stumbled upon this apartment after a friend of mine signed the lease on a different apartment in the complex. Once I walked in, I knew it was the one! Ever since, I've been filling this space with my favorite pieces of art, furniture, and little knick-knacks. It is an ever-growing project, and I know I will never really be "finished", but for now I'd say it looks pretty good. It is on the east side of Los Angeles, in a little neighborhood known as Los Feliz.


I love being here because we're so close to Griffith Park, the Observatory, and some of my all-time favorite restaurants and shops.

If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you live & why? This may sound silly, but I don’t think I could live anywhere else but Los Angeles. I was born in New York and my family moved here when I was six. It really is my favorite place. Of course, in my wildest dreams it would be cool to own a second house somewhere (like Martha’s Vineyard, where I spent a lot of time as a child), but LA is where my heart is, and I could never leave.

How did you get started in nannying? I’ve been watching kids on and off since high school. I babysat for different families every so often then (I kind of wanted to be in the Babysitters Club), and then after college, I started to get jobs as a personal assistant (because I’ve always been really organized and great at multitasking/running errands, I’m weird) and soon enough I was both a personal assistant and a nanny! Now I’m mainly a nanny, and I love it.

This is the cutie I photoshopped onto the cover ^_^

What do you love most about your job? I think what I love most is knowing that I’m being a good role model to the kids I take care of. Right now, they’re 7 and 11, and I’ve been noticing that they really look up to me, listen to me, and care about me. Yesterday, the 11 year old hugged me out of nowhere and when I asked what it was for, he told me I’m awesome, and it really warmed my heart. That’s really why I do this. Another great thing about working so closely with a family is feeling like you’re part of their family, and that is a really special feeling, too.

What does Happiness mean to you? Happiness to me means doing the things I love/want to do without regret. I spent a lot of my teenage years being afraid to put myself out there, and it’s taken me a long time to conquer that fear. I’m now an outspoken, independent person and I love who I’ve become. I recently have been taking weekend trips by myself (including a hilarious 24 hour trip to Las Vegas for an Elvis Festival, where I knew virtually no one), and it’s something I’m so happy that I did.

Excerpt from Circus of Cakes post: “Summer Goals”

“I’ve been seeing

a lot of these lists popping up on various blogs and I love them. I think it’s so important to think about what you want to/need to achieve and set goals for yourself in the process. Since this summer is going to be so busy for me, I know that writing out a list of goals is going to be super helpful in keeping me centered and calm. 1. Make popsicles - Ok, it’s no secret that I love popsicles. Not only are they cute, but they are SO simple to make! I plan on picking up a couple packs of popsicle molds from World Market and crafting up a bunch of yummy recipes in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned for those posts. Popsicle making is something I’m new at, and I’m excited to challenge myself and try something new. If I get really good at it, maybe I can make a business out of it! (ok, I’m getting a little carried away there.) 2. Take better care of myself - I don’t necessarily mean doing yoga (like the cute little girl is doing above), but take care of myself by eating better, not getting as stressed out, and staying active. I can be good when I want to be, but to be honest, lately I’ve been slacking.

Walking (fast paced) is my favorite form of exercise (while listening to my favorite Elvis tunes, or Jenny Lewis, depending on my mood), but I’d like to try my hand at a dance class and I hope to be swimming a lot since my job will be in Malibu near the beach for the summer :) 3. Planning more date nights Because my job is moving to Malibu for the summer, that means I’ll be spending more time in the car, and less time at home. I want to make sure I plan at least one date night a week so that we can stay connected as a couple. I also love that little cartoon above. It kinda looks like us (a little), and the girl is holding an ice cream cone! I’m going to try and use these “planned date nights” as blog posts for you guys, so you can hopefully get some inspiration from me and what I decide to do to plan for them. I’m looking forward to getting dressed up, picking out a new restaurant, and having a fun night with my guy without any stress from the week. 4. Hosting dinner parties - Not sure how many I’d like to have, but since we moved back into the city, we’ve only held one party, and it was our housewarming/my birthday. Since we live closer to friends and have a bigger kitchen, this should be fairly easy to do now. I have so many ideas for food ideas, and decorations, too. There’s also something so relaxing for me about planning a get together, and executing it as well. Party planning makes me happy.

Describe your ideal day I just had this conversation with my boyfriend the other day! My ideal day would consist of me waking up and having a donut from my favorite donut shop, Fonuts (they’re baked, which doesn’t make me feel AS guilty about them), then I would get my hair done at DryBar (the most girly, fun hair salon you will ever experience complete with romantic comedies on their flat screen TVs, champagne and great fashion mags) Then go to Umami Burger for their Truffle Burger and onion rings, then I would do a little shopping around my neighborhood (particularly at all the great vintage shops!), meet up with my boyfriend at our favorite local Italian restaurant (Little Dom’s), walk to our local gelato shop for some strawberry sorbet, then come home and binge on my favorite Elvis movies (Tickle Me, and Live a Little, Love A Little).

Tell me about your love of Elvis!! What is it about him that inspires you? How long have you been a fan? Oh my gosh, where do I begin?! Haha. When I was six years old, I had a birthday party with all of my friends, and my parents gave me a book of Elvis photos from a tour he did in 1956 early in his career. I don’t know what it was about him then, but I loved his music and his movies. I watched them all the time (particularly Viva Las Vegas and Easy Come, Easy Go). I kind of forgot about him for a while (I had some pretty questionable obsessions throughout the years that I won’t mention, haha), and I re-discovered him this year in January. I still can’t describe what it is that magnetizes me to him, but I just feel completely connected. We’re also the same numerology sign! (which I think is kind of cool). He’s timeless. He was the most gorgeous man to ever live (sorry to my boyfriend, but he knows how I feel), had the most beautiful voice, and had charisma like no other. There’s a reason why he’s still so popular today, and I think it’s because he left behind such an amazing legacy. He means everything to me.

What was your favorite part of your recent trip to Memphis?: Ooh boy, there are so many great memories. I went with my mom, and we always laugh hysterically over the smallest things. My favorite part would definitely have to be the visit to Graceland (Elvis’ home), but another highlight was getting to meet his lifelong friend George Klein, and being interviewed on Elvis Radio the day before. Oh, and when my mom killed a huuuuge mosquito at a really fancy restaurant, and they had to change our tablecloth because it looked like a crime scene. Haha.

Were there any low-lights? It was definitely one of the best trips I’ve ever taken, but there were some lowlights! My mom and I get along pretty well, but we only fought when we’d get lost on the freeway, which happened a lot. It wasn’t entirely our fault (some streets in Memphis did not have street signs, I kid you not). And when I had a violent stomach ache in the parking lot of the rental car place literally right before we drove to Graceland. I nearly fainted in the parking lot and the attendant had to help me inside!

Does everyone accept you & your unique style? Or do you get any raised eyebrows? I used to get those raised eyebrows in high school! Kids can be so cruel. Nowadays, I just get people coming up to me complimenting what I’m wearing, which is just the coolest. I have a neoprene shirt that has illustrated cats and dogs all over it, and people get a huge kick out of it because it’s pretty funny. Now that I’m almost 30, I’ve learned to not care what others think of my wardrobe, which has helped a great deal, because if I am getting the raised eyebrows, I’m not noticing!

What’s your favorite item of clothing?: So hard to say, but if I had to pick, it would be a black and white chevron print sequin dress from JCrew. I bought it for a friend’s wedding I was attending that September (back in 2012), and then I wore it twice more - at the movie premiere of my former boss’ film, and then for their daughter’s Bat Mitzvah that I coordinated. It cost me around $200 (which is a lot to me, I’m not one to spend much on clothing), and I’d say I’ve definitely gotten a lot of mileage out of it!



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Flannery Good the Fashion tweaker I truly just want to introduce Flannery by saying: “Here’s Flannery. YOU’RE WELCOME.” Because to me, you take one look and there she is. POW! A woman who’s simply electric. A woman who wears gigantic flowers, leopard-print heels & necklaces made out of gumballs. I discovered Flannery’s blog before realizing she and her sister are well known for their candy-cocktail-creating abilities! They’ve even just launched a book, Candy Cocktails. In fact, you can even check out some of their TV appearances over at THIS link. (Such sweet sisters & Flannery is so funny!) And here’s a random thought: without knowing anything of her singing abilities, I get the feeling she’d be the best person in the world to do karaoke with. But that’s simply a hunch based on the personality I see in her blog & videos. You’ll see what I mean. I’ll finish by saying once more: Here’s Flannery. YOU’RE WELCOME.

Look how happy Flannery is! Don’t you love her already??

“From the day �

my sister Katherine and I started our cocktail blog, Fashionably Bombed, our dream was to publish a book of our recipes. Well our dream came true! To me this book symbolizes the idea that if you want something you CAN make it happen. I used to think that other people were successful because they got lucky, but let me tell you, this dream of ours took four years of blogging, fighting, boozing and schmoozing to come true!

What made you decide to branch out from Fashionably Bombed & begin Fashion Tweaker? My sister Katherine and I started Fashionably Bombed in 2010. It was a wild and crazy ride that ultimately ended in a dream come true for both of us – a book deal!!! Candy Cocktails was released in June of this year!!! But after working together pretty much 24/7 for three years we realized that it was too hard to be business partners and sisters. Obviously preserving our relationship as sisters was most important so we decided to start our own individual blogs. I started my diy fashion blog, Fashion Tweaker, and she started a food blog called Bombay Blonde.

You can check out the book over here

What is happiness to you? My husband Jeremy, my daughter Vivienne, cake, champagne and confetti! Put me in a room with those 5 things and I’m a happy girl!!!

“Five years ago

my husband and I sold our 1,000 square foot house and bought a 4,000 square foot house. Apparently we like to go big AND go home. But honestly, it was completely and totally overwhelming at first. It’s one thing when one bathroom needs updating, it’s another thing when FOUR bathrooms need updating! When we found out I was pregnant two years ago, my husband asked me what the most important thing on my pre-baby “To-Do” list was, and I said, “MY OFFICE!!!” I was NOT going to have a baby unless I had a place to go get away from the baby! Kidding...sort of!

What books or magazines are on your coffee table? None! Haha! My coffee table has absolutely nothing on it! But I do know what you meant! I love Traditional Home and Elle Décor magazines. I’m reading a book called “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks that I am really enjoying too.

Beautiful color palette Flannery chose here! When you’re usually either ‘Team Gold’ or ‘Team Silver’, it makes you rethink your past silver loyalties, don’t you think? I also love gold with hot pink!

Who are your fav fashion icons? I’ve been a Cyndi Lauper fan since I was very young. I also love fashion bloggers who have crazy style! I look at their outfits and get inspired to push myself to be even more colorful and creative!

What are your fav colors & patterns? I LOVE color, ALL color! Hot pink, orange, tomato red, turquoise, neon yellow, gold, lavender, mustard, emerald green, copper… The one color I never wear is black unless I’m going to a funeral. Honestly, I don’t even own a pair of black shoes. I wear leopard print pumps with my funeral outfit! I love patterns too- stripes, florals, plaid, polka-dots, leopard…

Tell me about your Norway experience you Reality TV Star You! Wow! It was such a blast! It all started when I saw a casting call on craigslist for a TV show (Alt For Norge) looking for Norwegian-Americans who had never been to Norway. I submitted a video, which the producers later told me was the funniest submission video they had ever seen, and they flew me to Chicago to meet the producers. A few months later I was on my way to Norway to start filming! I was only there for two weeks as I was the first one kicked off the show (wah, wah, waaaaaah!) But those two weeks were jam-packed with some crazy adventures! It was the experience of a lifetime! I mean, seriously, how many people get to say that they starred in a Norwegian reality TV show???

Below the photo of Flannery for the press release in Norway is the caption: “PATRIOT: The only [thing] Flannery did not like in Norway, was to pee outdoors and eat caviar from a tube”

You can check out a clip of Flannery on Alt For Norge HERE

A lot of this stuff is simply what I have translated into English from a Norwegian Press Release via Google - So I can’t entirely vouch for it’s accuracy, especially when you’re dealing with toilet matters & caviar from a tube...

“To go to the toilet

when you‘re out in nature , was a shocking and very unpleasant experience.” (Then I think it reads Flannery said she thought she could hold it, but the hike was longer than she had anticipated! haha)

“Having to leave

her beloved Gucci suit in favor of Norwegian outdoor clothing, was traumatic for fashion lady.”

“But the caviar,

you know. It does not taste caviar and it does not look like the caviar I’m used to. It is the Russian type, which is black and not delivered in a toothpaste tube”, she states.

If you could t r a v e l anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? I’ve done a lot of traveling so far in my life. I lived in London, Mexico City, New York City, not to mention all of the different countries that I’ve visited. But honestly, my favorite place to go is Las Vegas, and it’s only an hour flight away! The most amazing food and shopping are there!

“ I bought this

H&M gold dress for $15 thinking it might make a good maternity dress a few years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter. Since I never used it for that purpose I thought I would tweak it and turn it into a fab skirt! I love how it turned out! My mom said I look like a cocktail waitress at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas... and since nobody loves Las Vegas more than me, I’ll take that as a compliment! Ha!

You are insanely full of joy and creativity! Do you ever have days where you feel like you're losing your mojo? If so, how do you get it back? Haha! Why thank you! Yes, even I have those days! I am a very ambitious person, so I often feel like I’m not doing enough and I start comparing myself to other super successful people. Bad idea! That’s when I step away from my computer and my phone and go outside to get some fresh air. It’s easier to re-focus on what’s really important that way. I also like meeting up with creative people to get the juices flowing. My mom and Katherine are two of my favorite people to brainstorm with!

“This may be a little TMI, but I think I’m in love with a

wall. The turquoise, yellow and orange color combo, the Mid-Century vibe, the fact that it’s in a rough part of town, across the street from a tattoo shop... HOT, HOT, HOT!!! Fortunately my fab photographer, Amy, is always game for ANYTHING! We got quite a few honks, cat calls and a, “DAMN! You sexy as hell!” from a homeless guy on a low rider bicycle. Good times! “

Do you ever experience self-doubt? Of course! Who doesn’t? But I’m pretty good at pumping myself back up. And then there’s always my husband, who is proud to be my #1 fan!

Loving those Red Pom Poms Reminds me of Dr Zeuss!

What's in store for the Fashion Tweaker & Fashionably Bombed? More books? TV? If you could have your wildest dreams come true for both of these endeavors, what would your life look like? I have big plans for Fashion Tweaker!!! My goal is a TV show where I arrive at someone’s house and “tweak” their wardrobe! Kind of like “Pimp My Ride” but with clothes instead of cars! I would also love to do a DIY fashion book showing how to “tweak” what you already have in your closet to make it look and fit better. I am very grateful for the life that I have right now, but of course those things might make it a bit more exciting!

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Karla & Natalie two lippy ladies These two lippy ladies make business and friendship WORK beautifully! Karla Lewis (left) and Natalie O’Donnell (right) Two Lippy Ladies bring fabulous, pretty and flattering dresses to New Zealand women. Their dresses have a strong hint of the 1950’s and a splash of rockabilly. They also make our very own jewelery which aims to be quirky, pretty and original. Their shop is web based but they’re hitting the road to be at the Atomic Market in Hamilton in October. They currently stock repro-vintage dresses which they bring in from larger suppliers, but they are very excited to be working with Ana from fantastic ethical producer HoliBoli to be bringing some original designs for the coming season.

How did you both meet? Across a crowded classroom at Intermediate [Middle school] Yes we’ve been friends since Intermediate. My earliest memories are of us biking to the pet shop so Karla could buy a goldfish and then biking all the way home again with the goldfish in a bag swinging from her handlebars. I also had major Sweet Valley High collection envy. I only had a couple of books and Karla’s lined the walls. We then went through High School together. A few years later we flatted together in Wellington while I was at uni, before Karla went to sea on a beautiful pea green boat. Karla’s Mum does my Mum’s hair! My kids call her Aunty Karla. We’re family.

(aren’t they the cutest little grunge chicks??)

Who does what? Fabulous Natalie currently does everything and I offer my opinions but can’t wait to come home and work my big butt off!

Do you ever have any disagreements over business decisions? I consult Karla before major purchase decisions, or if I’m stuck on anything, but day to day, I make decisions as I go really, she is pretty trusting. We work really well together and tend to agree on what will be awesome.

To be honest I don’t think that we argue or have any disagreements and if we do it is more a matter of different opinions and we just work them out.

What made you decide to start a business together? Karla had been saving for a house with a man who turned out to be a dud. So Karla had some cash, I had some energy, we both wanted to start a business but we weren’t sure at first doing what. Two lippy Ladies has since been in a constant state of evolution - with the dresses coming together last year. I moved from Auckland to Napier early last year and had to rework all my networks – this is what led to our re-invention with our fabulous dresses - we needed to do something new to make our mark.

how do you relax?

I love having a glass of wine and watching indie (we are geeks) movies with my husband on Saturday evenings. If we can hustle a babysitter (thanks Mum and Dad) we’ll go out for dinner - we are so shattered by the end of the week we really don’t do much! I also love my weekly Pilates class. And if I can I read - I love reading - always have

Spending time with my fabulous niece, nephews, Big Jack, reading and swimming

What is happiness to you? Coming home and pulling into the driveway and the first welcome home that I get is sometimes just priceless especially from my niece and nephews. You can’t put a price on a child’s smile and laughter.

It’s the sum of the little things for me. Family and good friends. My three kids Joseph (8), Tommy (6) and Rosa (3) (when they’re asleep) and my hard working, funny, clever husband, James.

Who are your fav fashion icons?

Louboutin - shoes shoes shoes. I have two pairs of his amongst my collection and just love them.

This is a really hard one for me. I’ve always liked people who are a little quirky or alternative. Every Monday I put up my favourite style icon of the week on our Two Lippy Ladies facebook page and they are a varied bunch! I love Paloma Faith, Imelda May, Beth Ditto and then all the lovely classic women, especially Audrey Hepburn. Probably my all time fave is Frida Kahlo. She looked as she was, she was as she looked. I went to an exhibition of hers in Wellington while I was at uni and I’ve been in love ever since.

What's the best part about working together?

I like Karla’s positivity and gusto - I’m more conservative than her and don’t believe I would ever have started a business without her more risk-taking energy.

Besties, Natalie’s fabulous coffee, living next door and Big Jack and Big Bertie in the evening

[“Big Jack” and “Big Bertie” are apparently the names Karla gave their wine glasses! haha]

what's the hardest thing about your job? For me it isn’t being there all the time For me it’s been a huge learning curve which is hard but in a good way - challenging would be a better word. Also I lose sleep plotting and planning which means I wake up grumpy a lot - my poor kids! My youngest daughter has been in my sole care (ie no daycare/kindy) so working around her and my kids’ millions of commitments can be draining. There really aren’t enough hours in the day. She turned three recently and has started doing a few hours of kindy and Playcentre without me so I am hoping this will mean I will get to bed earlier! Most of Two Lippy Ladies happens at night and there have been some long nights. Luckily I love Two Lippy Ladies and am very proud of it.

just Natalie

How do you come up with so many different designs for jewelery? I constantly scroll through new jewelery supplies that come available through all the supplier websites I follow. I am always thinking hmmm, I know what I can make with that... I also follow various jewelery making blogs and have subscribed to the odd magazine for techniques and ideas. I also love to go to St Beads in Napier and browse through all their bits and pieces. I have never once left that shop empty handed. My main problem is that I will buy something with half an idea and then have to go back the next day to buy the stuff I need to finish it! The jewelery that I make is not usually complicated – it’s more about putting things together that look good together. I have come up with approximately one million more ideas than what I have ever made!

do you have any other work or is it 100% Two Lippy Ladies? When Two Lippy Ladies started I was working at the Refugee Status Branch (Immigration) but left to be a full time Mum. Two Lippy Ladies has grown around my family commitments which, to put it mildly, is challenging at times. I have walked into meetings with people, with one or all of my kids and although they may raise an eyebrow, I have pulled out an iPad, sat the kids down with headphones and a movie, and got on with the meeting. I figure if I act like this is totally normal and manageable then they will too, and so far I have pulled it off. Now that my boys are at school it is somewhat easier and my Rosa is like the third Lippy Lady. Although it can be hard answering customer enquiries while simultaneously answering questions such as “what’s inside cheese?”

Tell me about your 100 days project! Lizzie Thomas (aka artist Ellaquaint) was doing the 100 Days Project and trying to encourage friends to do it too. I thought it might help me to finish a lot of the jewellery projects that I had started or to follow through with more of the ideas that I have that come and then go without coming into fruition. Ultimately I thought that it would encourage me to be more productive and creative. So far the challenge has been not so much to keep up with the projects but to find the time to photograph them and get them up onto the 100 days site. The individual projects are not overly complicated and as long as I keep my supplies up I hope I will be able to continue through to the end.

Tell me about your work on a cruise ship! I have worked at sea for most of my career and still love it as much now as I did the day I first walked up the gangway. I have been very fortunate to travel the globe with my cruiseline company and have seen many different places. Places that I could have only dreamed about. I have met people from all different countries and all walks of life and will always have a welcome bed in any country that I visit. I work in sales onboard so I work with our passengers to choose there dream holiday. The days can be long but the job is certainly very rewarding.

How do you do it all? I only work at sea for four months at a time and then get to have two months off. When I am at home I almost become part of Natalie’s furniture at her house as I am there all the time doing what I can as the second half of Two Lippy Ladies. When I am out working we are in constant communication. Natalie will send me all sorts of emails asking for my opinions on fabric or designs but at the end of the day she is the creative force behind us and I trust and support her completely with any decisions she makes while I am away.

just karla

How did you feel about modeling outfits yourself?

This was really hard! For me, as a

I had this idea that if I put the dresses on myself and show how they look on a ‘normal’ every-day woman then that would be more honest. It has to be said though that when it was my turn to stand in front of the camera I was terrified! I am not sure I will do it again as it took me so far out of my comfort zone. Maybe if I do it again I’ll ply myself with dutch courage first!

feminist, I find it hard to see every woman that I know and have ever known constantly trying to look ‘better’ and to be constantly berated by images of impossible standards of beauty. By opening a clothing store I did not want to join the women-hating party.

And then putting the photos out there was unexpectedly difficult also. A woman commented under one of the photos of me on facebook “where are the boobs?” I have to say that stung! I felt like I was back at school.

I didn’t want woman to look at the photos that we took and think that they couldn’t look like that, or that they might buy that dress but only when they’ve lost the baby weight, or this weight or that weight, or toned their arms more, or done 1 million more sit ups or whatever.

Our other model we used for that shoot, Katishe Stowe, was chosen as, although she is stunning, she is not a typical ‘model’ and is also a 30 something mother of three. I thought between the two of us we were an honest reflection of women who might be interested in buying our dresses.

Natalie sent me this photo of little Rosa, saying “She has always trailed around behind me (typical third child!)� Cute!!

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For Rosie’s brain dumps *ahem* “insights” like this, *like* Rosieteapot on Facebook! I haven’t been paid a single dollar for making this magazine at present, so it’s a big help if you want to see more stuff like this in the world.





Kelly Egan

a side of sweet Meet Kelly, a full-time Pediatrician & part-time blogger! She lives in San Francisco, California with her photographer hubbie, Pat and her puppy, Maddie. She welcomes us into her world with beautiful food, DIY, fashion & travel, via her website. Here’s a fun fact about Kelly: You know how most of us are sleeping at 4:15am? Yeah, she isn’t. She goes for runs around the Bay Area at that time... that’s commitment to fitness if ever I saw it!! You can check out A Side of Sweet here:

Fitness is very important to you - what would your best advice be to someone who would like to start getting into shape? It’s all about routine. You have to figure out what you need to do to make it a habit. For me, it’s running before work, even if it’s a short run. I know that if I wait until the end of the day I’m going to be hungry and tired and the workout will get pushed aside.

How did you get started blogging? I originally started blogging in the form of a travel blog. I wanted a place to share my adventures and travel stories with friends and family and also a place to look back on to remember the details. A few years ago I started sharing recipes and over the past year it has morphed into a lifestyle blog. It’s a work in progress!

You've traveled to a lot of countrieswhat was your favorite? My favorite trip was Cuba. It was the first trip my now-husband and I took together. We spent three weeks immersed in Cuban culture and falling in love with each other. It was magical.

Where would you like to travel to next? Next on our list is South Africa. Pat studied abroad in Cape Town in college and it’s one of his favorite places. I’m excited to go and explore all those old memories with him.

Would you like to give up your day job to run your blog? Or do you like doing both? I’m lucky to have a very fulfilling day job as a pediatrician. I’m in residency right now but I’m planning to specialize in children’s cancer when I finish.

Love these Wooden Coasters! Click here for the tutorial

What is happiness to you? Happiness is finding fulfillment in my relationships, my work and my hobbies - and balancing all of them!

How do you relax? I am terrible at relaxing. I have two speeds - go, go, go - and asleep. I feel most relaxed when I’m bustling around the kitchen with three burners in the middle of various stages of two or three recipes.

Describe your perfect day My perfect day is a picnic overlooking the ocean and the Golden Gate bridge with my husband and our puppy, Maddie. Of course, I got to spend the morning planning our meal and making the spread. The day ends with a glass of wine walking on the beach catching the sunset.

Where do you find inspiration? I’m constantly inspired by living in San Francisco. This city is truly one of the most interesting and vibrant places on earth. It’s the perfect mix of nature, culture, style and new ideas.

Kelly made these pretty drink stirrers for her birthday party by taking the beads off an old necklace & gluing them onto some skewers! Cool eh? See the tutorial here.

How perfect & delicious does her food look??

follow kelly at these places

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Lindsey Louise hello mr rabbit Meet Lindsey, a 22 year-old, born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. I recently fell in love with Lindsey’s photographic style. I love how she captures simple moments in such a whimsical way. As for a profile on her, I believe Lindsey says it best:

“I am a collector of odd/old things,

literature enthusiast, and freelance photographer/stylist/model. I enjoy rare book stores, Edwardian nightgowns, morning tarot card readings, writing scribbles of poetry, baking sweets with lavender and rose petals, filling my apartment with estate sale items, evening fruit cocktails, and dressing as my favorite fictional characters. I am an avid Nancy Drew fan fiction writer and I often dream about being English royalty in the 17th century. I have been featured in Ink Magazine and multiple segments on KCTV5 (1 &2), and have become identifiable by my unique taste in clothing in my hometown.

I am currently focusing my time on creating stories through images and am editor-in-chief of Plenilune Mag. I am available for hire open notice, also collaborations. I enjoy photographing new faces and meeting new people.

How did you get into art? I have always had an interest in creating things. Whether it be with a film, sewing machine, pen and paper, yarn, glitter, oil pastels... anything I can morph into something that is my own sparks my interest. My mom was constantly taking pictures when I was growing up (she still does, and does it well I might add), and I believe that’s where I got my natural interest from. I have always been into modeling, but more so when I was younger, and I would always have my own ideas for how it should be photographed. About a year ago, I decided I would pursue that hobby even further, and I began working as a freelance photographer and stylist. At first, most of my work was done sparingly with friends, but over the past year I’ve worked with many professional models to build their portfolios and brands who are looking for a unique way to showcase their products. Although what that being said, photography is still a hobby for me. I pride myself on not owning the nicest dslr, not using heavy Photoshop/add-ons, while still being able to convey beautiful and editorial images (well, images I believe to be beautiful). I am still learning the ropes of the trade, but I see myself improving over each shoot I conduct.

For me, it’s more about the story I am telling through any collection of photographs. Before I conduct any photo-shoot I always have a detailed back-story on how the model is and why she is in that location. I like tying in multiple creative outlets into one... and doing them all myself.

“Blackberries are

my absolute favorite berries. They are also my absolute favorite thing to snack on during the summer, and since I have been doing my "raw until four" diet this summer, I have been eating them quite frequently. I thought about making a cake with a blackberry butter frosting, but I opted for cookies because I hardly make them. I munched on these cookies with some earl gray tea yesterday, and they made for quite the snack on a chilly summer afternoon.


Tell me about your online shop I have a little online shop where I sell prints of my photography and other various artwork. I am currently deciding what direction to take it, and if I also want to start selling clothing I design. For many years, I ran an online vintage clothing and rare books shop, on Etsy. Earlier this year, I did one final Pop-Up Shop, and then closed the shop down for good. Curating vintage clothing became unfulfilling for me, so I decided to mainly focus on selling my art instead.

What are your favorite books? Some of my favorite novels are Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, Atonement by Ian McEwan, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, Sons and Lovers by D.H Lawrence, The Stranger by Albert Camus, and Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy.

“My favorite era of art ” has always been the pop art of the 1950-1960’s. I have always loved the pieces done by Andy Warhol, Richard Hamilton, and Roy Lichtenstein.

Tell me about Plenilune Mag Plenilune magazine was founded a few months ago, with our first issue releasing in August. I was talking to my friend (who is also the co-editor in chief) about wanting to work for a magazine as an editor, and she replied “Why don’t you just start your own?”. After that statement, it was off to work for me. Plenilune is a publication founded on the belief of always wanting mystery over simplicity. We will be publishing short stories, poetry, and art submissions. I am very excited to take this journey of founding my own magazine, and seeing where everything will take me. Visit Plenilune Here:

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go & why? If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would choose Paris. As typical as my answer might be, I would give up so much to travel there right at this second. I would love to spend an afternoon eating macaroons outside of a cute bakery, grabbing a baguette from a local vendor, visiting various art museums, and absorb the atmosphere.

How would you describe your personality? I am an extremely determined person. Once I set my mind to something, it gets completed and completed well. I believe I am somewhat of a natural born leader, and I like to take charge of situations. I also have an opinion on almost everything, because I am very passionate about everything that surrounds me. I am extremely compassionate toward others, patient, very bubbly and outgoing, and in love with change.

How do you start your day? My mornings really vary by season. When my school year is in session, I often am in a rush to get to my first class, and I usually only have time to make a cup of coffee and prepare myself a small lunch. During the summers, starting my day is more enjoyable. I don’t really know if I am a morning person (it varies from day to day honestly), but I always get up at a reasonable time. I usually make coffee in my French press, have a cigarette, and read any new emails I’ve received that night before. I am always on my balcony in the mornings, and I love how even in the hot of summer the mornings are still crisp. I have been eating raw until dinner time over the summer, so after my coffee I will usually make a juice and eat a few bananas. I might spend some time reading a book, playing with my cat, or lounge around before I start my day.

How would you describe your style? My personal style is a combination of classic elegance, Nancy Drew, feminine, and whimsical inspirations. I wear a lot of vintage nightgowns as dresses, mink fur coats, wrist watches, handfuls of rings, penny loafers, matte lipstick, fake pearls, floral prints, and black velvet. I love dressing up, so every day is an experiment for me when I get dressed.

Excerpt from Hello Mr Rabbit:


petals are by far the most delicate thing you can create a cocktail with, I personally believe. I usually use rose petals for a body scrub or to make a room smell lovely, but I decided to create something edible with them the other day. I am ever so glad that I did, this drink is delicious. I have been a fan of cocktails lately, which is kind of odd for me because I am usually simply a beer girl. I will be recreating this drink over the spring and summer season, and possibly evolving even more into more of a cocktail girl.


What do you love about living in Kansas City? I used to really love living in Kansas City, but as I get older I begin to long for the day that I graduate school so I can venture other places. I grew up in a suburb not far from Kansas City, so I have been here mostly my whole life. Being a 22 year old this year has made me release how small this city actually is, and how I am ready to explore the rest of my life elsewhere. I like the fact that I know all the little “local� spots in Kansas City. I like that I always run into people I know when I go to those spots (but, at the same time, those are reasons why I am ready to reside elsewhere). I also like that our art community has developed so much within the past few years, and the same with the coffee community.

“I love the feeling of

making a new body scrub before taking a shower in the evening. The smell of rosemary and rose petals pairs uniquely and perfectly together, providing a wonderful smell that can’t be matched. Using these two ingredients in a body scrub provide relief from muscle pain, mood-lifters, and soothes the skin. Adding in honey, coconut oil, and Epsom salts provides even more of a soothing on the skin. Using simple ingredients and combining new scents always makes me realize the best scrubs are yet to be made... although this combination is on the top of my list for now.


“And... these are my fuzzy/feathery shoes!

The diy is simple, quick, and a little bit messy. You simply take a boa (color of your choice, purchased at any party store), and cut about a 5 inch piece off (this also depends on how long the thickest strap is on your shoe, measure the length to be completely accurate). After the boa piece is cut, warm up a hot glue gun and carefully glue the boa piece onto the shoe. When dried, trim the feathers along the side of the shoe (so they will not pick up access dirt when walking) and along the top to create a more wearable piece. I added two pieces of 5 inch boa pieces to each of my pairs of shoes here. I can’t wait to wear them out this summer, and I even finished making my friend a pair as well.

follow lindsey at these places

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nepal with sarah natac Personally, Nepal never seemed like the most ‘mustsee’ country on the planet to me - that is until Sarah’s photos appeared in my Facebook newsfeed! I asked if I could steal her photos to share with you! She kindly agreed & answered a few questions for us. In general, most of Sarah’s Facebook photos are of her hiking or mountain biking - I certainly admire people like Sarah who are getting out there in nature as I’m more of a “leisurely stroll” kinda gal! Good on you Sarah! Looking forward to seeing more of your adventures.

What made you decide to travel to Nepal? Since my early 20’s I’d been wanting to do a big trip around India and Nepal, but “life” had just never allowed it...that was until late last year. I was out on a trail run with my mate Nick who I had never talked to about wanting to go to Nepal, when he just casually said “my mate and I are going to Nepal next year, you should come along with us.” I was in, no hesitation. I don’t let “life” get in the way anymore.

Would you live there? I’ve traveled a bit and there have been a handful of places I have thought to myself I could live in for a year or two, possibly longer. As stunning as it was Nepal isn’t one of those places. I can’t put my finger on why but I am pretty sure it has something to do with the building feeling I get every time I return home; how blessed am I to live in New Zealand!

Was there anything that made you feel uncomfortable/ awkward? Yes! Not being able to have a shower or wash my hair for 7 days! Thanks goodness it was cold enough you had to wear a beanie 24/7 during that time anyway.

What did you learn about yourself? I was asked this a ton when I got back, and I could never really answer the question! A lot of people have life-changing moments on trips like this, but for me, no. The life-change had come just before the trip with the mutual ending of a long term relationship. So each day over there was just about that day, enjoying the people, food, scenery, lots of reading time (bliss!), with rarely any deep moments of thought. It was very refreshing!

What surprised you the most? That for a little while, we were the only ones at Base Camp! I would definitely recommend going at the end of the climbing season.

What was your favorite meal? Easy. Sherpa stew and Tibetan bread. Which can be described as vegetable and yak stew with deep-fried naan bread. Nothing bet it after a long day of hiking.

How would you describe the people? The people were beautiful. From my short time there I came to the conclusion that the Nepalese people were of a humble and thankful culture. They valued and understood the importance of the land and looked after their working animals with such pride and respect. While it was a bit sad to see so much deforestation in some areas, they were trying to turn this around, despite it meaning it was harder or more expensive to heat their homes which they had previously done with log burnerst

A wee boy who followed Sarah’s friend, Annette, along the streets of Boudha

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vanilla cupcakes Ingredients: 3 Cups All Purpose Flour 1 1/2 tsp baking powder 3/4 tsp salt 1 1/2 Cups Sugar 180g Butter / 12 Tbspp* 4 Large Eggs 2 tsp vanilla essence 1 1/4 Cups Milk *make sure butter is room temperature

Method Preheat Oven to 350째F / 180째C Line cupcake trays with cases Cream your butter & sugar in a mixing bowl. Add eggs, one at a time. Add vanilla. In a seperate bowl, whisk up your flour, baking powder & salt. Add part of the flour mixture to butter/ sugar mixture, then milk, then flour mix again, then milk - end with the flour mixture. Stir it all together. Spoon into cupcake cases, about 3/4 full. If these are mini-cupcakes, bake for about 10-15 minutes, if normal-sized cupcakes, about 20 minutes. You can tell their done when they spring back when touched. Take them out of the oven & leave them in the pan for 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool.

cream cheese frosting Ingredients: 100g butter (4 ounces) 100g Cream Cheese (4 Ounces) 2 Cups Icing Sugar 1 tsp Vanilla Essence

Method In a large bowl, beat the butter and cream cheese with an electric mixer. With the mixer on low speed, add the icing sugar 1 cup at a time until nice & creamy Beat in the vanilla extract Pipe onto your lovely cooled, cupcakes

apple muffins Ingredients: 2 Cups Sugar 2 Eggs 1 cup Olive Oil 1 Tbsp vanilla essence 3 cups flour 1 tsp salt 1 tsp baking soda 1 ts[ cinnamon 3 Apples, peeled, cored, diced 1/2 Cup Brown sugar (for topping)

Method Preheat Oven to 350째F / 180째C Line cupcake trays with cases Cream together sugar, eggs, oil, and vanilla. Sift flour, baking soda, salt, and ground cinnamon. Add flour mixture to creamed mixture and stir until just combined. Add the apples. Fill paper lines to about 3/4 full. Sprinkle with brown sugar. Bake for 20-25 minutes. You can tell their done when they spring back when touched. Take them out of the oven & leave them in the pan for 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool.

blueberry lemon muffins Ingredients: 2 Cups flour 1/2 Cup sugar 3 tsp baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt zest of one lemon 1 egg 1 Cup milk 1/2 cup butter 1 cup frozen blueberries

Method Preheat Oven to 350째F / 180째C Line cupcake trays with cases Mix dry ingredients & set aside Beat eggs, milk & butter with an electric mixer. Add lemon zest. Add the dry ingredients into the egg mixture and stir until just combined. Gently stir in blueberries. Pour into your muffin pan & place in the oven. Bake for 20-25 minutes. You can tell their done when they spring back when touched. Take them out of the oven & leave them in the pan for 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool.

potato chips!! Method Here’s what you do, Friendo: Preheat Oven to 350°F / 180°C Get as many potatoes as you need to feed yourself/family/whoever - let’s say 4 for arguments sake. Slice THINLY. Grease the oven trays (bonus points if you rub garlic onto the trays) & place your nicely sliced potato Sprinkle with salt & chuck into the oven Rotate the pans around after 5 minutes or so, bake for another 5 then flip them over & bake for another 5minutes. Keep an eye on them, you want them golden brown but not toooo brown. Enjoy!

roast vege salad This is something you can EASILY throw together for a healthy meal, or use with leftovers. Throw this stuff together: Roast Potatoes Roast Carrots Spinach (I used frozen, I cooked it then chopped it) Feta Cheese Chopped Nuts I had roasted the potatoes & carrots with rock salt, crushed garlic & olive oil on a high temperature. Mix with the spinach, feta & chopped nuts - you have a winner!

Mix of the Month Strawberry Vodka & Soda My Go-To, Summer drink. Let’s just make life simple by filling a glass with soda water, adding some ice, a shot of vodka & chopped up strawberry. Bottoms up!

For all you sweet tooths, don’t forget about Flannery’s new book, Candy Cocktails!

Check it out HERE


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